How can I change css directly(without variable) in Blazor? -

I am using the server-side of Blazor.
I want to change the CSS of the body.
In Jquery I can write the code like this easily:
However, with this tutorial(Blazor Change Validation default css class names) said, it seems I can only change the CSS by changing the class name.
It is so complex while crossing the component, especially the body is at the top of all the components.
I wonder whether there is a way can changes CSS directly in Blazor. Thank you.

There are several ways of getting out of the "blazor way" of doing things and accomplishing css modification of an element.
Simplest: Just like you can use the class attribute, use the style attribute
<element style=#myStyle></element>
#code {
string myStyle;
void MyMethod() {
myStyle="overflow-y: hidden;"
Advanced: Use JS interop
a. In the main view (index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml depending on project type), create a js endpoint for your component
window.applyStyleForElement = function(styleOp) {
document.getElementById([styleOp.attrib] = styleOp.value;
b. In razor file:
#Inject IJRRuntime JSRuntime
<element id=#myId></element>
#code {
string myId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
async Task MyMethod() {
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync("applyStyleForElement",
new { id = myId, attrib = "overflowY", value = "hidden" });
Finally, applying to your special case with body element ("advanced" method above).
a. In the main view (index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml depending on project type), create a js endpoint
window.applyStyleForBody = function(style) {[style.attrib] = style.value;
b. In razor file:
#Inject IJRRuntime JSRuntime
#code {
async Task MyMethod() {
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync("applyStyleForBody",
new { attrib = "overflowY", value = "hidden" });

Well, Blazor does not support direct css modification yet, since Web Assembly doesn't. Anyway heads up, it is on the road-map for Web Assembly/Blazor.
Therefor your best bet is, changing the class name with variables. At least for now.

For one of my project, I include a in the page html itself, using params :
//html stuff here
public string Color{ get; set; } = "white";
string _ColorCss => $"{Color}"; //use this in case of formatting (ex : add 'px' or that kind of things)
//code stuff here
not the very sexiest way but it works
have fun !

Well, actually there is a way to do that and it works really good (it might suffer a little delay though).
I know this answer is a little bit late but it might help other people who face the same challenge.
We need to create some JS code that includes the wanted files:
function includeLeftStyle() {
function includeRightStyle() {
function appendStyle(path) {
var element = document.createElement("link");
element.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
element.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
element.setAttribute("href", path);
The wished CSS can be called according to the language (any other coditions) in the MainLayout:
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
if (// is left)
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("includeLeftStyle");
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("includeRightStyle");
Happy coding! :)

Beginnig from the #Tewr answer, we can also change the whole class:
a) In the main view (index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml depending on project type), create a js endpoint
window.applyStyleForElement = function (styleOp) {
if (styleOp != null) {
document.getElementById( = styleOp.value;
b) Then in the razor file
async Task MyMethod(string sortColumn)
await JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("applyStyleForElement",
new { id = sortColumn, value = "newClassName" });


how i know blazor OnInitializedAsync exec in once or twice

I want get data from db once on OnInitializedAsync. I try to use tableLoading to judue,but it's not work.
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
if (tableLoading)
tableLoading = true;
users = await userService.GetSome(1, userType);
_total = await userService.GetCount(userType);
tableLoading = false;
This is the official way to solve your problem. You have to persist component state during first load so that your services won't be called second time during second load.
First add <persist-component-state /> tag helper inside your apps body:
<persist-component-state />
Then inject PersistentComponentState in your component and use like this:
#implements IDisposable
#inject PersistentComponentState ApplicationState
#code {
private IEnumerable<User> _users;
private int _total;
private PersistingComponentStateSubscription _persistingSubscription;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
_persistingSubscription =
if (!ApplicationState.TryTakeFromJson<IEnumerable<User>>("users", out var restoredUsers))
_users = await userService.GetSome(1, userType);
_users = restoredUsers;
if (!ApplicationState.TryTakeFromJson<int>("total", out var restoredTotal))
_total = await userService.GetCount(userType);
_total = restoredTotal;
private Task PersistState()
ApplicationState.PersistAsJson("users", _users);
ApplicationState.PersistAsJson("total", _total);
return Task.CompletedTask;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
How i know blazor OnInitializedAsync exec in once or twice?
It usually loads twice.
Once when the component is initially rendered statically as part of the page.
A second time when the browser renders the component.
However, If you want to load it once, in that case, you could go to _Host.cshtml and change render-mode="ServerPrerendered" to render-mode="Server", and it would be called only once as a result it would then load your data from the database once only.
Note: For more information you could refer to the official documents here.
I know it's usually loads twice, i want to know when the function is run, how to konw it's run on once or twice. This is my solution.
static bool first = true;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
if (first)
first = false;
Console.WriteLine("first time");
Console.WriteLine("second time");

WebdriverIO function reusability pattern

I am transitioning from Selenium to WebdriverIO and I'm running into some difficulty regarding function reusability. Let me demonstrate with an example:
lets say I have a navigation bar with 3 links above. When I land on this page, I want to check if each link exists. My function may look something like this:
class LoginPage extends Page {
get clientsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Clients")]'); }
isTabDisplayed() {
if (this.clientsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
this is fine except I would have to write 2 more getters for Accounts and Packages and so my class would look like this:
class LoginPage extends Page {
get clientsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Clients")]'); }
get accountsLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Accounts")]'); }
get packagesLink() { return $('//a[contains(., "Packages")]'); }
isClientTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.clientsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
isAccountsTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.accountsLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
isPackagesTabDisplayed(tab) {
if (this.packagesLink.isDisplayed()) {
return true;
} else {
at this point, my anxiety kicks in and I start to think of ways I can reuse the isTabDisplayed function where I can pass a string to the getter with my tab name, or something along the lines of that.
Unfortunately, getters do not accept parameters and so far I have not found any resources on google that can help me to solve this issue (most common being Page Object Model which doesn't seem to address this problem)
Is my thought process out of line that I am striving for reusable code in UI testing or am I not googling for correct patterns?
Page Objects in WebdriverIO are just plain ES6 classes. Have a look through the documentation on ES6 classes to understand how you can create functions that you can pass arguments in to.
Now, that being said, what you're doing here isn't necessary. Instead of creating a function which references a getter, why not just reference that getter directly in your test?
const login = new LoginPage();
const isAccountsTabDisplayed = login.accountsLink.isDisplayed();
There's really no reason to create a wrapper function around this.

Aurelia DataTables Recompile

I've been exploring Aurelia and so far have loved what I've seen. I've come accross an issue that I'm not really sure how to solve. I used jquery datatables for large results in my current app with angular, using server side fetches. Datatables has a function you can call whenever a new row is added to the table (fnRowCallback -, or "createdRow" - - This is really handy as you can recompile the dom after each row (costly I know).
This enables you to reference functions that exist in the current scope (or viewModel) that the datatable exists in. For example:
In my view model:
export class DataTableTest{
alert('this is a test');
In the return results from a datatable fetch:
{name:'blah',age:40,actions:"<a click.delegate='test();'>Test</a>"}
For some reason I can't seem to figure out how to recompile an element once it has been added to the dom.
Does anyone have any ideas how you could do this?
These are the original options I pass to datatables:
var options = {
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow) {
I've tried the following after injecting that compiler service:
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow) {
But I always get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'compile' of undefined - I do this in the "attached" function.. If I console.log(this.compiler) outside of these options, it's available. Also, we don't need to return html back to datatables, just run the compile on the contents. Many thanks for all your help!
You can use a compiler service to compile the element:
import {inject, ViewCompiler, ViewResources, Container} from 'aurelia-framework';
* Compiler service
* compiles an HTML element with aurelia
#inject(ViewCompiler, ViewResources, Container)
export class Compiler {
viewCompiler: any;
resources: any;
container: any;
constructor(viewCompiler, resources, container) {
this.viewCompiler = viewCompiler;
this.resources = resources;
this.container = container;
compile(templateOrFragment, ctx = null, viewSlot = null):any {
if (typeof templateOrFragment === "string") {
var temp = document.createElement('span');
temp.innerHTML = templateOrFragment;
templateOrFragment = temp;
var view = this.viewCompiler.compile(templateOrFragment, this.resources).create(this.container, ctx);
return view;
I use this in Kendo in the cell template callback function (it lets you return a string that will become the cell contents)
function(dataItem) {
var cellctx = { "$item": dataItem, "$parent": ctx };
return this.compiler.compile(templateString, cellctx).fragment.innerHTML;
(this happens in Aurelia's bind callback so the ctx is the executionContext)
I just wrap the current data item up in a context and alias it as $item so I can work with it.
Looks something like this:
<kendo-grid-col title="Main Office" field="IsMainOffice">
<kendo-template><img if.bind="$item.IsMainOffice" src="/content/img/accept.png" /></kendo-template>

MVC4 custom unobtrusive validator isn't working

not sure what is wrong. Syntax seems correct.... but it still doesn't fire on client side. If I submit the form, I get server side validation, client side nothing...
Here is the code that is on the page:
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js")"></script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js")"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// we add a custom jquery validation method
(function ($) {
$.validator.addMethod('additive', function (value, element, params) {
//just return false to test it.
return false;
// and an unobtrusive adapter
$.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add("additive", ["field2", "field3", "field4"], function (options) {
var params = {
field2: options.params.field2,
field3: options.params.field3,
field4: options.params.field4
options.rules['additive'] = params;
if (options.message) {
options.messages['additive'] = options.message;
}) (jQuery);
Here is the part that is on the validator that is related to client side (IClientValidatable):
public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
ModelClientValidationRule rule = new ModelClientValidationRule
ValidationType = "additive",
ErrorMessage = "ERROR MESSAGE"
rule.ValidationParameters.Add("field2", propName2);
rule.ValidationParameters.Add("field3", propName3);
rule.ValidationParameters.Add("field4", propName4);
yield return rule;
The model is decorated as following:
public int MyField { get; set; }
When field renders, it is all there, all the stuff from the server side in terms of data-xxx attributes. Just this specific client validation does not fire. Anyone see what I'm missing?
figured it out. If anyone runs into this. Added custom validation too late on the page. After I moved my custom validation javascript to the head section of the _Layout.cshtml it started to work.
So if your script looks right, good place to check.
Another work around is to run $.validator.unobtrusive.parse('form'); which reloads all the validators.

MVC 4 How to get json response from a repository into a view using Ajax?

I am a newbie when it comes to MVC4 Web Development and there's something I am struggling with.
Basically, I have the following :
public class maincontroller: Controller
private MyRepository myRepository;
public mainController()
myRepository= new MyRepository();
public ActionResult Index()
var mystuff = myRepository.GetPrograms();
return View(mystuff);
public ActionResult MyStuff()
var mystuff = myRepository.GetStuff(1);
return Json(mystuff , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Assuming that in my `MyRepository' class I have two functions:
One that is setting up `mystuff':
public MyRepository()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
programs.Add(new MyStuff
Title = "Hello" + i,
content = "Hi"
and second function that gets Stuff:
public List<MyStuff> GetStuff(int pageNumber = 0)
return stuff
.Skip(pageNumber * pageCount)
All works well. I mean I am able to iterate through `stuff' and display on a view...
The problem is that I want to display MyStuff() ( which returns Json ) using AJAX and then append all stuff to a view. How do I do that?
I have been beating my head against the wall for about 4 hours now, and can't get this working.
Please any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you.
At the most straightforward level, you can simply append HTML to your document using something like this (assuming you're using JQuery, because it's so much easier):
<div id="container"></div>
// make AJAX call to "MyStuff" action in the current controller
$.get(#Url.Action("MyStuff", function(data) {
// cycle through each item in the response
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
// construct some HTML from the JSON representation of MyStuff
var html = "<div>" + item.StuffProperty + "</div>";
// append the HTML to a container in the current document
This adds some HTML for each item in the collection to a container element, using (eg) StuffProperty from the MyStuff class.
Appending HTML manually like this can be a hassle once it gets too complicated -- at that point you should consider using either:
Partial views (return HTML directly from the controller, instead of JSON)
A client-side templating engine like Mustache.js, Underscore.js, etc, to convert JSON into HTML.