2 SQL query with Union Building - sql

i have 2 SQL query, i want to make both in one SQL query and get all the elements from each query only in one row.
I want to have 6 columns for the result("kunde", "GesamtdateiGrosse", "anzahlObjGesamt", "GesamtdateiGrossefertig", "anzahlObjFertig" "RestGross") and 2 lines. RestGross would then be the difference between GesamtdateiGrosse and GesamtdateiGrossefertig
kunde.nummer AS kunde,
SUM(datei.groesse) as "GesamtdateiGrosse",
COUNT (DISTINCT objekt.id) as anzahlObjGesamt
FROM datei
INNER JOIN objekt ON datei.id_objekt = objekt.id
INNER JOIN auftrag ON objekt.id_auftrag = auftrag.id
INNER JOIN kunde ON auftrag.id_kunde = kunde.id
WHERE kunde.nummer = 777
GROUP BY kunde.nummer
kunde.nummer AS kunde,
SUM(datei.groesse) as "GesamtdateiGrossefertig",
COUNT (DISTINCT objekt.id) as anzahlObjFertig
FROM datei
INNER JOIN objekt ON datei.id_objekt = objekt.id
INNER JOIN auftrag ON objekt.id_auftrag = auftrag.id
INNER JOIN status ON objekt.id_restorestatus = status.id
INNER JOIN kunde ON auftrag.id_kunde = kunde.id
WHERE status.name = 'fertig' AND kunde.nummer = 777
GROUP BY kunde.nummer
I expect the output 3 rown 3 column (Kunde, "GesamtdateiGrosse",anzahlObjGesamt)

This should get you close to what you want. The idea is to add another join in the first to bring in the status table, and the do conditional aggregation.
This requires that there is a 1:1 relationship between objekt and status (meaning that, for a given record in objekt, there is always one and only one record in status that satisfies condition objekt.id_restorestatus = status.id).
kunde.nummer AS kunde,
SUM(datei.groesse) as "GesamtdateiGrosse",
COUNT(DISTINCT objekt.id) as anzahlObjGesamt,
SUM(CASE WHEN status.name = 'fertig' THEN datei.groesse ELSE 0 END) as "GesamtdateiGrossefertig",
COUNT (DISTINCT (CASE WHEN status.name = 'fertig' THEN objekt.id END)) as anzahlObjFertig
FROM datei
INNER JOIN objekt ON datei.id_objekt = objekt.id
INNER JOIN auftrag ON objekt.id_auftrag = auftrag.id
INNER JOIN kunde ON auftrag.id_kunde = kunde.id
INNER JOIN status ON objekt.id_restorestatus = status.id
WHERE kunde.nummer = 777
GROUP BY kunde.nummer


SQL: Attribute matches two different conditions at the same time

I want to make a query where an attribute (same attribute) matches two different conditions at the same time. I have to check if a driver was found in both cities.
I tried to use intersect but I don't get any matches. But in my table I have one driver that matches this conditions.
SELECT s.NumeSofer
FROM Soferi s
INNER JOIN contraventii c ON s.idSofer=c.idSofer
INNER JOIN localitati l ON c.idLocContr=l.idLoc
WHERE l.DenLoc IN ('Iasi', 'Rosiori') AND l.Jud IN ('IS', 'NT');
SELECT s.NumeSofer
FROM Soferi s
INNER JOIN contraventii c ON s.idSofer=c.idSofer
INNER JOIN localitati l ON c.idLocContr=l.idLoc
WHERE l.DenLoc='Rosiori' AND l.Jud='NT';
You can use aggregation and a HAVING clause, like:
SELECT s.NumeSofer
FROM Soferi s
INNER JOIN contraventii c ON s.idSofer=c.idSofer
INNER JOIN localitati l
ON c.idLocContr = l.idLoc
AND (l.DenLoc, l.Jud) IN ( ('Iasi', 'IS'), ('Rosiori', 'NT') )
GROUP BY s.NumeSofer
MAX(CASE WHEN l.DenLoc = 'Iasi' AND l.Jud = 'IS' THEN 1 END) = 1
AND MAX(CASE WHEN l.DenLoc = 'Rosiori' AND l.Jud = 'NT' THEN 1 END) = 1
This will bring you all NumeSofer for which at least one record exists in localitati with DenLoc='Iasi' AND Jud='IS' and at least one record exists with DenLoc='Rosiori' AND Jud='NT'.
Note: the IN operator can be used with tuple values; this reduce the lenght of the query, while avoiding using OR, which is usually not good for general performance.
Do a GROUP BY instead. Use case expressions to do conditional aggregation:
SELECT s.NumeSofer, count(distinct l.DenLoc) as totcount,
count(case when l.DenLoc='Rosiori' then 1 end) as Rosioricount,
count(case when l.DenLoc='Iasi' then 1 end) as Iasicount
FROM Soferi s
INNER JOIN contraventii c ON s.idSofer=c.idSofer
INNER JOIN localitati l ON c.idLocContr=l.idLoc
WHERE (l.DenLoc='Rosiori' AND l.Jud='NT')
OR (l.DenLoc='Iasi' AND l.Jud='IS')
GROUP BY s.NumeSofer
ORDER BY totcount desc
Any rows with totcount = 2?
To get only drivers with both DenLoc's add a HAVING clause:
SELECT s.NumeSofer, count(distinct l.DenLoc) as totcount,
count(case when l.DenLoc='Rosiori' then 1 end) as Rosioricount,
count(case when l.DenLoc='Iasi' then 1 end) as Iasicount
FROM Soferi s
INNER JOIN contraventii c ON s.idSofer=c.idSofer
INNER JOIN localitati l ON c.idLocContr=l.idLoc
WHERE (l.DenLoc='Rosiori' AND l.Jud='NT')
OR (l.DenLoc='Iasi' AND l.Jud='IS')
GROUP BY s.NumeSofer
HAVING count(distinct l.DenLoc) > 1

SQL correct query or not

given these relationships, how could you query the following:
The tourists (name and email) that booked at least a pension whose rating is greater than 9, but didn't book any 3 star hotel with a rating less than 9.
Is the following correct?
SELECT Tourists.name, Tourists.email
FROM Tourists
SELECT id FROM Bookings
INNER JOIN Tourists ON Bookings.touristId=Tourists.id
INNER JOIN AccomodationEstablishments ON Bookings.accEstId=AccomodationEstablishments.id
INNER JOIN AccomodationTypes ON AccomodationEstablishments.accType=AccomodationTypes.id
WHERE AccomodationTypes.name = 'Pension' AND
AccomodationEstablishments.rating > 9
SELECT id FROM Bookings
INNER JOIN Tourists ON Bookings.touristId=Tourists.id
INNER JOIN AccomodationEstablishments ON Bookings.accEstId=AccomodationEstablishments.id
INNER JOIN AccomodationTypes ON AccomodationEstablishments.accType=AccomodationTypes.id
WHERE AccomodationTypes.name = 'Hotel' AND
AccomodationEstablishments.noOfStars = 3 AND
AccomodationEstablishments.rating < 9
I would do this using aggregation and having:
SELECT t.name, t.email
Tourists t
ON b.touristId = t.id INNER JOIN
AccomodationEstablishments ae
ON b.accEstId = ae.id INNER JOIN
AccomodationTypes a
ON ae.accType = a.id
GROUP BY t.name, t.email
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN a.name = 'Pension' AND ae.rating > 9 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0 AND
SUM(a.name = 'Hotel' AND ae.noOfStars = 3 AND ae.rating < 9 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)= 0;
Your method also works, but you probably need t.id in the subqueries.

Join two select queries horizontally in Postgresql

I have following two queries:
Query #1:
pl.c_project_Id, pl.c_projectphase_Id, pl.c_projecttask_Id, pl.m_product_Id,
pj.name as projectname, ph.name as phasename, pt.name as taskname, pd.name as prodname,
round(pl.plannedqty, 2) as planqty, round(pl.plannedprice, 2) as planrate,
round(pl.plannedamt, 2) as planamt
FROM adempiere.c_projectline pl
LEFT JOIN adempiere.c_project pj ON pl.c_project_id = pj.c_project_id
LEFT JOIN adempiere.c_projectphase ph ON pl.c_projectphase_id = ph.c_projectphase_id
LEFT JOIN adempiere.c_projecttask pt ON pl.c_projecttask_id = pt.c_projecttask_id
LEFT JOIN adempiere.m_product pd ON pl.m_product_id = pd.m_product_id
WHERE pl.c_project_id = 1000001 AND pl.ad_client_id = 1000000
ORDER BY ph.c_projectphase_id, pt.c_projecttask_id)
Output is: 11 columns and 16 rows
Query #2:
fa.c_project_id, fa.c_projectphase_id, fa.c_projecttask_id, fa.m_product_id,
pj.name as costprojectname, ph.name as costphasename, pt.name as costtaskname,
pd.name as costprodname,
abs(fa.qty) as costqty, round((fa.amtacctdr/fa.qty), 2) as costrate,
round(sum(fa.amtacctdr), 0) as costamt
FROM adempiere.fact_acct fa
LEFT JOIN adempiere.c_project pj ON fa.c_project_id = pj.c_project_id
LEFT JOIN adempiere.c_projectphase ph ON fa.c_projectphase_id = ph.c_projectphase_id
LEFT JOIN adempiere.c_projecttask pt ON fa.c_projecttask_id = pt.c_projecttask_id
LEFT JOIN adempiere.m_product pd ON fa.m_product_id = pd.m_product_id
WHERE fa.c_project_id = 1000001 AND (fa.gl_category_id = 1000006 OR fa.gl_category_id = 1000005)
AND fa.qty > 0 AND fa.c_project_id is not null
GROUP BY fa.m_product_id, fa.c_project_id, fa.c_projectphase_id, fa.c_projecttask_id,
fa.qty, fa.amtacctdr,
pj.name, ph.name, pt.name, pd.name)
Output is: 11 columns and 6 rows
I want to join these queries horizontally, display all columns but rows should not duplicate. As when I apply union to join them the result shows duplicate rows. How can I cope with this issue?
You should be able to join queries like this:
select * from
<your first query here>
) tbl1
join (
<your second query here>
) tbl2
on tbl1.c_project_Id = tbl2.c_project_Id
and tbl1.c_projectphase_Id = tbl2.c_projectphase_Id -- you might add or
and tbl1.c_projecttask_Id = tbl2.c_projecttask_Id -- remove join criteria
and tbl1.m_product_Id = tbl2.m_product_Id -- here

Get DISTINCT record using INNER JOIN

I have the follwong Query on multi tables
SELECT DISTINCT b.BoxBarcode as [Box Barcode], (select case when b.ImagesCount IS NULL
then 0
else b.ImagesCount end) as [Total Images], s.StageName as [Current Stage] ,d.DocuementTypeName as [Document Type],
u.UserName as [Start User],uu.UserName as [Finished User]
FROM [dbo].[Operations] o
inner join dbo.LKUP_Stages s on
inner join dbo.LKUP_Users u on
left join dbo.LKUP_Users uu on
inner join boxes b on
inner join LKUP_DocumentTypes d on
d.ID = b.DocTypeID
where b.IsExportFinished = 0
when i select count from the Boxes table where IsExportFinished = 0
i got the Count 42 records, when i run the above qoury i got 71 records,
i want just the 42 records in Boxes table to retrived.
You are doing a one-to-many join, i.e. at least one of the tables have multiple rows that match the join criteria.
Step one is to find which table(s) that give the "duplicates".
Once you have done that you may be able to fix the problem by adding additional criteria to the join. I'm taking a guess that the same boxid occurs several times in the Operations table. If that is the case you need to decide which Operation row you want to select and then update the SQL accordingly.
Try this one -
Box_Barcode = b.BoxBarcode
, Total_Images = ISNULL(b.ImagesCount, 0)
, Current_Stage = s.StageName
, Document_Type = d.DocuementTypeName
, Start_User = u.UserName
, Finished_User = uu.UserName
, o.boxid
, o.startuserid
, o.FinishedUserID
FROM dbo.[Operations]
) o
JOIN dbo.LKUP_Stages s ON o.stageid = s.id
JOIN dbo.boxes b ON b.id = o.boxid
JOIN dbo.LKUP_DocumentTypes d ON d.id = b.DocTypeID
JOIN dbo.LKUP_Users u ON u.id = o.startuserid
LEFT JOIN dbo.LKUP_Users uu ON uu.id = o.FinishedUserID
WHERE b.IsExportFinished = 0
I guess that if you change your LEFT JOIN into INNER JOIN you will get 42 records as requested.

SQL LEFT JOIN combined with regular joins

I have the following query that joins a bunch of tables.
I'd like to get every record from the INDUSTRY table that has consolidated_industry_id = 1 regardless of whether or not it matches the other tables. I believe this needs to be done with a LEFT JOIN?
SELECT attr.industry_id AS option_id,
attr.industry AS option_name,
WHEN s.salary > 0 THEN s.salary
END) AS average,
WHEN s.salary > 0 THEN attr.industry
END) AS count_non_zero,
Count(attr.industry_id) AS count_total
FROM industry attr,
user_job_ft_job uj,
salary_ft_job s,
user_job_ft_job ut,
[user] u,
user_education_mba_school mba
WHERE u.user_id = uj.user_id
AND u.user_id = ut.user_id
AND u.user_id = mba.user_id
AND uj.ft_job_industry_id = attr.industry_id
AND uj.user_job_ft_job_id = s.user_job_id
AND u.include_in_student_site_results = 1
AND u.site_instance_id IN ( 1 )
AND uj.job_type_id = 1
AND attr.consolidated_industry_id = 1
AND mba.mba_graduation_year_id NOT IN ( 8, 9 )
AND uj.admin_approved = 1
GROUP BY attr.industry_id,
This returns only one row, but there are 8 matches in the industry table where consolidated_industry_id = 1.
--- EDIT: The real question here is, how do I combine the LEFT JOIN with the regular joins?
Use left join for tables that may miss a corresponding record. Put the conditions for each table in the on clause of the join, not in the where, as that would in effect make them inner joins anyway. Something like:
attr.industry_id AS option_id, attr.industry AS option_name,
uj.ft_job_industry_id, AVG(CASE WHEN s.salary > 0 THEN s.salary END) AS average,
COUNT(CASE WHEN s.salary > 0 THEN attr.industry END) as count_non_zero,
COUNT(attr.industry_id) as count_total
industry attr
left join user_job_ft_job uj on uj.ft_job_industry_id = attr.industry_id and uj.job_type_id = 1 and uj.admin_approved = 1
left join salary_ft_job s on uj.user_job_ft_job_id = s.user_job_id
left join [user] u on u.user_id = uj.user_id and u.include_in_student_site_results = 1 and u.site_instance_id IN (1)
left join user_job_ft_job ut on u.user_id = ut.user_id
left join user_education_mba_school mba on u.user_id = mba.user_id and mba.mba_graduation_year_id not in (8, 9)
attr.consolidated_industry_id = 1
group by
attr.industry_id, attr.industry, uj.ft_job_industry_id
If you have any tables that you know always have a corresponding record, just use innser join for that.