Converting Varchar(200) to YYYY-MM-DD format in Teradata SQL - sql

I have a Varchar like so:
I am trying to convert it into a format like:
1994-02-23 or YYYY-MM-DD
I have tried select cast ('23FEB2025' as date format 'yyyy-mm-dd'); and sel convert(date,'23FEB2025')
There are other dates in the column that are formatted like 12DEC65.
I am now starting to assume that there is no simple way to convert this so I am asking for a little guidance. Would i need to take sub strings of the date and use a bunch of select case statements?
I was hoping to find a short way to do this but it seems there might not be one. I read on here that storing dates as a string is a bad idea and I fully subscribe to that notion now.
Thank you for any help or advice!

The format portion of casting a date is the input format. The output format is based on your locale and date settings. In your case, you want this:
cast ('23FEB2025' as date format 'ddMMMYYYY')
Which will return 2025-02-23.


SQL Date Formatting from String

I am stuck trying to convert the following strings formatted like this 26-09-2021-02-54-03 (DD-MM-YYYY-hh-mm-ss) into timestamp or in this format YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS in BigQuery. Any idea how to process?
I cannot use PARSE_TIMESTAMP() since there is no T in the string.
Thank you
You should be able to parse it with the following:
select '26-09-2021-02-54-03'
, PARSE_TIMESTAMP("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S", '26-09-2021-02-54-03')
, FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%F %X",PARSE_TIMESTAMP("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S", '26-09-2021-02-54-03'))
For more information on the format elements see:

Getting null while converting string to date in spark sql

I have dates in the format '6/30/2020'. It is a string and I want to convert it into date format.
List of methods I have tried
Cast('6/30/2020' as date) #returns null
to_date('6/30/2020','yyyy/MM/dd') #returns null
I also tried splitting the string and then concatenating it into data.
After trying all this and putting all the possible combinations in the to_date function, I am still getting the answer as null.
Now I am confused as I have used all the functions to convert string to date.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The date format you used was incorrect. Try this:
select to_date('6/30/2020', 'M/dd/yyyy')
If you want to format your result, you can use date_format:
select date_format(to_date('6/30/2020', 'M/dd/yyyy'), 'yyyy/MM/dd')
Note that to_date converts a given string from the given format, while date_format converts a given date to the given format.

Convert YYYYMMDD to MM/DD/YYYY in Snowflake

I need help in figuring out the date conversion logic in Snowflake. The documentation isn't clear enough on this.
In SQL Server, I would try
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '20200730', 101)
and it gives me '07/30/2020'.
If I try the following in Snowflake,
to_varchar('20200730'::date, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
it gives me '08/22/1970'. Why would it give an entire different date? Need help in getting the logic with the correct date.
The issue with what you are doing is that you are assuming that Snowflake is converting your string of '20200730'::DATE to 2020-07-03. It's not. You need to specify your input format of a date. So, 2 options based on your question being a bit vague:
If you have a string in a table and you wish to transform that into a date and then present it back as a formatted string:
If the field in the table is already a date, then you just need to apply the TO_VARCHAR() piece directly against that field.
Unlike SQL Server, Snowflake stores date fields in the same format regardless of what you provide it. You need to use the TO_VARCHAR in order to format that date in a different way...or ALTER SESSION SET DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT will also work.
Try select to_varchar(TO_DATE( '20200730', 'YYYYMMDD' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); which produces 2020-07-30
You may need to refer to

How to convert an integer field into a date in Netezza?

i have an integer field which has date values but i would like to convert it as date field. I have tried several methods but with no success. The field has Date values but is stored as an Integer. This is what i have tried:
but i get this error "Cannot cast type INT4 to DATE".
I have done several research but coul not find good solution for netezza.
You can concatenate 01 and then run a to_date
select to_date(201004||'01','YYYYMMDD')
I don't think this is something that you can do, not in an obvious way at least. There are hundreds of ways a human could represent a date as an int, so the conversion would not be built int would be something like 20120415 or 04152013 or hundreds of other formats and a date would be something like '2012-04-15'
I suggest you look at the top answer for How i can get the first 3 digits in 123456 Numbers in sql? and extract your data manually. what you should do though, is convert the field into a real date field and edit the dependencies to expect that format.

MS Access - Select Char as Date and doing a date diff

I have two columns. ColA and ColB contains char(10) with data "20090520" and "20090521".
I want to select and get the date difference in days. I have tried using Format() and CDate()
but MS Access always display as #ERROR.
Access prefers its dates in this format:
You can convert your date to something Access understands with:
CDate(Format([ColA], "0000-00-00"))
Or alternatively:
And to display the result in your preferred format:
Format(<date here>, "dd-mm-yyyy")
Try using DateSerial() to convert the dates:
If at all possible, change the datatype to a date datatype. You should not store dates as character data.
I am connecting to another database which I have no control on. That is why this problem occurred. Thanks for the feedback.