How to find table region for camelot - python-camelot

As mentioned in camelot, we can extract table from particular region like:
tables = camelot.read_pdf('table_regions.pdf', table_regions=['170,370,560,270'])
But how can I find these regions for my pdf.

You can detect this regions, by some visual debugging.

I know it's a late reply - but I just came across a possible solution.
If you're looking for a automated extraction method, you could use lattice in a first step, retrieve the table boundaries with tables[0]._bbox and use these numbers in a second call to camelot.read_pdf() into the argument table_areas.
Be aware that they are in a weirdly sorted format for a bbox.

If you just want to detect the table region you are reading, try to do this using Jupyter Notebook:
Define the table region inside .read_pdf method: tables = camelot.read_pdf('table_regions.pdf', table_regions=['170,370,560,270'], flavor='lattice'); pay attention on the flavor, because it defines whether the table have borderlines or not(it can be lattice for borders or stream for space).
Use camelot-py with plot from matplotlib: camelot.plot(tables[index], kind='contour') (You may know about how many index your object have by simply executing the name of the object. e.g.: tables runnign inside .ipynb cell)(contour is a visual debugging).
The plot will show an image of your table with a red rectangle contour. Just repeats step 2 until you achieve the table region you want to extract.
To test if the data is correct just use tables[index].df.


Tableau: Self-Organizing Map visualization

So, it's my first time trying to make my own data visualization, and what I want to do is something like a heat map or highlighted table like the original Kohonen (but using squares rather than hexagons) research about countries, but I don't know how to apply it to the map I've got from training the network.
I've read a few links about making a highlighted table and heat map on Tableau, but what I get is always just a table mainly because I'm not using a measure (i just want every country of one color), so, my question is: is it possible to use Tableau for this situation and if so, how could I do it? Thanks!
Original SOM visualization from Dr. Kohonen
Table from Tableau
Yes it is possible to make visualizations like you describe in Tableau - but the question you posed is a bit vaguely specified to give you much more detailed guidance than first take some Tableau training.
For instance, how do you want to determine which row and column to place a country? You may need to write a table calc for row and col positions, which means learning about table calcs. Or you can assign them in a data column.
For square country marks, you'll want a discrete field on the rows shelf, a discrete field on the columns shelf, possible a dimension like Country name on the details shelf. Choose a square mark type, and (important) choose a square cell size from the format menu. Then adjust the size of your squares from the size button and the format menu, and colors and borders from the color button and format pane.
Lots to play with.

Three items (Current value, trend and YTD) in single panel in Splunk

We've setup a new Splunk dashboard and I'm looking to improve the trend graphs/panels.
We now have three panels each telling us something about a specific type of event. These panels are shown in the screenshot below:
Top to bottom,
the first shows the number of events in the current rolling period (of 30 days).
The second shows a trend graph of the number of events every day over the past 3 months.
The third and last shows the number of events in this year to the current data (YTD).
I'd like to clean this up and combine it into one panel. Ideally it would look something like:
I've been messing with CSS files, but that is not a sustainable solution.
Also I've found the Splunk documentation on how to Generate a single value. This give me part of what I'm looking for. But this lacks the Year to Data value and I need the trend line to be more prominent.
Any suggestions to how to make this work?
You want to create a custom visualization of a numeric value. I would suggest you start by looking into existing numeric value visualizations from Splunkbase, then customize the visualization code (html/css/js) to do what you need it to.
From a quick view I just had, there is Number Display Viz which also has source code available under the GPL on github:
To show all three datapoints on a single panel, you can either tweak the html to retrieve data from three different searches, or use sub-searches to provide all data as a single result.
Consider putting all three visualizations in a single panel. You'll need to edit the dashboard's source to do that, but it's very simple. Just remove the </panel></row><row><panel> tags between the visualizations.
A simpler option would be to move the three panels onto the same row so they're next to each other.

Make Spotfire ignore empty values in the categories of charts and show a visualization without "spaces" between the bars

I have a group of trellis graphs on some data, in there you can see a numeric variable on the Y axis and a series of cell dishes on the X axis. Not all the numeric values are present on all the series of cells. Because of this the visualization results in a graph with empty spaces:
This is OK most of the time but the thing is I would like to avoid the "empty spaces, only in these graph series, that you can see between the bars. I would like to see showing only the pattern of the cell dishes where I have data.
Trying to do so I tried creating a calculated column to use it as a ordering index ( (Sorting Filter values asc/desc on Tibco Spotfire), after that "Limit data by expression" using a "[MyColumn] is not null" on it ( (How to show the top 10 column values in Spotfire) with no luck and I tried also ( create a custom expression, which I think it would be a good solution because I understand it will only affect these graphs and not the complete set of visualizations but no, I don't reach the point to change it. Last that it should work but it doesn't is to "Show/Hide Items" under a Boolean expression that it would include that "[Axis.Value] is not NULL" and "Apply individually for each trellis panel" of the numeric column which sound terrific but... nope, it didn't work either...
Any help would be appreciated, now I will select one by one on individual graphs extracting them and plotting them in other place but this is not very useful as a "large scale" solution. I am sure there is a way to insert a proper expression to avoid the null values of the cross of both variables, the numeric and the cell dishes.
this is because you are trellising data, not the axis. you won't be able to filter out values on the x axis; it's simply not how trellis works.
using multiple visualizations is the solution, but I assume you've got n sets of categories that you want to separate out without creating a ton of charts on the page and perhaps you can't guarantee the number of categories or their names, so you want to build a flexible solution.
please check out an answer I just wrote over here which illustrates how to use a document property and a property control to limit a visualization. your property control can be linked to automatically and dynamically display unique values in your "category" column (the one you are trellising by). maybe this can be a solution for you?

(Excel-VBA) Specific data import (on the background) in the active sheet

Would you please help me (total beginner) to prepare a VBA macro that would open a sheet on the background and import specific selection as shown below:
Let's say we have downloaded wordcount analysis (xlsx) like this downloaded from a CAT tool for testing.
Now I would need to add a macro to my main sheet that would read lines starting (Column A) with "All". If "All" then I'd need to record columns of that line (specficilly Columns A - O) in array / hashtable?.
Please take a look at this image that summs it all (better than explaining it for me :-)
Let me know in case you need to know more details.
All tips / suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
My suggestion (I'm a beginner too) would be to use the Macro Recorder. Great tool to learn (example).
start recording
filter for 'ALL'
copy/past the Cells
stop Recording
Then have a look at the recorded code and adjust it :)
Looking at your data and the final layout you are looking for, using a Pivot Table would provide you with all of the flexibility you need.
You can:
filter which data to display
generate calculated values based on data in other columns
choose what order your columns are displayed
dynamically change the layout if you decide you want a different view
From your data, I was able to generate the following Pivot Table in about 15 minutes.
There are several good, simple tutorials on building Pivot Tables. A Google search will turn up plenty.
Things you will need to learn about for your particular problem:
Classic display (I used the classic display to get this particular layout)
Calculated Fields (many of the columns in the pivot table are calculated based on your spec). There is a maximum string length of 255 characters for a field calculation, so you may need to rename some of the columns in the original data set.
Of course, basics of Pivot Tables
Loading new data and updating your pivot table
Good Luck!

How to display filtered data rows as a tooltip in Tableau Public?

Noob here, I have a table with different entries (rows) per different (repeating) regions.
I'd like to be able to display the data rows filtered - matching that particular region thanks - so I get those particular fields related to each region as a tooltip on a map. (I know how to build the map)
Thank you
Just dragging the fields you want to Details or Tooltip is not doing the trick?
Putting a measure on a shelf (other than filter shelf) includes that field in the visualization query results -- i.e. applies the chosen aggregation function to yield an aggregate result value for each partition of the data (as specified by the unique combination of dimensions)
Putting a dimension on a shelf (other than the filter shelf) also includes that field in the query results, but since the dimensions define how data rows are partitioned, it can affect the level of detail of the query. You'll notice this often as suddenly getting many more marks in your visualization after you add a dimension to a shelf. If you are familiar with SQL, dimensions define the fields that follow the GROUP BY keyword.
Thanks for the addition, #AlexBlakemore. I've never said dragging a dimension would not work, only that it wouldn't work as the OP wanted it to (basically the same as you're saying).
And though everything you said (above) is true, it's particularly not exact when it comes to maps. Yes, dragging a dimension will further partition the data, but it will not create additional marks on a map (unless it has also geographical properties). Rather, the tooltip will get the first occurrence of that dimension, and display data for that only. For instance, if you drag "Product" to details, and the possible values are "Bread", "Coffee" and "Milk", it will probably just show "Product: Bread", and the measures for "Bread" only. So yes, it will partition, but no, it won't create additional marks.
Back to OP problem. What I believe you want is a tool tip with all values of the dimension (in my poor example you'd like to see "Bread, Coffee, Milk"). Tableau does not have functions to aggregate strings yet, so it's hard to do so.
What I would suggest is to create a separate sheet, and just drag the dimensions and measures you want to rows. Then put it side by side with the map on a dashboard, and use the map as a filter. Then, when you click on a country/region/city, you'll see the data of that region on the other chart.
Refer to: