SQL where clause in nested query with column that doesnt exist in nested query - sql

I wrote the following query and it works:
select * from processed p
inner join data d on d.dataId = p.dataid
where assetid in (select a.assetid from dbo.file f
inner join asset a on a.assetName = f.fileNumber
inner join configMapping c on c.assetId = a.assetid
WHERE p.id in (2,11) and rawConfig = 1)
However, I realised this shouldn't work. The query should be written as:
select * from processed p
inner join data d on d.dataId = p.dataid
where assetid in (select a.assetid from dbo.file f
inner join asset a on a.assetName = f.fileNumber
inner join configMapping c on c.assetId = a.assetid
WHERE rawConfig = 1)
and p.id in (2,11)
The nested query is only looking for assetid's. Furthermore, running the nested query on its own wouldn't work because id isn't in those three tables:
select a.assetid from dbo.file f
inner join asset a on a.assetName = f.fileNumber
inner join configMapping c on c.assetId = a.assetid
WHERE p.id in (2,11) and rawConfig = 1
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 44
Invalid column name 'id'.
Apologies for not having testable data to provide, but essentially the question is how does the first query's nested query use a where on a column from its parent query. Logically I would think the nested query would fail and thus the whole query should fail.
I'm using the newest version of SSMS

You have to add condition in the select using case I have shifted the ContractDate but if it doesn't work then you have to shift other conditions too
SUM(case when c.ContractDate >= #ContractDate then c.Price else 0 end) As 'TotalPrice',
SUM(case when c.ContractDate >= #ContractDate then 1 else 0 end) As 'ContractCount'
from Rsv_Contract as c
where c.RegisterUsersId = #RegisterUsersId
and c.contractstate in (1,2)
and c.ContractNumber!='0000000'
and c.ContractNumber!='-1'
Group by CAST(c.ContractDate AS DATE)

You can use EXISTS clause of sql.
select *
from processed p
join data d
on d.dataid = p.dataid
where p.id in (2, 11)
and exists (select 1
from dbo.file f
join asset a
on a.assetname = f.filenumber
join configmapping c
on c.assetid = a.assetid
where a.assetid = p.asset_id
and rawconfig = 1)
Sorry guys, my bad not mentioning the code beforehand.
Hope this will solve your problem.

I found the answer here:
If a column is referenced in a subquery that does not exist in the table referenced by the subquery's FROM clause, but exists in a table referenced by the outer query's FROM clause, the query executes without error. SQL Server implicitly qualifies the column in the subquery with the table name in the outer query.
It will effectively refactor the query into a series of joins before executing.


Using a when statement and a custom code inside it

I have this code where i want to implement a complex piece in when statement so i can fix the issue, there are several when statements after the one which i am showing
when d.ID in (1,2,3) and d.today <= '10/11/2018' AND (
select count(1)
from table1 sc
inner join table2 c on c.ID = sc.ID
inner join table3 tc on tc.ID = sc.ID
where sc.sid = 4
and sc.fid is not null
and c.fid = d.facultyid
group by sc.sNum,sc.Fid,sc.todaydate,c.ID,tc.cnum
) B > 5 then 500 else 520 end
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'B'.
You have a spurious table alias B. Remove it
(select count(1)
from table1 sc
inner join table2 c on c.ID = sc.ID
inner join table3 tc on tc.ID = sc.ID
where sc.sid = 4
and sc.fid is not null
and c.fid = d.facultyid
group by sc.sNum,sc.Fid,sc.todaydate,c.ID,tc.cnum
) > 5
I should note that you are likely to now get an error that the subquery returns more than one row. If so, ask another question. This question has been answered.
Include sample data, desired results, an explanation of what the query should do, and a (perhaps simplified) version of your existing query.

Select an ID where there is only one row and that row is a specific value

I have this query. There's a lot of joins because I am checking if an ID is linked to any of those tables.
Currently, this query shows me any ID's that are not linked to any of those tables. I would like to add to it so that it also shows any IDs that are linked to the d table, but only if there is only 1 row in the D table and the type in the D field is 'member'.
LEFT JOIN l on c.rowno = l.rowno
LEFT JOIN d on c.rowno = d.rowno
LEFT JOIN t on c.rowno = t.rowno
LEFT JOIN cj ON (c.rowno = cj.rowno OR c.rowno = cj.rowno2)
LEFT JOIN dj ON c.rowno = d.rowno
LEFT JOIN lg ON c.rowno = lg.rowno
LEFT JOIN tj ON c.rowno = tj.rowno
c.status != 'closed'
AND l.rowno IS NULL
AND d.rowno IS NULL
AND t.rowno IS NULL
AND cj.rowno IS NULL
AND dj.rowno IS NULL
AND lg.rowno IS NULL
AND tj.rowno IS NULL
My first thought is to just add
WHERE D.type = 'member'
But that gives me all IDs that have a row with D.type = member (they could have 10 rows with all different types, but as long as 1 of those has type = member it shows up). I want to see ID's that ONLY have d.type = member
I'm sorry if I'm wording this badly, I'm having trouble getting this straight in my head. Any help is appreciated!
I would use exists for all conditions except the one on the D table:
(SELECT d.rownum, COUNT(*) as cnt,
SUM(CASE WHEN d.type = 'Member' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as num_members
GROUP BY d.rownum
) d
ON c.rownum = d.rownum
WHERE c.status <> 'closed' AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t WHERE c.rowno = t.rowno) AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM l WHERE c.rowno = l.rowno) AND
. . .
I find NOT EXISTS is easier to follow logically. I don't think there is a big performance difference between the two methods in SQL Server.

SQL: Linking a Count to a specific value through multiple tables

I'm trying to link a COUNT to a specific value across several tables in a SQL Server Database. In this case the tables only share values through correlation. I am returning the values I want but the COUNT is counting everything in a given project not just the ones linked to their work items.
,COUNT([t].[ItemId]) AS ItemCount
[dbo].[Project_Map] [rm] WITH (NOLOCK)
[dbo].[WorkProjects] [r] WITH (NOLOCK)
ON [r].[DomainId] = [rm].[DomainId]
AND [r].[ProjectId] = [rm].[ProjectId]
AND [r].[ReleaseId] = [rm].[ReleaseId]
[dbo].[Items] [d] WITH (NOLOCK)
ON [d].[DomainId] = [r].[DomainId]
AND [d].[ProjectId] = [r].[ProjectId]
AND [d].[ReleaseId] = [r].[ReleaseId]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Projects] [p] with (NOLOCK)
ON r.DomainId = p.DomainId
AND r.ProjectId = p.ProjectId
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Tests] [t] with (NOLOCK)
ON p.DomainId = t.DomainId
AND p.ProjectId = t.ProjectId
SELECT [Id], MAX([LastModifiedDate]) AS MostRecent
FROM Items
Group By [Id]
) AS updatedItem
ON updatedItem.Id = d.Id
[dbo].[WorkItemStates] [ds] WITH (NOLOCK)
ON [ds].[ItemStateName] = [d].[ItemStatus]
d.Id = 111111
AND d.UserCategory Like 'SOMESTRING'
GROUP BY d.Id, d.ItemName
RETURNS: In this case the count should be 1 but it returns the count for the entire project.
86 5169 SOME NAME
173 5169 SOME NAME
170 5169 SOME NAME
Am I missing a join somewhere?
Currently, your counts are counting all JOIN instances and not just distinct Item level records. Consider turning your Item unit level join into an aggregate query join and include the count field in outer grouping:
Specifically, change:
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Tests] [t] with (NOLOCK)
ON p.DomainId = t.DomainId
AND p.ProjectId = t.ProjectId
(SELECT t.DomaindId, t.ProjectId, Count(*) As ItemCount
FROM [dbo].[Tests] t
GROUP BY t.DomaindId, t.ProjectId) agg
ON p.DomainId = agg.DomainId
AND p.ProjectId = agg.ProjectId
And then the outer query structure becomes:
Interestingly, you already do such an aggregate query join but never use that derived table updateItem or the field MostRecent.

SQL Multiple Joins not working as expected

I have following query not working when I try to join all 4 tables (It is taking over an hour to run, I have to eventually kill the query without any data being returned).
It works when Table 1,2 & 3 are joined AND Then If I try Table 1,2 & 4 join but not when I attempt to join all 4 tables below.
Select * From
R.ID, R.MId, R.RId, R.F_Name, R.F_Value, FE.FullEval, M.Name, RC.CC
FROM Table1 as R
Inner Join Table2 FE
ON R.ID = FE.RClId and R.MId = FE.MId and R.RId = FE.RId
Inner Join Table3 as M
ON R.MId = M.MId and FE.MId = M.MId
Inner Join Table4 as RC
ON R.RId = RC.RId and FE.RId = RC.RId and FE.Date = RC.Date
) AS a
1) RId is not available in table3.
2) MId is not available in table4.
Thanks for help.
Since you mentioned that you don't have permission to view the query plan, try breaking down into each table join. You can also check which table join is taking time to retrieve records. From there, you can investigate the data why it's taking time. It may be because of non-availability of column keys in Table 3 and Table 4?
WITH Tab1_2 AS
(SELECT r.ID, r.MId, r.RId, r.F_Name, r.F_Value, fe.FullEval, fe.date
FROM Table1 as r
INNER JOIN Table2 fe
ON r.ID = fe.RClId
AND r.MId = fe.MId
AND r.RId = fe.RId
WHERE ... -- place your conditions if any
Tab12_3 AS
(SELECT t12.*, m.Name
FROM Tab1_2 t12
INNER JOIN Table3 as m
ON t12.MId = m.MId
WHERE ... -- place your conditions if any
Tab123_4 AS
(SELECT t123.ID, t123.MId, t123.RId, t123.F_Name, t123.F_Value, t123.FullEval, rc.CC
FROM Tab12_3 t123
INNER JOIN Table4 as rc
ON t123.RId = rc.RId
AND t123.Date = rc.Date
WHERE ... -- place your conditions if any
FROM Tab123_4 t1234

Get DISTINCT record using INNER JOIN

I have the follwong Query on multi tables
SELECT DISTINCT b.BoxBarcode as [Box Barcode], (select case when b.ImagesCount IS NULL
then 0
else b.ImagesCount end) as [Total Images], s.StageName as [Current Stage] ,d.DocuementTypeName as [Document Type],
u.UserName as [Start User],uu.UserName as [Finished User]
FROM [dbo].[Operations] o
inner join dbo.LKUP_Stages s on
inner join dbo.LKUP_Users u on
left join dbo.LKUP_Users uu on
inner join boxes b on
inner join LKUP_DocumentTypes d on
d.ID = b.DocTypeID
where b.IsExportFinished = 0
when i select count from the Boxes table where IsExportFinished = 0
i got the Count 42 records, when i run the above qoury i got 71 records,
i want just the 42 records in Boxes table to retrived.
You are doing a one-to-many join, i.e. at least one of the tables have multiple rows that match the join criteria.
Step one is to find which table(s) that give the "duplicates".
Once you have done that you may be able to fix the problem by adding additional criteria to the join. I'm taking a guess that the same boxid occurs several times in the Operations table. If that is the case you need to decide which Operation row you want to select and then update the SQL accordingly.
Try this one -
Box_Barcode = b.BoxBarcode
, Total_Images = ISNULL(b.ImagesCount, 0)
, Current_Stage = s.StageName
, Document_Type = d.DocuementTypeName
, Start_User = u.UserName
, Finished_User = uu.UserName
, o.boxid
, o.startuserid
, o.FinishedUserID
FROM dbo.[Operations]
) o
JOIN dbo.LKUP_Stages s ON o.stageid = s.id
JOIN dbo.boxes b ON b.id = o.boxid
JOIN dbo.LKUP_DocumentTypes d ON d.id = b.DocTypeID
JOIN dbo.LKUP_Users u ON u.id = o.startuserid
LEFT JOIN dbo.LKUP_Users uu ON uu.id = o.FinishedUserID
WHERE b.IsExportFinished = 0
I guess that if you change your LEFT JOIN into INNER JOIN you will get 42 records as requested.