Why cant xcode find <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>? - react-native

I'm working on a ejected react native news app and want to add the ability to open the app from an external link. The problem is that xcode cant find the file that is needed to configure this.
This link includes steps to take when manually link: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios#manual-linking
After those steps i continued with the steps for iOS:
After following theese steps, Xcode still cant find the items. I have added $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/LinkingIOS to my Header Search Paths. Solution from this RCT Linking Manager file not found, but still nothing. Please help

Anyone who is facing this issue for a react-native archive for ios platform just place
#import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>"
after the first line
"#import "AppDelegate.h"" in the AppDelegate.m file.
This thing worked for me.


'RCTConvert+AIRMap.h file not found error in React Native when trying to use Google Maps on iOS

I am trying to integrate Google Maps into my React Native iOS application. I followed the steps outlined in the documentation and installed the react-native-maps library. However, when I try to build my project in Xcode, I found many solutions but no one is working for me and I get the following error:
'RCTConvert+AIRMap.h' file not found
I have tried the following steps to resolve the issue, but the error persists:
I checked that the react-native-maps library is installed correctly and I have linked it using react-native link react-native-maps.
I tried to clean the build folder and rebuild the project.
I have tried to manually add the RCTConvert+AIRMap.h file to my project, but it still gives me the same error.
I have checked that my Xcode project's search paths are set correctly and $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-maps/ios/AirMaps is added to the header search paths.
I have also tried to delete the Podfile.lock file, and reinstall the Podfile by running pod install.
Despite all these efforts, I am still getting the same error. Any help or suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

how to solve Deprecated API Usage WebViewi in React Native IOS?

I'm building a React Native application that I'm trying to deploy to the App Store.
I used a couple of packages, the ones that I think gives me the errors are
I found this solution and I also deleted other files found in the same location with this name RCTWKWebView etc..
Now I get build error with missing files.
I also deleted those same files under pod config files../React/Core
What should I do ? Am I missing something?
It's the first time dealing with this error and I can't seem to find a useful solution.
Thank you in advance
I think your react-native versions cause the problem. You try to remove files include UIWebView in name on the XCode under the React folder. After that, you try to upload it to AppStore.

Adding React Native to an existing iOS app - fails to compile

I followed the official guide on adding React Native to existing iOS apps (Swift).
pod install finished successfully and I got to the point when I import React in a Swift file and try to compile the app.
The build fails with an error in the yoga dependency. Xcode cannot find the C++ standard library:
However, then I click "Go to definition" on <algorithm>, Xcode can find it:
These are my project settings (I tried a few different combinations):
I'm fairly new to iOS development, so this might be a simple issue with our existing project, Xcode, Command Line Tools, or my machine. I Googled around a bit, no luck so far.
Any help from someone familiar with iOS development is appreciated! When we find the solution I'd like to update the official guide so others don't get stuck adding React Native to their app.
I believe your issue is fixed by this PR https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/17764, which reduces the number of exported Yoga headers to those that are actually needed to be able to build and as part of that removes headers that require C++ and its stdlib.

Not able to upload build on iTunes because of instabug

I am using Appcelerator instabug module 1.1.1 for my project. But when I am going to upload this build to iTunes (For test) it throwing this error.
I googled lot but didn't get solution.
Also I tried by removing instabug file from instabug.framework/instabug and instabug.framework/version/A/instabug but by doing this I am not able to run project.
Please help me.
Thanks & Regards,
This means that instabug.a is somehow included in your final .ipa file (you can change the extension to .zip, unzip and show contents of your app folder via "show package contents". If you can find instabug.a there, then you have to figure out how and fix it. This should fix your issue.

Adding a Cocoa Touch Static Library as a subproject

How do I add a cocoa touch static library as a subproject to an application project in Xcode 4 (4.5 in this case)?
I have seen lots of screenshots that show a full project nested inside another project. However, whenever I follow the tutorials I just get a single .xcodeproj file inside my project, not a whole project (with it's own project and target etc).
I've tried to create a workspace too - but still no luck. What am I doing wrong? I've seen many questions on SO that seem to be similar but nothing that has helped me resolve this.
I had tried dragging in from Finder and it seemed to work for apps but not libs. #Eiko got it in the comments to another answer... It was because the project was open elsewhere at the time. If I goto File > Close Project (on the original library project in xcode) and then drag in from Finder it works.
Drag it from finder into the sidebar of xcode.
When doing it this way just now it worked for me.
and as #Eiko points out close the project if it is open elsewhere first, since it can only be opened once...