com.auth0.IdentityVerificationException: An error occurred while exchanging the Authorization Code for Auth0 Tokens - auth0

I am trying to implement auth0 in a very basic spring-boot-application based on maven. This is the error that I get:
com.auth0.IdentityVerificationException: An error occurred while exchanging the Authorization Code for Auth0 Tokens
When running the original tutorial-project everything works fine. The error occurs only in my custom application. Basically I copied all the files from the tutorial-project into my application. Nevertheless I run into this error...
further down the exception I see a
com.auth0.exception.APIException: Request failed with status code 401: Unauthorized

Solved it:
The client-secret was wrong. Actually there is a space at the end of my client-secret, which I accidentally removed. Wow.


Application always give an exception: An exception was thrown while deserializing the token. The antiforgery token could not be decrypted

I'm using core 2.2.1
I was published my code on IIS. Whenever i run my application first time its give an exception like below:
exception was thrown while deserializing the token. The antiforgery
token could not be decrypted.
I have tryed to resolve this issue from last 5 days,refer to many links but no result. I also try following for disabled the AntiForgery but no result.
Is this any way to disabled Antiforgery or any other solution to resolve an issue for same.
Most likely the token has been encrypted previously with a key that is not the one used by your server at the moment he emits this exception. Could you try persisting your key somewhere so that when it restarts it always use the same key, using for instance ?
You should also check the logs because one of the first thing you app will log is about the key. For instance, if you don't persist it, you can get some logs like: "Using an in-memory repository. Keys will not be persisted to storage." So please, check that out.

Error in Oauth2 process: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

I've been having a bit of trouble with receiving a code from the Sonos API for my application to then get a token for later API requests, specifically the error above. Is there any sort of test code or option to temporarily skip Oauth2 to test the API requests I already have written? Thanks!
If there was that would be a bit of a gigantic security hole. Just fix your auth code.

How to solve this error message to get access token using Sonos

I followed the sound experience guideline to set up environment and authorization. When I try to get a new access token, this error keeps popping up. I wasn't sure what it means. I'm following exactly the same step as the guide, This is the error:-
An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #97.6d06d217.1539357275.34c5f2e

ASP.NET Core Auth0 - Unable to unprotect the message.State

We have Auth0 enabled for a site and it has been working well for quite some time.
All of a sudden when I enter the site and get redirected to Auth0 to enter my crendentials (and press login), I get faced with a screen with the following message.
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
Exception: Unable to unprotect the message.State.
MoveNext AggregateException: Unhandled remote failure.
If I repeatedly refresh my site with /signin-auth0 at the end of the url the same error screen is shown.
Now when I repeated all steps from start (meaning entering my site) it all of a sudden work. What's this error anyway?
This was resolved by the Auth0 team as a bug in Auth0's transmission of the state parameter for social logins, notably Google. Things should be working normally again.

Github api error redirect_uri_mismatch

I keep getting this same OAuth error when trying to work with the github api. Sometimes it goes away but most of the time it stays. I have tried resetting my secret key, revoking all tokens, clearing safari cache but no luck. This is the error : error=redirect_uri_mismatch&error_description=The+redirect_uri+MUST+match+the+registered+callback+URL+for+this+application.&
All the forums say to fix this error, remove the redirect_uri parameter of my request which I have done.
This is my request:,public_repo
Everything shows up and when I click authorize it redirects me back to my application but instead of giving me the code it gives me the error.
Either put http instead of https in your Authorization callback URL
in your GitHub OAuth apps settings.
Another Option