SQL Group by CASE result - sql

I have a simple SQL query on IBM DB2. I'm trying to run something as below:
select case when a.custID = 42285 then 'Credit' when a.unitID <> '' then 'Sales' when a.unitID = '' then 'Refund'
else a.unitID end TYPE, sum(a.value) as Total from transactions a
group by a.custID, a.unitID
This query runs, however I have a problem with group by a.custID - I'd prefer not to have this, but the query won't run unless it's present. I'd want to run the group by function based on the result of the CASE function, not the condition pool behind it. So, I'm looking something like:
group by TYPE
However adding group by TYPE reports an error message "Column or global variable TYPE not found". Also removing a.custID from group section reports "Column custID or expression in SELECT list not valid"
Is this going to be possible at all or do I need to review my CASE function and avoid using the custID column since at the moment I'm getting a grouping also based on custID column, even though it's not present in SELECT.
I understand why the grouping works as it does, I'm just wondering if it's possible to get rid of the custID grouping, but still maintain it within CASE function.

If you want terseness of code, you could use a subquery here:
SELECT TYPE, SUM(value) AS Total
SELECT CASE WHEN a.custID = 42285 THEN 'Credit'
WHEN a.unitID <> '' THEN 'Sales'
WHEN a.unitID = '' THEN 'Refund'
FROM transactions a
) t
The alternative to this would be to just repeat the CASE expression in the GROUP BY clause, which is ugly, but should still work. Note that some databases (e.g. MySQL) have overloaded GROUP BY and do allow aliases to be used in at least some cases.


Snowflake: SQL compilation error: not a valid group by expression

I'm trying to call a window function inside of a case statement, as such:
DISTINCT properties.property_id
WHEN units_count.unit_type = 'NORMAL' THEN units_count.unit_count
END) OVER (PARTITION BY properties.property_id),
0)::INT AS normal_units_count
FROM units_count
JOIN properties ON units_count.property_id = properties.property_id
I'm receiving the following error:
SQL compilation error: [IFF(UNITS_COUNT.UNIT_TYPE = 'NORMAL', UNITS_COUNT.UNIT_COUNT, SYSTEM$NULL_TO_FIXED(null))] is not a valid group by expression
I've tried adding a qualify clause to remove the MAX() function:
DISTINCT properties.property_id
WHEN units_count.unit_type = 'NORMAL' THEN units_count.unit_count
END OVER (PARTITION BY properties.property_id),
0)::INT AS normal_units_count
FROM units_count
JOIN properties ON units_count.property_id = properties.property_id
QUALIFY units_count.unit_count = MAX(units_count.unit_count) OVER (PARTITION BY properties.property_id)
The code executes, but the qualify clause results in unwanted filtering for other fields. Can I keep the existing logic (with MAX()) or do I need to include a qualify clause?
The DISTINCT is in effect a grouping operation, but your MAX is a for every row with the OVER clause.
which implies as "basic SQL" this should work:
MAX(IFF(uc.unit_type = 'NORMAL', uc.unit_count, 0)) as v1 max_units_count
FROM units_count AS uc
JOIN properties AS p
ON uc.property_id = p.property_id
but as your "other fields" implies you are selecting other things and without knowing what/how you are doing that is hard to see what you are wanting todo.
also your max(unit_count) does not so much feel like it is a normal_unit_count.
But you example needs to pull in a second+ column of what you are wanting to do to see how they should be co-handled. But I would be inclined with zero information to suggest you use a CTE to find the per property_id the MAX unit_count and then join that result to a second read from your data. Because with zero insights to the other operations and how they could re-use that read, I have experienced it is better to GROUP/JOIN then WINDOW(over partition)/ANYVALUE. But that is another option.
Thus (without testing) this might work:
DISTINCT p.property_id
WHEN uc.unit_type = 'NORMAL' THEN uc.unit_count
END) OVER (PARTITION BY p.property_id),
0)::INT) AS normal_units_count
FROM units_count AS uc
JOIN properties AS p
ON uc.property_id = p.property_id

AND OR SQL operator with multiple records

I have the following query where if brand1/camp1 taken individually, query returns the correct value but if I specify more than one brand or campaigns, it returns some other number and I am not sure what the math is behind that. It is not the total of the two either.
I think it is IN operator that is specifying OR with "," as opposed to what I require it to do which is consider AND
select campaign,
sum(case when campaign in ('camp1', 'camp2') and description in ('brand1', 'brand2') then orders else 0 end) as brand_convs
from data.camp_results
where campaign in ('camp1', 'camp2') and channel='prog' and type='sbc'
group by campaign
having brand_convs > 0
order by brand_convs desc;
Any thoughts?
The problem is in the IN part as you suspected: The two IN operators do not affect eachother in any way, so campaign can be camp1 while description is brand2.
If your DBMS supports multiple columns in an IN statement, you use a single IN statement:
SELECT campaign, SUM(
CASE WHEN (campaign, description) IN (
('camp1', 'brand1'),
('camp2', 'brand2')
) THEN orders ELSE 0 END
) [rest of query...]
If not, you're probably going to have to use ANDs and ORs
SELECT campaign, SUM(
(campaign='camp1' AND description='brand1')
OR (campaign='camp2' AND description='brand2')
THEN orders ELSE 0 END
) [rest of query...]

Using SQL CASE Statement to replace Text with GROUP BY

I am Using SQL Server and i have the following Problem and i am hopping someone could help me.
I am getting this Error
Column 'TransactionsLine.Text' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I do not want to include Text in the GROUP BY Clause yes that makes the query run but the issue is there is other text in the field i do not want it grouping by i would just like to replace the Name with the Text for items matching the CASE
when i add Text to the group by i get this result.
43036 SPECIAL 73.0000
43036 SPECIAL 6.0000
Issue is exactly what the error says. You are selecting TransactionsLine.text which is not in the group by clause.
you probably want to put the case in your group by clause:
select StockItemCode as CODE,
when StockItems.Description like 'item%'
then TransactionsLine.text
else StockItems.Description
) as name,
SUM(ItemQuantity) as Sales
from Transactions
inner join TransactionsLine on Transactions.id = TransactionsLine.TransactionID
inner join StockItems on TransactionsLine.StockItemID = StockItems.id
where location = #location
and Department = 43
and Transactions.date between #FROM
and #TO
and TransactionTypeID in (3, 32)
group by StockItemCode,
when StockItems.Description like 'item%'
then TransactionsLine.text
else StockItems.Description


I have been writing a query that allows me to select and count rows for specific product id's and shipment types.
Within this data, what I am now trying to achieve is count which rows have a specific field populated (second member name) and which have not. Then return this as a separate column in my query results.
Here's the query which I have written:
select count(job.JobID) as itemsCount, Lookup_Pack.PackDescription, Lookup_Pack.PackCode, Lookup_Pack.ID, job.shipping,
WHEN Job.secondMemForename <> '' THEN count(job.JobID)
END AS [Extra card count]
from job
inner join Lookup_Pack on Lookup_Pack.ID = job.packTypeID
where Lookup_Pack.PackType = 'REN'
AND job.createDate >= '2015-06-01' and Job.createDate <= '2015-06-30'
GROUP BY Lookup_Pack.PackDescription, Lookup_Pack.PackCode, Lookup_Pack.ID, Job.shipping
If I run this query, I get an error returned as I am not grouping by Job.secondMemForename:
[FreeTDS][SQL Server]Column 'job.secondMemForename' is invalid in the
select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate
function or the GROUP BY clause.
although Job.secondMemForename does not form part of the query results.
I have subsequently added this field to the GROUP BY statement, the problem with this is that the data returned for all rows where the CASE applies is un-grouped as the Job.secondMemForename is different for all of them.
Any idea how I can resolve this?
Change Count() to Sum() and add it before CASE
SUM (CASE WHEN Job.secondMemForename <> '' THEN 1 END) AS [Extra card count]

multiple count(distinct)

I get an error unless I remove one of the count(distinct ...). Can someone tell me why and how to fix it?
I'm in vfp. iif([condition],[if true],[else]) is equivalent to case when
SELECT * FROM dpgift where !nocalc AND rectype = "G" AND sol = "EM112" INTO CURSOR cGift
count(distinct iif(language != 'F' AND renew = '0' AND type = 'IN',donor,0)) as d_Count_E_New_Indiv,
count(distinct iif(language = 'F' AND renew = '0' AND type = 'IN',donor,0)) as d_Count_F_New_Indiv /*it works if i remove this*/
FROM cGift gift
(select didnumb, language, type from dp) d
on cast(gift.donor as i) = cast(d.didnumb as i)
GROUP BY list_code
ORDER by list_code
apparently, you can't use multiple distinct commands on the same level. Any way around this?
VFP does NOT support two "DISTINCT" clauses in the same query... PERIOD... I've even tested on a simple table of my own, DIRECTLY from within VFP such as
select count( distinct Col1 ) as Cnt1, count( distinct col2 ) as Cnt2 from MyTable
causes a crash. I don't know why you are trying to do DISTINCT as you are just testing a condition... I more accurately appears you just want a COUNT of entries per each category of criteria instead of actually DISTINCT
Because you are not "alias.field" referencing your columns in your query, I don't know which column is the basis of what. However, to help handle your DISTINCT, and it appears you are running from WITHIN a VFP app as you are using the "INTO CURSOR" clause (which would not be associated with any OleDB .net development), I would pre-query and group those criteria, something like...
select list_code,
max( iif( language != 'F' and renew = '0' and type = 'IN', 1, 0 )) as EQualified,
max( iif( language = 'F' and renew = '0' and type = 'IN', 1, 0 )) as FQualified
group by
cursor cGroupedByDonor
so the above will ONLY get a count of 1 per donor per list code, no matter how many records that qualify. In addition, if one record as an "F" and another does NOT, then you'll have a value of 1 in EACH of the columns... Then you can do something like...
sum( EQualified ) as DistEQualified,
sum( FQualified ) as DistFQualified
group by
cursor cDistinctByListCode
then run from that...
You can try using either another derived table or two to do the calculations you need, or using projections (queries in the field list). Without seeing the schema, it's hard to know which one will work for you.