Bigquery transfer - Change date issue - google-bigquery

I am trying to edit a transfer from Google Play data, and it keeps asking me to enter a future date, regardless of how much in the future I am trying to add it.
Anyone knows any way to overcome this issue?

From comments on the question, this is a known bug and possible workarounds are:
Create a transfer configuration from CLI/API instead of UI (preferred)
After selecting "Start date and run time" - switch back in "Scheduling Options" to "Start now" and then switch back to "Start at set time". Ignore "Start date and run time" error and proceed with creating transfer config --> Which I used and worked perfectly


Google Ads to BigQuery Data AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED [...success error success error error...]

I am having the following problem: I have set up Google Ads data transfer to Bigquery, it used to work fine for about a month, then I got some AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED error.
Now, I have seen here that potential cause might be
"The link between the manager and client account was removed."
but that does not explain why transfer schedule had successful runs after first (few) errors, and then stopped working again. Can anyone shed some light on this, please? How can I fix the problem?
Here are screenshots of run history, more run history and transfer configuration
P.S. Start date was changed to "December 1" instead of early November after I rescheduled time.

how do i fix qlik sense/qlik view "The requested resource cannot be found." when trying to export data

I'm new to qlik - having been handed over a project from someone else.
Qlik has been used primarily as a report generator. I've got a sheet that I right click on and export data - and has been working fine - but now that it's over 1 million rows - the export data takes a really long time and when it finally says "here's a link to download your exported data" - regardless of whether I click on that link immediately, or wait a bit and then click it, it always just says "The requested resource cannot be found." Every time.
This sheet was working fine with about 800,000 rows, and other sheets in the same app still work fine - so it's definitely just the volume - feels like I'm going over some "report will be available for this long" type time limit and qlik is just deleting it immediately upon creation.
I've no idea how to even begin troubleshooting/fixing this - any suggestions?
My guess here is that you are reaching some timeout and/or limit - memory or file size.
Few things on top of my head:
NPrinting is used for such type of tasks. The downside is that there is a cost involved (you'll have to purchase license)
Depends on your data but you can export/store data during the reload process as csv (STORE MyTable INTO ..\Ouptut\MyCSVFile.csv (txt);)
Write script that connects to the Qlik Sense app (Engine JSON-RPC API) and traverse through the required table(s) data and store the response in whatever format you want

How to add wait within workflow of Kofax RPA Desktop Automation?

Sometimes Kofax RPA Design Studio can't fill up data correctly on SAP application. Like I have Input from excel "abcd". Robot can put "abc". Here "d" is missing. Most of the time it occur for last character. I think wait step can solve this problem. But don't know how to add wait within workflow of DA.
Screenshot added for more clearance.
Here String was "G030". But Kofax RPA can't add the last character.
If you know solution about this issue, please share. and please share how to add
wait step within workflow?
To answer your question regarding waiting: use a guarded choice and set it to "When seconds have passed":
Regarding missing characters - I saw this a lot when working with SAP. The way I solved it was - instead of using "Enter Text in Field", I would use the clipboard and then paste it into the field. Use "Device Input Steps" > "Set Clipboard" to set the text in question, and then simply perform a "Paste in Field".

How do I set the project default Maximum Bytes Billed in BigQuery?

In the BigQuery UI, if I click Show Options there is a field called Maximum Bytes Billed - which is an awesome way to make sure you don't fat finger an expensive query. When you don't enter a value in that field it says "project default". How do I set that project default? I can't find it anywhere.
Also, how does the project default work? Is it a hard cap that nobody can go over, or if someone enters a higher value in that field can they override the default? Does it apply to all queries from any source or only from the BigQuery UI?
Got official confirmation from Google that this is not possible.

Trac - Change ticket creation and closing date

Is there a way to change creation and closing date for a ticket ?
Every week I export a report of all created/closed tickets and I need to change date for some of them.
Creation and closing time of a ticket should not be changed. This is the start and the end of a workflow of a ticket.
If you need to get more information in your reports, rethink the ticket's workflow. Trac provides you a workflow,
but you can customise it easily according to your needs through trac.ini.
In the case however you want to hack it, everything is in the trac database and you can change anything by hand, but don't go there.
You cannot change creation date at all, if you define it as the time the ticket is created.
Closing is the act of marking a ticket as resolved (last), so this could be manipulated at least by opening and closing a ticket again.