Consume message from queue after service complete the processing of previous message - rabbitmq

I am doing a POC to work with RabbitMQ and have a questions about how to listen to queues conditionally!
We are consuming messaging from a queue and once consumed, the message will be involved in an upload process that takes longer times based on the file size. And as the file sizes are larger, sometimes the external service we invoke running out of memory if multiple messages are consumed and upload process is continuing for the previous messages.
That said, we would like to only consume the next message from the queue once the current/previous message is processed completely. I am new to JMS and wondering how to do it.
My current thought is, the code flow will manually pull the next message from the queue when it completes the process of previous message as the flow knows that it has completed the processing but if that listener is only used in code flow to manually call, how it will pull the very first message!

The JMS spec says that message consumers work sequentially:
The session used to create the message consumer serializes the
execution of all message listeners registered with the session
If you create a MessageListener and use that with your consumer, the JMS spec states the listener's onMessage will be called sequentially, i.e. once per message after each message has been processed by the listener. So in effect each message waits until the previous has completed.


How to hold Mule process until JMS consume complete processing

I have JMS in my mule flow where producer reads records from cache, put in queue and consumer consumes messages and do further processing. Following is the flow for understanding.
Service 1 (Read data from file) -> Service 2 (put each line in cache)
-> JMS Service 3 (Producer Read data from cache line by line and put in queue) and Consumer read from queue -> Service 4
In above flow, from JMS component, flow becomes asynch hence as soon as producer puts all records in queue response goes back to client saying process completed but it is possible that consumer still going to consume messages.
I want to hold process from producer to send back response until consumer consumes all the messages.
Any idea on this how to achieve?
Since the async takes the copy of the exact thread and process independently, it may be possible that the producer putting the message in the queue as fast as before the consumer actually able to consume it.
One way I can think to hold the process of putting the message into the queue is by putting a sleep() before it.
You can use a Groovy component and use sleep() in it to hold the flow or slow down the process.
for example, if you put the following:
<scripting:component doc:name="Groovy">
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[
return message.payload;]]>
before the putting the message into the queue, the process will slow down a bit and will hold the flow for 10000 ms till on the other side the consumer actually consume it.
Polling for completion status as described above may work OK but there's still a risk of some transactions not being completed after wait time, or waiting long after all messages have been processed.
Depending on the end goal of this exercise, you could perhaps leverage Mule batch, which already implements the splitting of the inbound request into individual messages, processing the messages in one or multiple consumer threads, keeping track of the chunks processed and remaining, and reporting the results / executing final steps once all data is processed.
If you can't use batch and need to reassemble the processed messages into a single list or map, you may be able to get the Collection Aggregator do the job of tracking the messages by correlation ID and setting the timeouts.
The crude DIY way to implement it is to build some sort of dispatcher logic for the JMS publishing component. It will submit all messages to JMS then wait for each consumer / worker thread to respond back (via a separate JMS queue) with completion message with the same correlation ID. The dispatcher will then track all submitted / processed messages in the in-memory or persistent storage and respond back once the last message in the batch has been acknowledged, or by pre-defined timeout. Which is very close to what Mule batch already does.
You can use exchange pattern value as request-response so that flow will wait for response from JMS.

Cancelling an un-acked message in RabbitMQ

I have a service which tasks worker processes via RabbitMQ. The messages are sent with a TTL, and the worker will not ack the message until it successfully completes the task sent in the message.
The tasking process will monitor workers for timeouts, and if a worker exceeds the timeout it will be terminated. Since the message isn't ack'd, the message is re-queued immediately and the next worker will pick up the message (this is useful in my scenario, as workers are unreliable and may fail but subsequent attempts typically succeed.
However, I would also like the ability to cancel a message. Terminating and re-creating the worker process is the normal procedure (it's single threaded, so I can't send a separate 'cancel' message to the worker). However, doing so leads to the message immediately re-queueing if the TTL has not been exceeded.
The only suggested solution I've found is here, which suggested a separate data source which checks if a message is still valid. However, that answer is both a) old and b) inconvenient.
Does RabbitMQ offer a means to cancel a message once it's been placed into the queue?
Unfortunately rabbitmq does not have a way to cancel a message.
Without the ability to send a "cancel" message to your consumer, you may have to do something like what that other post suggests.
Another option to consider: message processing should be idempotent. That is, processing the same message more than once should only cause the desired result to occur once (the first time it is processed).
Idempotence is often achieved through the use of a correlationid in messaging. You can attach a correlationid to your message, then check a database or other service to see if that message should still be processed. If you want to "cancel" the message, you would update the other database/service with that specific correlationid to say "this one has been processed already" or "has been canceled" or something like that.

Mule ESB: How to achieve typical ReTry Mechanism in MULE ESB

I need to implement a logic on Retry. Inbound endpoint pushes the messages to Rest (Outbound). If the REST is unavailable, I need to retry for 1 time and put it in the queue. But the second upcoming messages should not do any retry, it has to directly put the messages in to queue until the REST service is available.
Once the service is available, I need to pushes all the messages from QUEUE to REST Service (in ordering) via batch job.
How do I know the service is unavailable for my second message? If I use until Successful, for every message it do retry and put in queue. Plm is 2nd message shouldn't do retry.
For batch, I thought of using poll, but how to tell to poll, when the service becomes available to begin the batch process. (bcz,Poll is more of with configuring timings to run batch)?
Other ticky confuses me is - Here ordering has to be preserved. once the service is available. Queue messages ( i,e Batch) has to move first to REST Services then with real time. I doubt whether Is it applicable.
It will be very helpful for the quick response to implement the logic.
Using Mule: 3.5.1
I could try something like below: using flow controls
process a message; if exception or bad response code, set a variable/property like serviceAvailable=false.
subsequent message processing will first check the property serviceAvailable to process the messages. if property is false, en-queue the messages to a DB table with status=new/unprocessed
create a flow/scheduler to process the messages from DB sequentially, but it will not check the property serviceAvailable and call the rest service.
If service throws exception it will not store the messages in db again but if processes successfully change the property serviceAvailable=true and de-queue the messages or change the status. Add another property and set it to true if there are more messages in db table like moreDBMsg=true.
New messages should not be processed/consumed until moreDBMsg=false
once moreDBMsg=false and serviceAvailable=true start processing the messages from queue.
For the timeout I would still look at the response code and catch time-outs to determine if the call was successful or requires a retry. Practically you normally do multi threading anyway, so you have multiple calls in parallel anyway. Or simply one call starts before the other ends.
That is just quite normal.
But you can simply retry calls in a queue that time out. And after x amounts of time-outs you "skip" or defer the retry.
But all of this has been done using actual Mule flow components like either:
Or flow controls:
Or for example you reference a Spring Bean and do it in native Java code.
One possibility for the queue would be to persist it in a database. Mule has database connector that has a "poll" feature, see:

MSMQ + WCF - Immediately Move Messages to the Dead-Letter Queue

We have a WCF service that listens for messages on a queue (MSMQ). It sends a request to our web server (REST API), which returns an HTTP status code.
If the status code falls within the 400 range, we are throwing away the message. The idea is a 400 range error can never succeed (unauthorized, bad request, not found, etc.) and so we don't want keep retrying.
For all other errors (e.g., 500 - Internal Server Error), we have WCF configured to put the message on a "retry" queue. Messages on the retry queue get retried after a certain amount of time. The idea is that the server is temporarily down, so wait and try again.
The way WCF is set up, if we throw a FaultException in the service contract, it will automatically put the message on the retry queue.
When a message causes a 400 range error, we are just swallowing the error (we just log it). This prevents the retry mechanism from firing; however, it would be better to move the message to a dead-letter queue. This way we can react to the error by sending an email to the user and/or a system administrator.
Is there a way to immediately move these bad messages to a dead-letter queue?
First, I kept referring to the dead-letter queue. At the time when I posted this question, I was unaware that WCF/MSMQ automatically creates what's known as a poison sub-queue. Any message that can't be delivered in the configured number of times is put in the poison sub-queue.
In my situation, I knew that some messages would never succeed, so I wanted to move the message out of the queue immediately.
The solution was to create a second queue that I called "poison" (not to be confused with the poison sub-queue). My catch block would create an instance of a WCF client and forward the message to this poison queue. I could reuse the same client to post to both the original queue and the poison queue; I just had to create a separate client end-point in the configuration file for each.
I had two separate ServiceHost instances running that read the queues. The ServiceHost for the original queue did the HTTP request and forwarded messages to the poison queue when unrecoverable errors occurred. The second ServiceHost would simply send out an email to record that a message was lost.
There was also the issue of temporary errors that exceeded the maximum number of tries. WCF/MSMQ automatically creates a sub-queue called <myqueuename>;poison. You cannot directly write to a sub-queue via WCF, but you can read from it using a ServiceHost. Whenever messages end up in the poison sub-queue, I simply forward the message to the poison queue, with the exact same client I use in the original handler's catch block.
I wanted the ability to include a stack trace in the error emails. Since I was reusing the same client and service contract for all of the handlers, I couldn't just pass along the stack trace as a string (unless I added it to all of my data contracts). Instead, I had the poison handler try to execute the code one more time, which would fail again and spit out the stack trace.
This is what my message queues ended up looking like:
- Queue messages
- Retry
- Poison
- Queue messages
This approach is pretty convoluted. It was strange calling A WCF client from within a WCF service handler. It also meant setting up one more queue on the server and a ton of additional configuration sections for specifying which queue a client should forward messages to.
hopefully I have understood your question and if it is what i think you are saying then yes there is but you obviously need to program it to do this. But you DO need a retry amount set so the MSMQ can retry until it gives up. Or you can create your own custom queue for dead letters/messages
take a look here also:
How do I handle message failure in MSMQ bindings for WCF
I hope these links help.

Re-queue Amqp message at tail of Queue

I have a project setup using Spring and RabbitMQ. Currently it is possible for my application to receive an amqp message that cannot be processed until another asynchronous process has completed (legacy and totally detached, i have no control). So the result is i may have to wait on processing a message for some amount of time. The result of this is an exception in a transformer.
When the message is NACK'd back to rabbitMQ it is putting it back into the head of the queue and re-pulling it immediately. If i get unprocessable messages equal to the number of concurrent listeners my workflow locks up. It spins its wheels waiting for messages to become processable, even though there are valid processable messages waiting behind in the queue.
Is there a way to reject and amqp message and have it go back to the tail of the queue instead? From my research rabbitMQ worked this way at one time, but now i appear to get the head of the queue exclusively.
My config is rather straight forward, but for continuity here it is...
Connection factory is: org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory
RabbitMQ 3.1.1
Spring Integration: 2.2.0
<si:channel id="channel"/>
queue-names="commit" channel="channel" connection-factory="amqpConnectionFactory"
acknowledge-mode="AUTO" concurrent-consumers="${listeners}"
<si:chain input-channel="channel" output-channel="nullChannel">
<si:transformer ref="transformer"></si:transformer>
<si:service-activator ref="activator"/>
You are correct that RabbitMQ was changed some time ago. There is nothing in the API to change the behavior.
You can, of course, put an error-channel on the inbound adapter, followed by a transformer (expression="payload.failedMessage"), followed by an outbound adapter configured with an appropriate exchange/routing-key to requeue the message at the back of the queue.
You might want to add some additional logic in the error flow to check the exception type (payload.cause) and decide which action you want.
If the error flow itself throws an exception, the original message will be requeued at the head, as before; if it exits normally, the message will be acked.