ABCpdf - convert pdf stream to tif stream - pdf

My web page has a document viewer (canvas) where I will bind a multi-page tif file stream.
There is a functionality to delete pages from the file, I am using the ABCpdf library to convert the tif file stream to a pdf stream and delete a particular page. But I don't see any way to convert back the pdf stream to a tif stream.
Please help.

You want the GetData() method, called as GetData("foo.tif"). The filename passes is ignored except that its extension is checked to see what format to use. The return value is an array of Byte.


React Native Expo-Print printToFileAsync without saving file

I am currently using Expo-Print's function PrintToFileAsync to create a PDF file from an HTML string, and then transferring its base64 representation via an API. The issue is that the PDF, which is created and stored in the app's cache, contains sensitive information which should never be stored in the cache. I am currently just deleting the PDF file once the base64 has been transferred but this is not idea.
Is there a way to convert from HTML to PDF to base64 without saving the PDF in the middle?

How to remove overlays from PDF file using PDFBox?

I am using Apache Tika 1.17 to extract content from PDF files. There is a small image overlay on a page in PDF due to which Tika is not able extract any content from that page but for rest of the pages it is working fine.
Is there any way to remove overlay from PDF page using PDFBox before sending it to Tika?
As a workaround, I converted the PDF to PNG and Tika is using TesseractOCR to extract content. But I am losing some content and text format this way.

Read PDF Title from pdf content in PHP

How to get PDF Title from PDF content ? PDF Metadata is not getting PDF title .
I want to get PDF Title and Heading of PDF file in php.
Extracting metadata from PDFs can be tricky, because there are multiple places it can be stored in the file (specifically, both the info dictionary and the XMP stream).
This post suggests some PHP toolsets that may be relevant: Reading PDF metadata in PHP

Display pdf in iframe using ssl/https based

I want to Showing PDF inside iframe for user preview before download the file or print,
i use byte array convert my report file to pdf then showing it.
everything was perfect until i need something in ssl/https.
because of that i must change my application to ssl/https can some one show me how can i show pdf in this condition.
thanks for listening and reading my prob.
here my code
_contentBytes = StreamToBytes(reportDocument.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat));
//setting header
//then flush
i found the solution in
PDF conversion suddenly fails if reading stylesheet from SSL
the problem is the pdf reader inside my chrome browser.
so i updating my chrome reader in store search pdf viewer..
just it..

Image url to byte array using Silverlight

How to convert image url to byte array or stream using Silverlight?
Easiest thing to do is use WebClient to download the Uri as a Stream. For this to work at least one of the following must be true:
The image is hosted on the same domain as the Silverlight app.
The domain that the image is hosted on is providing a clientaccesspolicy file to allow your Silverlight app to access the image.
This will give you access to the contents of the file as a Stream. If you want access to the decoded pixels rather than the raw contents of the file, load the Stream into an Image element (using BitmapSource.SetSource(Stream)), wait for the Image.ImageOpened event and then capture the Image element in a WriteableBitmap. You can then read the image pixel data from the WriteableBitmap.Pixels array. If the image is not coming cross-domain, you do not need to download the Stream and can just set the Image Source to the URI directly,