SQL Join On Columns of Different Length - sql

I'm trying to join two tables together in SQL where the columns contain a different number of unique entries.
When I use a full join the additional entries in the column joined on are missing.
The code I'm using is (in a SAS proc SQL):
proc sql;
create table table3 as
select table1.*, table2.*
from table1 full join table2
on table1.id = table2.id;
Visual example of problem (can't show actual tables as contain sensitive data)
Table 1
id | count1
1 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 2
Table 2
id | count2
1 | 4
2 | 5
3 | 6
4 | 2
Table 3
id | counta | countb
1 | 2 | 4
2 | 3 | 5
3 | 2 | 6
- | - | 2 <----- I want don't want the id column to be blank in this row
I hope I've explained my problem clearly enough, thanks in advance for your help.

The id from table 1 is blank because the row from table2 has no match in table 1. Try looking at the output from this query:
select coalesce(table1.id, table2.id) as id, table1.count1, table2.count2
from table1 full join table2
on table1.id = table2.id;
Coalesce works from left to right returning the first non null value (it can take more than 2 arguments). If the id in table 1 is null it uses the id from table 2 instead
I recommend also to alias all tables in queries, so I’d have written this:
COALESCE(t1.id, t2.id) as id,
table1 t1
table2 t2
t1.id = t2.id;

Simply select coalesce(t1.id, t2.id), will return the first non-null id value.


SQL - How to pick the best available value for each column for each ID from multiple tables?

I have two tables with the same variables referring to attributes of a person.
How can I combine data from two such tables picking the best available value for each column from each table for each field?
For each field, I would like to fill it with a value from either one of the tables, giving a preference to table 1.
Values can be NULL in either table
In the combined table, the value for column 1 could come from table 2 (in case table 1 is missing a value for that person) and the value for column 2 could from table 1 (because both tables had a value, but the value from table 1 is preferred).
In my real example, I have many columns, so an elegant solution with less code duplication would be preferred.
Some users may exist in only one of the tables.
Table 1:
user_id | age | income
1 | NULL| 58000
2 | 22 | 60000
4 | 19 | 35000
Table 2:
user_id | age | income
1 | 55 | 55000
2 | 19 | NULL
3 | 22 | 33200
Desired output:
user_id | age | income
1 | 55 | 58000
2 | 22 | 60000
3 | 22 | 33200
4 | 19 | 35000
I think that's a full join and priorization logic with colaesce():
select user_id,
coalesce(t1.age, t2.age) as age,
coalesce(t1.income, t2.income) as income
from table1 t1
full join table2 t2 using(user_id)
Use full outer join if user_id in each table is unique.
COALESCE(t1.user_id, t2.user_id) AS user_id,
GREATEST(t1.age, t2.age) AS age,
GREATEST(t1.income, t2.income) AS income
FULL OUTER JOIN t2 ON t1.user_id = t2.user_id
try like below using coalesce()
select t1.user_id, coalesce(t1.age,t2.age),
t1.income>t2.income then t1.income else t2.income end as income
table1 t1 join table2 t2 on t1.usesr_id=t2.user_id
You can use below code:
With TableA(Id,age,income) as
( --Select Common Data
select table_1.id,
--Select MAX AGE
when table_1.age> table_2.age or table_2.age is null then table_1.age else table_2.age
--Select MAX Income
when table_1.income>table_2.income or table_2.income is null then table_1.income else table_2.income
from table_1 inner join table_2 on table_2.id=table_1.id
union all
-- Select Specific Data of Table 2
select table_2.id,table_2.age,table_2.income
from table_2
where table_2.id not in (select table_1.id from table_1)
union all
-- Select Specific Data of Table 1
select table_1.id,table_1.age,table_1.income
from table_1
where table_1.id not in (select table_2.id from table_2)
)select * from TableA

does LEFT JOIN return same row count as left table?

LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.fk = t2.id;
Will it always return the same row count as that of t1 ?
The contract of a left join states that, in the absence of a WHERE clause which might remove records from the result set, all records which appear in the left side of the join will appear at least once. Consider the following data set:
id | fk
1 | 1
2 | 2
id | value
1 | 1
1 | 2
Your query would return this result set:
id | fk | id | value
1 | 1 | 1 | 1
1 | 1 | 1 | 2
2 | 2 | NULL | NULL
Note carefully that the first table's fk = 2 did not match anything to the second table. This record still appears in the result set, but all columns coming from the second table are NULL. Also, note that fk = 1 records appear twice, because that single record in the first table matched twice to the second table.
If t2.id has a unique constraint, the row count will always be the same as if the join isn't there. If it's not unique, you will get multiple duplicates of the same t1 row, each with its own corresponding t2 row. Whether that's good enough for you depends on your database design.
Will it always return the same row count as that of t1?
A LEFT JOIN is a join and as such will match one row from one table to multiple rows of another table. The result set may have the same number of rows or more rows.
Not necessarily:
CREATE TABLE t1(id int, fk int);
CREATE TABLE t2(id int, value int);
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(1,1),(1,2);
LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.fk = t2.id;
returns 2 rows:
id fk id value
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2

get name of tuples that match an entire column in another table

I have to select every name from table1 where there's tuples that match every type from table2 without grouping or aggregate functions.
table1 table2
name|type type|info
a | 1 1 | .
a | 2 2 | ..
a | 3 3 | ...
b | 1
b | 2
b | 3
c | 2
From here, it should output
a |
b |
ended up doing something like
SELECT distinct outside.name
FROM table1 outside
FROM table1 t
WHERE t.name=outside.name)
table2 ]
Second select makes a table with empty values for names that don't have a type in table2. So if '' isn't in the second select that means it has a tuple for every type in table2. I think
Here is one method:
select t1.name
from table1 t1
where exists (select 1 from table2 t2 where t2.type = t1.type)
group by t1.name
having count(distinct t1.type) = (select count(distinct t2.type) from table2);
This filters t1 down to the matches in t2. It then counts the number that match.
This uses count(distinct), which allows duplicates in the respective tables. If there are no duplicates, then just use count().

SQL query for two tables, ignoring resultsets from second table

I wish to cast a query in two tables, but the result set should show only all results from the first table with the info from the second table linked with the first one, but there are many linked info, i just want the last linked information. eg
table 1
id_t1 | number | type
1 555 file
2 666 img
table 2
id_t2 | id_table1_fk | date_in | description
1 1 04/07 aaaaaaa
2 1 05/07 bbbbbbb
id_t1 | number | type | date_in | description
1 555 file 05/07 bbbbbbb
2 666 img null null
Try this:
WHERE id_table1_fk = t1.id_t1
) AS new_t2
select table1.*, table2.date_in, table2.description
from table1 left outer join table2 on table1.id_t1 = table2.id_table1_fk

Return another value when row is inexistent

In a database table with a structure like this :
Table 1
Name | Id
A 1
B 2
Table 2
Table1's ID | IntValue
1 11
2 66
now, there is a query which joins the 2 tables and outputs something like
A | 11
B | 66
but the problem is that when, let's say row (A,1) gets deleted from table1 the query outputs
| 11
B | 66
so instead of writing A it leaves it null because the row doesn't exist.
My question is: Instead of leaving it null, is there any option to make it write "Item Inexistent" or smth?
My database is Firebird 2.1.2
SELECT COALESCE(t1.name, 'Item nonexistent'), t2.intValue
FROM table2 t2
table1 t1
ON t1.id = t2.id