Sum All Invoices Against Multiple Row PO Line Detail - sql

I have a query which retrieves all Purchase Order line detail, with item specific information on each line related to cost. I wanted to validate this PO total cost detail with a cross reference to our Accounts Payable table. I assumed one PO would have one invoice; that was incorrect. I wanted to joint the payment(s) next to each row of any given PO. I would then be able to Sum my PO line detail and then use an average of the payment to calculate a variance between the PO detail and the actual payment from AP. My query returns all payments to one PO, creating a duplication problem.
Is there a simple way to Sum all payments against one distinct PO?
My current select statement is pretty simple and left joins the AP payment column to the PO received rows. If I had a one to one relationship between PO numbers and Invoice payments, I wouldn't have this issue. Alas, here we are. I'm using SQL Server 2014 Management Studio to drive the query.

you could use the following
SElect SUM (actualPOAmount), sum(extpoAmount) , PO.PONUM
FRom PO_Table PO (nolock)
JOIN PO_Invoice INV (nolock) on INV.PONUM = po.PONUM
group by PO.PONUM


How to get two fields based off a most recent date attribute?

I have two tables:
A Billing table, and a Customer table.
The Billing table and customer table both share a common attribute of Customer Number.
Billing Table
I'm trying to create a view that will retrieve the customer code and bill number for the most recent invoice date. I'm having trouble ordering my query.
This is what I have so far.
c.Customer_Num, b.Bill_Num
INNER JOIN BILLING b ON c.Customer_Num = b.Customer_Num
WHERE c.Fname='Jess' AND c.Lname='Hanks'
HAVING MAX(b.Bill_Date);
I have also tried putting the 'HAVING' portion as a WHERE statement.
This should get your answer:
SELECT c.customer_num, b.bill_num
FROM customer c
JOIN billing b ON c.customer_num = b.customer_num
WHERE b.bill_date =
(SELECT MAX(bill_date) FROM billing WHERE customer_num = b.customer_num)
AND c.Fname='Jess' AND c.Lname='Hanks'
Though normally I wouldn't expect to create a view that limits results to just one customer!? Remove the last line AND c.Fname ... if you intend to get the most recent result for any/all customers. Note that you may get multiple results for a customer if they have more than one invoice on the same date.

Select results get multiplied on joining

I'm using an SQL Server database which has Order table contains a foreign key called invoice_id, this attribute belongs to Invoice table. Also, I have another table called "Receiptwhich also includesinvoice_idandamount_paid` attributes.
Many items can be assigned to the same invoice (customer may make many orders at once), also many receipts can be assigned to the same invoice (customer may make different payments to the same invoice as for example they can pay 50% and then pay the rest later).
So the problem I'm facing is when I try to select the total paid amounts from the Receipt table taking the order_id as a condition, the result will be multiplied according to the number of orders that have the same invoice_id
For example, customer A placed three orders at once, each order cost is 100 USD, which should be 300 USD in the invoice and he already paid that invoice. Now if I query the Receipt table for the paid amounts, the result will be 900 USD (300 USD * 3 orders), which is obviously incorrect.
I'm stuck at this issue, I believe there are some mistakes in my database logic, so please provide me your suggestions to solve this problem and also what should do with the database if the logic is incorrect.
Below is the query i'm using to get the result:
select sum(r.amount_paid), o.invoice_id from RECEIPT r, INVOICE i, ORDER o
where r.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
and o.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
group by o.invoice_id;
Here's three answers to three slightly different questions you might ask of your database.
Amount paid per invoice
If you are trying to get the total amount paid per invoice, all you need is
SELECT SUM(Amount_Paid) Total_Paid,
FROM Receipt
Amount paid per order
If you want to know the total paid per order, this is not quite possible in your data model as you have described it. If a invoice has three orders on it, and the invoice is only partly paid, there is no way to tell which of the the orders is paid and which is not.
You need some additional data structure that indicates how payments are applied to orders within an invoice, e.g. an Allocation or Split table.
Amount paid on invoices that pertain to one or more orders
On the other hand, if you want to know how much payment has been received on invoices that contain one or more order IDs, you could write this:
SELECT SUM(Amount_Paid) Total_Paid,
FROM Receipt
WHERE Invoice_ID IN (SELECT Invoice_ID
FROM Order
WHERE Order_ID IN (1,2,3,4)) --Edit these IDs for your specific case
Notice none of the queries above required any joins, so no multiplying :)
Please, try this:
SELECT SUM(r.amount_paid), r.invoice_id FROM RECEIPT r
JOIN INVOICE i ON r.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
JOIN ORDER o ON r.invoice_id = o.invoice_id AND r.order_id = o.order_Id
GROUP BY r.invoice_id;

Summing Sales Data Access

I'm just starting out with SQL, I have been playing around with simple select queries and grouping data, now I want to pull some actually useful data out of our database for analysis. The data is organized as follows:
Access 2010 Database
I didn't set it up, I know it isn't set up as it should be
I can't change data, only poll
-Customers are kept in one table
-Closed orders are kept in another table (each line item is listed with invoice #, date closed, Customer ID as well as other info)
-Archived closed orders table keep sales records that are a year + old (table is laid out exactly the same as Closed order table)
I want to start with a simple query, list all the customers from a certain branch and their past year totals. Here's what I have tried:
When I run the query, it asks me to enter a parameter value for CLOSEDORDERS.Quant. What am I doing wrong?
I think this is what you're looking for with an OUTER JOIN:
CUSTOMERS.[Ship City],
If you only want to return matching results from both tables, then use a standard INNER JOIN instead of the LEFT JOIN.

Joining table issue with SQL Server 2008

I am using the following query to obtain some sales figures. The problem is that it is returning the wrong data.
I am joining together three tables tbl_orders tbl_orderitems tbl_payment. The tbl_orders table holds summary information, the tbl_orderitems holds the items ordered and the tbl_payment table holds payment information regarding the order. Multiple payments can be placed against each order.
I am trying to get the sum of the items sum(mon_orditems_pprice), and also the amount of items sold count(uid_orderitems).
When I run the following query against a specific order number, which I know has 1 order item. It returns a count of 2 and the sum of two items.
Item ProdTotal ProdCount
Westvale Climbing Frame 1198 2
This order has two payment records held in the tbl_payment table, which is causing the double count. If I remove the payment table join it reports the correct figures, or if I select an order which has a single payment it works as well. Am I missing something, I am tired!!??
SUM(mon_orditems_pprice) AS prodTotal,
COUNT(uid_orderitems) AS prodCount
FROM dbo.tbl_orders
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_orderitems ON (dbo.tbl_orders.uid_orders = dbo.tbl_orderitems.uid_orditems_orderid)
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_payment ON (dbo.tbl_orders.uid_orders = dbo.tbl_payment.uid_pay_orderid)
uid_orditems_orderid = 61571
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Drill down Table columns
dbo.tbl_payment.bit_pay_paid (1/0) Has this payment been paid, yes no
dbo.tbl_orders.bit_order_archive (1/0) Is this order archived, yes no
dbo.tbl_orders.uid_order_webid (integer) Web Shop's ID
dbo.tbl_orders.bit_order_preorder (1/0) Is this a pre-order, yes no
YEAR(dbo.tbl_orders.dte_order_stamp) (2012) Sales year
dbo.tbl_orders.txt_order_status (varchar) Is the order dispatched, awaiting delivery
dbo.tbl_orderitems.uid_orditems_pcatid (integer) Product category ID
It's a normal behavior, if you remove grouping clause you'll see that there really are 2 rows after joining and they both have 599 as a mon_orditems_pprice hence the SUM is correct. When there is a multiple match in any joined table the entire output row becomes multiple and the data that is being summed (or counted or aggregated in any other way) also gets summed multiple times. Try this:
SELECT txt_orditems_pname,
SUM(mon_orditems_pprice) AS prodTotal,
COUNT(uid_orderitems) AS prodCount
FROM dbo.tbl_orders
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_orderitems ON (dbo.tbl_orders.uid_orders = dbo.tbl_orderitems.uid_orditems_orderid)
SELECT x.uid_pay_orderid
FROM dbo.tbl_payment x
GROUP BY x.uid_pay_orderid
) AS payments ON (dbo.tbl_orders.uid_orders = payments.uid_pay_orderid)
uid_orditems_orderid = 61571
I don't know what data from tbl_payment you are using, are any of the columns from the SELECT list actually from tbl_payment? Why is tbl_payment being joined?

Multiple records joined Access SQL

I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible but if it is possible, it's probably a really easy solution that I just can't figure out. Once things get to a certain complexity though, my head starts spinning. Please forgive my ignorance.
I have a database running in MS Access 2007 for a school which has a plethora of tables joined to each other. I'm trying to create a query in which I get information from several tables. I'm looking up sales and payment information for different customers, pulling info from several different linked tables. Each sale is broken down into one of 4 categories, Course Fee, Registration Fee, Book Fee and Others. Because each customer will have multiple purchases, each one is a separate entry in the Sales table. The payment information is also in its own table.
My SQL currently looks like this:
SELECT StudentContracts.CustomerID, (Customers.CFirstName & " " & Customers.CLastName) AS Name, Customers.Nationality, Courses.CourseTitle, (StudentContracts.ClassesBought + StudentContracts.GiftClasses) AS Weeks, StudentContracts.StartDate, Sales.SaleAmount, SaleType.SaleType, Sales.DueDate, Payments.PaymentAmount
(Customers INNER JOIN StudentContracts ON Customers.CustomerID = StudentContracts.CustomerID)
INNER JOIN Payments ON Customers.CustomerID = Payments.CustomerID)
(SaleType INNER JOIN Sales ON SaleType.SalesForID = Sales.SalesForID)
ON Customers.CustomerID = Sales.CustomerID)
(Courses INNER JOIN Classes ON Courses.CourseID = Classes.CourseID)
INNER JOIN StudentsClasses ON Classes.ClassID = StudentsClasses.ClassID)
ON Customers.CustomerID = StudentsClasses.CustomerID;
This works and brings up the information I need. However, I am getting one record for each sale as in:
CustomerID Name ... SaleAmount SaleType PaymentAmount
1 Bob $600 Course $1000
1 Bob $300 RgnFee $1000
1 Bob $100 Book $1000
What I need is one line for each customer but each sale type in it's own column in the row with the sale amount listed in its value field. As so:
CustomerID Name ... Course RgnFee Book Others PaymentAmount
1 Bob $600 $300 $100 $1000
Can anyone help and possibly explain what I should/need to be doing?
Thanks in advance!
You can create a cross tab from the query you have already created. Add the query to the Query Design Grid, choose Crosstab from query types, and select a Row or rows, Column and Value.
TRANSFORM Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS SumOfSaleAmount
SELECT t.ID, t.Name, Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS Total
FROM TableQuery t
GROUP BY t.ID, t.Name
PIVOT t.SaleType
If you want a certain order, you can edit the property sheet to include column headings, or you can add an In statement to the SQL. Note that if you add column headings, a column will be included for each column, whether or not data is available, and more importantly, a column will not be included that has data, if it is not listed.
TRANSFORM Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS SumOfSaleAmount
SELECT t.ID, t.Name, Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS Total
FROM TableQuery t
GROUP BY t.ID, t.Name
PIVOT t.SaleType In ("Course","RgnFee","Book","Others");