How to add HasReadLink to OData entity? -

In OData when an entity had a media type, we should return along with the entity:
"odata.mediaReadLink": "Employees(1)/$value"
"odata.mediaContentType": "image/jpeg",
I am using aspnet core and OData, but I cannot find the way to do this, well, at least not simply as I would expect this to be.
Below I show how I create the model builder, I add media type to the entity Assessment and then I try to specify the HasReadLink, but when I get an entity by Id, I do not receive back the odata media read link.
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder(serviceProvider);
//This adds HasStream true in the metadata
var assessmentEntityType = builder.EntityType<Assessment>();
var assessmentEntitySetConfiguration = builder.EntitySet<Assessment>(nameof(Assessment) + "s");
// Does not produce effects getting the entity by id
// UPDATE: this code below does have effect only if i set false in the second
// parameter, but anyway this has nothing to do with the media read link
assessmentEntitySetConfiguration.HasReadLink(c =>
return new Uri("/not-shown");
}, true);
// see NavigationSourceLinkBuilderAnnotation
.Filter(QueryOptionSetting.Allowed, nameof(Assessment.IsDeleted))
.Filter(QueryOptionSetting.Disabled, nameof(Assessment.Description));
What am I missing?
I could not find an online example to do this in aspnet core, I found some old example to do it in net framework but it is hacky.
In the OData for .net Framework I used SetHasDefaultStream to achieve this.
var model = modelBuilder.GetEdmModel();
var answerTypeName = typeof(Answer).FullName;
var answerType = (IEdmEntityType) model.FindDeclaredType(answerTypeName);
model.SetHasDefaultStream(answerType, true);
In the new core I don't have an option to set the default stream.
I asked the same on Github project:


ABP: Rebuilding Localization Sources from Custom Provider

I am using ABP v4.9.0 (.NET CORE 2.2) with angular client
I built some custom localization providers. These providers get translation dictionaries from an external API.
I add localization sources on startup with these providers.
var customProvider = new CustomLocalizationProvider(...);
var localizationSource = new DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource("SOURCENAME", customProvider );
config.Localization.Sources.Add(localizationSource );
On startup, the providers InitializeDictionaries() is called and localization dictionaries are built.
So far, so good, working as intended.
Now i'd like to manually Reload these translations on demand, but I can't make this working.
Here is what I tried.
Here I trigger the re-synchronize of the language ressources:
foreach (var localizationSource in _localizationConfiguration.Sources)
localizationSource.Initialize(_localizationConfiguration, _iocResolver);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Warn($"Could not get Localization Data for source '{localizationSource.Name}'", e);
In the custom provider, I first clear the Dictionaries
public class CustomLocalizationProvider : LocalizationDictionaryProviderBase
protected int IterationNo = 0;
protected override void InitializeDictionaries()
IterationNo += 1;
var deDict = new LocalizationDictionary(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));
deDict["HelloWorld"] = $"Hallo Welt Nummer {IterationNo}";
Dictionaries.Add("de-DE", deDict);
var enDict = new LocalizationDictionary(new CultureInfo("en"));
enDict["HelloWorld"] = $"Hello World number {IterationNo}";
Dictionaries.Add("en", enDict);
The provider is executed again as expected.
But when I eventually use the localization clientside (angular), I still get the original translations.
What am I missing?
Thanks for the help.
In the meanwhile I had to go for another approach.
I am now using a XmlEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider wrapped by a MultiTenantLocalizationDictionaryProvider.
This way, I am using db-localizations with xml-sources as fallback
Then I manually load the ressources from my API in some appservice. These localizations are then updated in the database by using LanguageTextManager.UpdateStringAsync().

How to dynamically resolve controller with endpoint routing?

Upgrading to core 2.2 in my hobby project there is a new routing system I want to migrate to. Previously I implemented a custom IRouter to be able to set the controller for the request dynamically. The incoming request path can be anything. I match the request against a database table containing slugs and it looks up the a matching data container class type for the resolved slug. After that I resolve a controller type that can handle the request and set the RouteData values to the current HttpContext and passing it along to the default implementation for IRouter and everything works ok.
Custom implementaion of IRouter:
public async Task RouteAsync(RouteContext context)
var requestPath = context.HttpContext.Request.Path.Value;
var page = _pIndex.GetPage(requestPath);
if (page != null)
var controllerType = _controllerResolver.GetController(page.PageType);
if (controllerType != null)
var oldRouteData = context.RouteData;
var newRouteData = new RouteData(oldRouteData);
newRouteData.Values["pageType"] = page.PageType;
newRouteData.Values["controller"] = controllerType.Name.Replace("Controller", "");
newRouteData.Values["action"] = "Index";
context.RouteData = newRouteData;
await _defaultRouter.RouteAsync(context);
A controller to handle a specific page type.
public class SomePageController : PageController<PageData>
public ActionResult Index(PageData currentPage)
return View("Index", currentPage);
However I got stuck when I'm trying to figure out how I can solve it using the new system. I'm not sure where I'm suppose to extend it for this behavior. I don't want to turn off the endpoint routing feature because I see an opportunity to learn something. I would aso appreciate a code sample if possible.
In ASP.NET 3.0 there is an new dynamic controller routing system. You can implement DynamicRouteValueTransformer.
Documentation is on the way, look at the github issue

Ajax call for JSON using EF Core is failing/aborting

I'm at a loss with why this isn't working...
I have a .NET Core app using EF Core, and I'm making an Ajax call via jQuery to my controller to retrieve some data from the database via EF Core. Debugging the call via my developer tools in the browser (IE/Chrome) results in a status of failed/aborted. Yet when I step through my method in my controller, the method seems to be able to retrieve the data from the database via EF Core just fine.
Here's my controller:
public ActionResult GetInfo(string term)
using (var dbContext = new DatabaseContext())
// use DbContext to get data from the database
var retrievedData = dbContext.TableName.Where(...);
return Json(retrievedData.Select(data => new {
id =,
text = data.text
And here's the jQuery:
ajax: {
url: $(#element).attr("data-getinfo"),
dataType: 'json', // tried this with jsonp and application/JSON with no luck
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
delay: 250,
data: function (params) {
return: { term: params.term};
processResults: function (data) {
return {
results: $.map(data, function (item) {
return {
id:, text: item.text
The Ajax calls work with previous apps I've worked on, but they used MVC 5 and EF 6. This also works if I retrieve dummy data, IE instead of using EF Core to get the data, I return fake data built into the controller. What gives?
To clarify the root of your problem: You are querying your database and returning an IEnumerable as a JsonResult. But first, you need to understand one step before. Calling .Where returns an IQueryable. You can think of an IQueryable as if it is a TSQL command that was not yet execute on the database. Only calls that will enumerate the results will trigger the materialization of the query.
So you did this:
// .Where returns an IQueryable. You can "chain" more wheres later.
// the query will still not be executed
var retrievedData = dbContext.TableName.Where(...);
// This then returns an IEnumerable to the client.
// The Select will materialize (execute) the query
return Json(retrievedData.Select(data => new {
id =,
text = data.text
The problem with your code is: .Select returns an IEnumerable which enumerates the results. But, by the time the browser or whatever client you are dealing with starts to enumerate the results, your database connection is already closed, because you used using block around your dbContext (which is kind of correct.. see comments in the end).
So, to fix it, you need basically to enumerate the results yourself or not close the connection (let the framework close for you when the request is finished..). This minor change fix the problem:
// ToList() will enumerate all the results in memory
var retrievedData = dbContext.TableName.Where(...).ToList();
Other comments:
You don't need (also shouldn't) manage the creation of the dbContext by yourself. You can register it in the DI container and the framework will do the rest for you. You can take a look in the EF Core docs to have an idea on how it is done.
Not an ideal solution, but I got it working. I suspect it might have to do with how .NET Core or EF Core was returning data to the browser, but I can't say for sure yet.
I ended up using Json.NET for a workaround. Performance isn't bad (I tried a query with hundreds of records and it only took a couple of seconds at most), and I was already using it for an external API call.
public ActionResult GetInfo(string term)
using (var dbContext = new DatabaseContext())
// use DbContext to get data from the database
var retrievedData = dbContext.TableName.Where(...);
var initJson = Json(retrievedData.Select(data => new {
id =,
text = data.text
var serializedJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(initJson);
var deserializedJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(serializedJson);
return Json(deserializedJson);

Accessing the Request.Content in the new ASP.NET vnext web api way of doing things?

I have searched high and low for this one and can't seem to find a way of accessing the Request.Content in an MVC web api. I basically am trying to create a File Service to and from Azure Blob and Table storage (table for storing metadata about the file, blob for the actual file)....
I was converting the steps in the following link, but this is where I have come unstuck
the back end I have working but can't find a way of the new unified controller passing a fileobject from json post through to the service! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as always... or am I just going about this the wrong way?
Article here....
UPDATE: so to clarify, what I am trying to do in the new MVC 6 (where you no longer have an apicontroller to inherit from) is to access a file that has been uploaded to the api from a JSON post. That is the long and short of what I am trying to achieve.
I am trying to use the article based on the old Web API which uses the Request.Content to access it, however even if I use the WebAPIShim which they provide I still come unstuck with other objects or properties that are no longer available so I'm wondering if I need to approach it a different way, but either way, all I am trying to do is to get a file from a JSON post to a MVC 6 Web api and pass that file to my back end service....
Here is an example without relying on model binding.
You can always find the request data in Request.Body, or use Request.Form to get the request body as a form.
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadFile()
if (Request.Form.Files != null && Request.Form.Files.Count > 0)
var file = Request.Form.Files[0];
var contentType = file.ContentType;
using (var fileStream = file.OpenReadStream())
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
await fileStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
// do what you want with memoryStream.ToArray()
return new JsonResult(new { });
If the only thing in your request is a File you can use the IFormFile class in your action:
public FileDetails UploadSingle(IFormFile file)
FileDetails fileDetails;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(file.OpenReadStream()))
var fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
var parsedContentDisposition = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(file.ContentDisposition);
fileDetails = new FileDetails
Filename = parsedContentDisposition.FileName,
Content = fileContent
return fileDetails;

Sitecore Glass mapper GetItem<TypeName>(guid) always return null

I saw a related question:
Sitecore Glass Mapper always null
But unfortunately it does not give a solution for my case.
Here goes a code snippet:
var db = Factory.GetDatabase("master");
var context = new SitecoreContext();
// the ID of Needed item
var g = new Guid("{F21C04FE-8826-41AB-9F3C-F7BDF5B35C76}");
// just to test if it's possible to fetch item using db.GetItem
var i = db.GetItem(new ID(g), Language.Current, Sitecore.Data.Version.Latest);
// Grab item
var t = context.GetItem<Article>(g);
In the code above:
i is not null
t is null
Article is the simple class like:
[SitecoreType(TemplateId = "{4C4EC1DA-EB77-4001-A7F9-E4C2F61A9BE9}")]
public class Article
[SitecoreField(FieldName = "Title")]
public string Title { get; set; }
There are only one language installed in Sitecore - en, it has been specified in the web.config in the items as well.
Also I have added GlassMapperSc.Start(); to Application_Start in the Global.asax.cs and added my assembly to the list of included assemblies via var attributes = new AttributeConfigurationLoader(new[] { "Assembly.Name" }); and I succeeded to find my class in the SitecoreContext mappings.
It does not looks like a language issue, as stated in the link provided in the very beginning. And I'm struggling with it already for a pretty long time, but no luck...
Thank You!
I just noticed that you are using master db for the Sitecore DB and SitecoreContext for Glass.
The SitecoreContext class will use the database that is defined by the Sitecore.Context.Database property at runtime. This probably means that it is using the web database.
Can you check that you have published the item to the web database or instead using:
var context = new SitecoreService("master");