Nagios check_cert - CRITICAL - Cannot make SSL connection - ssl

I am using Nagios core at the moment to monitor the status of my domain and ssl cert. However, for one of my site, I can't get the expiry information of the SSL certificate.
The error shown on Nagios is as below:
CRITICAL - Cannot make SSL connection
The check_cert settings for the site is as below:
define service {
use generic-service
host_name cert
service_description [cert] {mysite's domain info}
check_command check_cert!{mysite's domain info}!-C 30,15
I am currently monitoring the domain status over Nagios for the same site as well, but it is working completely fine and there isn't any notice or error shown on Nagios.
Does anyone know why the domain connection is working whereas the ssl connection is not?
P.S. The OS that I used to monitor my site (the one that I installed Nagios) is CentOS 7.

Reading through the nagios documentation, I figured out the reason why nagios wasn't able to make a SSL connection. Apparently, a hand-shake was needed prior the SSL-certification check, so without specifying the option. The following error appeared...
CRITICAL - Cannot make SSL connection
In order to solve the problem, the --sni option is what I needed.
define service {
use generic-service
host_name cert
service_description [cert] {mysite's domain info}
check_command check_cert!{mysite's domain info}!-C 30,15 --sni


CloudFlare Error 521 only if setting ssl mode to full

I'm using CloudFlare SSL. when I set SSL to flexible everything works fine.
But if I use full SSL mode this error occurs instantly:
Note that I set the certificate and the key in my cpanel ssl section and I think everything is done ok.
Why this is happening and how to fix it ?
It is quite simple. All you have to remember is:
Flexible - there should be no SSL installed for that domain on the server ( no VHOST for port 443 either ).
Full - there should be an SSL installed for that domain, but it does not have to be a valid one ( you can use a self-signed or expired SSL ).
Full Strict - there should be a VALID SSL installed for that domain on the server ( it has to be absolutely a valid and active SSL ).
So, depending on the SSL you have on your domain server, just set the Cloudflare SSL to one of the above options. If you believe that everything is okay and you still get an issue, I would suggest reaching your web host to check that further for you.

Kubernetes/Ingress/TLS - block access with IP Address in URL

A pod is accessible via nginx-ingress and https://FQDN. That works well with the configured public certificates. But if someone uses https://IP_ADDRESS - he will get a certificate error because of the default "Kubernetes Fake Certificate". Is it possible to block access completely using the IP_ADDRESS url?
I think you would first need the TLS handshake to complete, before Nginx could deny the access.
On the other hand, HAproxy may be able to close the connection while checking the ServerName. Say setting some ACL in your https frontend, routing applications to their backends. Though I'm not sure this would be doable unless mounting a custom HAproxy configuration template into your ingress controller.

Internal and external services running behind Traefik in Docker Swarm mode

I'm having some trouble finding any way to make my situation workable. I have 2 applications:
1: External service web application running on If I run this application behind traefik with acme (LetsEncrypt) it works fine. I have a few more backend services (api/auth) that all run with a valid LetsEncrypt certificate and get their http traffic redirected to https by traefik
entryPoint = "https"
I have to have some form of http to https forwarding for this service.
2: Internal service web application running on I have a self signed trusted certificate (internal CA) which works fine behind traefik if I set it as a default certificate, or if I use it in the application itself (inside tomcat). However, since it is an internal service I can live without ssl for this if it solves my problem. However, this does not work with traefik's http to https forwarding.
I have been trying to get these 2 services to run behind the same traefik instance but all the possible scenarios I could think of do not work because they are either still work in progress or just plain not working.
1: No http to https redirect, don't bother with https for the internal service and just use http. Then inside the backend for the external webservice redirect to https.
Unable to have 2 traefik ports which traefik forwards too Unable to
forward 1 single port to another proto (since the backend is always
either http or https port)
Use ACME over the default cert
2: Use ACME over default certificate
someone else thought this was a good idea. It's just not working yet.
3: Re-use backend ssl certificate. Have traefik just redirect without "ssl termination". I'm not sure if this is the same thing but there is an option called "passTLSCert". However it seems that this is only possible with frontends defined in the .toml file which do not work (probably because I use docker for backends).
4: use DNS-01 challenge to create an SSL certificate for my internal service.
Sounds like this could work, so I'm now using CloudFlare and have an api key. However, it does not seem to work for subdomains. and there is no reply on my issue report:
EDIT: I might be able to fix the issue described in 4 to get this to work. It seems the internal DNS might be conflicting with traefik
Someone decided that on our internal DNS zones would be added per subdomain, meaning that the SOA request returned the subdomain as the name. This does not play nice with cloudflare since the internal dns zone is not the same as the cloudflare dns.
Changing this to a main zone with a records for the subdomains fixed the issue (in combination with the delayDontCheckDNS option).

Not able to reach managed server over ssl (https)

I am able to reach my weblogic console over https connection but when I try to launch developer console that is setup as a managed server in the weblogic domain, it fails. However, I can reach the dev console over http port without any issues.
I checked the validity of certs installed my keystore and configured to enable ssl port in managed servers. I am not sure what I am missing here. Please advice if I am missing any additional checks/setups.
For eg,
http://<>:9005/console - works on http
https://<>:9009/edq - does not work on https
I verified from console that ports are right and ssl ports are enabled.

Amazon EC2 + SSL

I want to enable ssl on an EC2 instance. I know how to install third party SSL. I have also enabled ssl in security group.
I just want to use a url like this: with https.
I couldn't find the steps anywhere.
It would be great if someone can direct me to some document or something.
I have a instance on EC2. On Which I have installed LAMP. I have also enabled http, https and ssh in the security group policy.
When I open the Public DNS url in browser,I can see the web server running perfectly.
But When I add https to URL, nothing happens.
Is there a way I am missing? I really dont want to use any custom domain on this instance because I will terminate it after a month.
For development, demo, internal testing, (which is a common case for me) you can achieve demo grade https in ec2 with tunneling tools. Within few minutes especially for internal testing purposes with [ngrok] you would have https (demo grade traffic goes through tunnel)
Tool 1: Steps:
Download ngrok to your ec2 instance: wget (at the time of writing but you will see this link in ngrok home page once you login).
Enable 8080, 4443, 443, 22, 80 in your AWS security group.
Register and login to ngrok and copy the command to activate it with token: ./ngrok authtoken shjfkjsfkjshdfs (you will see it in their home page once you login)
Run your http - non https server (any, nodejs, python, whatever) on EC2
Run ngrok: ./ngrok http 80 (or a different port if your simple http server runs on a different server)
You will get an https link to your server.
Tool 2: cloudflare wrap
Alternatively, I think you can use an alternative to ngrok which is called cloudflare wrap but I haven't tried that.
Tool 3: localtunnel
A third alternative could be which as opposed to ngrok can provide you a subdomain for free it's not permanent but you can ask for a specific subdomain and not a random string.
--subdomain request a named subdomain on the localtunnel server (default is random characters)
Tool 4:
Turns out that Amazon does not provide ssl certificates for their EC2 instances out of box. I skipped the part that they are a virtual servers providers.
To install ssl certificate even the basic one, you need to buy it from someone and install it manually on your server.
I used They provide free basic ssl certificates.
Create a self signed SSL certificate using openssl. CHeck this link for more information.
Install that certificate on your web server. As you have mentioned LAMP, I guess it is Apache. So check this link for installing SSL to Apache.
In case you reboot your instance, you will get a different public DNS so be aware of this. OR attach an elastic IP address to your instance.
But When I add https to URL, nothing happens.
Correct, your web server needs to have SSL certificate and private key installed to serve traffic on https. Once it is done, you should be good to go. Also, if you use self-signed cert, then your web browser will complain about non-trusted certificate. You can ignore that warning and proceed to access the web page.
You can enable SSL on an EC2 instance without a custom domain using a combination of Caddy and is allows you to map any IP Address to a hostname without the need to edit a hosts file or create rules in DNS management.
Caddy is a powerful open source web server with automatic HTTPS.
Install Caddy on your server
Create a Caddyfile and add your config (this config will forward all requests to port 8000)
<EC2 Public IP> {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
Start Caddy using the command caddy start
You should now be able to access your server over https://<IP>
I wrote an in-depth article on the setup here: Configure HTTPS on AWS EC2 without a Custom Domain