How to tell if Vue-Router navigation hook was triggered by "push"? - vuejs2

I need to perform a certain action whenever a call to router.push is triggered.
I'm trying to use Vue-Router's navigation guards for this, but there is no way to tell, inside of its callback, what method (go/push/back/replace) triggered it.
router.beforeResolve((to, from) => {
// Do something only if this was triggered by "push"

Just hook vue-router push/back/replace function before Vue.use(vue-router),
then get navigation type by call
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
const routerPush = Router.prototype.push;
// rewrite push
Router.prototype.push = function push(location) {
this.customNaviType = "push";
return, location).catch(error => error)
const routerBack = Router.prototype.back;
// rewrite back
Router.prototype.back = function back() {
this.customNaviType = "back";
const routerReplace = Router.prototype.replace;
// rewrite replace
Router.prototype.replace = function replace(location) {
this.customNaviType = "replace";
return, location).catch(error => error)
By my understanding, only push method will increase the history.length by one.
Maybe use a global variable to keep check window.history.length. If it increase, then you can trigger your push event.
For example:
router.beforeResolve((to, from) => {
if (window.history.length > window.last_history_length) {
window.last_history_length = window.history.length;

It can not be catched by navigation guards directly:
using the state of your app you can have a better idea which operation is done. You can do it by saving the current and your last route to your state using the guard afterEach. Once you know them, you can compare them with from and to parameters in e.g. beforeEach to get know whether it is a push or back. You can probably add more metadata to your routes so you get know more about your routes to decide whether it is replaced by some kind of other type route:


Redux Toolkit: Async Dispatch won't work in react-native

I'm trying to make some async actions with redux toolkit in react-native. The project runs on redux without any issues, beside the implementation issues for createAsyncThunk.
I used the same logic as described in the docs
Within my Slice, I'm creating the createAsyncThunk Object as follows:
export const fetchAddressList = createAsyncThunk('/users/fetchAddresses', async(thunkAPI) => {
const state = thunkAPI.getState();
console.log("THUNK state.loggedIn: "+state.loggedIn);
return apiHelper.getAddressDataAsync();
It only differs in the export tag before const tag compared to the docs. I had to make it in order to access the fetchAddressList from outside. The apiHelper.getAddressDataAsync() is an async method, that returns the result of a fetch.
Than I added the extraReducers attribute to my slice object.
export const appDataSlice = createSlice({
name: "appDataReducer",
//Some initial variables.
reducers: {
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(fetchAddressList.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
console.log("FULLFILLED::: ",action.payload);
state.addressList = action.payload.addressList;
state.defaultAddressId = action.payload.defaultAddressId;
export const { /*REDUCER_METHOD_NAMES*/ } = appDataSlice.actions;
This slice is stored in the store using configureStore, among other slices, that are definitely working fine.
Calling the fetchAddressList() method using dispatch doesn't do anything:
What exactly am I doing wrong here? Would appreciate any hints.
Are there configurations required within the configureStore()-method when creating the store object?
This is how I create the store object:
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
/*Other reducer objects....,*/
appDataReducer: appDataSlice.reducer
Maybe something is missing here...
It was due to wrong usage of the createAsyncThunk()-method. I'd passed the thunkAPI to be as the first (and only) parameter to the inner method, which was linked to user arguments passed through parameters into the initial dispatch method (like dispatch(fetchAddressList("ARG_PASSED_TO_FIRST_PARAMETER_OF_ASNYCTHUNK"));). However thunkAPI is being injected into the second parameter of createAsyncThunk()-method and as a result thunkAPI was undefined, since I hadn't passed any parameters by calling dispatch(fetchAddressList());
It was odd, to not have any errors / exceptions
calling a method of an undefined object though => thunkAPI.getState().
The solution is to use the second parameter for thunkAPI.
You do have two options by doing so.
1 - Either load the whole thunkAPI into the second parameter and use it as so:
export const fetchAddressList = createAsyncThunk('/users/fetchAddresses', async(args, thunkAPI) => {
console.log("TEST: ", thunkAPI.getState());
2 - Or load exported methods by the thunkAPI:
export const fetchAddressList = createAsyncThunk('/users/fetchAddresses', async(args,{getState, dispatch}) => {
console.log("TEST: ", getState());
Both ways will work. Happy coding :)

How to stop Vue.js 3 watch() API triggering on exit

I have implemented a watch within a Vue component that displays product information. The watch watches the route object of vue-router for a ProductID param to change. When it changes, I want to go get the product details from the back-end API.
To watch the route, I do this in Product.vue:
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
export default {
setup() {
const route = useRoute();
async function getProduct(ProductID) {
await axios.get(`/api/product/${ProductID}`).then( something here)
// fetch the product information when params change
watch(() => route.params.ProductID, async (newID, oldID) => {
await getProduct(newId)
//watch options
deep: true,
immediate: true
The above code works, except that if a user navigates away from Product.vue, for example using the back button to go back to the homepage, the watch is triggered again and tries to make a call to the API using undefined as the ProductID (becaues ProductID param does not exist on the homepage route) e.g. http://localhost:8080/api/product/undefined. This causes an error to be thrown in the app.
Why does the watch trigger when a user has navigated away from Product.vue?
How can this be prevented properly? I can do it using if(newID) { await getProduct(newId) } but it seems counterintuitive to what the watch should be doing anyway.
Place the following at the top replacing the name for whatever your route is called:
if ( !== "YourRouteName") {
That will ensure nothing happens if you are not on the route you want to watch.
I ran into the same problem. Instead of watching the current route, use vue-router onBeforeRouteUpdate, which only gets called if the route changed and the same component is reused.
import { onBeforeRouteLeave, onBeforeRouteUpdate } from 'vue-router'
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
// same as beforeRouteLeave option with no access to `this`
onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from) => {
const answer = window.confirm(
'Do you really want to leave? you have unsaved changes!'
// cancel the navigation and stay on the same page
if (!answer) return false
const userData = ref()
// same as beforeRouteUpdate option with no access to `this`
onBeforeRouteUpdate(async (to, from) => {
// only fetch the user if the id changed as maybe only the query or the hash changed
if ( !== {
userData.value = await fetchUser(
watch registers the watcher inside an vue-internal, but component-independent object. I think it's a Map. So destroying the component has no effect on the reactivity system.
Just ignore the case where newID is undefined, like you already did. But to prevent wrapping your code in a big if block just use if(newID === undefined)return; at the beginning of your callback. If your ids are always truthy (0 and "" are invalid ids) you can even use if(!newID)return;.
well, in your use case the best approach would be to have a method or function which makes the api call to the server, having watch is not a really good use of it, because it will trigger whenever route changes and you do not want that to happen, what you want is simply get the productID from route and make the api call,
so it can be done with getting the productID in the created or mounted and make the api call!

React-Native - useEffect causes infinite loop

I am trying to show some dynamic content in my component but somehow useEffect causes a infinite loop.
What can be the problem?
useEffect(() => {
retrieveLocalData('following').then((contacts) => {
}, [getLocalData]);
async function retrieveLocalData(key) {
try {
return await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);
} catch (error) {
console.log('test'); // infinite
Updated Answer
The infinite loop is a result of the useEffect hook updating the same value that is triggering the hook to run in the first place.
Here's a simple example to illustrate the problem:
const [value, setValue] = useState({ foo: 'bar' });
useEffect(() => {
Promise.resolve('{"foo":"bar"}').then((result) => {
const newValue = JSON.parse(result);
// `newValue` is a new object, even if its content is identical to `value`.
}, [value]);
In this example, when value is set, it causes the useEffect hook to execute, which will asynchronously update value with a new object, which will cause the useEffect hook to execute again, and so on. Even though the contents of the objects are identical, the JSON.parse call creates a new object with a new reference.
You can prevent the infinite loop by doing a deep equality check of the two objects before updating the state. Using something like Lodash's isEqual function makes this pretty easy.
useEffect(() => {
Promise.resolve('{"foo":"bar"}').then((result) => {
setValue((prev) => {
const newValue = JSON.parse(result);
// Do a deep comparison and only update state with new object if content is different.
return isEqual(prev, newValue) ? prev : newValue;
}, [value]);
In this example, the reference to value will only change if the contents of the objects are different.
However, this only explains what the problem is. I'm not sure what the right solution is for your problem, since it's not clear why the component only needs to load data from local storage into state when the state changes, but the state is only updated when it loads from local storage. There seems to be a "chicken or the egg" problem here. It feels like there should be something else that should trigger loading data from local storage into state, other than the data that was just loaded from local storage into state.
Previous Answer
The likely culprit here is getLocalData in the dependency list of the useEffect hook. If that is not a stable reference (i.e. the reference changes on each render), then it will cause the useEffect hook to execute, which will then trigger a state update, which will trigger a render, which will cause useEffect to execute again, which starts the whole thing over again.
In the sample code, it's not clear where getLocalData comes from. Wherever it comes from, you might consider wrapping it with the useCallback hook to create a stable reference. If it's just a typo and meant to be retrieveLocalData, then that is definitely the issue. Because retrieveLocalData is declared inside the component's render function, it will create a new instance of the function (with a new reference) on each render.
I would just move it inside the useEffect hook and eliminate the dependencies.
useEffect(() => {
.then((contacts) => {
.catch((error) => {
}, []);

Access variables in a `useEffect` without triggering the effect when they get updated

I need to access variables in a useEffect but only trigger the method when SOME of them get updated.
For example:
I want to call useEffect when data changes, but NOT when saveTimeout or saveMethod change.
In the same fashion, I want to call saveMethod when my component dismounts, but I can't because it needs to be in the dependency array, therefore calling it at every change of saveMethod.
function SavingComponent({data, apiInfo}){
[saveTimeout, setSaveTimeout] = useState(null);
const saveMethod = useCallBack(()=>{
// api call to save the data using apiInfo
}, [data, saveTimeout, apiInfo])
// Start a timer to save the data 2 seconds after it is changed (not working)
setSaveTimeout(setTimeout(saveMethod, 2000));
}, [data, saveTimeout, saveMethod]);
// Save immediately on dismount only (not working)
return ()=> { saveMethod(); }
return (// some rendering)
This is an issue I am constantly running into with other cases and have to hack around. Usually using a custom usePrevious method. I would compare the previous value of the prop to the current and return immediately if the prop I am interested in didn't change.
function usePrevious(value) {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
What is the proper way to only call useEffect when SOME dependencies get updated?
First thing that having variables and functions which are used in useEffect as dependencies is recommended and best practice. This is a very good article written by Dan Abramov which is deep dive in how useEffect works and why you need to follow that best practice.
Now back to your case.
I don't think you want the component re-render when you set saveTimeout, so instead use useState you can useRef for that saveTimeout = useRef(null) so you can remove saveTimeout from dependencies.
If you don't want saveMethod to be in dependencies you can move it inside useEffect so that you can remove it from dependencies too.
function SavingComponent({data, apiInfo}){
const saveTimeout = useRef(null);
// move saveMethod inside
const saveMethod = ()=>{
// api call to save the data using apiInfo
// saveMethod will be called after 2 seconds
saveTimeout.current = setTimeout(saveMethod, 2000);
}, [data]);
// move saveMethod inside
const saveMethod = ()=>{
// api call to save the data using apiInfo
// saveMethod will be call when the component unmounted
// But make sure you are not update any state inside saveMethod
return saveMethod
return (// some rendering)

Best practice to change the route (VueRouter) after a mutation (Vuex)

I've searched a lot, but there is no clear answer to that. Basically, what should be the best practice to automatically change a route after a mutation?
Ex: I click a button to login() -> action login that makes an http call -> mutation LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL -> I want to redirect the user to the main page $router.go()
Should I wrap the action in a Promise, and then listen to the result to call the route change from the component?
Should I do it directly from the $store?
Does vuex-router-sync helps in any way?
Thanks a lot!
The answer to this questions seems to be somewhat unclear in the Vue community.
Most people (including me) would say that the store mutation should not have any effects besides actually mutating the store. Hence, doing the route change directly in the $store should be avoided.
I have very much enjoyed going with your first suggestion: Wrapping the action in a promise, and changing the route from withing your component as soon as the promise resolves.
A third solution is to use watch in your component, in order to change the route as soon as your LOGGED_IN_USER state (or whatever you call it) has changed. While this approach allows you to keep your actions and mutations 100% clean, I found it to become messy very, very quickly.
As a result, I would suggest going the promise route.
Put an event listener on your app.vue file then emit en event by your mutation function. But I suggest you wrapping the action in a promise is good way
import EventBus from './eventBus';
methods: {
redirectURL(path) {
created() {
EventBus.$on('redirect', this.redirectURL)
import EventBus from './eventBus';
state.blabla = "blabla";
EventBus.$emit('redirect', '/dashboard')
As of now (mid 2018) API of Vuex supports subscriptions. Using them it is possible to be notified when a mutation is changing your store and to adjust the router on demand.
The following example is an excerpt placed in created() life-cycle hook of a Vue component. It is subscribing to mutations of store waiting for the first match of desired criteria to cancel subscriptions and adjust route.
created: function() {
const unsubscribe = this.$store.subscribe( ( mutation, state ) => {
if ( mutation.type === "name-of-your-mutation" && state.yourInfo === desiredValue ) {
this.$router.push( { name: "name-of-your-new-route" } );
} );