How do I configure apache-traffic-server to forward an http request to an https remote server? - firebase-cloud-messaging

I have an esp8266 which was directly sending http requests to but since google seems have stopped allowing requests to be send via http, I need to find a new solution.
I started down a path to have the esp8266 directly send the request via https and while it works on a small example the memory footprint required for the https request is to much in my full application and I end up crashing the esp8266. While there are still some avenues to explore that might allow me to continue to directly send messages to the server, I think I would like to solve this by sending the request via http to a local "server" raspberry pi, and have that send the request via https.
While I could run a small web server and some code to do handle the requests, it seems like this is exactly something traffic-server should be able to do for me.
I thought this should be a one liner. I added the following the the remap.config file.
where is the local address of my raspberry pi.
When I send requests to I get back the following:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2019 16:22:14 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian)
Content-Length: 288
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /fcm/send:8080 was not found on this server.</p>
<address>Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) Server at localhost Port 80</address>
I think 8080 is the right port.
I am guessing this is not the one liner I thought it should be.
Is this a good fit for apache-traffic-controller?
Can someone point me to what I am doing wrong and what is the right way to accomplish my goal?
Based on Miles Libbey answer below, I needed to make the following update to the Arduino/esp8266 code.
http_.begin("", 8080, "");
where http_ is the instance of the HTTPClient
And after installing trafficserver on the my raspberry pi, I needed to add the following two lines to the /etc/trafficserver/remap.config
Note the reverse_map line is only needed if you want to get feedback from fcm, ie if the post was successful or not.

I would try a few changes:
- I'd use map:
map instead of redirect. The redirect is meant to send your client a 301, and then your client would follow it, which sounds like it'd defeat your purpose. map should have ATS do the proxying.
- I think your curl may have been off -- the port usually goes after the domain part -- eg, curl "". (and probably better:
curl -x "", so that the port isn't part of the remapping.


How can I get past a 502 proxy error when uploading a file via JMeter?

I am trying to set up JMeter 5.5 to upload a file into our system as if it were happening in the user interface, but I continue to get a 502 proxy error. How can I get the file to upload successfully?
I am using the parameter hivUpload. If I change the parameter from hivUpload to anything else, I get a 500 error instead of a 502, so I think hivUpload is the correct parameter.
I have the file in the JMeter bin folder, but it's not clear if I need to include the full file path or not. I have tried it both ways, and neither has been successful.
Source file location
POST data:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="hivUpload"; filename="AgencyInfo 2_0 - good file.xml"
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
<actual file content, not shown here>
[no cookies]
<title>502 Proxy Error</title>
<h1>Proxy Error</h1>
<p>The proxy server received an invalid
response from an upstream server.<br />
The proxy server could not handle the request<p>Reason: <strong>Error reading from remote server</strong></p></p>
I am able to get other processes to happen successfully by sending in a JSON request as if I were doing data entry. Note the successful green entries in the results, so I believe all of the other items are set up correctly. However, we have not tried using JMeter to upload files before. I know it is possible to do this I have seen articles about it (like this one,checkbox%20in%20HTTP%20Request%20sampler.), but it's not clear to me what I need to tweak in my setup.
We cannot comment on your configuration because we don't know how exactly the file needs to be supplied as there are multiple ways of uploading the file.
You could try just recording it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just make sure that the file you're uploading will be in "bin" folder of JMeter installation, only this way JMeter will be able to intercept the request and generate proper HTTP Request sampler and HTTP Header Manager
More information: JMeter Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios

RabbitMQ Publish via Management HTTP API not_authorised but works in Web UI

I tried to publish a message to both the default exchange and also some other exchange via the HTTP Management API but I always get back an authorization error.
curl -i -u myuser:mypw -XPOST -d'{"properties":{},"routing_key":"my_key","payload":"my body","payload_encoding":"string"}'
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: nginx/1.14.2
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2019 05:27:10 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 53
Connection: keep-alive
content-security-policy: default-src 'self'
vary: accept, accept-encoding, origin
{"error":"not_authorised","reason":"Access refused."}%
I tried it both on a self hosted RabbitMQ (installed via helm on k8s) and our CloudAMQP instance.
But if I login on the Management Web UI with the very same user then I can publish a message to the exchange and also consume from a queue.
I expect that the Management Web UI just uses the HTTP API for performing this actions so I am confused why it works when I do it via the UI.
Reading all vhost on the other hand works also with the HTTP API.
curl -i -u myuser:mypw
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Can somebody explain to me whats going on there? What puzzels me the most is the fact that it works on the UI using the same user:pw.
I figured out the problem, I did use the wrong URL path.
For vhost: / and the default exchange it should be:
In my case, using the CloudAmqp free plan, I needed to use my user name as vHost in rhe URL:[myrandomusernamefromfreeplan]/amq.default/publish

Is it possible to make API calls from MAMP PRO

I have a localhost setup using MAMP PRO and XIP.IO for sharing on my local network.
I'm also trying to test API requests from with the same application but I keep getting the following error in the log file even though I am using the correct API credentials which work on a remote server.
2015-12-20T12:52:52+00:00 DEBUG (7): HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-type: text/html
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 12:52:52 GMT
Server: nginx
Www-authenticate: Basic realm="very closed site"
Content-length: 188
Connection: keep-alive
<head><title>401 Authorization Required</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>401 Authorization Required</h1></center>
If this is indeed due to being on a localhost is there a way to recieve API callbacks using MAMP PRO?
If you want the third party API to be able to send you a post back, your local website/app must be accessible when entering your public IP.
So if I understand your problem you just have to configure your router (or internet provider box) and open a port that you redirect to your local MAMP Pro. You can find a lot of tutorial for "Access MAMP Pro remotely"
WARNING : Do this for tests and then close the port you openned not to leave a security breach

Terrible Apache Bench results on Custom CMS

Please note: This is not a complain about a shoddy CMS.
Just toying with Apache Bench and got terrible results with our custom CMS, more exactly i got:
Requests per second: 0.37 [#/sec] (mean)
When i run another test with a plain php file i got:
Requests per second: 4786.07 [#/sec] (mean)
Another test with a previous version of the CMS:
Requests per second: 6068.66 [#/sec] (mean)
The website(s) are working fine, no problems detected, Google's Webmaster Tools reports our sites as faster than 80% of the pages which is fine, i think.
The test was:
ab -t 30 -c 10
Maybe some kind of Apache problem? Bad .htaccess config, or similar?
Just ran a simple test with sockets and the results are similar. Page loads very, very slowly. If i ran my script with another website everything is fine.
Also, there's a small hint about a chunk length problem. (Bad Apache Headers, or line endings?)
The site is gzipped, and when verbose logging turned on, i see these lines in the response:
LOG: Response code = 200
LOG: header received:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2011 13:10:49 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=ibnfoqir9fee2koirfl5mhm633; path=/
Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Always at the same place, in the middle of the HTML-source, then <!DOCTYPE HTML> again.
Please, help.
Update #2:
Just checked my HTTP headers with Rex Swain's HTTP Viewer and got these results:
Do you notice anything unusual?
If it works well with ordinary web browsers (as you mentioned in the comments) the CMS handle the requests from Apache Benchmark differently.
A quick checklist:
AFAIK Apache Benchmark just send simple requests without any cookie handling, so try to set -C with a valid cookie (copy the values from a web browser).
Try to send exactly the same headers to the CMS as the web browser sends. Save a dump of a valid request with netcat, HttpFox or a packet sniffer and set the missing headers with -H.
Profile the CMS on the server while you're sending to it a request with Apache Benchmark. Maybe you found the bottleneck. Two poor man's error_log calls with a timestamp in the first and the last line of the index.php (or the tested script's entry point) could show how fast is the PHP script and help to calculate the overhead of the Apache HTTP Server and network.
If you run socket tests and browser tests from different machines it's could be a DNS issue (turn off HostnameLookups in Apache). Try to run them from the same machine.
Try ab -k ... or ab -H "Connection: close" ....
I guess the CMS does some costly initialization when it initializes the session and it's happens when it processes the first request. Since Apache Benchmark does not send the cookies back the CMS it creates a new session for every request and it's the cause of the slow answers.
A second guess is that the CMS handle the incoming http headers differently and the headers which was sent (or the lack of them) by Apache Benchmark trigger some costly/slow processing. It looks more appropriate since the report of the Google's Webmaster Tools.
Apache Benchmark sends HTTP 1.0 request, for example:
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost:9100
User-Agent: ApacheBench/2.3
Accept: */*
It looks to me that your server does not send any http header about Keep-Alive settings but it assumes that the client uses keep-alive when the client uses HTTP 1.0. It's not an RFC compliant behaviour:
From RFC 2616, 19.6.2 Compatibility with HTTP/1.0 Persistent Connections:
Some clients and servers might wish to be compatible with some
previous implementations of persistent connections in HTTP/1.0
clients and servers. Persistent connections in HTTP/1.0 are
explicitly negotiated as they are not the default behavior.
By default Apache Benchmark doesn't use keep-alive so it waits when the response arrives for the closing of the socket. The server closes it after 15 seconds idle. Downloading the main page with wget also takes 15 seconds. Wget also uses HTTP 1.0 in the request.
I think it's a bug in the PHP code of the CMS since ab works well on the same server with a plain php file. Anyway, you can workaround it with using keep-alive connections (-k):
ab -k -t 30 -c 10
or with explicitly disabling persistent connections:
ab -H "Connection: close" -t 30 -c 10
but it's still a server side issue and your original ab commands is right.
Please note that this bug probably affects only HTTP 1.0 clients (like Apache Benchmark, wget) and clients with regular browsers will not notice it.

How to delete a large cookie that causes Apache to 400

I've come across an issue where a web application has managed to create a cookie on the client, which, when submitted by the client to Apache, causes Apache to return the following:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:21:21 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
Content-Length: 7274
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>Bad Request</h1>
<p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.<br />
Cookie: ::: A REALLY LONG COOKIE ::: </pre>
<address>Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80</address>
After looking into the issue, it would appear that the web application has managed to create a really long cookie, over 7000 characters. Now, don't ask me how the web application was able to do this, I was under the impression browsers were supposed to prevent this from happening. I've managed to come up with a solution to prevent the cookies from growing out of control again.
The issue I'm trying to tackle is how do I reset the large cookie on the client if every time the client tries to submit a request to Apache, Apache returns a 400 client error? I've tried using the ErrorDocument directive, but it appears that Apache bails on the request before reaching any custom error handling.
Oh dear! I think you'll have to at increase the LimitRequestFieldSize configuration option in Apache's httpd.conf to go any further, so you can get as far as running the server-side script. Make sure it cleans up the cookies as quickly as possible before they start to grow again!