Unable to run U-SQL script locally in visual studio - azure-data-lake

When i run the u-sql script locally in visual studio.. it is throwing error
E_CSC_SYSTEM_INTERNAL: Internal error! The ObjectManager found an invalid number of fixups. This usually indicates a problem in the Formatter.
#input =
Address_1 string,
Address_2 string
FROM "/Data_new"
USING Extractors.Text(delimiter : '~', quoting : false, silent : true);
#output2 =
FROM #input;
OUTPUT #output2
TO "/out.txt"
USING Outputters.Text(delimiter : '~' , quoting : false);

Important things to note before you run U-SQL script locally in visual studio.
U-SQL SDK only support x64 environment, make sure to set build platform target as x64 and set your test environment as x64​.
Make sure to copy all dependency files (correct versions) as part of your solution.
Do not change default data root path.
Before running any USQL script from test, make sure it runs successfully. Exclude any audit columns like UpdatedTime, ProcessedOn, etc from data comparison.
For more details, refer "ADLA - Run U-SQL script on your local machine" and "ADLA - U-SQL".
Hope this helps.


Relacing a word in an db2 sql file causes DSNC105I : End of file reached while reading the command error

I have a dynamic sql file in which name of TBCREATOR changes as given in a parameter.
I use a simple python script to change the TBCREATOR=<variable here> and write the result to an output sql file.
calling this file using db2 -td# -vf <generated sql file>gives
DSNC105I : End of file reached while reading the command
Here is the file i need the TBCREATOR variable replaced:
CONNECT to user *** using ****#
Here is the python script:
# #------replace table value with schema name
# print(list_of_lines)
fin = open("decrypt.sql", "rt")
#output file to write the result to
fout = open("decryptout.sql", "wt")
for line in fin:
fout.write(line.replace('table', 'ZXP214'))
After decryptout.sql is generated I call it using db2 -td# -vf decryptout.sql
and get the error given above.
Whats irritating is I have another sql file that contains exactly same data as decryptout.sql which runs smoothly with the db2 -td# -vf ... command. I tried to use the unix command cmp to compare the generated file and the one which I wrote, with the variable ZXP214 already replaced but there are no differences. What is causing this error?.
here is the file (that executes without error) I compare generated output with:
CONNECT to user *** using ****#
I found that specifically on the https://ibmzxplore.influitive.com/ challenge, if you are using the java db2 command and working in the Zowe USS system (Unix System Services of zOS), there is a conflict of character sets. I believe the system will generally create files in EBCDIC format, whereas if you do
echo "CONNECT ..." > syscat.clp
the resulting file will be tagged as ISO8859-1 and will not be processed properly by db2. Instead, go to the USS interface and choose "create file", give it a folder and a name, and it will create the file untagged. You can use
ls -T
to see the tags. Then edit the file to give it the commands you need, and db2 will interoperate with it properly. Because you are creating the file with python, you may be running into similar issues. When you open the new file, use something like
open(input_file_name, mode=”w”, encoding=”cp1047”)
This makes sure the file is open as an EBCDIC file.
If you are using the Db2-LUW CLP (command line processor) that is written in c/c++ and runs on windows/linux/unix, then your syntax for CONNECT is not valid.
Unfortunately your question is ambigiously tagged so we cannot tell which Db2-server platform you actually use.
For Db2-LUW with the c/c++ written classic db2 command, the syntax for a type-1 CONNECT statement does not allow a connection-string (or partial connection string) as shown in your question. For Db2-LUW db2 clp, the target database must be externally defined (i.e not inside the script) , either via the legacy actions of both catalog tcpip node... combined with catalog database..., or must be defined in the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file as plain XML.
If you want to use connection-strings then you can use the clpplus tool which is available for some Db2-LUW client packages, and is present on currently supported Db2-LUW servers. This lets you use Oracle style scripting with Db2. Refer to the online documentation for details.
If you not using the c/c++ classic db2 command, and you are instead using the emulated clp written in java only available with Z/OS-USS, then you must open a ticket with IBM support for that component, as that is not a matter for stackoverflow.

SQL16010: Incorrect syntaxt after using :r on a database project

I have a database project with the following structure
When I try to publish the profile, the VS compiles de code before and is showing me the following error:
SQL46010: Incorrect syntax near .
I have this option enable for the SQLCMD on my VS configurations
My OneTimeMaster.sql looks also has another error after :r, the code looks like this
:setvar path ".\Sprint 1.11"
:r $(path)\Header.sql
How can I make it run just to get the generated script.
I am assuming that your post-deployment or pre-depolyment script are pointing to your OneTimeMaster.sql, on that case if you have your SQLCMD activated, the pre and post deployment sqls will not have any error, but when you try to make a build seems like the other files interpreted by the compiler as regular sql without the SQLCMD command. I tested your scenario and the way that I was able to generate the script was changing the Property Action of the OneTimeMaster.sql and all the subsql files to None. Doing that the generated script had the merge of your Testing1.sql and Testing2.sql. Hope this helps

Set ClickOnce ApplicationVersion and MinimumRequiredVersion to date in VSTS Build

I have a visual studio build step in a CI build that creates the clickonce files of a desktop application using the MSBuild arguments below:
/target:publish /p:ApplicationVersion=$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth).$(Build.BuildId) /p:MinimumRequiredVersion=$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth).$(Build.BuildId) /p:InstallUrl=$(InstallUrl)
The $(Build.BuildId) and $(InstallUrl) variables get replaced with their correct values but the $(Year:yyyy), $(Month) and $(DayOfMonth) variables do not get replaced. I am using the same variables to set the Build number format on the General tab and they get replaced correctly. Is it not possible to use the date based variables in a build step in VSTS?
Edit: It appears using $(Build.BuildNumber) would work but I like to include the build definition name in the build number format, which obviously won't work for the version.
$(Year:yyyy), $(Month), $(DayOfMonth) are tokens you could use only in the Build Number Format field, not anywhere else.
I would suggest you to create yourself those variables on the fly, leveraging the following script run by the PowerShell task (with an Inline Script) just before your Visual Studio Build task:
$date = get-date
write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Year;]$(($date).year)"
write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Month;]$(($date).month)"
write-host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Day;]$(($date).day)"
Then you could use $(Year), $(Month) and $(Day) in place of the tokens you currently use as additional MSBuild arguments.

How can I conditionally include large scripts in my ssdt post deployment script?

In our SSDT project we have a script that is huge and contains a lot of INSERT statements for importing data from an old system. Using sqlcmd variables, I'd like to be able to conditionally include the file into the post deployment script.
We're currently using the :r syntax which includes the script inline:
IF '$(ImportData)' = 'true'
:r .\Import\OldSystem.sql
This is a problem because the script is being included inline regardless of whether $(ImportData) is true or false and the file is so big that it's slowing the build down by about 15 minutes.
Is there another way to conditionally include this script file so it doesn't slow down the build?
Rather than muddy up my prior answer with another. There is a special case with a VERY simple option.
Create separate SQLCMD input files for each execution possibility.
The key here is to name the execution input files using the value of your control variable.
So, for example, your publish script defines variable 'Config' which may have one of these values: 'Dev','QA', or 'Prod'.
Create 3 post deployment scripts named 'DevPostDeploy.sql', 'QAPostDeploy.sql' and 'ProdPostDeploy.sql'.
Code your actual post deploy file like this:
:r ."\"$(Config)PostDeploy.sql
This is very much like the build event mechanism where you overwrite scripts with appropriate ones except you don't need a build event. But you are dependent upon naming your scripts very specifically.
The scripts referenced using :r are always included. You have a couple of options but I would first verify that if you take the script out it improves the performance to where you want it to get to.
The simplest approach is to just keep it outside of the whole build process and change your deploy process so it becomes a two step thing (deploy DAC then deploy script). The positives of this are you can do things outside of the ssdt process but the negatives are you don't get things like auto disabling of constraints on tables changing in the deployment.
The second way is to not include the script in the deploy when you build but create an AfterBuild msbuild task that adds the script as a post deploy script in the dacpac. The dacpac is a zip file so you can use the .net packaging Api to add a part called postdeploy.sql which will then be included in the deployment process.
Both of these ways mean you lose verification so you might want to keep it in a separate ssdt project which has a "same database" reference to your main project, it will slow down the build when it changes but should be quick the rest of the time.
Here is the way I had to do it.
1) Create a dummy post-deploy script.
2) Create build configurations in your project for each deploy scenario.
3) Use a pre-build event to determine which post deploy configuration to use.
You can either create separate scripts for each configuration or dynamically build the post-deploy script in your pre-build event. Either way you base what you do on the value of $(configuration) which always exists in a build event.
If you use separate static scripts, your build event only needs to copy the appropriate static file, overwriting the dummy post-deploy with whichever script is useful in that deploy scenario.
In my case I had to use dynamic generation because the decision about which scripts to include required knowing the current state of the database being deployed to. So I used the configuration variable to tell me which environment was being deployed to and then used an SQLCMD script with :OUT set to my Post-Deploy script location. Thus my pre-build script would then write the post-deploy script dynamically.
Either way, once build completed and the normal deploy process started the Post-Deploy script contained exactly the :r commands that I wanted.
Here's an example of the SQLCMD script I invoke in pre-build.
:OUT .\Script.DynamicPostDeployment.sql
PRINT ' /*';
PRINT ' ';
PRINT ' It is overwritten during build. ';
PRINT ' Content IS based on the Configuration variable (Debug, Dev, Sit, UAT, Release...) ';
PRINT ' ';
PRINT ' Modify Script.PostDeployment.sql to effect changes in executable content. ';
PRINT ' */';
PRINT 'PRINT ''PostDeployment script starting at''+CAST(GETDATE() AS nvarchar)+'' with Configuration = $(Configuration)'';';
IF '$(Configuration)' IN ('Debug','Dev','Sit')
IF (SELECT IsNeeded FROM rESxStage.StageRebuildNeeded)=1
-- These get a GO statement after every file because most are really HUGE
PRINT 'PRINT ''ETL data was needed and started at''+CAST(GETDATE() AS nvarchar);';
PRINT ' ';
PRINT 'EXEC iESxETL.DeleteAllSchemaData ''pExternalETL'';';
PRINT ':r .\PopulateExternalData.sql ';
I ended up using a mixture of our build tool (Jenkins) and SSDT to accomplish this. This is what I did:
Added a build step to each environment-specific Jenkins job that writes to a text file. I either write a SQLCMD command that includes the import file or else I leave it blank depending on the build parameters the user chooses.
Include the new text file in the Post Deployment script via :r.
That's it! I also use this same approach to choose which pre and post deploy scripts to include in the project based on the application version, except that I grab the version number from the code and write it to the file using a pre-build event in VS instead of in the build tool. (I also added the text file name to .gitignore so it doesn't get committed)

Bamboo with tSQLt - Failed to parse test result file

First of all I should point out I'm new to Atlassian's Bamboo and continuous integration in general. This is the first project where I've used either.
I've created a raft of unit tests using the tSQLt framework. I've also configured Bamboo to:
Get a fresh copy of the repository from BitBucket
Drop & re-create the build DB
Use Red-Gate SQL Compare to deploy the DB objects from source to the build DB
Run the tSQLt tests
Output the results of the tests in XML format to a file called TestResults.xml
I've checked and can confirm that the TestResults.xml file is created.
In Bamboo I then added a JUnit Parser task to consume the contents of this TestResults.xml file. However when that task runs it returns this error:
Failed to parse test result file
At first I thought it might have meant that Bamboo could not find the file. I changed the task that created the results file to output a file called TestResults2.xml. When I did that the JUnit Parser returned this error:
Failing task since test cases were expected but none were found.
So I'm assuming that the first error message means Bamboo is finding the file, it just can't parse the file.
I have no idea where to start working out what exactly is the problem. Has anyone got any ideas?
I had a similar problem, but turned out to be weird behavior from bamboo needing file stamps being modified to have visibility of the JUnit file.
In Windows enviornment you just need to add "script task" before the "JUnit task"
powershell (ls *.xml).LastWriteTime = Get-Date
I have had several cases of this and was able to fix it by removing single quotes and greater than / less than characters from test names inside the *.rb file.
test "make sure 'go_to_world' is removed from header and length < 23"
change to remove single quotes and < symbol
test "make sure go_to_world is removed from header and length less than 23"
Very common are contractions: "won't don't shouldn't", or possessives: "the vessel's data".
And also < or > characters.
I think there is a bug in the parser that just doesn't escape those characters in a test title appropriately.