Theory of API development: why create a refresh token method instead of simply ask user to relogin? - api

Most of APIs around the web provide two methods:
login: given credentials, returns the access_token and the refresh_token
refreshToken: given refresh_token, returns another access_token and a new refres_token.
My question is: why is so widely preferred to do login and then a possible sequence of periodic refreshToken instead of simply login again when access token expires?
Which are the benefits of a refresh versus a full login?

After doing some more research, I find that it's to limit the space for a Man-In-The-Middle attack.
If someone intercept your user/password you have lost. And if you send it in plain at each call, the probability will increase that someone intercept them.
If you login and then for a while use access_token , a bad actor could intercept the access_token, but at least it willl use it until it will expire.
Again, instead of relogin, remote server will use the refresh_token to obtain a new access token.
the refresh token expire after first use so it's useless to intercept.
And so on.
So for server to server, the actually best practice is
- receiving access_token and refresh_token
when access_token expire, use refresh_token to obtain a new access_token.
If both access_token and refresh_token expired, relogin with app_id/app_secret pair


Authentication + Persistant login with JWT and refresh token

Stack: React, tRPC, Redux Toolkit
So I'm trying to build out my auth in a way that's somewhat secure and can handle persistent logins. The best approach I've found so far is to have a short-lived JWT that authenticates the user, and then a refresh token with a key saved on the DB that allows new short-lived JWTs to be generated. The short lived token would be stored in my Redux store, while the refresh token would be saved as a cookie so it can be used to log in the user when they refresh the page.
So my first question is, is this in general a good way to approach this problem? I see conflicting answers sometimes.
The second problem I'm facing is that if I want to use a refresh token, I'm going to have to check and see if the JWT is not expired before each API call, and if it is, hit the /refresh endpoint and use the new JWT. However, with my current stack, I'm not sure how to do this in away that doesn't involve a lot of copy and paste code.
The only solutions I've been able to think of so far are:
Just include both JWT and refresh token in every API call. Always send back either the same JWT or a new JWT. If the refresh token is expired, send back a 401.
Do something to so that before every thunk is dispatched, check the JWT/refresh token and hit /refresh if needed before dispatching.
I'm sure there's a better way to handle this though. Any pointers?
Are you sure that you need the short-lived JWT in the first place? Maybe all you need is a good-old cookie-based session. In fact, what you describe with how the refresh token would be used + the first proposed solution, is pretty much how you would use a session. Unless there is a real need for short-lived JWTs as access tokens, I would get rid of them.
If you decide to stick to access and refresh tokens, then what you describe in solution 2 is not enough. You always need a way of intercepting a 401 response from the API, which indicates that the access token is expired. You should then refresh the access token and call the API again. If the refresh fails with 401, then you know that the refresh token is expired. The expiration check needs to be done on the backend because only there you are sure of the clock settings. Clients can have their clocks skewed which makes verifying expiration time on the client side useless.

How to manage refresh token in JWT Token method in express?

refresh token: A
acess Token : B
user acquistion : A, B
If B expires, use A to reissue B
So if the attacker steals A, doesn't he get B?
According to the rfc official documentation, I heard that the client has A and B, but I don't know if that's true.
I don't understand the mechanism of using the correct refresh token.
How should I shape the implementation direction?
I logged in and finished issuing refresh tokens and access tokens.
main question : When accessing a protected page, when the access token expires and there is a refresh token, I don't know how to use it. I don't know if it's true that the problem of being stolen arises.
In order to get the access token and refresh token, most of the time you're using your username and password. the idea of using tokens is to use as last as possible in your credentials on transit to avoid credentials stolen.
the different in this two token in the ability to revoke the token, while in access token you're not able to revoke the token (if the token steals the attacker can do anything), as the refresh token (a.k.a - your session) can be revoked, to if this token stolen you can revoke it and no new access token will be generate.
best practice is to generate short expiration for access token (for the case it will be steals), long period for refresh token - in order not use your credentials a lot.

Is it necessary to refresh tokens every request?

I'm here because I wasn't satisfied with what I found on google.
I am generally building SPA's, so for me the process was simple: At succesful login generate a jwt and use it for every request I make from the client.
Someone told me that I should refresh that token and send back a new one for every request I make. Does this make sense for me to do? I mean, if someone is trying to hack me, sniffing the requests will give the hacker the same tokens I receive, so what's the catch?
I mean, what if I launch a request before another one is finished? Teoretically I would send the same token twice and one of the requests will be rejected.
How is this correctly handled? I'm sure there is more to this than what I could think myself.
It is a compromise between security and convenience.
No, you don't need to refresh the token on each request. But you definitely want your JWTs to expire at some point. This is to protect you from JWT theft where malicious user could use stolen access token to gain access to target resource indefinitely.
Here is what you can do to handle token expiration:
Implement a refresh token flow. You will issue an access JWT and a refresh JWT when authenticating. Once access JWT has expired you will use refresh JWT to obtain new access JWT.
Implement sliding expiration. After the half of the JWT validity time has expired you would issue a new JWT. An example of it can be found here. I would recommend to include a deadline to when a token can be expired. For example, initial token validity is for 20 minutes and deadline is 8 hours. After 8 hours of sliding expiration you will stop issuing new tokens.

JWT token refresh (sliding sessions) and signout

I am very new to JWT and I ended up inheriting a codebase which makes use of JWT. Now there are some very fundamental problems which I am facing and I am not finding any answers. This question is not code based so please bear with me.
Let us say that my JWT token is valid for 4 hours. Here are my requirements/constraints
If a user is working at 3 hours 59 minutes. their session should get extended by 2 hours and they should not be required to re-enter credentials.
The client side java script must not cache the user credentials in any way.
It is OK to refresh the JWT token with a new one... but you must not do it on every request you make on the server. So the client has to be intelligent to refresh the JWT token when the time is right. You must not try to issue a new token on each and every request you make to the app, because we will end up in a scenario where we have 1000s of active tokens generated within the course of a session and all of them are active. this makes the signout requirement even harder.
Once a user clicks signout. the JWT token should not be usable anymore. Even though its life time is still valid.
If a signout occurs. All tokens which were issued (as part of session extension) should get invalidated. Not just the last one.
I am starting to read about JWT but it seems like my requirements cannot be met with JWT. these requirements are very easy to meet with the session id approach. but I don't want to give up on JWT just yet.
JWT life extension
You can issue a JWT with the old one. Your client app have to request a new JWT when it is close to expiration time. Client knows the expiration time reading the exp claim and can invoke a refresh service to get a new token. If the client app is closed then the JWT will expire and it will be necessary for the user to present the credentials again
It is recommended to let tokens expire, but you can use a blacklist to store JWT that are still valid but can not be used for authentication:
When user clicks logout
After refreshing a ticket close to expiration time
You will need to add to JWT an unique identifier jti. The blacklist will contain jti and exp. Once current time > exp the entry can be discarded.
See Invalidating client side JWT session

Is a Refresh Token really necessary when using JWT token authentication?

I'm referencing another SO post that discusses using refresh tokens with JWT.
JWT (JSON Web Token) automatic prolongation of expiration
I have an application with a very common architecture where my clients (web and mobile) talk to a REST API which then talks to a service layer and data layer.
I understand JWT token authentication, but I am a little confused at how I should use refresh tokens.
I want my JWT authentication to have the following properties:
JWT Token has an expiration of 2 hours.
The token is refreshed every hour by the client.
If the user token is not refreshed (user is inactive and the app is not open) and expires, they will need to log in whenever they want to resume.
I see a lot of people claiming to make this a better experience using the concept of a refresh token, however, I don't see the benefit of this. It seems like an added complexity having to manage it.
My questions are the following:
If I WERE to use a refresh token, wouldn't it still be beneficial to have a long term expiration for good practice on that token as well?
If I WERE to use a refresh token, would that token be persisted with the userId and/or JWT token?
When I update my token every 1 hour, how does this work? Will I want to create an endpoint that takes in my JWT token or my refresh token? Will this update the expiration date of my original JWT token, or create a new token?
Is there the need for a refresh token given these details? It seems that If the user is just using a JWT token to grab a new token (per the link above) then the refresh token is obsolete.
Let me come to your questions a little later down the line and start by actually discussing the whole purpose of a refresh token.
So the situation is:
The user opens the app and provides his login credentials. Now, most probably the app is interacting with a REST backend service. REST is stateless, there isn't a way to authorize access to the APIs. Hence, so far in the discussion, there is no way to check if an authorized user is accessing the APIs or is just some random requests coming through.
Now to be able to solve this problem, we need a way to know that the requests are coming from an authorized user. So, what we did was to introduce something called an access token. So now once the user is authenticated successfully, he is issued an access token. This token is supposed to be a long and highly random token (to ensure that it can not be guessed). This is where the JWT comes into the picture. Now you may/may not want to store any user-specific details in a JWT token. Ideally, you would want to just store very simple, extremely non-sensitive details in the JWT. The manipulation of the JWT hash to retrieve other user's details (IDOR etc.) is taken care of by JWT (the library being used) itself.
So, for now, our problem with authorized access is solved.
Now we talk of an attack scenario. Let's say using all of the above user Alice, using the app, has the authorized access token and now her app can make requests to all the APIs and retrieve the data as per her authorization.
Assume that SOMEHOW Alice loses the Access Token or put another way, an adversary, Bob, gets access to Alice's access token. Now Bob, despite being unauthorized, can make requests to all the APIs that Alice was authorized to.
Now the solution to this problem is :
Either detect that there is something of this sort happening.
Reduce the attack window itself.
Using just the access token alone, it is hard to achieve condition 1 above, because be it Alice or Bob, it's the same authorized token being used and hence requests form the two users are not distinguishable.
So we try achieving 2 above and hence we add an expiration to the validity of the access token, say the access token is valid for 't' (short-lived) time.
How does it help? Well, even if Bob has the access token, he can use it only while it is valid. As soon as it expires, he will have to retrieve it again. Now, of course, you could say that he can get it the same way he got it the first time. But then again there's nothing like 100% security!
The above approach still has a problem and in some cases an unacceptable one. When the access token expires, it would require the user to enter his login credentials and obtain an authorized access token again, which at least in case of mobile apps, is a bad (not acceptable) user experience.
Solution: This is where the refresh token comes in. It is again a random unpredictable token that is also issued to the app along with the access token in the first place. This refresh token is a very long-lived special token, which makes sure that as soon as the access token expires, it requests the server for a new access token, thus removing the need for the user to re-enter his login credentials to retrieve a new authorized access token, once an existing one has expired.
Now you may ask, Bob can have access to the refresh token as well, similar to the way he compromised the access token. YES. He can. However, now it becomes easy to identify such an incidence, which was not possible in the case of an access token alone, and take the necessary action to reduce the damage done.
For every authenticated user (in case of a mobile app, generally), a one to one mapped refresh token and access token pair is issued to the app. So at any given point in time, for a single authenticated user, there will be only one access token corresponding to a refresh token. Now assume that if Bob has compromised the refresh token, he would be using it to generate an access token (because access token is the only thing which is authorized to access resources through the APIs). As soon as Bob (attacker) requests with the newly generated access token because Alice's (genuine user) access token is still valid, the server would see this as an anomaly, because for a single refresh token there can be only one authorized access token at a time. Identifying the anomaly, the server would destroy the refresh token in question and along with it all, it's associated access tokens will also get invalidated. Thus preventing any further access, genuine or malicious, to any authorization requiring resources.
The user, Alice, would be required to once again authenticate with her credentials and fetch a valid pair of a refresh and access tokens.
Of course, you could still argue that Bob could once again get access to both refresh and access tokens and repeat the entire story above, potentially leading to a DoS on Alice, the actual genuine customer, but then again there is nothing like 100% security.
Also as a good practice, the refresh token should have an expiry, although a pretty long one.
I believe for this scenario you could work with the access token alone, making
life easier for your clients but keeping the security benefits of a refresh token.
This is how it would work:
When your user logs in with credentials (username/password) you return a
short-lived JWT. You also create a db record where you store:
JWT id
user id
IP address
user agent
a valid flag (defaults to TRUE)
Your client submits the JWT in every request. As long as the JWT hasn't expired,
it has access to the resources. If the JWT expired, you refresh it
behind the scenes and return both the resource and an additional X-JWT header
with the new JWT.
When the client receives a response with an X-JWT header, it discards the
old JWT and uses the new one for future requests.
How refreshing the JWT works on the server
Look for the matching db record using the JWT id.
Check if the valid flag is still true, otherwise reject.
Optionally, you can compare the request IP address and user agent against
the stored IP address and user agent, and decide to reject if something looks
Optionally, you can check the db record's createdAt or updatedAt fields, and
decide not to refresh if too much time has passed.
Update the updatedAt field in the db record.
Return the new JWT (which is basically a copy of the expired JWT, but with an extended expiration time).
This design would also give you the option to revoke all tokens for a user (for
example, if the user loses his phone or updates his password).
Your client never has to check expiration times or make refresh token
requests, all it does is check for an X-JWT header on responses.
You can add custom refresh logic based on IP address, user agent, max-token
age, or a combination of those.
You can revoke some or all tokens for a user.
If I WERE to use a refresh token, wouldn't it still be beneficial to have a long term expiration for good practice on that token as well?
Refresh Tokens are long-lived, Access Tokens are short-lived.
If I WERE to use a refresh token, would that token be persisted with the userId and/or JWT token?
It would be persisted as a separate token on the client, alongside JWT but not inside JWT. UserID/UID can be stored inside the JWT token itself.
When I update my token every 1 hour, how does this work? Will I want to create an endpoint that takes in my JWT token or my refresh token? Will this update the expiration date of my original JWT token, or create a new token?
Yes, you need a separate service that issues and refreshes token. It won't update the expiration of the existing JWT Token. A token is simply JSON field-value pairs that are base64 encoded. So changing the data, changes the output. The token also has the issue date, which will at the very least change on every fresh issue (refresh). So every token will be unique and new. The old tokens will auto-expire, hence you need expiration on all Access Tokens, otherwise they will linger around forever.
The other answer here states that old tokens get destroyed when you issue a new token. That's simply not the case. Tokens cannot be destroyed. In fact, you can harvest hundreds of tokens by constantly contacting the auth server and asking for new fresh tokens using your Refresh Token. Each of those Access Tokens will be valid till their expiry. So expiry is imperative, and it should be short.
Is there really the need for a refresh token given these details? It seems that If the user is just using a JWT token to grab a new token (per the link above) then the refresh token is obsolete.
JWT tokens have client claims. For example is_manager:true claim on a JWT token might allow access to manager-level features. Now if you decide to demote the user from manager to contractor, that won't take effect immediately. The user may still be using the old token. Finally when that expires, he hits the auth server to refresh his token. The auth server issues a new token without the managerial claim and the user won't be able to access managerial features any more. This creates a window during which the user's claims are not in sync with the server. This again explains why Access Tokens should be short-lived so sync'ing can happen often.
Essentially you are updating the authorization checks every 15 minutes, instead of checking them on every single request (which is how typical session-based auth works). If you want real-time permissions instead of every-15-minute refreshes, then JWT may not be a good fit.