Any REST endpoint which prioritize/update the bamboo build queue?
want to automate this process using python for release builds to reduce the waiting time.
Checked above endpoint , but it only add/delete builds from queue. want to move up the bamboo builds which has high priority.
Per the latest Bamboo REST API documentation (6.10.3) there is not a way to do this without creating something custom or using a third party plugin.
I have got the Mule 4 application which is driven by Scheduler to schedule every 30 minutes. I have added http listener under the file test-listener.xml just for invoking it for building the integration testing.
I want the test-listener.xml to be deployed only into non-production environment. How can I achieve it in Mule 4.3.0 Runtime
Adding an HTTP Listener to test the flow is not a good practice. If you are interested on just testing the flow just use MUnit to implement tests of the flow. If you are interested on testing the scheduler execution you can use this method with MUnit:
Jenkins has a programmatic mechanism for taking nodes offline, is there an equivalent for Bamboo? Ideally I could trigger an offline disconnect after the agent finishes any currently executing jobs.
What is the programmatic way to disconnect a node in Jenkins?
You can achieve this using the Bamboo REST API. Here is a link to the specific call DELETE /agent/{agentId}.
this is my first post on here so forgive me if I've missed an existing answer to this question.
Basically my company conducts off-site development for various clients in government. Internally, we use cloud VSTS, Octopus deploy and Selenium to ensure a continuous delivery pipeline in our internal Azure environments. We are looking to extend this pipeline into the on-prem environments of our clients to cut down on unnecessary deployment overheads. Unfortunately, due to security policies we are unable to use our VSTS/Octopus instances to push code directly into the client environment, so I'm looking for a way to get code from our VSTS environment into an on-prem instance of TFS hosted on their end.
What I'm after, really, is a system whereby the client logs into our VSTS environment, validates the code, then pushes some kind of button which will pull it to their local TFS, where a replica of our automated build and test process will manage the CI pipeline through their environments and into prod.
Is this at all possible? What are my options here?
There is not a direct way to achieve migrating source code with history from VSTS to a on-premise TFS. You would need 3rd party tool, like Commercial Edition of OpsHub (note it is not free).
It sounds like you need a new feature that is comming to Octopus Deploy, see --> Octopus Release Promotions
I quote:
Many customers work in environment where releases must flow between more than one Octopus server - the two most common scenarios being:
Agencies which use one Octopus for dev/test, but then need an Octopus server at each of their customer's sites to do production deployments
I will suggest the following. Though it contains small custom script.
Add build agent to your vsts which is physically located on customer's premises. This is easy, just register agent with online endpoint.
Create build definition in vsts that gets code from vsts. But instead of building commits it to local tfs. You will need a small powershell code here. You can add it as custom powershell step in build definition.
Local tfs orchestrates the rest.
Custom code:
Say your agent is on d:/agent
1. Keep local tfs mapped to some directory (say c:/tfs)
The script copies new sources over some code from d:/agent/work/ to c:/tfs
Commits from c:/tfs to local tfs.
Note:You will need /force option (and probably some more) to prevent conflicts.
I believe this not as ugly as it sounds.
I have a Rails app running on AWS elastic beanstalk on a web tier. I want to send email notifications to users so I'm using sqs to send messages to a queue:
sqs =
and then I would like to take these messages off the queue using a worker tier instance.
My issues is that when I create the worker tier instance from the console it asks for the application version which defaults to the latest deployed version to my web tier. I don't want to upload my entire web application to the worker, just the code responsible for performing the emailing.
What's the best way to do this? I could upload a zip but I would like to just use git
Can you refactor the code that is responsible for sending emails into a separate library? That way you can create a new web app which just wraps around the email functionality in your library and runs on a worker tier environment. The worker daemon will post messages to your new worker tier app which will then send the email. That way you do not have to deploy your entire code base to your worker tier environment.
You can use git and eb to achieve this. Your worker tier application version and webapp application version can be managed in different branches or in your case it seems better to keep them in different git repositories. If you wish to use branches then you can read about the eb command "eb branch", it may be useful.
Read more about eb here.
I have a Java API on my server, and I want it to create tasks and add them to Celery via RabbitMQ. I followed the following tutorial,, where I used java for the client ( and python to receive ( In, where the callback method is invoked, I call a method that I've annotated with #celery.task so that the task is added to celery.
I'm wondering how all of this is deployed on a server though, specifically, why there is a file. Is a process that must continually run on the server? Is there a way to configure RabbitMQ so that it automatically routes java client tasks to celery?
RabbitMQ is just a message queue. Producers put messages and consumers get them on demand. You can only restrict access for specific queues via RabbitMQ's auth options.
As for deployment: yes, needs to continuously run. It is Celery's job to do that. See the Workers Guide for info on running a worker.