How to override HashMaps entrySet method in Kotlin? - kotlin

I want to convert java class from this post Retrofit — Multiple query parameters of same name where name is set dynamically to kotlin.
public class ProxyRetrofitQueryMap extends HashMap<String, Object> {
public ProxyRetrofitQueryMap(Map<String, Object> m) {
public Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet() {
Set<Entry<String, Object>> newSet = new HashSet<>();
return newSet;
Conversion does not help, it gives Platform declaration clash. I want to manually create Kotlin class which extends from HashMap, but this class does not have entrySet() function. What to do?

When using a kotlin.collections.HashMap or java.util.HashMap, the entrySet() function is accessible through their entries property, which you can override like so:
class ProxyRetrofitQueryMap : HashMap<String, Any>() {
override val entries: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<String, Any>>
get() {
val newSet = HashSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<String, Any>>()
return newSet
You can confirm that this property maps to the original function by using it in code and then navigating to its declaration in the IDE. Unfortunately, the documentation doesn't seem to state this behaviour explicitly, or at least I couldn't find it.

Here's the full solution, converted to Kotlin:
class ProxyRetrofitQueryMap(m: MutableMap<String, Any>) : HashMap<String, Any>(m) {
override val entries: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<String, Any>>
get() {
val originSet: Set<Map.Entry<String?, Any?>> = super.entries
val newSet: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<String, Any>> = HashSet()
for ((key, entryValue) in originSet) {
val entryKey = key ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Query map contained null key.")
// Skip null values
requireNotNull(entryValue) { "Query map contained null value for key '$entryKey'." }
if (entryValue is List<*>) {
for (arrayValue in entryValue) {
if (arrayValue != null) { // Skip null values
val newEntry: MutableMap.MutableEntry<String, Any> =
SimpleEntry(entryKey, arrayValue)
} else {
val newEntry: MutableMap.MutableEntry<String, Any> = SimpleEntry(entryKey, entryValue)
return newSet


Spring webtestclient serializes dates to timestamps instead of dates

I am trying to check if the data I get back from the webtestclient is the same as what I expect. But the ZonedDateTime from the User data class is not just shown as a date but as a timestamp while I have applied Jackson to the webtestclient codecs. Example: 2021-12-09T16:39:43.225207700+01:00 is converted to 1639064383.225207700 while I expect nothing to change. Could someone maybe explain what I am doing wrong. (Using this jackson config when calling this endpoint outside of the test gives the date not as timestamp)
object WebTestClientUtil {
fun webTestClient(routerFunction: RouterFunction<ServerResponse>): WebTestClient {
return WebTestClient
.codecs { configurer: ClientCodecConfigurer ->
configurer.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonEncoder(Jackson2JsonEncoder(objectMapper, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
configurer.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonDecoder(Jackson2JsonDecoder(objectMapper, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
fun `get user when given correct data`() {
val user = GlobalMocks.mockedUser
coEvery { userRepository.getUserWithData(any()) } returns user
val result = webTestClient.get()
assertEquals(user, result)
data class Result(
val payload: User
Jackson config:
class JacksonConfig {
companion object {
val serializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX")
val deserializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm[:ss][XXX][X]")
val objectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper().applyDefaultSettings()
private fun ObjectMapper.applyDefaultSettings() =
apply {
JavaTimeModule().apply {
addSerializer(, ZonedDateTimeSerializer(serializationDateFormat))
addDeserializer(, ZonedDateTimeDeserializer())
class ZonedDateTimeDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime>() {
override fun deserialize(jsonParser: JsonParser, deserializationContext: DeserializationContext): ZonedDateTime {
val epochTime = jsonParser.text.toLongOrNull()
return if (epochTime != null) {
} else {
ZonedDateTime.parse(jsonParser.text, deserializationDateFormat)
EDIT: Also found this issue which makes me think that it might have something to do with bindToRouterFunction.
You need to define an ObjectMapper bean so that the auto-configured one is not used:
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class JacksonConfiguration {
companion object {
val serializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX")
val deserializationDateFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm[:ss][XXX][X]")
fun objectMapper() = jacksonObjectMapper().applyDefaultSettings ()
private fun ObjectMapper.applyDefaultSettings() =
apply {
JavaTimeModule().apply {
addSerializer(, ZonedDateTimeSerializer(serializationDateFormat))
addDeserializer(, ZonedDateTimeDeserializer())
class ZonedDateTimeDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime>() {
override fun deserialize(jsonParser: JsonParser, deserializationContext: DeserializationContext): ZonedDateTime {
val epochTime = jsonParser.text.toLongOrNull()
return if (epochTime != null) {
} else {
ZonedDateTime.parse(jsonParser.text, deserializationDateFormat)

Is it possible to verify at compile time whether the required function is called for the Factory Class in Kotlin?

class ModelFactory {
fun setA() : ModelFactory {
// blabla...
fun setB() : ModelFactory {
// blabla...
fun setC() : ModelFactory {
// blabla...
fun build() : Model {
// An error occurs if any of setA, setB, and setC is not called.
fun successTest() {
ModelFactory().setA().setB().setC().build() // No error occurs at compile time
fun failTest() {
ModelFactory().setA().build() // An error occurs at compile time because setB and setC are not called.
It's awkward grammatically, but I think it's been expressed what I want.
I have already implemented an error-raising runtime for this requirement, but I want to check this at compile time.
If possible, I think I should use annotations. But is this really possible at compile time?
With Kotlin, I have been avoiding builder pattern, as we can always specify default values for non-mandatory fields.
If you still want to use a builder pattern, you can use Step builder pattern that expects all mandatory fields to be set before creating the object. Note that each setter method returns the reference of next setter interface. You can have multiple Step builders based on the combination of mandatory fields.
class Model(val a: String = "", val b: String = "", val c: String = "")
class StepBuilder {
companion object {
fun builder(): AStep = Steps()
interface AStep {
fun setA(a: String): BStep
interface BStep {
fun setB(b: String): CStep
interface CStep {
fun setC(c: String): BuildStep
interface BuildStep {
//fun setOptionalField(x: String): BuildStep
fun build(): Model
class Steps : AStep, BStep, CStep, BuildStep {
private lateinit var a: String
private lateinit var b: String
private lateinit var c: String
override fun setA(a: String): BStep {
this.a = a
return this
override fun setB(b: String): CStep {
this.b = b
return this
override fun setC(c: String): BuildStep {
this.c = c
return this
override fun build() = Model(a, b , c)
fun main() {
// cannot build until you call all three setters
val model = StepBuilder.builder().setA("A").setB("B").setC("C").build()

Set property by string in Kotlin using reflection?

I have an object:
class User {
var id: String? = null
var name: String? = null
and list of pairs:
val fieldsToChange = listOf<Pair<String, String>>(Pair("name", "foo"), Pair("id", "bar"))
I would like to iterate trough list of pairs and set appropriate values for given properties using reflection.
Given class instance obj we can extract properties with names using obj::class.memberProperties.
We can construct a mapping from property name to property:
val nameToProperty = obj::class.memberProperties.associateBy(KProperty<*>::name)
Then we can iterate over fieldsToChange and retrieve property and set it:
fieldsToChange.forEach { (propertyName, propertyValue) ->
.takeIf { it is KMutableProperty<*> } // take only "settable" (var) properties
?.let { it as KMutableProperty<*> } // cast it to mutable property so we can access setter
?.let {, propertyValue) } // call the setter
Additionally, we can make this generic:
fun setFields(obj: Any, fieldsToChange: List<Pair<String, Any?>>) {
val nameToProperty = obj::class.memberProperties.associateBy(KProperty<*>::name)
fieldsToChange.forEach { (propertyName, propertyValue) ->
.takeIf { it is KMutableProperty<*> }
?.let { it as KMutableProperty<*> }
?.let {, propertyValue) }
val user = User()
setFields(user, fieldsToChange)
assert( == "foo")
assert( == "bar")
Possible improvement would be to optimize nameToProperty to contain only MutableProperties already casted to KMutableProperty
You can use a map as a delegate for that:
class User(map: Map<String, String>) {
val id: String by map
val name: String by map
val fieldsToChange = listOf(Pair("name", "foo"), Pair("id", "bar"))
val map = { it.first to it.second }.toMap()
val user = User(map)

Kotlin + Arrow + Gson = None?

I have a model in Kotlin of a simple library of Books and Borrowers where a Book is checked out if it has a Borrower. I use Arrow Option to encode the absence/presence of a Borrower:
data class Borrower(val name: Name, val maxBooks: MaxBooks)
data class Book(val title: String, val author: String, val borrower: Option<Borrower> = None)
I am having trouble serializing/deserializing these objects to/from JSON in Gson - specifically the representation of an Option<Borrower> to a JSON null within a Book:
"title": "Book100",
"author": "Author100",
"borrower": {
"name": "Borrower100",
"maxBooks": 100
"title": "Book200",
"author": "Author200",
"borrower": null
My deserialize code:
fun jsonStringToBooks(jsonString: String): List<Book> {
val gson = Gson()
return try {
gson.fromJson(jsonString, object : TypeToken<List<Book>>() {}.type)
} catch (e: Exception) {
I get an empty list. The nearly identical jsonStringToBorrowers works fine.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Would using a different JSON library like kotlinx.serialization or Klaxon be a better idea and how do they do the null <-> None thing?
Thank you!
The issue is a bit hidden by the fact that you don't log the exception before returning an empty list. If you logged that exception you would have gotten this:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to invoke private arrow.core.Option() with no args
This means that Gson doesn't know how to create an Option class because it has no public empty constructor. Indeed, Option is a sealed class (hence abstract) having 2 concrete children classes: Some and None. In order to get an instance of Option you should use one of the factory methods, like Option.just(xxx) or Option.empty() among the others.
Now, in order to fix your code you need to tell Gson how to deserialize an Option class. To do that, you need to register a type adapter to your gson object.
A possible implementation is the following:
class OptionTypeAdapter<E>(private val adapter: TypeAdapter<E>) : TypeAdapter<Option<E>>() {
override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: Option<E>) {
when (value) {
is Some -> adapter.write(out, value.t)
is None -> out.nullValue()
override fun read(input: JsonReader): Option<E> {
val peek = input.peek()
return if (peek != JsonToken.NULL) {
} else {
companion object {
fun getFactory() = object : TypeAdapterFactory {
override fun <T> create(gson: Gson, type: TypeToken<T>): TypeAdapter<T>? {
val rawType = type.rawType as Class<*>
if (rawType != {
return null
val parameterizedType = type.type as ParameterizedType
val actualType = parameterizedType.actualTypeArguments[0]
val adapter = gson.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(actualType))
return OptionTypeAdapter(adapter) as TypeAdapter<T>
You can use it in the following way:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val gson = GsonBuilder()
val result: List<Book> = try {
gson.fromJson(json, TypeToken.getParameterized(,
} catch (e: Exception) {
That code outputs:
[Book(title=Book100, author=Author100, borrower=Some(Borrower(name=Borrower100, maxBooks=100))), Book(title=Book200, author=Author200, borrower=None)]

Binding custom data type transmit null to converter

I'm using Jooq and Kotlin in my project. I have object EventEnvelope in which field of type Event is composed. I want to store this field as JSON in my DB (postgres). I prepared jooq custom datatype bindings and converter as it is described here ->
Below I paste converter, binding and gradle generator code.
My questions are:
Is it ok to use kotlin non null types with jooq bindings?
Is this configuration ok? What should I change?
When I want to store value my converter gets null in from func. I don't why is that.
I am out of ideas what should I do to fix it.
class JSONEventConverter constructor(
private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper,
private val schemaMatcher: SchemaMatcher
) : Converter<Any, Event> {
override fun from(databaseObject: Any): Event {
return schemaMatcher.parse(databaseObject.toString())
override fun to(userObject: Event): Any {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(userObject)
override fun fromType(): Class<Any> {
override fun toType(): Class<Event> {
companion object {
fun create(): JSONEventConverter {
return JSONEventConverter(jacksonObjectMapper(),
class PostgresJSONEventBinding : Binding<Any, Event> {
override fun register(ctx: BindingRegisterContext<Event>?) {
ctx!!.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.VARCHAR)
override fun sql(ctx: BindingSQLContext<Event>?) {
override fun converter(): Converter<Any, Event> {
return JSONEventConverter.create()
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetResultSetContext<Event>?) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetStatementContext<Event>?) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetSQLInputContext<Event>?) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetStatementContext<Event>?) {
Objects.toString(ctx.convert(converter()).value(), null))
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetSQLOutputContext<Event>?) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
generator {
name = 'org.jooq.util.DefaultGenerator'
strategy {
name = 'org.jooq.util.DefaultGeneratorStrategy'
database {
name = 'org.jooq.util.postgres.PostgresDatabase'
schemata {
schema {
inputSchema = someSchema
schema {
inputSchema = otherSchema
forcedTypes {
forcedType {
userType = 'package.Event'
binding = 'package.PostgresJSONEventBinding'
expression = 'someSchema\\.event_store\\.event'
generate {
relations = true
deprecated = false
records = true
immutablePojos = true
fluentSetters = true
target {
packageName = appName
Is it ok to use kotlin non null types with jooq bindings?
jOOQ (or any Java library) will not respect your Kotlin non-nullable guarantees and might produce null values where you wouldn't expect them. So, perhaps it's not a good idea after all.
At the interface between jOOQ and your code, you must ensure yourself that this cannot happen.
Is this configuration ok? What should I change?
That's an open ended question. If you have any specific questions, please ask.
When I want to store value my converter gets null in from func. I don't why is that.
There are not enough infos in your question to help you about this
Ok so in my case it was about java-kotlin interoperability between nullable types in Java and non-null types in kotlin. All I had to do was implementing converter using nullable types in kotlin (the ones with ?).
Correct converter look like this:
class JSONEventConverter constructor(
private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper,
private val schemaMatcher: SchemaMatcher
) : Converter<Any, Event> {
override fun from(databaseObject: Any?): Event? {
return databaseObject?.let { schemaMatcher.parse(it.toString()) }
override fun to(userObject: Event?): Any? {
return userObject?.let { objectMapper.writeValueAsString(it) }
override fun fromType(): Class<Any> {
override fun toType(): Class<Event> {
companion object {
fun create(): JSONEventConverter {
return JSONEventConverter(serializingObjectMapper(),