RabbitMQ on Kubernetes kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local tls qlert - ssl

I am about to install RabbitMQ image 3.7.17-debian-9-r37 on a Kubernetes cluster 1.15 using Helm charts.
While starting the RabbitMQ container I see the following error:
Failed to get nodes from k8s -
{failed_connect, [{to_address, {"kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local",443}},{inet,[inet],{tls_alert,{internal_error, "received CLIENT ALERT: Fatal - Internal Error - {unexpected_error...
It looks like something is wrong with TLS, but I am not sure what exactly.
Can anybody help understand the problem?
Thank you.

I have made some research and found this bug which is what you are currently experiencing.
Current fix versions are:
Fix Version/s:, 22.0.4
You can find Debian packages with fixed versions available here.
Please let me know if that helped.


CNCF Kuma: TLS error during Multi-Zone setup

I am new to Kuma and am trying to set up Multi-Zone deployment mode after experimenting with standalone mode. Currently, I have managed to setup the Global Control Plane on an Azure VM and it seems to be working well.
My problem lies in setting up the Zone Control Planes. I have tried setting up on both Docker, WSL and a VirtualBox Ubuntu VM but I am receiving the same error again and again. It should be noted that I am attempting to set this up using Universal mode, as described on Kuma docs, and have tried both versions 1.4.1 and 1.2.3. The error in question is as below:
ERROR kds-zone.kds-mux-client component terminated with an error (“generationID”: 6, “error”: “rpc error; code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = “transport: authentication handshake failed: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake””}
I have tried googling this problem, but can’t seem to find any similar problems relating to Kuma, and have also tried experimenting in the kuma.conf.yml file but to no avail.
Thank you in advance to anyone who may have any advice on how to solve this.

Kubernetes nginx-ingress: SSL wrong version number error

I'm trying to use nginx-ingress to create secure connection but i'm getting this error:
I'm using helm chart stable/nginx-ingress version 1.34.2.
I've been searching for this kind of error, I've already config ssl-ciphers and ssl-protocols, add more ciphers suite in order to have more common ciphers between client and server. But i'm still getting this error.
The service i'm trying to build following this flow:
Hope some one can solve this out, or having any suggestion for my problem.

Need help in fixing this error "Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect"

Need help in fixing this error
Faraday::ConnectionFailed (Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect):
this is logfile from /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log
i got this error when i'm trying to google auth to our gitlab-ce.
this is my environment:
- CentOS 7
- Gitlab 12.5
any help is appreciated :) Thanks
You had a similar error reported in gitlab-org/gitlab-foss issue 1924:
I had the exact same thing happen last night and it turned out that the /etc/resolv.conf within the Docker container was unreadable by the "git" user for the container.
This prevents it from resolving the host you're calling back to.
The ball started rolling after reading this issue: docker-gitlab issue 627.
In your case, you might not use a GitLab within Docker, in which case, check your proxy.

Dr.Racket for SICP

I am setting up DR.Racket for SICP. By following this guide
http://docs.racket-lang.org/sicp-manual /index.html?q=sicp#%28part._.Introduction_to_the__lang_sicp_language%29
But I am not able to download sicp package. Following is the error message I recieved after hitting install.
Resolving "sicp" via https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/6.11/catalog/
ssl-connect: connect failed (error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed)
Please explain what to do?
Apologies if I'm telling you things you already know: it appears that certificate validation failed while contacting the racket package server.
There are several things that could cause this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you have some kind of proxy standing between you and the server that is rewriting your traffic. Is this possible?
One way to test this would be to try installing the package on a different computer, connected to a different network.
(FWIW, I just tested this installation myself, and didn't encounter this problem. So, at a minimum, it's not that the world is broken :).)

Unable to add apache Nifi in ambari?

I am trying to add Apache Nifi in ambari but continuously failing with error Error occured during stack advisor command invocation:
Unable to delete directory /var/run/ambari-server/stack-recommendations/1.
There is a similar thread with the same error in hortonworks community, I have tried everything mentioned in that thread but unable to fix it. My sandbox is installed in vmware workstation 12 player. I also tried to create and remove directory manually but it is failing with the error invalid argument. Created a thread for this error also on stackexchange. Please help!!!
Here is a link to Hortonworks forum thread. And it seems like sandbox is just broken:
This is due to a docker issue in this 2.5 sandbox build. It will be
fixed in next revision of the sandbox.
There are also some workarounds described (like use older HDP 2.4 or establishing own cluser based on the HDP 2.5 docker image)
Updated sandbox arrived: http://hortonworks.com/downloads
Trust me, active member of community see your posts in multiple locations. In a good, no Big Brother ways :) but cross-posting is an old as world ... Well, you got it.
Did you see a notice for this service in Ambari? Telling it's been deprecated? Same note in the github. There's a good reason for that, it's now been implemented properly by the dev team and with many more features. I.e. all the action is there now.
I think I replied a similar question, though not sure it was yours, take a look in HCC.