What permission are required on the source to copy a SQL Azure database? - azure-sql-database

I need to grant permissions to a remote development team so they can copy schema changes on a database to their local dev instances. I see many posts similar to this, but they seem to focus on what is required in the destination server, rather than rights to read everything necessary on the source.
Currently, the user is in the db_datareader role and while they seem to be able to read a good portion of the table structure, configuration items such as defaults seems to be obscured, and stored proc and view definitions don't seem to be available, either.
I need the team to be able to copy from our Test/UAT instance, but I don't want them to be able to modify it. They should already have sa access to their local dev instances.

I need to grant permissions to a remote development team so they can copy schema changes on a database to their local dev instances.
I think you can using Azure SQL database Data Sync.
Data Sync is useful in cases where data needs to be kept up-to-date across several Azure SQL databases or SQL Server databases. Here are the main use cases for Data Sync:
Hybrid Data Synchronization: With Data Sync, you can keep data
synchronized between your on-premises databases and Azure SQL
databases to enable hybrid applications. This capability may appeal
to customers who are considering moving to the cloud and would like
to put some of their application in Azure.
Distributed Applications: In many cases, it's beneficial to separate
different workloads across different databases. For example, if you
have a large production database, but you also need to run a
reporting or analytics workload on this data, it's helpful to have a
second database for this additional workload. This approach minimizes
the performance impact on your production workload. You can use Data
Sync to keep these two databases synchronized.
Globally Distributed Applications: Many businesses span several
regions and even several countries/regions. To minimize network
latency, it's best to have your data in a region close to you. With
Data Sync, you can easily keep databases in regions around the world
Data Sync is based around the concept of a Sync Group. A Sync Group is a group of databases that you want to synchronize.
A Sync Group has the following properties:
The Sync Schema describes which data is being synchronized.
The Sync Direction can be bi-directional or can flow in only one
direction. That is, the Sync Direction can be Hub to Member, or
Member to Hub, or both.
The Sync Interval describes how often synchronization occurs.
The Conflict Resolution Policy is a group level policy, which can be
Hub wins or Member wins.
For more detail, please see Overview of SQL Data Sync.
With Data sync, you can set your Azure SQL database as Hub database, teams local dev instances as member database, set Sync Direction to 'Hub to Member'.
Then you can sync the schema changes on a database to their local dev instances manually or automatically. Reference: Tutorial: Set up SQL Data Sync between Azure SQL Database and SQL Server on-premises
Hope this helps.

GRANT VIEW DEFINITION was what I needed.
Not sure how I didn't stumble on that in my searches, but there it is.


What is the fastest way to load data into Azure Hypescale?

I have a need to load data into Azure Hyperscale incrementally.
Source data is in Azure VM that has SQL server installed in it.
Source database is about 6Tb in size and has about 370 tables.
We need a way to get incremental changes in the last X amount of hours and sync them into the same database in Hyperscale.
Ideally, we would extend our database with the availability group setup but since Hyperscale does not support that, we need to find a way to keep these in sync.
Source database does have change data capture enabled.
The best on-line migration option is to use the Azure Database Migration Service (link) where the Online (continuous sync) migration support scenario (link) you need is supported:
The sync will essentially run in the background until completed while being able to access the data that has been migrated. I believe this is a continuous copy scenario and is not incremental. With PaaS database services, you do not have access to perform snapshot replication operations from external data sources. The Hyperscale instance is built upon snapshot replication but it currently only serves the hosted database functionality.

Creating Feeds between local SQL servers and Azure SQL servers?

We are wanting to use Azure servers to run our Power Apps applications, however we have local SQL servers which contains our data warehouse we want only certain tables to be on Azure and want to create data feeds between the two with information going from one to the other.
Does anyone have any insight into how I can achieve this?
I have googled but there doesn't appear to be a wealth of information on this topic.
It depends on how fast after a change in your source (the on premise SQL Server) you need that change reflected in your Sink (Azure SQL).
If you have some minutes or even only need to update it every day I would suggest a basic Data Factory Pipeline (search on google for data factory upsert). Here it depends on your data on how you can achieve this.
If you need it faster or it is impossible to extract an incremental update from your source you would need to either use triggers and write the changes from one database to the other or get a program that does change data capture that does that.
It looks like you just want to sync the data in some table between local SQL Server and Azure SQL database.
You can use the Azure SQL Data Sync.
SQL Data Sync is a service built on Azure SQL Database that lets you synchronize the data you select bi-directionally across multiple SQL databases and SQL Server instances.
With Data Sync, you can keep data synchronized between your on-premises databases and Azure SQL databases to enable hybrid applications.
A Sync Group has the following properties:
The Sync Schema describes which data is being synchronized.
The Sync Direction can be bi-directional or can flow in only one
direction. That is, the Sync Direction can be Hub to Member, or
Member to Hub, or both.
The Sync Interval describes how often synchronization occurs.
The Conflict Resolution Policy is a group level policy, which can be
Hub wins or Member wins.
Next step, you need to learn how to configure the Data Sync. Please reference this Azure document:Tutorial: Set up SQL Data Sync between Azure SQL Database and SQL Server on-premises.
In this tutorial, you learn how to set up Azure SQL Data Sync by creating a sync group that contains both Azure SQL Database and SQL Server instances. The sync group is custom configured and synchronizes on the schedule you set.
Hope this helps.
The most robust solution here is Transactional Replication. You can also use SSIS or Azure Data Factory for copying tables to/from Azure SQL Database. And Azure SQL Data Sync also exists.

Online and local sql database synchronization

According to my system i have maintained two databases in LAN and online db.But i want to synchronize these two databases. I hope to do this things using microsoft sync frame work.
Can i do sync local and online sql db using this? or any suitable method for do this.thank you
Sync Framework is designed for occasionally connected systems, eg. a laptop that can access the corporate network every other day and update its database, but needs to work when it has no corpnet access too. The pairing of Sync Framework is usually a central DB (SQL Server) and local embedded SQL Server Compact or SQL Express on the devices (laptops, phones, tablets etc).
IF the databases are always connected (eg. two DBs in two servers, with 24x7 connectivity between them, even if over Internet) then the appropriate technology is replication. Either Merge or Transactional. Theoretically replication also works when disconnect periods are expected, but Sync Framework is much better at it, and most importantly Sync Framework is not strongly dependent on DNS names as replication is (very important for occasionally connected systems).
Synchronizing the database is a vague term, you have to consider if you want a Master-Slave replication shcme or a Master-Master (the later being very difficult to achieve) and you have to consider what do you want replicated from the database. You also need to consider if more partners will be later added (more databases to 'synchronize'). And you have to be way more careful now about schema changes.

handling data between remote instances

We have a hr system that holds employee data and have many remote databases that use this data. Currently we use a mixture of copying the data across periodically to the remote databases and pulling the data across using views at runtime. Im curious as to which option you think is best. My personal preference is to copy the data across periodically as it removes the dependency from the master databases. However it seems both have pros and cons
Whats the best practice for this?
p.s we have a mixture of sql2000, 2005 and s008 servers
Part of the answer will depend on what level of latency is acceptable for the other systems that use the HR data. Is a day behind OK? an Hour? or does it need to be current?
Each instance could result in a different solution.
I prefer a data pull instead of a push. The remote decides when it needs its data and you can encapsulate all that logic on the server where it belongs. In a push, you have to keep processes on the HR server in synch with the demands of the subsystem.
I have reservations about multiple remote databases querying a source system directly. If some latency is not an issue, build a process on the HR system to snapshot the required data into some local tables (or a data warehouse?) and have all remotes query this data. At the very least, build local views against the HR source and only allow remote servers rights to those.
Are you doing this across a linked server? If so, I recommend creating synonyms on the remote that point to the HR source across the link. This will allow you to move source data locations around and only have to change your synonym definition.

Is it possible to run SQL Express within a Azure Web Role?

I am working on a project which uses a relational database (SQL Server 2008). The local (on-premises) application both reads and writes to the database. I am working on a different front end for Azure (MVC2 Web Role), which will use the same data, but in a read only fashion. If I was deploying a traditional web app, I would use SQL Express to act as the local database, and deploy changes with updates to the application (the data changes very slowly) or via some sync system.
With Azure, the picture is a little cloudy (sorry, I had to). I can't seem to find any information to indicate if SQL Express will work inside of Web Roles, and if so, how to do it. Does anyone know if using SQL Express in an Azure web role is possible?
Other options I could do if forced: SQL CE or use SQL Azure. Both have a number of downsides, and are definitely less than perfect.
I think my scenario may not have been clear enough.
This data won't change between deployments, and is only accessed from within the Web Role; it is basically a static cache. The on-premises part is kind of a red herring, as it doesn't impact the data on the web role (aside from being its source). Basically, what I want to do is have a local data store/cache that I use existing T-SQL/DAL code with.
While I could use SQL Azure, it doesn't add anything, and if anything only adds additional overhead and failure points. I could also use a VM Role, but that is way too costly/complex.
In a perfect world, I would package the MDF into the cspkg (so it gets deployed with the app) and then use it locally from within the role. If there is no way to do this, then that is ok and I need to figure out the pros and cons of other solutions. We don't live in a perfect world. :)
You might be able to run SQL Express using a custom VHD but you won't be able to rely on any data every being present on that VHD. The VMs are completely reset when they reboot - there is no physical persistence across reboots.
If you wanted to, you might be able to locate your entire SQL Server installation in Azure blob storage.
However, in doing all of this, you'll only be able to have one worker/web role that can use that database. Remember: a SQL Server database can only be attached to one SQL Server at a time. If you want to scale out, you'll have to create new SQL Server instances for every web/worker role.
Outside of cost concerns, I can't think of anything that is in SQL Express that should be a show stopper for 99.9% of applications out there.
Adding to Jeremiah's answer: SQL Azure should give you nearly everything SQL Express does today, and you can use the Sync service to synchronize on-premise SQL Server with SQL Azure.
If you installed SQL Express into a VM role, you'd be consuming around $90 monthly just for that instance, plus blob storage (you'd want a Cloud Drive for durability). By definition, a VM Role (or any role) must support scale-out; if you were to scale to 2 instances for whatever reason, both instances would need their own copy of the database, so you'd need to create a blob snapshot for each instance.
Keep in mind, though, if you choose to install SQL Express in a VM: once you're at 2 instances, along with, say, 20GB per instance of blob storage, you're nearing $200 monthly and you're maintaining your VM's OS patches, SQL Express configuration and updates, failure recovery procedures, etc. In contrast, SQL Azure at 20GB, while costing the same $200, will offer better performance and works with the sync service, while completely removing any OS or database server management tasks from you.
To add to the already existing answers and for anyone wondering if its a good idea to run SQL Express in the cloud:
it does makes sense as a temporary storage area. Consider this architectural approach:
say you're spinning up nodes to run jobs. Storing a gazillion of calculation results might be a good idea inside a local SQL Express for each node, and provide the aggregated responses immediately when the job finishes on the node. Transfer of the no longer hot results to off-prem SQL server for future reporting/etc can be done afterwords. SQL Azure may not be optimal from the volume/latency/cost perspective to store gazillion of results and ATS will not always fit the bill, especially when relational data, performance or existing code are involved.
To expand on what David mentioned you can register for SQL Azure Data Sync CTP2 that would allow sync from SQL Server to SQL Azure here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/SQLAzure/datasync.aspx
Make sure to use CTP2 though since CTP1 did not support SQL Server.
If it's a read only local cache - SQL CE 4 or SQLite.
Both have Entity Framework providers.
If you're writing to it - SQL Azure