How to check fabric block size (in bytes) - size

I used Hyperledger Explorer, but i haven't any information of block size.
I need to understand how many transactions saturate 1GB.

If you are using the docker files provided by Hyperledger, a mounted directory called prod is created when you run the network. This directory contains a directory for each peer. Inside a given peers directory there is chains/chains/<nameOfChannel>- in there are the block files. You can use traditional linux methods to get size of those files.


Image file on root node for a virtual machine - can it be moved?

I am using proxmox and created a virtual machine yesterday. Today, I noticed that there is hardly any memory left on my root nodes /dev/mapper disk, which causes the VM to stop. I found out that there is an image file (extension .qcow2) in the directory /var/lib/vz/images, which belongs to the newly created VM, which consumes quite a lot memory.
I know that images can be used to install operating systems from and I asked myself if this image file is a necessary component for the VM to work or if the image file is only created as a kind of backup. If it is a backup file, I could save it on another disk to solve my problem.
Thanks for your help.
It's your virtual machine disk, you cannot just remove it. You can create VM disk with "Thin provision" checked in Storage configuration on hypervisor, it will consume only what you use, not allocate all space at once. Use Clonezilla or dd to clone all data to new disk.

Way to pass parameters or share a directory/file to a qemu-kvm launched VM on Centos 7.0

I need to be able to pass some parameters to my virtual machine during it's bootup so it sets itself properly. To do that I either have to bake the info into the image or somehow pass it as parameters to my qemu-kvm command. These parameters are just few, and if it was VMware, we would just pass it as ova paramas and when the VM launches we would call the ova-environment to get these params. But launching it from qemu-kvm I have no such options. I did some homework and found that I could use virtio-9p driver for sharing files across host and guest. Unfortuantely RHEL/Centos has decided not to support 9p.
With no option of rebuilding my RHEL kernel with the 9p options enabled, how do I solve my above problem? Either solution would work, which is, pass/share some kind of json file to the VM(pre-populated on the host), which will read this and do it's setup OR set some kind of "environment variables" which I can query from within the VM to get these params and continue with setup. Any pointers would help.
If your version of QEMU supports it, you could use its -fw_cfg option to pass information to the guest. If that guest is running a Linux kernel with CONFIG_FW_CFG_SYSFS enabled, you will be able to read out the information from sysfs. An example:
If you launch your VM like so:
qemu-system-x86_64 <OPTIONS> -fw_cfg name=opt/com.example.test,string=qwerty
From inside the guest, you can then get the value back from sysfs:
cat /sys/firmware/qemu_fw_cfg/by_name/opt/com.example.test/raw
There appears to be some driver for Windows as well, but I've never used it.
When you boot your guest with -kernel and -initrd you should be able to pass environment variables with -append.
The downside is that you have to keep track of your current kernel and initrd outside of your disk image.
Other possibilities could be a small prepared disk image (as you said) or via network/dhcp or a serial link into your guest or ... this really depends on your environment.
I was just searching to see if this situation had improved and came across this question. Apparently it has not improved.
What I do is output my variable data to a temp file (eg. /tmp/xxFoo). Usually I write text or a tar straight to that file then truncate it to a minimum size and 512 byte multiple like 64K otherwise the disk controller won't configure it. Then the VM starts with a raw drive as that file. After the VM is started the temp file is deleted. From within the guest you can read/cat the raw block device and get the variable data (in BSD use the c partition as the raw drive).
In Windows guests it's tricky to get to the data. In theory you can read \\.\PhysicalDriveN but I have not ever been able to get that to work. Cygwin can do it and it works like Linux. The other option is to make your temp file a partitioned and formatted image but that's a pain to create and update.
As far as sharing a folder I use Samba which works in just about anything. I usually use several instances of smbd running with different configurations.
One option is to create a ISO file and pass as parameter. This works for both host Win and Ubuntu and Guest Win and Ubuntu. You can read the mounted CD ROM inside the guest OS
>>qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=c:/qemuiso/winlive1.qcow2,format=qcow2 -m 8G -drive file=c:\qemuiso\sample.iso,index=1,media=cdrom
On Guest Linux Mount CDROM in Ubuntu:-
>>blkid //to check if media is there
>>sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom
>>sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom //this step can also be put in crontab
>>cd /mnt/cdrom

Process task structure between Docker and Host

How the process task structure is different in both docker and the host process any specific module is differed in docker apart from host?
Since processed are represented in kernel by structure called ‘task_struct', that structure is the same in a container.
A container is based on system calls to the host kernel, and any kernel-related structure comes directly from said kernel.
See "Architecting Containers: Why Understanding User Space vs. Kernel Space Matters"
A typical program gets access to resources in the kernel through layers of abstraction similar to the following diagram:
The kernel provides abstraction for security, hardware, and internal data structures. The open() system call is commonly used to get a file handle
Notice in the following drawing that bash makes a getpid() call which requests its own process identity.
Also, notice that the cat command requests access to /etc/hosts with a file open() call.

NFS server receives multiple inotify events on new file

I have 2 machines in our datacenter:
The public server exposes part of the internal servers's storage through ftp. When files are uploaded to the ftp, the files in fact end up on the internal storage. But when watching the inotify events on the internal server's storage, i notice the file gets written in chunks, probably due to buffering at client side. The software on the internal server, watches the inotify events, to determine if new files have arrived. But due to the NFS manner of writing the files, there is no good way of telling when a file is complete. Is there a way of telling the NFS client to write files in only one operation, or is there a work around for this behaviour?
The events i get on the internal server, when uploading a file of around 900 MB are:
./ CREATE big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
# after the CREATE i get around 250K MODIFY and CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE events:
./ MODIFY big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
./ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
# when the upload finishes i get a CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE
./ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.avi
of course, i could listen to the CLOSE_NOWRITE event, but reading inotify documentation says:
A watched file or a file within a watched directory was closed, after being opened in read-only mode.
Which is not exactly the same as 'the file is complete'. The only workaround I see, is to use .part or .filepart files and move them, once uploaded, to the original filename and ignore the .part files in my storage watcher. Disadvantage is I'll have to explain this to customers, how to upload with .part. Not many ftp clients support this by default.
Basically, if you want to check when the write operations is completed, monitor the event IN_CLOSE_WRITE.
IN_CLOSE_WRITE gets "fired" when a file gets closed which was open for writing. Even if the file gets transferred in chunks, the FTP server will close the file only after the whole file has been transferred.

NFS file open in C code

If I open a file in my C/C++/Java code using a pathname that goes to an nfs directory, how the does the read and write syntax work with NFS being stateless and all? I have tried but cant find an example code accessing NFS mounted files. My current understanding is that it is the job of the NFS client to keep state (like read and write pointer) and the application uses the same syntax.
A related question is regarding VFS and UFS. Are all files in a current unix machine accessed through their vnodes first and then (depending on local vs remote) inode or rnode structures?
NFS (short of file locking) is no different than local storage to user-level applications. It might be slower, or it might drop out unexpectedly, but that can happen to local storage too. That's probably why you can't find specific NFS-centric example code.