Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? error on with <nuxt /> component in default.vue Jest - vue.js

I'm trying to write tests for default.vue file which has the following code:
<top-nav :class="isSticky ? 'fixed-top stickyAnimate' : ''" />
<nuxt />
<footer />
import TopNav from '../components/TopNav.vue';
import Footer from '../components/Footer.vue';
import StickyNavMixin from '../mixins/stickyNavMixin';
export default {
components: {
mixins: [StickyNavMixin],
data() {
return {
loading: true,
mounted() {
if (!window.location.hash) {
this.loading = false;
then my test look like this
import { createLocalVue, shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue';
import StickyNavMixin from '../mixins/stickyNavMixin';
import Default from '../layouts/default.vue';
import TopNav from '../components/TopNav.vue';
import Footer from '../components/Footer.vue';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe('Default', () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallowMount(Default, {
test('is a Vue instance', () => {
test('has navbar component', () => {
When I ran this test, I get error says:
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For
recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.found in --->
Please guide me to a right direction. Thank you in advance!

I figured out how to get past that error. I had to just stub it out of the wrapper. You don't have to import Nuxt, just string 'nuxt' will replace it as a stubbed element in the wrapper:
describe('DefaultLayout', () => {
let wrapper;
afterEach(() => {
/** mount **/
test('is a Vue instance', () => {
wrapper = mount(DefaultLayout, {
stubs: ['nuxt'],
/** shallowMount **/
test('is a Vue instance', () => {
wrapper = shallowMount(DefaultLayout, {
stubs: ['nuxt', 'top-nav', 'footer'],
// expect(wrapper.html()).toBe('<div>'); => this is to debug see below for output
"<div><top-nav-stub class=\"\"></top-nav-stub> <main><nuxt-stub></nuxt-stub> .
</main> <footer-stub></footer-stub></div>"


TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null - testing vue component with async functions

I am testing a component ComponentA.spec.js but I am getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null. It works if I get rid of the await keyword in the getData() function in the ComponentA. I am mocking the getData api call in my test but still it doesn't work.
This is the full stack
TypeError: C:[Privacy]\unknown: Cannot read property 'type' of null
at assert (node_modules/#babel/types/lib/asserts/generated/index.js:284:112)
at Object.assertIdentifier (node_modules/#babel/types/lib/asserts/generated/index.js:373:3)
at new CatchEntry (node_modules/regenerator-transform/lib/leap.js:93:5)
at Emitter.Ep.explodeStatement (node_modules/regenerator-transform/lib/emit.js:535:36)
at node_modules/regenerator-transform/lib/emit.js:323:12
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Emitter.Ep.explodeStatement (node_modules/regenerator-transform/lib/emit.js:322:22)
at Emitter.Ep.explode (node_modules/regenerator-transform/lib/emit.js:280:40)
This is Component A that i am trying to create tests for
<div class="d-flex flex-row">
<component-b />
<component-c />
import ComponentB from './ComponentB';
import ComponentC from './ComponentC';
import { getData } from 'apis';
export default {
name: 'component-a',
components: {
async created() {
await this.getData();
methods: {
// This function is the culprit
async getData() {
try {
const response = await getData();
} catch {
This is my ComponentA.spec.js file
import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
import ComponentA from 'components/ComponentA';
import { createLocalVue, shallowMount, mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
jest.mock('shared/apis', () => {
const data = require('../fixedData/data.json');
return {
getData: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(data),
const localVue = createLocalVue();
let vuetify;
function createShallowWrapper(options = {}) {
return shallowMount(ComponentA, {
beforeEach(() => {
vuetify = new Vuetify();
describe('ComponentA', () => {
describe('component creation', () => {
test('testing', () => {
const wrapper = createShallowWrapper();
Adding exception variable (e) to my catch in the getData function in ComponentA fixed it.

vue-test-utils: Unable to detect method call when using #click attribute on child component

Vue-test-utils is unable to detect method call when using #click attribute on child component, but is able to detect it when using the #click attribute on a native HTML-element, e.g. a button. Let me demonstrate:
This works:
// Test.vue
<form #submit.prevent>
<button name="button" type="button" #click="click">Test</button>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Test',
setup() {
const click = () => {
return { click }
// Test.spec.js
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import Test from './src/components/Test.vue'
describe('Test.vue', () => {
const wrapper = mount(Test)
if ('detects that method was called', () => {
const spy = spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'click')
expect(wrapper.vm.click).toHaveBeenCalled() // SUCCESS. Called once
This does NOT work:
// Test.vue
<form #submit.prevent>
<ButtonItem #click="click" />
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import ButtonItem from './src/components/ButtonItem.vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Test',
components: { ButtonItem },
setup() {
const click = () => {
return { click }
// ButtonItem.vue
<button type="button">Click</button>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'ButtonItem',
// Test.spec.js
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import Test from './src/components/Test.vue'
import ButtonItem from './src/components/ButtonItem.vue'
describe('Test.vue', () => {
const wrapper = mount(Test)
if ('detects that method was called', () => {
const spy = spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'click')
expect(wrapper.vm.click).toHaveBeenCalled() // FAIL. Called 0 times
This issue stumbles me. I am not sure what I do wrong. I would be grateful if someone could describe the fault and show me the solution. Thanks!
I haven't run your code to test it yet, but why won't you use a more straightforward solution?
Look out for when the component emits click.
describe('Test.vue', () => {
const wrapper = mount(Test)
it('when clicked on ButtonItem it should be called one time', () => {
const button = wrapper.findComponent(ButtonItem)

Jest : TypeError: Cannot read property 'variable' of undefined

I am testing though Jest on the Vue 2.x, nuxtjs and #nuxtjs/composition-api.
However, the state value in the components has undefined value when testing though jest
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
import { createLocalVue, shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import List from '#/components/home/list.vue';
describe('List.vue', () => {
const localVue = createLocalVue();
let vuetify;
const $t = () => {};
const localePath = () => {};
beforeEach(() => {
vuetify = new Vuetify();
const mockOrder = [
coardshare: {
cs_id: 123,
talkboard: {
cs_id: 123,
it('11111', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(List, {
propsData: { data: mockOrder },
mocks: { $t, localePath },
data() {
return {
data: mockOrder,
const title = wrapper.find('.v-card__title > span');
<div v-for="item in state.data.talkboard" :key="item.cs_id">
<ListItem :item="item"></ListItem>
import { reactive, onMounted, useContext } from '#nuxtjs/composition-api';
import axios from 'axios';
import Header from './header';
import ListItem from './list-item.vue';
export default {
name: 'ListHome',
components: {
setup() {
const state = reactive({
data: [],
const { store } = useContext();
const fatch = async () => {
return {
error message
TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
I am testing though Jest on the Vue 2.x, nuxtjs and #nuxtjs/composition-api.
However, the state value in the components has undefined value when testing though jest
why error on this ?? because of composition API that define the state with reactive() function ??
In your test file maybe you can try something like this:
it('11111', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(List, {
propsData: { data: mockOrder },
mocks: { $t, localePath },
data: () => {
return {
data: mockOrder,

TypeError: _vm.t is not a function error in Jest Vue 2

I am using Vue 2 with vue-i18n-composable plugin for translations. I am getting below error in Jest test
[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: _vm.t is not a function"
found in
---> <Bilingual>
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.common.dev.js:1884
I tried everything on the internet. Nothing fixed this. Can you please help?
Below are the things what I've tried so far
const $t = () => {}
const wrapper = shallowMount(Bilingual,{
mocks:{ $t }
describe("Bilingual", () => {
it("Bilingual component exists", () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(Bilingual, {
mocks: {
$t: (msg) => msg
import VueTestUtils from '#vue/test-utils';
VueTestUtils.config.mocks.$t = key => key;
I am getting below error for the 3rd try
TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined
const i18n = createI18n({
messages: {
en: en,
dutch: dutch
fallbackLocale: variables.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
locale: variables.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
describe("Bilingual", () => {
it("renders successfully", () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(Bilingual,{
Can you please help
Bilingual.vue component file
{{ t('SAVE', 'en') }}
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n-composable'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Bilingual',
setup() {
const { t } = useI18n()
return {
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n-composable'
const i18n = createI18n({
messages: {
en: en,
dutch: dutch
fallbackLocale: variables.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
locale: variables.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
const app = createApp({
// eslint-disable-next-line
render: (h: (arg0: VueConstructor<Vue>) => any) => h(App),

Quasar Unknown custom element error in unit test

I have a simple Vue component that uses Quasar button
<span class="count">{{ count }}</span>
<q-btn #click="increment">Increment</q-btn>
export default {
name: 'TestComponent',
data() {
return {
count: 0,
methods: {
increment() {
this.count += 1;
I create a unit test for it
import { mount, createLocalVue } from '#vue/test-utils';
import { Quasar, QBtn } from 'quasar';
import TestComponent from '../TestComponent';
describe('TestComponent', () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
const localVue = createLocalVue();
localVue.use(Quasar, { components: { QBtn } });
wrapper = mount(TestComponent, { localVue });
it('renders the correct markup', () => {
expect(wrapper.html()).toContain('<span class="count">0</span>');
// it's also easy to check for the existence of elements
it('has a button', () => {
My problem:
If I run the test cases (it function) one by one at a time the test will pass. For example, remove the second it('has a button'...) then run the test. It'll pass. It's the same when removing the first it('renders the correct markup'...)
However, If I keep all test cases then run the test. The second test case will fail with an error
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.common.dev.js:630
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <q-btn> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
found in
---> <TestComponent>
What am I doing wrong?
Try removing the before-each. I saw this problem too. Can't remember what exactly fixed it but this is how I have my describe block.
describe('Mount Quasar', () => {
const localVue = createLocalVue()
localVue.use(Quasar, { components })
const wrapper = shallowMount(Register, {
stubs: ['router-link', 'router-view']
const vm = wrapper.vm
it('passes the sanity check and creates a wrapper', () => {
You will need to import quasar into either webpack, babel, or jest.
In the jest.config.js file
moduleNameMapper: {
quasar: "quasar-framework/dist/umd/quasar.mat.umd.min.js"