Im having problem with the App Store framework distribution and cocoa-pods framework distribution - objective-c

Im trying to distribute my custom build framework via cocoapods, Issue rise when i try to upload my application build with custom framework to Appstore throughs error in image below: "tooltip"
and if i remove x86_64 architecture from the framework its unable to run on simulator.
So my question is:
How can i distribute my framework to work on device, simulator and App store?

I hope you first made a build for a generic IOS device instead of a simulator?
If that is the case do take look at this post which contains a bit about the architecture . You removing the above framework wont probably do it since it is a required one.
Submit to App Store issues: Unsupported Architecture x86
Let me know if it was of any help if not il look into it


Can we use a signle ionic-4 app for mobile and desktops

I am developing an ionic-4 app, Ionic provides cross platform apps but I am a bit confused and my confusion is can I use a single ionic-4 application for mobiles(e.g. Android and IOS) and desktops browsers(Chrome, firefox etc.) as website. Is it possible by using ionic version 4.
Yes, Ionic 4 provides a single code for the execution of multiple platforms.
Ionic Doc
here is help for you. You can check everything.
Yes, you can use Ionic for Android, IOS and Browser. Once the coding is done, you can add any platform to make its build. For example, if you add Android platform then you can take an Android build(APK).Before that you need to setup an environment for that . For example, you need Android studio for taking Android build and Xcode for taking IOS build. It's all depends on the platform that you use.
Please go through Ionic documentation and Youtube tutorials to get a correct picture.
Thank you

Fabric issue App not showing after following instruction

I have carefully followed the instruction from fabric ( to install crashlytics in my app. However I cannot select my app after the instruction since my app is not showing. I have tried most of the solution that has been given in this question here (Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app)
But I still failed to get my app in fabric.
I am using react native to develop my app and using Xcode Version 10.2.1
Fabric/Firebaser here - If you've gone through all the necessary instructions, try cleaning your project first before building and running again to try to get your app up on your dashboard. And if you haven't seen it, here are some instructions specifically for setting up react native apps with Crashlytics: And make sure that if you haven't, set the Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM file for both debug and release as specified in that SO post you linked.
You can also see more debug information about Fabric if you set Fabric to debug mode in your initialization statement: Check to see if the settings requests are being made to Fabric or if there is anything unusual.
If you're still having trouble, reach out to support(at)fabric(dot)io with your app's bundle ID and support will be able to help you out more.

Adding React Native to an existing iOS app - fails to compile

I followed the official guide on adding React Native to existing iOS apps (Swift).
pod install finished successfully and I got to the point when I import React in a Swift file and try to compile the app.
The build fails with an error in the yoga dependency. Xcode cannot find the C++ standard library:
However, then I click "Go to definition" on <algorithm>, Xcode can find it:
These are my project settings (I tried a few different combinations):
I'm fairly new to iOS development, so this might be a simple issue with our existing project, Xcode, Command Line Tools, or my machine. I Googled around a bit, no luck so far.
Any help from someone familiar with iOS development is appreciated! When we find the solution I'd like to update the official guide so others don't get stuck adding React Native to their app.
I believe your issue is fixed by this PR, which reduces the number of exported Yoga headers to those that are actually needed to be able to build and as part of that removes headers that require C++ and its stdlib.

Problems with library compiled from source code for SDK versions Greater than ios5

I am doing iphone project, in that am using ODataProtocol, but i can't able to find the Odatagen library for iOS 6, in OData Upto iOS 4.3 libraries.. how can i use that Odata in my app for iOS 6.
I'm not 100% positive what the O.P. is looking for, but I'm guessing it's Microsoft's Open Data Protocol. I found an "ODataForObjC" project on github.
This SDK hasn't been updated in almost a year, but I just built the "crimeData" sample app that comes from that project in Xcode 5 with no hassles except tons of "deprecated" warnings and the actual service it's trying to connect to is throwing a "403" error.

Library not loaded

I added Social.framework in my application in the same way i use to add the other frame works. I have downloaded xcode 4.5 and iOS 6 . but my application crashes with follwing error only on device. It works fine on simulator.
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Social
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/FC88291D-2052-45D6-A7BB-65CE340F07BF/Uploading Image
Reason: image not found
I was getting this exact error. My app currently has a deployment target of 5.1. I wanted to add Facebook sharing. I found this old post, Conditionally including a library for different iOS SDK versions?. All I did was set "Social.framework" to 'optional' and it did the trick, then my app would run on ios 5.1 and ios 6.0. Of course you need to do checks at runtime for what OS the device is running otherwise you could run into a crash if you try to access social.framework in ios 5.1 or earlier. Hope that helps!
In Xcode go to targets, Go to build phase and search for Social frame work you will find that under "Link Binary with Libraries" section. There select social frame work and see there is an option on right hand side required/optional in that just change required to optional. Now you are able to run on all ios devices without any crashes.