I have a Node.js lambda API that's called by an authenticated user. The user is able to access the API passing a valid JWT token. Now I'd like to interact with Cognito User Pool to change the user's email, password and etc but I haven't figured out how to achieve this using just the JWT.
I've made several tests using amplify-js and amazon-cognito-identity-js
You can reset the user's password by calling an admin API call, not through the JWT token. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito-user-identity-pools/latest/APIReference/API_AdminResetUserPassword.html This will prompt the user for a new password.
This API call is to set a password for that particular user https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito-user-identity-pools/latest/APIReference/API_AdminSetUserPassword.html but I prefer the first option.
In order to change user attributes (such as email, birthday...), use https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito-user-identity-pools/latest/APIReference/API_AdminUpdateUserAttributes.html
So all these are done using the Cognito Service inside the Lambda (not to be confused with the JWT tokens).
In my Blazor Application, I'm using Keycloak to manage user authentication and authorization. One of the features in my application consists of allowing the users to see a list of all Users Registered in the application. To do that I need to access "realms/realm/users" Keycloak API, but in order to do that I need to get the access token, and to do that I need to pass a 'username' and 'password' to HTTP POST request. How I am supposed to send user's password in request since I don't have access to that? Any thoughts?
My idea was to create a 'bot' user that would have this permission only and get the token for that 'bot' user instead of the actually logged in user, but it doesn't seem right.
I am using an IDP platform (here AWS Cognito but that could be Auth0, OKTA or Keycloak) and I was wondering why I was discouraged to use the ID Token as an authorization token.
To be more specific, I will not make use of a resource server with authorization delegation from a user to a third-party app. My IDP will just let me SSO all my users on my different applications. There is no scope to grant here, only authentication claims that each service will use to grant or refuse access to resources (like an email, user ID, or the roles).
I understand I could provide my application with the id token and then create some session for my user. By why shouldn't I use the id token itself as a stateless session token, given that its signature can be checked on each application's back-end ?
And if I should use an access token over the id token - can I replace scopes by roles ? Or how should I understand the scopes in a non-delegation context ("user is usign the app himself, not giving permission" vs "user is giving all scopes to the SPA front-end which is an application in itself")
By the way, I am recovering the tokens through code PKCE flow on the front end.
The ID token only contains details about the user and how the user authenicated. so its perfect for creating a longer lasting cookie session with the user. The default lifetime for and ID-token is very short as well, like minutes. You typically throw the id-token away after establishing the sesson. You should never ever pass the ID-token around to other services.
The access token is mean to give you access to the APIs that the token is intended for.
when the user signs in, you ask for acceess to certain scopes and the scopes selected (consented) by the user , then is included in the access token (as scopes and audience claims).
In theory you can pass the ID-token to an API, bits not how its supposed to work.
See this and this for more details:
I have a mobile application which needs to be GDPR compliant. We're using AWS amplify and appsync, but we're unclear on how the Cognito auth token is used. Do we need to store the token in our database to associate it with users?
Our concern is that once a user is authenticated, the client will not know which userdata is associated with that identity unless we store the auth token.
You don't need to store tokens. Cognito Auth token are JWT tokens. JWT tokens can have custom payload within them. Everything you need is already included in it. You can pass literally anything like userId, phoneNumber etc... any custom data when you are issuing the tokens.
For example, if you trigger lambda with apigateway and use cognito pools for authorization you will automatically get sub etc in the claims field which you will identify user in the client (in this case client is lambda)
If you are using custom lambda authorizers you can still use cognito user pools but this time you are absolutely free to embed any custom data into token to use it later.
Play in jwt.io with your tokens and you will see whats in it already.
I am trying to get an access token using my dropbox username and password.
I don't want to go and generate it from there site, as mentioned in there help documents.
No, Dropbox API apps should use the OAuth app authorization flow to get an access token for the user, so that the app doesn't have to directly handle the user's credentials. You can find more information on this process here:
The method of generating it on the App Console that you mentioned only works for the owner of the app, but the OAuth app authorization flow can be used for any account.
Note that while this does require manual user intervention, it generally only needs to be done once per user. Once the app has an access token for a user, it can store and re-use the token for future API calls without further manual user intervention.
Dropbox API access tokens don't expire by themselves, though they can be manually revoked by the user.
I've stood up an instance of identityserver4, an API project, and a UI.
The workflow is as follows:
User visits the UI.
User provides user name and password to UI.
UI sends credentials to back of web app, which uses a password grant to authenticate the user with IdentityServer4.
IdentityServer4 returns a token.
Token is used to identify who the user is to the UI and that the user has access to certain sections of the site.
When the user needs to do something within the site, the token is passed to the API via bearer auth.
The password grant isn't negotiable, as this is a first party app and it makes no sense to redirect the user away from the main site.
What's the proper set of middleware to use for this? Should I just use a CookieAuthenticationMiddleware and attach the token as a claim? I'll need to access the claims from HttpContext.User claims. Do I need to use IdentityMiddleware?
You can request identity scopes using the password grant type and use the userinfo endpoint to resolve them to claims - like in this sample:
And yes - you can use the cookie middleware to persist those claims and the access token for later usage.