Date vs Timestamp vs Interval (Second to Day, etc.) on the basis of performance, efficiency and superiority in Oracle - sql

Date and Timestamps both have time added and interval is used in case of manipulation of dates via addition yearwise, datewise etc.
Still unsure about the exact actual difference though when it comes to dates in oracle especially.
Is there any major difference in terms of efficiency or some other difference on the usage of date, timestamp and interval?

Your question is not clear but this information may help you.
TIMESTAMP supports fractional seconds, unlike DATE which supports only seconds
TIMESTAMP exist in three flavors:
TIMESTAMP does not contain any time zone information.
Regarding calculation and manipulation there is actually no difference between TIMESTAMP and DATE. There are only a very few functions which support only either of these two types.
DATE is an old data type. TIMESTAMP was introduced later (well "later" means in 9i, i.e. 20 years ago)
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH and INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND are interval data types, they do not contain any absolute date information.
Hope this gave some hints. Otherwise please elaborate your question.

date does not store fractional seconds so comparing time with date less than 1 sec wont work!!!!!


How to update a date with a time zone in postgresql?

I want to update a date with a timezone (+2 hours) but it ends up as UTC (0 hours)
Date type is 'timestamp-with-timezone'
update table set date = '2022-05-25 13:28+02:00'
will end up as this in the database.
2022-05-25 11:28:00+00
What's wrong here?
Nothing wrong. Postgres stores values of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in UTC, always an offset from UTC of zero. Any submitted offset or zone is used to adjust to UTC.
Date type is 'timestamp-with-timezone'
No such type in standard SQL, nor in Postgres.
I’ll assume you meant TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
it ends up as UTC (0 hours)
Read the fine manual. You are seeing documented behavior.
Postgres always stores values in a column of type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in UTC, that is, with an offset of zero hours-minutes-seconds.
Any time zone or offset provided with an input is used to adjust into UTC. That provided zone or offset is then discarded.
So the name of the type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE is a misnomer. First, the authors of the SQL were thinking in terms of offset, not real time zones. Second, any submitted time zone is not stored. A submitted zone is used to adjust and then discarded.
If you need to track the original offset or zone, add an extra column. You’ll have to add code to store the offset amount or the time zone name.
update table set date = '2022-05-25 13:28+02:00' will end up as this in the database. 2022-05-25 11:28:00+00 What's wrong here?
Nothing is wrong. That is a feature, not a bug. Both of those strings represent the very same simultaneous moment.
FYI, database engines vary widely in their behavior handling date-time types and behaviors.
Some do as Postgres does regarding TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, adjusting to UTC and then discarding any provided time zone or offset. Some others may not.
The SQL standard barely touches on the topic of date-time handling. It declares a few types, and does that poorly with incomplete coverage of all cases. And the standard neglects to define behavior.
So, be very careful when it comes to date-time handling in your database work. Read very carefully the documentation for your particular database engine. Do not make assumptions. Run experiments to validate your understanding. And know that writing portable SQL code for date-time may not be feasible.

Postgres timestamp difference seem to miss 1 hour?

I'm trying to calculate difference between two dates in postgres and found out that on several cases my tests fail, while debugging I found an interesting thing - when I subtract one date from another it seems to lack one hour, here's the script (table has only one timestamp field):
select now(), d1, now() - d1, extract(day from date_trunc('day', now() - d1))
from test;
And here's the result:
This seemed strange, so I decided to check it with some other service and got the result I expected (23 hrs instead of 22):
Can somebody explain these results? Am I doing something wrong or missing something obvious? I'm using Postgres 9.6 on macOS.
Many countries switch to daylight savings time between March 2nd and April 1st. Because the clocks move ahead there is one less hour between 2.March.2019 and 1.April.2019.
Beware that Postgres has its own time zone which may not match the user's time zone, especially for a web application. To deal with this, set the application to the user's time zone and the database to UTC. Translate all dates to UTC before passing them to the database.

How to get current TIMESTAMP in UTC from BigQuery?

I want to add to my query TIMESTAMP column in UTC.
I know BigQuery has CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() function but it doesn't say how to convert it to UTC.
In MYSQL I would have do:
What is the equivalent in BigQuery (Standard SQL only) ?
A TIMESTAMP does not store or use a time zone, as described in the documentation. When parsing it it may have a time zone which is converted from when saving.
A timestamp represents an absolute point in time, independent of any time zone or convention such as Daylight Savings Time.
And more specifically
A timestamp is simply an offset from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, assuming there are exactly 60 seconds per minute. Leap seconds are not represented as part of a stored timestamp.
When querying for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() it also shows explicitly it’s in UTC by having zero time zone offset. So it is a timestamp in UTC based on this.
There may be a problem using it since it does not store anything in UTC and it does not care about leap seconds. The specification says this:
Leap seconds are only observable through functions that measure real-world time. In these functions, it is possible for a timestamp second to be skipped or repeated when there is a leap second.
So if these leap seconds are needed it may be required to use another data type in specific time zone to handle leap seconds.
The conversion is also explained:
If your input contains values that use ":60" in the seconds field to represent a leap second, that leap second is not preserved when converting to a timestamp value. Instead that value is interpreted as a timestamp with ":00" in the seconds field of the following minute.

Time zone storage in data type "timestamp with time zone"

In PostgreSQL, the data types timestamp and timestamp with timezone both use 8 bytes.
My questions are:
What format is used to store date & time in a timestamp?
How is the time zone information stored in the timestamp with timezone
type, and how is it parsed later when reading the type?
This is just a misunderstanding stemming from the somewhat misleading type name. The time zone itself is not stored at all. It just acts as offset to compute a UTC timestamp (input), which is actually stored. Or as decorator in the display of a timestamp according to the current or given time zone (output). That's all according to the SQL standard.
Just the point in time is stored, no zone information. That's why 64 bit of information is enough. The timestamp is displayed to the client according to the current time zone setting of the session.
Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Also, since Jon mentioned it, time with time zone is defined in the SQL standard and thus implemented in Postgres, but its use is discouraged:
time with time zone is defined by the SQL standard, but the definition
exhibits properties which lead to questionable usefulness.
It's an inherently ambiguous type that cannot deal with DST properly.
Looking at the documentation:
Timestamps are stored either as integers, or (deprecated) floating point numbers
I don't believe timestamp with timezone could be correctly encoded within 8 bytes if it actually stored a time zone. Just the timestamp requires 64 bits, as log2(298989 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000000) is greater than 63. Note that time with time zone requires 12 bytes, with the same precision but a range of a single day.
See Erwin's answer to explain how it actually manages to be stored in 8 bytes - it should be called "timestamp without a time zone, but stored in UTC and converted into the local time zone for display". Ick.

How to convert a unix timestamp (INT) to monetdb timestamp ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') local time format

Q1: I want to convert a unix timestamp (INT) to monetdb timestamp ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') format
but it is giving me the GMT time not my actual time.
When I do
select (epoch(cast(current_timestamp as timestamp))-epoch(timestamp '2013-04-25 11:49:00'))
where 2013-04-25 11:49:00 is my systems current time it gives the same difference
I tried using
set time zone interval '05:30' HOUR TO MINUTE;
but it did not change the result
How can I solve this problem??
Example Problem:
I wanted to convert unix timestamp 1366869289 which should be around "2013-04-25 11:25:00" but monetdb gives "2013-04-25 05:55:00"
Knowing nothing about MonetDB, but a lot about timezones, I decided to look in their documentation to see what kind of datatypes are supported and how conversions are handled.
I found this page on Temporal data types. Based on that, I can conclude that a timestamp in MonetDB is always intended to reference UTC/GMT time - which is consistent with other systems.
In order to get a value that is for a particular time zone, they offer the following example:
I assume this means to set the database to offset all times by 1 hour, effectively placing the values all in UTC+01:00, such as is the offset for British Summer Time.
The page also goes on to point out the problems that can arise with using just and offset to adjust time values (see TimeZone != Offset in the TimeZone tag wiki). It also offers a list of various named time zones. But it does not show how to set a time zone to one of the named values. Also, their list appears to be proprietary, and incomplete. While at first glance they appear to have similarities to the IANA/Olson time zone database - the identifiers they specify are not valid TZDB names.
There are some other functions listed on this page, without much explanation. One that looks promising for your needs is LOCALTIMESTAMP. Perhaps this will take the local time zone into account, which appears to be what you were looking for.
I could not find any additional details specific to MonetDB date/time/timezone handling. The documentation appears to be fairly incomplete. You might want to reach out to their mailing list.