I have a silverlight application after i run this project in
visual-studio-2015 silverlight 5 there errors are appear
The tag 'TimeUpDown' does not exist in XML namespace
'http:// schemas.microsoft. com /winfx/2006/xaml/presentation/toolkit'
What can i do ?
Add a reference to System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit.
See this blog post for more details.
I have installed yii 1.1.12 framework(Windows 7 using xampp) and created a mytest project. I am able to see mytest project folder in the path '/xampp/htdocs/yii/framework/'. But while running application as 'http://localhost/mytest/' it gives Object not found error
Probably it's because you created your web app inside the framework folder, so the route localhost/mytest doesn't work. Try using http://localhost/yii/framework/mytest instead
Recently I change a big project from asp.net Web form to MVC 4. every thing is ok , I change some codes , and reconfigure my Web.Config file. but I got an error about existence a reference type in tow dlls
I use something like this in all over of aspx files in my project \
<%= Resources.Resouce.AResource %>
Now after change (From web form to MVC) I got more than 2000 errors that Resource does not exists in some pages.so I changed the Custome Tool Namespace of my resources to Resources , so the project build successfully . but now I get another error
CS0433: The type 'Resources.Resource' exists in both 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\4fbef14f\4d273162\assembly\dl3\bd8e90ff\dc59fc0b_ffd2ce01\LHW1-WebSite.DLL' and 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\4fbef14f\4d273162\App_GlobalResources.isqs-re9.dll'
As the first solution I clean the solution , but the problem did not resolved
As the second solution , I set batch="false" attribute in compilation tag in web.config. But still the error did not resolved
Is there any one to help me out there ?!
My problem is very simple, but unfortunately I cannot figure out what's wrong. I've created a new MVC4 Internet Application project with Razor syntax, then I added another WCF Library project to this solution. I did not make any change on these codes. However, as I added the WCF project as a service reference in the MVC 4 app, I'm getting 1 Error message and 3 Warning messages:
Error 4 Custom tool error: Failed to generate code for the service
reference 'ServiceReference1'. Please check other error and warning
messages for details. c:\users\vendre\documents\visual studio
References\ServiceReference1\Reference.svcmap 1 1 MvcApplication3
Warning 1 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType Detail:
An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension:
Error: Could not load file or assembly 'DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2780ccd10d57b246'
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file
Warning 2 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:binding Detail:
There was an error importing a wsdl:portType that the wsdl:binding
is dependent on. XPath to wsdl:portType:
Warning 3 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:port Detail: There
was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is
dependent on. XPath to wsdl:binding:
I read some article but did not resolved my problem. If somebody know the answer for my problem, please tell me.
When you add the reference, on advanced setting remove the reuse types checkbox.
If you're experiencing this problem in 2021 with VS2019. Add a folder to the project called "Connected Services"
sometimes you need to create a folder "Service References" in project path. If you dont have this folder it should gives this path error.
If using VS 2019, check if in Solution Explorer you see "Service Reference". Than edit the project file for following
<WCFMetadata Include="Connected Services\" />
In Visual Studio 2019, I fixed the error (system cannot find path specified) by creating a new folder named "Connected Services" inside project folder
In Visual Studio 2022, You need to create a folder "Connected Services" in project path, via Windows Explorer, not Visual studio solution explorer'
You can try the following :
Delete the "Connected Services" folder from the project in Visual Studio
Add the service reference with right-click on the project / Add / Service Reference...
It should work and recreate the "Connected Services" folder with your new service reference.
My war is working on Tomcat6, but got error on Weblogic10.3:
The tag handler class was not found "jsp_servlet.tags.__tag"
Here is the situation:
I have developed 5 tag files, and define these 5 tag file in one tld,
and package them into nnn.jar with tld.
My first JSP is using 2 of 5 tag files, when I click this page,
in tomcat, it's working well,but in Weblogic10.3, got error above,
I found the key factor of this error is "using 2 of 5 tag",because that when I'm using all 5 tag files in one JSP, the Weblogic103 is working well!
So I think maybe this's a weblogic bug or I need do some configuration to avoid this.
Any idea about this situation? thans a lot!
I have created a new project of SharePoint 2010 --> Visual Web part,
seleted it as form solution. and it created the web part.
I just edited it with Hello World! for confirmation and deployed it using VS, and successfully added to page.
problem, arrises when i activated the same package after uploaded it from site actions--> site settings --> galleries --> Solutions
-- > upload new solution --> activate it.
error came:
This solution contains invalid markup or elements that cannot be deployed as part of a sandboxed solution. Solution manifest for solution 'GUID' failed validation, file manifest.xml, line 14, character 4: The element 'Solution' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/' has invalid child element 'TemplateFiles' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/'. List of possible elements expected: 'FeatureManifests, ActivationDependencies' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/'
I don't know why VS didn't get this error while its deployment or i am missing some thing while my deployment.
any idea?
Try to make your visual web part as sand boxed solution your problem will be resolved