Specify Constant Instead of Variable to Unwanted Parameters - vb.net

Let's say you are using a pre-defined function that has return parameters that are not needed. To clarify, either the function doesn't need the value or you don't need the result or both.
Is there any drawback or problem with using a constant in the call? Or is it better to create a temporary variable just for the purposes of filling out the call?
The goal is to reduce variable definitions in the calling program. The subroutine definition cannot be changed. The question is whether supplying a constant is advisable/recommended in this case.
Dim res As Double = 2.0#
''' do not need second/third results, third value isn't used
''' calling the function this way saves creating two extra variables
Call AddOneTwoThree(res, 3.0#, 0.0#)
''' this function cannot be changed
Public Sub AddOneTwoThree(ByRef first As Double, ByRef second As Double, ByRef third As Double)
first = first + second
second = second + third
third = third
End Sub

So I think the comments provided by tntinmn and jmcilhinney are good answers from my perspective.
0.0# or Nothing can be specified for a ByRef Double parameter if the result is not needed assuming values of 0.0# does not adversely affect the output.
I tested with Nothing and the result is the same as if 0.0# was specified.


How to find out where a function is being called from in MS Access?

I am working on an MS Access database application that was created by someone else. There is one particular line of code (a Function) that will randomly get called and I have no idea why it is being called or what it does. I have searched (ctrl+F) the entire project for something that calls this function but I can't find it. How can I find out why this Function is being called? (See below). Thank you!
Public Function Concat(strIOSC As String, strFeature As String) As String
Static strLastIOSC As String
Static strFeatures As String
If strIOSC = strLastIOSC Then
strFeatures = strFeatures & ", " & strFeature
strLastIOSC = strIOSC
strFeatures = strFeature
End If
Concat = strFeatures
End Function
If you have only searched the scripts and modules, then your scope is too narrow.
A public function like this can also be used in expressions, so you need to check queries, reports, form controls, macros, and possibly even tables if you use calculated fields. Depending on the size of the database, and how often the function is called, you can either search manually in a targeted way or possibly use a public sub to output something searchable. This sub can get you started. I think it outputs every possible location for expressions. Unfortunately, each object will have its own text file which will need to be searched separately unless you build a sub to do that too.
As for what your function does, it looks like it logs each input using the Static strLastIOSC variable, compares to the arguments passed on the second function call, and if they match it concatenates the two strFeature inputs together and outputs the result.
So basically the first argument tells the function whether this is the beginning of a new concatenation instance, or the continuation of an existing instance. The second argument is the item to be concatenated.
The Static keyword means that the value is stored even after the function runs so it can compare the last call with the current call to determine whether to add the second argument to the one saved from before, or clear the memory and prepare for a new concatenation.
Given its design, it's probably being used in a query/report/form, where strIOSC is likely a primary key field or a field in a GROUP BY.

VBA Assign value (only) to variable

I've hit a snag, and my searching hasn't helped so far.
I have a variant being passed into a function which I then intend to copy, perform some calculations, take another copy, perform some other calculations then compare the results of the two copies...
However, when I perform the calculations on one copy, the original variant is also manipulated... so after two copies, and two calculations I end up with 3 variants that are equal to each other and different to the original... Not what I intended.
I expect this is happening because when I use NewVar = OldVar I'm actually taking a reference to the original object. What I actually want, is to make an independent duplicate of the original object - i.e. copy the value of the variable similar to byval in a function delcaration.
My code is linked here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AiPgb0BH-YZ_ga956eMmJbSdihGjyg.
If you put a break on line 67 of modMain, then watch CutList(1).QTY (the original variable), and CutTrial.RemainingCuts(1).QTY you'll see that both the QTY values decrement when you step through line 67... I want CutList(1).QTY to remain unchanged, and CutTrial.RemainingCuts(1).QTY to decement only.
Any suggestions?
Make sure the functions definition is as follows
Public function DoMagic(ByVal variable as something)
Don't use ByRef or as you found it will modify the reference.
If you are using an object, array or collection you will need to first copy it before using it.
Eg something like the following:
Public Function Clone() As Class1
Set Clone = New Class1
Clone.prop1 = prop1
Clone.PrivateThing = PrivateThing
End Function

Different ways of using a variable across different subroutines

I'm trying to set up a sub to be called upon and use the value of its result in the main sub. So far I've been using Function to carry over the value. However, I was wondering if there are any alternative ways of doing the same thing? I figured ByVal/ByRef is another way to do it by using a Sub instead of Function. My current codes are as follow:
Sub Main()
Dim i as Long
i = lr("A")
'some other calculations using i
End Sub
Function lr(Tar As String) As Long
Dim twb As Workbook
Set twb = ThisWorkbook
lr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range(Tar & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
End Function
My question is, How would I write this if I were to use a Sub instead of Function? Thanks!
So far I've been using Function to carry over the value.
Great, that's what functions are for! When you only need to return a single value, the best way is always going to be a function.
Things get fuzzier when you start needing to return two or more values. You could:
Use ByRef parameters and use them as "out" values.
This is "ok" for procedures (Sub), and confusing for functions - what determines which parameter gets to be the function's return value, and which parameters get to be passed ByRef? How does the calling code know whether or not to pass an initialized value to those ByRef parameters?
A naming convention can help here:
Public Sub Foo(ByVal foo1 As String, ByRef outBar1 As String, ByRef outBar2 As String)
An "out" prefix can tell the calling code that the parameter is an out value.
Scope the variables at a level that is accessible by both the caller and the callee.
This is a bad practice that can easily lead to spaghetti code. Avoid it - variables should have the smallest necessary scope possible, and be passed between methods/functions/procedures/modules, not just globally scoped and accessed by anyone at any given time!
Create a class to encapsulate all the values the function should return.
Definitely more object-oriented, results in much cleaner, readable code. The only downside is that VBA doesn't really encourage you to do this, and consistently doing that will result in a myriad of classes that you can't quite organize.

Passing specific elements of UDT array to a function

So I have a UDT set up like this:
Public Type UserInfo
name as string
username as string
active_time as double
End Type
I then create an array of this type:
Dim list_of_users() as UserInfo
'Populate array here
What I want to do is pass the active_time values as an array into a separate function. Something like:
'StdDev function defined elsewhere
standard_dev_all = StdDev(list_of_users().active_time)
Is this even possible? I suppose I could modify the function to deal with my UDT, but I have many more values than just active_time and it seemed like that would make it pretty messy.
You cannot pass it as
' or
into a function. I mean,
the first one is not valid as the index of the array element (not the element's Element) hasn't been specified.
The second one is invalid as well.
The solution is to pass on to your function
Answer = Stdev(UDTVariable)
and inside the function, you do this
Function Stdev(ByRef UDTVariableTypeName UDTVariable)
for i = 1 to N
Something = UDTVariable(i).Element
' so on and so forth
next i
Stdev = SomeAnswer
End Function
You may omit writing ByRef as that is the default way of passing arguments, but I've kept it for the sake of clarity.

Return values with reference arguments or by structure

In what situtations is it best to use reference arguments to return values?
Sub Example(byref value as integer)
value = 3
End Sub
In what situations is it best to return the value (perhaps in a structure for more complex types)?
Function Example() as integer
return 3
End Function
In general, I'd avoid using reference arguments to return values.
THe design guidelines suggest avoiding this, which is why the Microsoft code analysis tools warn you when they find it.Do not pass types by reference.
It's nearly always more maintainable to return values instead of passing arguments by reference, unless there is a very specific need to do so. If you're generating a new value, return it.
when you want to return a state or status of an operation plus the result from the operation.
think of TryParse..it returns a conversion result as true or false and it returns the converted value by a ref variable.
Dim number As Integer
Dim result As Boolean = Int32.TryParse(value, number)
Public Shared Function TryParse ( _
s As String, _
<OutAttribute> ByRef result As Integer _
) As Boolean
but other than that, as others suggested i would not use by ref a lot, it can make code very hard to read and debug.
It really depends what the function's doing. Generally, though, if there's only one return, by value is easier for the caller. They can simply do:
int foo = Example(foo)
int modifiedFoo = Example(foo)
as they prefer.