I am trying to take the text input from the "Form1"(form.h) and pass it to the .cpp file(form.cpp).
In form.h
public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
#pragma endregion
public: String^ username;
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
username = textBox1->Text;
//i want this variable in the .cpp file
Since you've created a class, and are assigning a value to a member variable, it's already going to be in your .cpp file, and can be referenced as long as you remember to #include "form.h" in it.
Note that this isn't necessarily the best practice, though. It's often considered prudent to put all implementation details in your .cpp file - in part because it helps avoid confusing situations like these.
I have two classes first class contains the object of another class as static but C++ doesnot allow me to do this and gives me some error.
int main()
Controller cnt;
return 0;
class Controller
static recorder rec;
void tempcont();
recorder Controller::rec;
void Controller::tempcont()
using namespace std;
class recorder
int a;
void temprec();
void recorder::temprec()
cout << "temp rec called";
I am getting the following errors and i have no idea why these errors are comming..
Error LNK1169 one or more multiply defined symbols found
Error LNK2005 "public: static class recorder Controller::rec" (?rec#Controller##2Vrecorder##A) already defined in control.obj
You define the variable Controller::rec in the header file. That means the variable will be defined in every translation unit where that header file have been included. It should only be defined in one single translation unit.
This is very easy to do: Just move the definition to a single source file.
I wish to call C++ function (here Score()) which is present in Score_Update1.dll.
Both C# & C++ files get compiled successfully. I have also put above dll into the Debug/bin of C# project. But when I run C# code it gives EntryPointNotFoundException.
What could be the reason behind this Exception?
I tried dependency walker for Score_Update1.dll. But it doesn't show any Entry Point
I wish to use PInvoke technique for calling C++ function from C#
// Score_Update1.h
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace System;
extern "C"{
#define MYAPI __declspec(dllexport)
namespace Score_Update1 {
public class MYAPI UpdateScore
// TODO: Add your methods for this class here.
void Score();
// This is the main Score_Updat1.dll DLL file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Score_Update1.h"
using namespace Score_Update1;
void UpdateScore::Score()
cout<<"Score has been updated";
C# code is as follows:
using Score_Update1;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace GameTesting
class Game
internal extern static void Score();
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception ex)
The reason for EntryPointNotFoundException is that the DLL does not contain an entry point named Score. If you look at the exported names using dumpbin or some similar tool you will see mangled names.
However, using the mangled name isn't going to help you here. You've exported a class and the function you want to call is a member function. You cannot directly instantiate a C++ class from pinvoke. And you cannot call member functions. If you wish to use pinvoke you would need to flatten the class to a C style interface. Another route would be to compile the C++ code to a mixed mode C++/CLI assembly and consume that.
I'm programming in Visual C++ 2010. I've got a example.h example.cpp and Form1.h.
Basically, I've pasted bits of code. I'm not able to include Form1.h in the example.h file, not sure why. But The main question is how do I call Test (which is in form1.h) from example.cpp? What would be the syntax? Is it possible to do this?
My Form1.h
#include "example.h"
public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
public: void Test(void)
// Does something
My example.cpp
#include "example.h"
#include "Form1.h"
Test(); // would like to call Test from here.
You have two problems here:
You must call functions from inside of another function. The code you currently have in your example.cpp file is invalid, because you are trying to call the Test() function at global scope.
Make it look like this instead:
int main()
return 0;
This also solves the problem that you don't have a main function, which is the entry point to any C++ application.
More generally, I would strongly recommend using one of the project templates that comes with Visual Studio to get started (rather than copying and pasting random bits of code, like you said). That ensures that you have all of the things you need to get started, like an entry point. Once you have a solid foundation, you can start building up from there.
You might also find it useful to obtain either a book on C++/CLI or an online tutorial (such as this one: Hello C++/CLI, Part 1 and Hello C++/CLI, Part 2).
Your Test function is a member function of the Form1 class, which means that you need an object of that class in order to call it. Thus, the code should actually look like this:
int main()
Form1^ frm = gcnew Form1();
return 0;
Alternatively, you could work around this by making the Test() function a static function. This would allow you to call it without having an instance of the class:
public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
public: static void Test(void)
// Does something
// ...
int main()
return 0;
However, beware that this means you cannot access any other members of the Form1 class inside of the Test() function (because there is no this pointer).
This should all be explained in whatever book/tutorial you decide to use to learn C++/CLI—search for a chapter about "Classes" or "Object-Oriented Design".
I'm trying to make a macro to make it easier to define properties.
Simplified example but at the moment I have this to provide a property with a public get and private set:
#define propertyRO(xxType, xxName)\
property xxType xxName\
xxType get() {return m___##xxName;}\
void set(xxType value) {m___##xxName = value;}\
xxType m___##xxName;\
and then to use it you would do this:
public ref class Wawawa
int bob;
propertyRO(String^, MyName);
This would potentially work great, but it's flawed because the member is specified in private scope, which means anything that occurs after the macro also gets private scope. e.g:
public ref class Wawawa
int bob;
propertyRO(String^, MyName);
int fred; //ERROR HERE <- this would be private not public
So if you ignore what this macro actually does, my real question is: is there any way to use the private: keyword in a macro, without it affecting the rest of the class?
Insert your property macro calls all together at the end of the class defintion. (And I agree, that this answer is kind of lame ;))
I would answer: just don't do this. Don't use macros to generate code. It looks like it's going to save you time and effort, but you've already found that the macro has a problem, which is certainly not obvious to someone reading the class declaration. You may also soon find that debugging it is a nightmare, since the debugger just points at the macro line, not the code inside it.
IMO, bite the bullet and just write out all the properties in full.
I have a feeling this isn't going to be possible.
So maybe a better proposal would be to rename the macro to publicPropertyRO, which would make it obvious it will create a public property. And move the private member to be above the property declaration:
#define publicPropertyRO(xxType, xxName)\
xxType m___##xxName;\
property xxType xxName\
xxType get() {return m___##xxName;}\
void set(xxType value) {m___##xxName = value;}\
This would then leave the class in a public: state, which I think is acceptable.
Not really answered my question, but at least it's an improvement.
The core of the problem is that the propertyRO macro changes the scope under the hood, right? The problem is not that it changes scope per se, but that it is done in a hidden way, so the best way to handle this is to expose it.
Demoncodemonkey's suggestion is to embed public into the name of the function (which might be OK), but an alternative is to make the scope following the macro a parameter. E.g.
#define propertyRO(xxType, xxName, xxFollowingScope)\
property xxType xxName\
xxType get() {return m___##xxName;}\
void set(xxType value) {m___##xxName = value;}\
xxType m___##xxName;\
public ref class Wawawa
int bob;
propertyRO(String^, MyName, public);
int fred; // No error here, fred is public
The syntax and naming is not super good, but it makes sure that it is not possible to use this macro without consciously making a decision about what the scope should be after the function.
So, I have two classes...Very basic in structure. I try to import one into the other, and declare a new object of that class type...however, it seems to read the class name as the name of a variable?!
The header class provided below will not read the "ApplicationManager" class properly.
####ifndef _GAME_H_
####define _GAME_H_
####include "application.h"
####include "applicationmanager.h"
class Game : public Application
void LoadContent() override;
void UnloadContent() override;
void Draw() override;
//int ApplicationManager; //WHY DOES THIS COMPILE??!
ApplicationManager management; //This DOES NOT WORK?
Here is the header for the "ApplicationManager" class.
####ifndef _APPMANAGER_H_
####define _APPMANAGER_H_
####include "game.h"
####include "application.h"
class ApplicationManager
The error that occurs, tells me that I need a ";" before "management", and that "ApplicationManager" is missing a type specifier, so it is assumed to be default-type int.
...any ideas why it won't compile properly? Can someone else try this and report the results? I copied the code, and pasted it in a different solution, to see if something became corrupted....it still didn't work.
You have a cyclic reference. When game.h is included from applicationmanager.h, the ApplicationManager class has not yet been read by the compiler.
To fix, remove the line
#include "game.h"
from applicationmanager.h.
Why do you have circular dependency between Game.h and AppicationManager.h?
Aside from that, I'd say check your header guard (#ifdef _*_H) in Application.h. A fairly often occurence in C++, when copy/pasting code or copying files, is to forget to change the header guard define name for a new class, so you end up with two different headers guarded by the same define. In which case, if both are included into some other file, only the first will actually be expanded into anything useful.
THe error message is some what misleading. It basically says "For some reason (probably an error in the referenced type) I cannot recognize the type you're using (in you case ApplicationManager)".
If you need ApplicationManager to know about Game make a pure virtual base class (interface in other terms) and have Game inherit from that (with out extending the interface) and have ApplicationManager include the base class header file