Using KDE Dolphin to connect to a remote machine - ssh

I know I can use KDE dolphin to open a directory in a remote machine that I can directly access via ssh, but what if that machine is 1 hop away? Normally, when I have to open a terminal on such machine (let's call it destination), I issue the following command:
ssh user1#intermediate_destination:dir1
which allows me to connect to an "intermediate" server. Then, from intermediate_destination:
ssh user2#destination:dir2
How do I open a file browser in destination from my local machine using KDE Dolphin?

As suggested by #sanette, I've tried setting up an ssh tunnel in the following way:
sudo ssh -J user1#intermediate_destination -NL 22:localhost:22 user2#destination
Then, I've tried to create a "Network folder" using Dolphin with the following parameters:
Type of network folder: Secure shell (ssh)
Name: whatever
User: user2
Server: localhost
Port: 22
Protocol: sftp
Folder: dir2
Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8)
And it finally worked!


Is there a way to make an SFTP connection to a remote machine through jump server to transfer files?

I was wondering if there's a way to send files using SFTP to a remote machine through a jump server.
As you can see in the image below first it's needed an SSH connection and after that an SFTP connection.
My main problem here comes after the SSH connection, my workspace has changed and I cannot retrieve the necessary files to execute the SFTP successfully.
I've tried the following code:
ssh jump-server-user#ip-jump-server 'echo "put /source/files /remote/files" | sftp -v remote-machine-user#ip-remote-machine'
But it does not work.
I've tried to execute a simple command like pwd using the SFTP connection and it works so I think the problem here is how the workspace change.
There would probably be an easier solution but I cannot use SSH on the jump server-remote machine connection and I cannot store the local files in the jump server to send them later to the remote machine.
If you have a recent OpenSSH (at least 8.0) locally, you can use the -J (jump) switch:
sftp -J jump-server-user#ip-jump-server remote-machine-user#ip-remote-machine
With older version (but at least 7.3), you can use ProxyJump directive:
sftp -o ProxyJump=jump-server-user#ip-jump-server remote-machine-user#ip-remote-machine
There are other options like ProxyCommand or port forwarding, which you can use on even older versions of OpenSSH. These are covered in Does OpenSSH support multihop login?

SCP times out, but ssh connection works fine. Am I doing something wrong?

I'm trying to copy from my desktop /Users/myname/desktop if I pwd, to a remote server. I'm connected to the remote server via ssh. I would like to copy the file to /its/home/jt463/task1(pwd path from the directory) on the remote server.
I have used the command below in the terminal when I'm connected to the server via ssh and tried it on the terminal on my machine:
scp Users/myname/desktop/
Error that I get when I try to use the terminal that's connected to the remote server:
Users/jonatantibarovsky/desktop/ No such file or directory
Error that I get when I try to use my local terminal:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out lost connection
First scp to the intermediate server, using your credentials. Then, you should be able to scp from that server to the target.

Vagrant ssh connect to host port 22: Bad file number

Whenever I try to connect to my local Vagrant, I get this error when I run ssh vagrant# from the Windows git bash:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Bad file number
It was working previously, so I'm not sure what could have caused this. When I try to do an SFTP connection in PHPStorm 8, I get this error:
Connection to '' failed.
SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Too many authentication failures for vagrant
I've tried vagrant destroy with vagrant box remove laravel/homestead and then recreating the box from a backup I had that previously worked using vagrant box add laravel/homestead but I still get the same errors.
I'm on Windows 7.
What can I do to get access to my vagrant box commandline again?
Try command:
ssh -p 2222 vagrant#
The answer by outboundexplorer above is the correct one I believe.Here is my step-by-step approach on how I did this:
Step 1: Find out exactly what SSH settings to use
Ensure the vagrant box is running (you've done vagrant up that is)
From the command line, go to your project directory (the one where the Vagrantfile is located) and run vagrant ssh-config.
You'll get an output like this:
Host default
User ubuntu
Port 2222
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
PasswordAuthentication no
IdentityFile C:/Projects/my-test-project/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
IdentitiesOnly yes
LogLevel FATAL
Step 2: Setting up PHPStorm to SFTP to the Vagrant box
Based on the config settings shown above, I set up the following SFTP remote deployment server:
SFTP host:
Port: 2222
Root path: /home/ubuntu/my-test-project (this is the folder inside the Vagrant box where the files will be uploaded to, change to whatever suits your needs)
User name: ubuntu
Auth type: Select "Key pair (OpenSSH or PuTTY)"
Private key file: Point to the IdentityFile path shown (C:/Projects/....)
... and that was it.
I got this same failure when using PHpStorm to SSH into the VirtualBox guest machine that i had set up with Vagrant. Everything worked fine before I upgraded to Windows 10. After upgrading, first of all i had to upgrade to VirtualBox and Vagrant latest versions to get everything to work on Windows 10.
But then i couldn't ssh into the guest machine using the PhpStorm ssh client. After much reading, everything seemed to suggest that I had too many ssh-keys installed on my Windows machine, but checking regedit just showed that I only had a couple of keys which should be less than the suggested max 5 keys (as default). In the end i did vagrant ssh which didn't allow me to ssh into the guest machine, but it did reconfirm the ssh details for me. I then realized that after all the new installs it didn't want me to use the C:\Users\Andy\.vagrant.d\insecure_private_key key but instead use a key that it had placed within the project itself at C:/Users/Andy/CodeLab5/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key.
Everything is working as it should again now :)
Make sure your vagrant is up and running by command : vagrant up
and then do vagrant ssh. It will connect to vagrant localhost

Passwordless connect a remote server from vagrant vm through ssh (rsync)

I'd like to run a rsync command from a vagrant vm to a remote server (to push files) without the need for a password.
So, the involved machines are: host, guest vm and remote
host is authorized on remote via authorized_keys, however when I run the rsync command from the vm I get asked for a password.
Is there a way to get passwordless rsync from the vm using the keys on the already-authorized host?
I'd like to avoid copying a new authorized key to the remote every time I create a vm.
Also, adding my server's password in the vagrant file is not an option.
Use ssh key forwarding via ssh-agent. Follow these steps:
On your host machine:
ssh-add PATH_TO_KEY <use Tab if unsure>
vagrant ssh
In the vagrant box edit your ~/.ssh/config:
Host name_or_ip_of_remote
ForwardAgent yes
Now try to connect to the remote from the vagrant box:
ssh name_or_ip_of_remote
It should work without a password. As rsync is using ssh under the hood, it will work without a password too.

Connect ipython-notebook via SSH tunnel from a remote location

I'm trying to open an ipython-notebook (which is running on a server) on a macbook from a remote location through an ssh tunnel but no data received.
This is the command for the SSH tunnel
ssh -L 5558:localhost:5558 -N -t -x user#remote-host
and this is the command I used to lunch the notebook form the server
ipython notebook --pylab=inline --port=5558 --ip=* --no-browser --notebook-dir notebooks
Than I tried to open it on a new tab with this remote-host:5558 but no data received.
Thanks in advance!
The directive -L AAAA:somehost:BBBB will cause SSH to listen on port AAAA on localhost (the machine the ssh command is run on) and forward any connection to that port, over the SSH session, to the host somehost port BBBB. So, you need to open http://localhost:5558/ in the browser on the machine you run the ssh command on.
Read this: How do I add a kernel on a remote machine in IPython (Jupyter) Notebook?
Remote jupyter kernel/kernels administration utility (the rk) here: