How to use environment specific test data in Karate - automation

I would like to know how it is possible to use different data sets on runtime when executing tests in various environments. I have read the documentation but i am unable to find the best solution for this scenario.
Requirement: Execute a test in QA environment and then execute the same test in SIT. However, use different data in the request e.g customerIds. The reason for this is because the data setup in each environment is very different.
Would appreciate it if you could propose the best solution for this scenario.

Here in the documentation, you can find an explanation on how to do this :
Then you can simply specify the environment when launching karate :
mvn test -DargLine="-Dkarate.env=e2e"
And all your tests will be able to use the variables you've defined for the specified environment.
Edit: another hint, in your config file, specify the path of a file. Now, depending on your env, you'll be able to read a different file, containing all your data.
Edit after your comment :
Let's say you defined two environments, "qa" and "prod".
For every data where there is a difference between the two, simply create two files : myFile-qa.json and myFile-prod.json.
Now, in your tests, when you want to read a file, just read ('myFile-'+env+'.json'). And just like that, you read the correct file depending on your defined environment.


Run selenium in different environments

Issue running into I have one selenium code that need to be run in different environments. One by one .the code in environment(sit) type a keyword and generate list of terms , another environment (prod) do the same thing but generate different list. I need to validate the first appearing term from the list in sit and prod .the code is failing because what is in sit is different from prod .Is there generic way that can be used to run one code on both environments even if they generate different results .Can you please direct me ?
There are several ways to achieve that.
One of the most appropriate (imho) ways to address environment independance is to use environment variables.
Another is to use property files holding different properties for different environments
Another one is to use your execution environment specific properties (like jvm properties in Java).
Options 1 and 3 are imho the most suitable for integrating your code into CI process.
You can passed those values via config file and read and use it in your test code

Execute one feature at a time during application execution

I'm using Karate in this way; during application execution, I get the test files from another source and I create feature files based on what I get.
then I iterate over the list of the tests and execute them.
My problem is that by using
CucumberRunner.parallel(getClass(), 5, resultDirectory);
I execute all the tests at every iteration, which causes tests to be executed multiple times.
Is there a way to execute one test at a time during application execution (I'am fully aware of the empty test class with annotation to specify one class but that doesn't seem to serve me here)
I thought about creating every feature file in a new folder so that I can specify the path of the folder that contains only one feature at a time, but CucumberRunner.parallel() accepts Class and not path.
Do you have any suggestions please?
You can explicitly set a single file (or even directory path) to run via the annotation:
#CucumberOptions(features = "classpath:animals/cats/cats-post.feature")
I think you already are aware of the Java API which can take one file at a time, but you won't get reports.
Well you can try this, set a System property cucumber.options with the value classpath:animals/cats/cats-post.feature and see if that works. If you add tags (search doc) each iteration can use a different tag and that would give you the behavior you need.
Just got an interesting idea, why don't you generate a single feature, and in that feature you make calls to all the generated feature files.
Also how about you programmatically delete (or move) the files after you are done with each iteration.
If all the above fails, I would try to replicate some of this code:

How to get nunit console 3 to output failed and ignored tests (only) to text files?

I understand that nunit console 3 can write to TestResult.xml after running the tests, where the TestResult.xml is located inside the directory specified by --work parameter.
But from what I can tell, TestResult.xml contains too many (irrelevant) details, that I don't need to fix my unit tests errors. All I need is just the failed or ignored test cases, just like what is displayed in command line prompt when I am running nunit console in it.
How to configure the parameters for nunit console 3 so that it only gives me failed or ignored test cases?
Sorry, I'm a few months late (unfortunately I came across this problem only now). But as far as I searched, the only possibility is to use XSL transformation. There are some applications that can convert the XML report file, but... I tested a few, but unfortunately the output was not that was I need.
Therefore I created a simple NUnit3summary application that can transform the standard XML output file to text file. I was surprised that nobody until now made something like this (or at least did not publish it). It were only two hours of work (first working version) and a few more to finish it to stare ready for publishing.
It is only a simple application that was aimed for my needs. You can use filtration for now only with another application, e.g.:
NUnit3summary.exe TestResult.xml | grep Failed >FailedTests.txt
You can see a practical application here (this is also the project where the application was needed, because of too many errors in unit tests).

SoapUI - Increase property value for each test case

I want to use a property ('currentId') which has a certain start value. For each test case the value should be increased by 1. I can do that by adding an extra test step in each test case which increases the value but that would be much copy paste. The code for that would be (see reference):
def uniqueUserPortion = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getPropertyValue("currentId")
// convert it to an Integer, and increment
def uniqueUserPortionInc = uniqueUserPortion.toInteger() + 1
// set the property back as string
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue("currentId", uniqueUserPortionInc.toString())
To avoid that copy&paste I've added the code above to the Load Script of the project but it doesn't work:
testSuite.testCases.each {
*code above*
What can I do to use the code in one script/call for all test cases?
I could define the property as the start value plus the test case ID but that would be a definition in each test case again since I can not reference the #TestCase#ID in project level/property.
Issue with what your are trying
Load Script of the project is executed once when you import the project into soapui workspace. So, this approach does not work.
As you rightly mentioned, either you need to have it in a separate step of the each test case or you can add the same code as setup script. Yes, it is copy paste only
It is possible to achieve easily using SoapUI NG which pro edition using Event feature.
Then your next question may be : how to do it in Open Source edition of SoapUI.
Here is an soapuiExtensions which I did sometime ago which allows you do the same without having to copy paste for each test case in open source edition.
All you need do is have your groovy script into a specific file called 'TestCaseBeforeRun.groovy'. That means, the script is executed before running each test case.
For more details refer README
This soapuiExtensions library allows users to have some additional functionality in soapUI(free edition) tool, like soapui pro allows to do something before, after doing something.
For eg: User may want to do something before running a test case or after running a test case etc by implementing appropriate groovy script as required. Allow me to add an example here. Usually user may want to add credentials for the request step automatically, see the script samples/scripts/TestSuiteTestStepAdded.groovy
How to use this library:
set SOAPUI_HOME environment variable.
copy lib/SoapUIExtListeners.jar file under $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext directory
copy samples/listeners/custom-listeners.xml file under $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/listeners directory
copy samples/scripts directory under $SOAPUI_HOME
And implement appropriate groovy script available under $SOAPUI_HOME/scripts. Refer Mappings file in order to implement respective groovy script.
Note: for windows users, you may need to check %SOAPUI_HOME%\bin\soapui.bat which actually overwrites SOAPUI_HOME, need to fix soapui.bat script if requires.
Uses jdk 7, soapUI 4.5.1, and groovy 1.8.9
UPDATE: this is realted to the note in the above.
As it was mentioned in the note, soapui.bat overrides SOAPUI_HOME environment variable on windows, needs to be tweaked a bit. May be you want to copy that groovy file under %SOAPUI_HOME%\bin\scripts (this is without tweaking soapui.bat)and retry. If your machine is linux then it should work if you copy the groovy file under $SOAPUI_HOME/scripts directory

Choosing multiple Hibernate import.sql based on conditions

How can I specify which import file I want hibernate to run. Is there any configuration option that I can put (I think I have seen something like this somewhere) that I can say custom .sql file and hibernate will run it.
I want to split my creation into multiple files. And also I want to run differnet scripts that will generate date based on my hibernate config that I am using. So if I am using local it should one set of .sql files and if I am testing it into QA it should use another.
I have multiple config files that I can run depending on what I want, so now I need to figure out how to put which script should run in which configuration.
'hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files' is the setting you want (org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings#HBM2DDL_IMPORT_FILES).