Kotlinx Serialization - Custom serializer to ignore null value - kotlin

Let's say I'm having a class like:
data class MyClass(
#SerialName("a") val a: String?,
#SerialName("b") val b: String
Assume the a is null and b's value is "b value", then Json.stringify(MyClass.serializer(), this) produces:
{ "a": null, "b": "b value" }
Basically if a is null, I wanted to get this:
{ "b": "b value" }
From some research I found this is currently not doable out of the box with Kotlinx Serialization so I was trying to build a custom serializer to explicitly ignore null value. I followed the guide from here but couldn't make a correct one.
Can someone please shed my some light? Thanks.

You can use explicitNulls = false
val format = Json { explicitNulls = false }
data class Project(
val name: String,
val language: String,
val version: String? = "1.3.0",
val website: String?,
fun main() {
val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization", "Kotlin", null, null)
val json = format.encodeToString(data)
println(json) // {"name":"kotlinx.serialization","language":"Kotlin"}

Use encodeDefaults = false property in JsonConfiguration and it won't serialize nulls (or other optional values)

Try this (not tested, just based on adapting the example):
data class MyClass(val a: String?, val b: String) {
#Serializer(forClass = MyClass::class)
companion object : KSerializer<MyClass> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = object : SerialClassDescImpl("MyClass") {
init {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, obj: MyClass) {
encoder.beginStructure(descriptor).run {
obj.a?.let { encodeStringElement(descriptor, 0, obj.a) }
encodeStringElement(descriptor, 1, obj.b)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): MyClass {
var a: String? = null
var b = ""
decoder.beginStructure(descriptor).run {
loop# while (true) {
when (val i = decodeElementIndex(descriptor)) {
CompositeDecoder.READ_DONE -> break#loop
0 -> a = decodeStringElement(descriptor, i)
1 -> b = decodeStringElement(descriptor, i)
else -> throw SerializationException("Unknown index $i")
return MyClass(a, b)

Since I was also struggling with this one let me share with you the solution I found that is per property and does not require to create serializer for the whole class.
class ExcludeIfNullSerializer : KSerializer<String?> {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): String {
return decoder.decodeString()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
get() = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("ExcludeNullString", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: String?) {
if (value != null) {
will work as expected with the following class
class TestDto(
val someString: String,
#Serializable(with = ExcludeIfNullSerializer::class)
val id: String? = null
Note the #EncodeDefault(EncodeDefault.Mode.NEVER) is crucial here in case you using JsonBuilder with encodeDefaults = true, as in this case the serialization library will still add the 'id' json key even if the value of id field is null unless using this annotation.

JsonConfiguration is deprecated in favor of Json {} builder since kotlinx.serialization 1.0.0-RC according to its changelog.
Now you have to code like this:
val json = Json { encodeDefaults = false }
val body = json.encodeToString(someSerializableObject)

As of now, for anyone seeing this pos today, default values are not serialized (see https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization/blob/master/docs/basic-serialization.md#defaults-are-not-encoded-by-default)
So you simply add to set a default null value, and it will not be serialized.


Kotlin - Ktor - How to handle Optional API resource fields in PATCH calls?

When implementing a REST API with Ktor (and Kotlin), it supports the optional field handling of Kotlin. Which works for POST and GET, but what about PATCH (update)?
For example, you have the following resource:
data class MyAddress(
var line1: String? = null,
var line2: String? = null,
var city: String? = null,
var postal_code: String? = null,
var state: String? = null,
var country: String? = null
So all MyAddress fields are optional (with a default value).
When you create an address with POST:
"line1" : "line1",
"country" : "XX"
and you than want to remove the country with a PATCH:
"country" : null
the end result of the resource should be:
"line1" : "line1"
But how can you determine this by parsing the json of the PATCH request? Because there is no way, as far as I know, to determine if it was null by default, or submitted.
Furthermore, the default null value for the MyAddress is required, because else the parsing will not work.
Code example:
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
data class MyAddress(
var line1: String? = null,
var line2: String? = null,
var city: String? = null,
var postal_code: String? = null,
var state: String? = null,
var country: String? = null
fun main() {
val jsonStringPOST = "{\"line1\":\"street\",\"country\":\"GB\"}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPOST")
val myAddressPost = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddress>(jsonStringPOST)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPost")
val jsonStringPATCH = "{\"country\":null}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPATCH")
val myAddressPatch = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddress>(jsonStringPATCH)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPatch")
I tried to add Optional<String>? as well, but it complains about missing serialization of Optional, and preferably I do not want to make all my data var's Optionals.
Note: I am looking for a more structured solution, that also works with all other resources in the api (10+ classes).
A second solution, based on Aleksei's example:
data class Address2(val line1: OptionalValue<String> = Undefined, val country: OptionalValue<String> = Undefined)
#Serializable(with = OptionalValueSerializer::class)
sealed interface OptionalValue<out T>
object Undefined: OptionalValue<Nothing> {
override fun toString(): String = "Undefined"
object Absent: OptionalValue<Nothing> {
override fun toString(): String = "Absent"
class WithValue<T>(val value: T): OptionalValue<T> {
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
open class OptionalValueSerializer<T>(private val valueSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<OptionalValue<T>> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = valueSerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): OptionalValue<T> {
return try {
} catch (cause: SerializationException) {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: OptionalValue<T>) {
when (value) {
is Undefined -> {}
is Absent -> { encoder.encodeNull() }
is WithValue -> valueSerializer.serialize(encoder, value.value)
fun main() {
val jsonStringPOST = "{\"line1\":\"street\",\"country\":\"GB\"}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPOST")
val myAddressPost = Json.decodeFromString<Address2>(jsonStringPOST)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPost")
val jsonStringUPDATE = "{\"country\":null}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringUPDATE")
val myAddressUpdate = Json.decodeFromString<Address2>(jsonStringUPDATE)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressUpdate")
if(myAddressUpdate.country is Absent || myAddressUpdate.country is WithValue) {
println("Update country: ${myAddressUpdate.country}")
} else {
println("No update for country: ${myAddressUpdate.country}")
Output is:
JSON string is: {"line1":"street","country":"GB"}
MyAddress object: Address2(line1=street, country=GB)
JSON string is: {"country":null}
MyAddress object: Address2(line1=Undefined, country=Absent)
Update country: Absent
You can use a sealed interface for a part of an address to represent undefined value, absence of value, and actual value. For this interface, you need to write a serializer that will encode and decode values accordingly to your logic. I'm not good at the kotlinx.serialization framework so I wrote an example as simple as possible.
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*
import io.ktor.server.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.server.request.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 4444) {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
routing {
post {
val address = call.receive<Address>()
data class Address(val line1: MyValue = Undefined, val country: MyValue = Undefined)
#Serializable(with = AddressValueSerializer::class)
sealed interface MyValue
object Undefined: MyValue {
override fun toString(): String = "Undefined"
object Absent: MyValue {
override fun toString(): String = "Absent"
class WithValue(val value: String): MyValue {
override fun toString(): String = value
object AddressValueSerializer: KSerializer<MyValue> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("AddressValue", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): MyValue {
return try {
} catch (cause: SerializationException) {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: MyValue) {
when (value) {
is Undefined -> {}
is Absent -> { encoder.encodeNull() }
is WithValue -> { encoder.encodeString(value.value) }
With some help from medium.com, I came to the following solution:
#Serializable(with = OptionalPropertySerializer::class)
open class OptionalProperty<out T> {
object NotPresent : OptionalProperty<Nothing>()
data class Present<T>(val value: T) : OptionalProperty<T>() {
override fun toString(): String {
return value.toString()
fun isPresent() : Boolean {
return this is Present
fun isNotPresent(): Boolean {
return this is NotPresent
fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
return (this is Present) && this.value == null
fun hasValue(): Boolean {
return (this is Present) && this.value != null
override fun toString(): String {
if(this is NotPresent) {
return "<NotPresent>"
return super.toString()
open class OptionalPropertySerializer<T>(private val valueSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<OptionalProperty<T>> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = valueSerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): OptionalProperty<T> =
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: OptionalProperty<T>) {
when (value) {
is OptionalProperty.NotPresent -> {}
is OptionalProperty.Present -> valueSerializer.serialize(encoder, value.value)
private data class MyAddressNew(
var line1: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var line2: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var city: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var postal_code: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var state: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var country: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
fun main() {
val jsonStringPOST = "{\"line1\":\"street\",\"country\":\"GB\"}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPOST")
val myAddressPost = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddressNew>(jsonStringPOST)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPost")
val jsonStringUPDATE = "{\"country\":null}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringUPDATE")
val myAddressUpdate = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddressNew>(jsonStringUPDATE)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressUpdate")
if(myAddressUpdate.country.isPresent()) {
println("Update country: ${myAddressUpdate.country}")
} else {
println("No update for country: ${myAddressUpdate.country}")
This prints:
JSON string is: {"line1":"street","country":"GB"}
MyAddress object: MyAddressNew(line1=street, line2=<NotPresent>, city=<NotPresent>, postal_code=<NotPresent>, state=<NotPresent>, country=GB)
JSON string is: {"country":null}
MyAddress object: MyAddressNew(line1=<NotPresent>, line2=<NotPresent>, city=<NotPresent>, postal_code=<NotPresent>, state=<NotPresent>, country=null)
Update country: null

Ktor Serializer for class 'Response' is not found

Plugin and dependeny:
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version "$kotlin_version"
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-serialization:$ktor_version"
Application file:
fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080, host = "") {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
}.start(wait = true)
fun Application.userRouter() {
routing {
get("/users/{id}") {
val id = call.parameters["id"]?.toInt() ?: -1
val user = User("Sam", "sam#gmail.com", "abc123")
val response = if (id == 1) {
Response("hahaha", false)
} else {
Response(user, true) //< - here, use String type will work
data class User(
val name: String,
val email: String,
val password: String
data class Response<T>(
val data: T,
val success: Boolean
2021-12-02 18:04:34.214 [eventLoopGroupProxy-4-1] ERROR ktor.application - Unhandled: GET - /users/7
kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'Response' is not found.
Mark the class as #Serializable or provide the serializer explicitly.
at kotlinx.serialization.internal.Platform_commonKt.serializerNotRegistered(Platform.common.kt:91)
at kotlinx.serialization.SerializersKt__SerializersKt.serializer(Serializers.kt:155)
Any help would be appreciated.
The problem is that type for the response variable is Response<out Any> (the lowest common denominator between String and User types is Any) and the serialization framework cannot serialize the Any type.
That's werid, the following works, but to me they are just the same:
get("/users/{id}") {
val id = call.parameters["id"]?.toInt() ?: -1
val user = User("Sam", "sam#gmail.com", "abc123")
/* val response = if (id == 1) { //<- determine response here won't work, why?
Response("hahaha", false)
} else {
Response(user, true)
if (id == 1) {
call.respond(Response("hahaha", false))
} else {
call.respond(Response(user, true))
You should give a type to a generic when you set a nullable generic to null, otherwise, the plugin doesn't know how to serialize it.
for eg.
data class Response<T>(
val data: T?,
val success: Boolean
val response = Response<String>(null, false)

Kotlin vert.x parsing a JSON String to a Data class using gson always returns null

I am just playing around with vert.x 3.5.3 Kotlin and I am unable to parse a JSON string into a Data class using gson.
Here is the code
class DataVerticle : AbstractVerticle() {
override fun start(startFuture: Future<Void>) {
data class Product(
#SerializedName("id") val id: Int,
#SerializedName("name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("productCode") val productCode: String
val products: MutableList<Product> = mutableListOf()
val gson = Gson()
val eventBus = vertx.eventBus()
eventBus.consumer<String>("data.verticle") {
when (it.headers().get("ACTION")) {
val prodJson = it.body()
if (prodJson != null) {
val product = gson.fromJson(prodJson, Product::class.java)
else -> {
The Problem is the parsed value is always null
Here is my sample json ->
The json string sent over the eventBus is not null.
I am using this package for gson
com.google.code.gson', version: '2.8.5'
You declare your class inside the method body, which Gson doesn't like much.
Extracting it to be nested class will work just fine:
class DataVerticle : AbstractVerticle() {
override fun start(startFuture: Future) {
val gson = Gson()
val eventBus = vertx.eventBus()
eventBus.consumer<String>("data.verticle") {
when (it.headers().get("ACTION")) {
val prodJson = it.body()
if (prodJson != null) {
val product = gson.fromJson(prodJson, Product::class.java)
else -> {
data class Product(
#SerializedName("id") val id: Int,
#SerializedName("name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("productCode") val productCode: String
Tested with:
val vertx = Vertx.vertx()
vertx.deployVerticle(DataVerticle()) {
val options = DeliveryOptions()
options.addHeader("ACTION", "ADD_PRODUCT")
vertx.eventBus().send("data.verticle", """{"id":1,"name":"SOAP","productCode":"P101"}""", options)

Get value from annotation failed

This is annotation definition:
annotation class MyAnno(val desc: String, val comment: String) { }
And below is where the MyAnno used:
class MyAnnoUser {
#MyAnno(desc = "name", comment = "name comment")
lateinit var name: String
#MyAnno(desc = "age", comment = "age comment")
var age: Int = 0
#MyAnno(desc = "money", comment = "money comment")
var money: Double = 0.0
#MyAnno(desc = "gender", comment = "gender comment")
var gender: Boolean = false
override fun toString(): String {
return "(name: $name; age: $age; money: $money; gender: ${if (gender) "men" else "women"})"
Here's code to read the value in MyAnno:
class MyAnnoExpression(val obj: Any, val context: Context) {
val numTypeSet = setOf("Int", "Double", "Byte")
fun expression() {
val clazz = obj::class
clazz.declaredMemberProperties.forEach { prop ->
val mutableProp = try {
prop as KMutableProperty<*>
} catch (e: Exception) {
} ?: return#forEach
val desc = mutableProp.findAnnotation<MyAnno>()
desc?.let {
val propClassName = mutableProp.returnType.toString().removePrefix("kotlin.")
when (propClassName) {
in numTypeSet -> mutableProp.setter.call(obj, (readProp(it, context) as kotlin.String).toNum(propClassName))
"String" -> mutableProp.setter.call(obj, (readProp(it, context) as kotlin.String))
"Boolean" -> mutableProp.setter.call(obj, (readProp(it, context) as kotlin.String).toBoolean())
private fun readProp(value: MyAnno, context: Context): Any? {
val prop = Properties()
val input = context.assets.open("app.properties")
prop.load(InputStreamReader(input, "utf-8"))
return prop.get(value.desc)
Now the Debugger shows me following info of value in readProp(...) function:
#com.demo.basekotlin.MyAnno(comment=age comment, desc=age)
But i got exception when read desc from value:
An exception occurs during Evaluate Expression Action : org.jetbrains.eval4j.VOID_VALUE cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.eval4j.AbstractValue
I can't find any thing wrong in my code, is there another program setting needed?
As I understand you just want to see annotation value for given property.
First, let's declare an annotation.
annotation class PropertyAnnotation(val desc: String)
class Container {
var name: String? = null
var age: Int = -1
var notAnnotatedProperty: String = "not annotated"
And finally, code responsible for get all declared properties, then find a properties annotated as PropertyAnnotation, cast it to it, and get value from it.
fun main() {
val container = Container()
container::class.declaredMemberProperties.forEach { property ->
(property.annotations.find {
it is PropertyAnnotation
} as? PropertyAnnotation)?.let {
println("Property: `$property` is ${it.desc}")
Property: `var Container.age: kotlin.Int` is Age
Property: `var Container.name: kotlin.String?` is Name
Kind ugly. But, let's use more Kotlin pro-dev-features.
Let's create extension function for any not-null type which returns all member property of given type:
inline fun <reified T : Any> Any.getMemberProperty(): List<T> {
return this::class.declaredMemberProperties.mapNotNull { prop ->
(prop.annotations.find { ann -> ann is T }) as? T
And now usage:
fun main() {
val container = Container()
container.getMemberProperty<PropertyAnnotation>().forEach {

Property include/exclude on Kotlin data classes

Suppose I only want one or two fields to be included in the generated equals and hashCode implementations (or perhaps exclude one or more fields). For a simple class, e.g.:
data class Person(val id: String, val name: String)
Groovy has this:
#EqualsAndHashCode(includes = 'id')
Lombok has this:
#EqualsAndHashCode(of = "id")
What is the idiomatic way of doing this in Kotlin?
My approach so far
data class Person(val id: String) {
// at least we can guarantee it is present at access time
var name: String by Delegates.notNull()
constructor(id: String, name: String): this(id) {
this.name = name
Just feels wrong though... I don't really want name to be mutable, and the extra constructor definition is ugly.
I've used this approach.
data class Person(val id: String, val name: String) {
override fun equals(other: Person) = EssentialData(this) == EssentialData(other)
override fun hashCode() = EssentialData(this).hashCode()
override fun toString() = EssentialData(this).toString().replaceFirst("EssentialData", "Person")
private data class EssentialData(val id: String) {
constructor(person: Person) : this(id = person.id)
This approach may be suitable for property exclusion:
class SkipProperty<T>(val property: T) {
override fun equals(other: Any?) = true
override fun hashCode() = 0
SkipProperty.equals simply returns true, which causes the embeded property to be skipped in equals of parent object.
data class Person(
val id: String,
val name: SkipProperty<String>
I also don't know "the idomatic way" in Kotlin (1.1) to do this...
I ended up overriding equals and hashCode:
data class Person(val id: String,
val name: String) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other?.javaClass != javaClass) return false
other as Person
if (id != other.id) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return id.hashCode()
Isn't there a "better" way?
This builds on #bashor's approach and uses a private primary and a public secondary constructor. Sadly the property to be ignored for equals cannot be a val, but one can hide the setter, so the result is equivalent from an external perspective.
data class ExampleDataClass private constructor(val important: String) {
var notSoImportant: String = ""
private set
constructor(important: String, notSoImportant: String) : this(important) {
this.notSoImportant = notSoImportant
Here's a somewhat creative approach:
data class IncludedArgs(val args: Array<out Any>)
fun includedArgs(vararg args: Any) = IncludedArgs(args)
abstract class Base {
abstract val included : IncludedArgs
override fun equals(other: Any?) = when {
this identityEquals other -> true
other is Base -> included == other.included
else -> false
override fun hashCode() = included.hashCode()
override fun toString() = included.toString()
class Foo(val a: String, val b : String) : Base() {
override val included = includedArgs(a)
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val foo1 = Foo("a", "b")
val foo2 = Foo("a", "B")
println(foo1 == foo2) //prints "true"
println(foo1) //prints "IncludedArgs(args=[a])"
Reusable solution: to have an easy way to select which fields to include in equals() and hashCode(), I wrote a little helper called "stem" (essential core data, relevant for equality).
Usage is straightforward, and the resulting code very small:
class Person(val id: String, val name: String) {
private val stem = Stem(this, { id })
override fun equals(other: Any?) = stem.eq(other)
override fun hashCode() = stem.hc()
It's possible to trade off the backing field stored in the class with extra computation on-the-fly:
private val stem get() = Stem(this, { id })
Since Stem takes any function, you are free to specify how the equality is computed. For more than one field to consider, just add one lambda expression per field (varargs):
private val stem = Stem(this, { id }, { name })
class Stem<T : Any>(
private val thisObj: T,
private vararg val properties: T.() -> Any?
) {
fun eq(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (thisObj === other)
return true
if (thisObj.javaClass != other?.javaClass)
return false
// cast is safe, because this is T and other's class was checked for equality with T
other as T
return properties.all { thisObj.it() == other.it() }
fun hc(): Int {
// Fast implementation without collection copies, based on java.util.Arrays.hashCode()
var result = 1
for (element in properties) {
val value = thisObj.element()
result = 31 * result + (value?.hashCode() ?: 0)
return result
#Deprecated("Not accessible; use eq()", ReplaceWith("this.eq(other)"), DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Stem.equals() not supported; call eq() instead")
#Deprecated("Not accessible; use hc()", ReplaceWith("this.hc(other)"), DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
override fun hashCode(): Int =
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Stem.hashCode() not supported; call hc() instead")
In case you're wondering about the last two methods, their presence makes the following erroneous code fail at compile time:
override fun equals(other: Any?) = stem.equals(other)
override fun hashCode() = stem.hashCode()
The exception is merely a fallback if those methods are invoked implicitly or through reflection; can be argued if it's necessary.
Of course, the Stem class could be further extended to include automatic generation of toString() etc.
Simpler, faster, look at there, or into the Kotlin documentation.
Only fields inside the primary constructor are taken into account to build automatic access methods like equals and so on. Do keep the meaningless ones outside.
Here is another hacky approach if you don't want to touch the data class.
You can reuse the entire equals() from data classes while excluding some fields.
Just copy() the classes with fixed values for excluded fields:
data class Person(val id: String,
val name: String)
fun main() {
val person1 = Person("1", "John")
val person2 = Person("2", "John")
println("Full equals: ${person1 == person2}")
println("equals without id: ${person1.copy(id = "") == person2.copy(id = "")}")
Full equals: false
equals without id: true
Consider the following generic approach for the implementation of equals/hashcode. The code below should have no performance impact because of the use of inlining and kotlin value classes:
package org.beatkit.common
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
value class HashCode(val value: Int = 0) {
inline fun combineHash(hash: Int): HashCode = HashCode(31 * value + hash)
inline fun combine(obj: Any?): HashCode = combineHash(obj.hashCode())
value class Equals(val value: Boolean = true) {
inline fun combineEquals(equalsImpl: () -> Boolean): Equals = if (!value) this else Equals(equalsImpl())
inline fun <A : Any> combine(lhs: A?, rhs: A?): Equals = combineEquals { lhs == rhs }
object Objects {
inline fun hashCode(builder: HashCode.() -> HashCode): Int = builder(HashCode()).value
inline fun hashCode(vararg objects: Any?): Int = hashCode {
var hash = this
objects.forEach {
hash = hash.combine(it)
inline fun hashCode(vararg hashes: Int): Int = hashCode {
var hash = this
hashes.forEach {
hash = hash.combineHash(it)
inline fun <T : Any> equals(
lhs: T,
rhs: Any?,
allowSubclasses: Boolean = false,
builder: Equals.(T, T) -> Equals
): Boolean {
if (rhs == null) return false
if (lhs === rhs) return true
if (allowSubclasses) {
if (!lhs::class.isInstance(rhs)) return false
} else {
if (lhs::class != rhs::class) return false
return builder(Equals(), lhs, rhs as T).value
With this in place, you can easily implement/override any equals/hashcode implementation in a uniform way:
data class Foo(val title: String, val bytes: ByteArray, val ignore: Long) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return Objects.equals(this, other) { lhs, rhs ->
this.combine(lhs.title, rhs.title)
.combineEquals { lhs.bytes contentEquals rhs.bytes }
// ignore the third field for equals
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return Objects.hashCode(title, bytes) // ignore the third field for hashcode
You can create an annotation that represents the exclusion of the property as #ExcludeToString or with #ToString(Type.EXCLUDE) parameters by defining enum.
And then using reflection format the value of the getToString().
annotation class ExcludeToString
data class Test(
var a: String = "Test A",
#ExcludeToString var b: String = "Test B"
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return ExcludeToStringUtils.getToString(this)
object ExcludeToStringUtils {
fun getToString(obj: Any): String {
val toString = LinkedList<String>()
getFieldsNotExludeToString(obj).forEach { prop ->
prop.isAccessible = true
toString += "${prop.name}=" + prop.get(obj)?.toString()?.trim()
return "${obj.javaClass.simpleName}=[${toString.joinToString(", ")}]"
private fun getFieldsNotExludeToString(obj: Any): List<Field> {
val declaredFields = obj::class.java.declaredFields
return declaredFields.filterNot { field ->
private fun isFieldWithExludeToString(field: Field): Boolean {
field.annotations.forEach {
if (it.annotationClass == ExcludeToString::class) {
return true
return false