Publish website in GitHub Pages results in black screen. Is NPM the issue? - npm

I have a webpage that comprises a three.js scene with a dat.gui menu and using OrbitControls. The libraries are imported via NPM.
It loads fine locally, but when I publish the project to GitHub Pages, I get a black screen in the browser.
Is the problem coming from the fact that I'm using NPM?
What is the solution?

Nevermind. It was something else completely unrelated. Didn't realize that I had to bundle my JS files before publishing online.


I have deployed vue-cli app to gh pages. Loading ok. But after refreshing a 404-error occurs

I have made an app based on vue-cli 3 and vue-router, deployed it to gh pages and saved the link. When I click on the link, the app loads normal. But if I click on refresh/reload, a 404-error occurs.
My link:
I tried to find the answer in the net. But I have not find a description of the same problem. There are no descriptions of problems with refreshing.
Why does it happen? Help me to fix this problem, please.

FontFamily "Material Design Icons" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync

* I am just a student and I am new to expo, react-native and mobile developpement *
So here's what happens
I am building a react-native app using Expo and react-native-paper for my Icon and everything was going fine with my application until I woke up yesterday and Expo started telling me the same error.
I have not load any Font in my app so I really dont understand where this error came from.
What is very interesting is that when I control Save one files of the project on VScode while running, I can see my app like this without the Icon, and when I switch to a different page, the App is replace by the same screen error.
My friend is working on the exact same code and he does not see the error so I am lost ...
App.js look like this
I use my Icon like this
The problem is clearly the icon because my login page work just fine, so I know the problem have somethings with, what should I do ? delete all my icon and recreate them with react-native-elements?
Honestly I just don't get it and I have been stuck on this for several hours and I don't want to lose any more time so here I am asking for help
Thanks guys,
Have a blessed day and stay safe you all
So there is a bug right now using Expo with using custom fonts. Check your node_modules/expo/node_modules folder and delete expo-font if it is there. That has been working for me.
Make sure to delete the expo-font inside the node_modules/expo/node_modules NOT the one in node_modules.
I know you said you are not using custom fonts but maybe it is an issue regardless.
Note: if you run expo install or npm install it will come back so you'll have to delete again.

Routing and images do not work after deployment

I have deployed a nuxt site to godaddy shared hosting (I know, right) and it all seemed to go well except that now the site displays without images and the routing doesn't work. The images are all stored in the static folder which was uploaded to the host. The nav links try and load a new page and then settle on the home page again. The site is here
The project is a nuxt frontend served by a node api with a mysql database. The api was loaded into a different folder and is working, and the frontend is getting data from the database.
To deploy the project I committed to github, then with ssh connected to the host, cloned the github repo, npm install, npm run build, and then npm start. It starts, is accessible but just no images or routing. Seems quite odd.
I upgraded node to the latest LTS (10.15.1) before build.
If anyone has an idea how to fix these issues please let me know.

angular2 where i will get all packages at one place

I saw one online video in that video he show package.json,system.config.json,tsconfig.json,typing.json files at one place. In that video he displays url .But when i searched that url there is not available coukd you please reffer me that url path
Install angular QuickStart. Click on this link Setup a local development environment and flow the steps of this article.
Hope so it will work successfully.

Automating npm and webpack with Phonegap build

I'm building a PhoneGap app with PhoneGap build. I'd like to sync the app with my Git repository at BitBucket. The problem is that I ignore the files that are in my node_modules folder and the dist files that are generated by WebPack. So I want to automatically run an npm install and webpack before PhoneGap builds the app.
I have looked into hooks, and they seem like exactly what I need. However, I can't seem to get them to work. For example, I made a folder hooks/before_build and placed a test script in there that just echos back the word "test". But I don't see the output of that anywhere in the build log. I also added it specifically to my config.xml without any output.
It seems unusual that I haven't been able to find anywhere that explains this, but I can't seem to find anywhere.
Could anyone share how they have their build system set up, or provide relevant links?