How to download dvd covers from - ssl

Hello stackoverflow community. I am asking for help with downloading dvd covers from a dvd shop website ( I am using wget for Windows.
So the syntax would be wget -r -A .jpg
But the problem is that it doesnt want to connect with SSL. The handshake fails.
Maybe the website has disabled mass downloading of DVD covers because of bandwidth or copyright reasons ?
The covers can be manually downloaded by clicking each link, but it would be much faster to do it with a batch program.
There are some 115000 covers in total.

The Terms of Use page for the site includes the following:
"Read these terms carefully before you ("You") accept these Terms by: (a) placing an order through DVDEmpire or (b) otherwise using the Websites."
"You agree, further, not to use or attempt to use any engine, software, tool, agent or other device or mechanism (including without limitation browsers, spiders, robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate or search the Websites other than the search engine and search agents available from DVDEmpire on the Websites and other than generally available third party web browsers (e.g., Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Explorer)."
I suggest that you contact the site maintainers directly about what you want to do.


Lighthouse metrics variance

please tell me why there is such a big difference between the included "Total Blocking Time" on the site and the local litehouse for a mobile device?
I am not able to give you the address and show you the site, there is just a text and a picture. The site is made on nuxt js and assembled completely statically.
My computer - mackbook air m1, google uses less powerful emulation and results in fewer parrots?
This official page explains it well:
Common problems:
A/B tests or changes in ads being served
Internet traffic routing changes
Testing on different devices, such as a high-performance desktop and a low-performance laptop
Browser extensions that inject JavaScript and add/modify network requests
Antivirus software
Otherwise, this one is another answer:
Google PageSpeed uses a “combo” of lab and real-world data[historical data of your website], whereas Lighthouse uses lab data only[locally tested on your machine] to build its report.
Note: You should trust PSI metrics over just lab data.

How do I go about safely taking a screenshot of a website that I know is infected with malware?

One of my clients' websites has become a malware infested hotbed.
Disposing of the malware has proven difficult and time consuming, and, in the meantime, we still have had to do work on the site.
For now, we went to some trouble to do our work - creating a disposable VM to just run a web browser, so we can see what the site looks like for the designers' work, for example.
I'm wondering if there's an easier (and faster) way to get an idea what the design of the site looks like. Not everyone on the project is tech savvy enough to be trusted with, for example, properly handling switching VMs.
Is there a method for safely seeing what a malware infested website looks like (for example, a service which will browse the site for me and send a screenshot), one which ideally is easy and simple enough to use that I can trust our non-tech-savvy designers to user?
You might take at look at Internet Archive: Wayback Machine to see if the site has been archived.
If a screenshot is all you need, there are several online browser simulators, such as Net Renderer (which will run any inputted web URL in a given version of Internet Explorer and then supply a screenshot). You might also try BrowserStack, which requires an account, and is not free, but does have a free trial period, and offers more than Internet Exploder.
You could also try running a browser in Sandboxie, which is simpler to set up and use than a VM (you just install it, and then use the windows right-click menu to launch any program in a sandbox of your choosing). However, it isn't free for commercial use.
I don't know if exist a standalone tool to parse a website for malwares, but I think this can help you, it's a google tool that you can you with a request and they will send you a response.
Follow the link:
Hope it helped.

Malware on the site as per google but I cannot find it

yesterday when I came to one of my sites I got a warning from google that there is malware on my site. I looked at the code and there was indeed some javascript that shouldn't be there. I googled it and didn't find anything usefull. When I came back to my site, that code was gone, but google (when accessing the site from the search engine) and google chrome still give me a warning that there is malware on my site.
I looked at webmaster tools and they have identified few pages as problematic. One of them is The code that is listed in the webmaster tools under Malware is:
<script type='text/javascript'>st="no3nen0orno3pno3rxstxpno3
%8?%6&"]);var b=[],c="&!^<^]$$&)&~&_&)!:$$^#$|&:&&$?$]^<^]^]
Can you please help me out? How should I fight this?
Thank you all very much for your help in advance!
Remove the malware from your webpages.
Immediately change your passwords.
Also check for any XSS (cross-site scripting) and SQL injection vulnerabilities.
deactivate plugins that are not high ranked or from reputed source.
Use secure protocols.check out's Tips for Cleaning and Securing Your Website.
Keep an eye on your log files.
Stay up-to-date with the latest software updates and patches.
Hope it helps!
If the code appears again, then the attacker left some script, which, on request, runs the infecting procedure. Usually this script receives an encoded string of the malcode (e.g. in base64), decodes it and executes via eval(). You should find this file (it is most likely a PHP script) and remove it. To find it look at the log and search for suspicious requests (e.g. a single POST request, transmitting base64 string is a very suspicious one).
Most probably your hosting has been compromised (password stolen) by an automated tool.
This tools typically inject some javascript inside js files in order to infect the people visiting your pages with malware. You should :
Change your passwords.
Restore the most recent non compromised backup.

Tools for finding Non SSL resources in web page (firebug like tool)

I'm trying to find a non-SSL resource that is being loaded on my site.
This happens occasional where one of us forgets to use the https version of a resource (like some js in a CDN).
My question is there any firebug-like tools to find these "Turds in the punch bowl"? I want my green padlock back :)
Besides Firebug, which you've mentioned, you can use the developer tools in Chrome:
Tools menu -> Developer Tools
Go through the list of loaded resources in the Network tab
Alternatively, the HttpFox extension for Firefox can also be useful. It will keep logging the traffic even when you change pages, which may be useful in some cases.
(This is very similar to Firebug.)
mitm-proxy is great for stuff like this -
You run it on your local machine in a console window, set your browser to use it as a proxy, and you can watch /log everything that your browser requests. It's a little noisy since it shows SSL hand-shaking and file contents, but you can filter that down. When you need to debug SSL communications it's invaluable to see those details though..
mitm-proxy is based on which has more in the way of scripting capabilities.

Automatic file selection for upload

Is it possible for a website to automatically find a folder on usb stick and upload all the files in it to the web server by clicking only one button?
The problem is that I don't know how to make upload form automatically detect usb stick as the drive name(ie. G:, F:, etc) may vary from computer to computer, so hard coding path is not possible.
Ps. I'm using yii framework for site development, but can add a new page that will handle this in any other language as the client really wants this feature.
Web sites are not allowed to set default files to upload (it's a major security risk!). Also, web sites cannot scan the hard drive/enumerate what file systems exist on a system, again, for security purposes.
It might be possibly to do this with Flash/Silverlight/Java. Java seems the most likely to allow a web developer to do this (Java plugin seems to be quite willing to give out every permission under the Sun).
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Allowing automatic uploads in web browsers would be a huge security hole so the browsers intentionally prevent it. Even if you manage to find a hole that permits it, the browser makers will break it as soon as they find out.
However, if you have an environment where an actual separate program can be installed on the end user's computer you could easily write a program to do automated uploads of specified directories when launched.