Find Index of Array Fails - lodash

I have an array of components (this.needle) where SOME but not all of them have an existing RMA which is an RMA object inside the component object. I am trying to code a delete of the RMA. The method receives the record so I know obj HAS an rma object.
The needle array is an array of object like these:
cmp_auto_key: 3047,
company_code: "FCAS2",
condition_code: "AR",
description: "PUMP, ELECT MOTOR DRIVEN",
invc_number: "87259",
msn: '11105",
rma: {
contact: "",
disposition: 1,
id: 714,
status_id: 3,
submit_deadline: "2019-11-08 00:00:00"
cmp_auto_key: 3047,
company_code: "FCAS2",
condition_code: "AR",
description: "PUMP, ELECT MOTOR DRIVEN",
invc_number: "87259",
msn: '11111"
And here is the delete code:
if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this RMA?')) {
let id =;
let idx = _.findIndex(this.needle, {id:}); //produces error
console.log('KILLER', this.needle[idx]);
this.needle[idx].rma = null;
console.log('KILLED', this.needle[idx]);
} // end if
This code dies on the line indicated because not all element in the array have an RMA object so it returns
"Cannot set property 'rma' of undefined"
Is there a way to get the findIndex to ignore the record all together if there is no rma object without throwing the exception?
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.


Cannot update document by index in FaunaDB

I'm attempting to update a document using an index in my FaunaDB collection using FQL.
data: {
name: 'John'
This query gives me the following error:
Error: [
"position": [
"code": "invalid argument",
"description": "Ref expected, Set provided."
How can I update the document using the index users_by_id?
Match returns a set reference, not a document reference, because there could be zero or more matching documents.
If you are certain that there is a single document that matches, you can use Get. When you call Get with a set reference (instead of a document reference), the first item of the set is retrieved. Since Update requires a document reference, you can then use Select to retrieve the fetched document's reference.
For example:
Get(Match(Index('users_by_id'), 'user-1'))
data: {
name: 'John'
If you have more than one match, you should use Paginate to "realize" the set into an array of matching documents, and then Map over the array to perform a bulk update:
Match(Index('users_by_id'), 'user-1')
data: {
name: "John",
Note: For this to work, your index has to have an empty values definition, or it must explicitly define the ref field as the one and only value. If your index returns multiple fields, the Lambda function has to be updated to accept the same number of parameters as are defined in your index's values definition.

How to save in chart original ID of element in array that is used to build chart data labels?

Let's say I have an array of users:
usersData = [
{ id: 21, name: 'John Dean' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Mike Brine' },
{ id: 6, name: 'Tom Kalvi' }
names in userData are generated from another array with full user information: user.first_name + user.last_name
When I build Vue-Chart Bar, labels array store this data with indexes:
labels = { 0: "John Dean", 1: "Mike Brine", 2: "Tom Kalvi" }
And when I want to get original ID from Bar event onClick, I receive only index.
I need to load additional information for each user based on Bar click, but I need to have original ID.
What is the easiest way to get it?
Thank you in advance
Well if you have an index clicked just do like this:

POSTMAN - Test failure false to be truthy

As a beginner I have few questions. I am using the Get request, which would populate json below.
"total": 12,
"total_pages": 4,
"data": [{
"id": 1,
"first_name": "George",
"last_name": "Bluth",
"avatar": ""
for the 2 tests below while the 1st one passes the 2nd test fails with the message:
AssertionError: expected false to be truthy
//Verify Page number total is 12
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["Checking total page number-Manual"] = === 12;
//verify is exists and is 1
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["Checking ID exists and is 1"] = === 1;
Question 1:
A github post that I found says there may be an error and suggests to use
the new pm.* equivalent instead. However I do not see any difference between the 1st and the 2nd. So why does the 2nd test fail?
Question 2:
Is it possible to write test to verify that for ID:1 the firstname is George?
Thanks in advance for your time.
The reason that your 2nd test fails is because data is an array and in this case you must access the first element. You would want to do something like this (new syntax):
pm.test("Verify id is equal to 1", function() {
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
Similarly for testing first name is George:
pm.test("Verify id is equal to 1", function() {
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
If you always expect it to only be a single element in the array then you're safe to use index 0 i.e. data[0]. However if you expect there to be more elements in the data array then you would have to iterate through them to look for the correct element.
Here's a good reference for the API:

Delete and add attributes with and the spread operator

I'm trying to mangle data returned from an api. I've got an array of objects returned. I want to delete the password field and then add a couple of additional fields. I'd like to use the spread operator but my process feels a bit clunky. item => {
const newItem = { ...item };
delete newItem.password;
newItem.saved = true;
return newItem;
Is there a nicer way to do this?
Given an array of objects -
const myArrayOfObjects = [
{id: 1, keyToDelete: 'nonsense'},
{id: 2, keyToDelete: 'rubbish'}
Delete the attribute keyToDelete, and add a new key newKey with the value "someVar".{ keyToDelete, ...item}) => { ...item, newKey:'someVar'});
Updating the array to
{id: 1, newKey:'someVar'},
{id: 2, newKey:'someVar'}
See this great post for more information on the deletion method.

Ramda remove objects from array based on nested value

I'm trying to remove an object from an array of objects if a certain value exists in nested data.
The data being returned from the API is shaped like this:
Array [
Object {
"id": "/db/Shifts/123",
"applicants": Object {
"applicants": Array [
Object {
"id": "/db/Shifts/456",
"applicants": Object {
"applicants": Array [
Object {
"id": "/db/Shifts/789",
"applicants": Object {
"applicants": Array [
Using Ramda, how would I filter out the shifts where User 12 exists in the array of applicants, which would be located at applicants.applicants.
I am not able to flatten the data in this case, the list of applicants for each shift does have to be an array contained in an object.
I tried this:
var hasApplied = pathEq(['applicants', 'applicants'], 'db/User/12');
console.log(filter(hasApplied, shifts));
But I don't think that is quite right because applicants.applicants is an array, I feed like I need to be feeding it one more function to get into the array of applicants but I'm not sure what.
Your use of R.pathEq is resulting in the user ID being compared with each array of IDs for equality, rather than checking whether each array contains the given ID.
You could instead make use of R.pathSatisfies along with R.contains
const hasApplied = R.pathSatisfies(R.contains('/db/User/12'), ['applicants', 'applicants'])