Proguard -keepattributes class filter - proguard

Hello, {username}.
I need to apply the "-keepattributes Signature" for some specific classes. But in all other classes I need to clear Signature. The problem - I can't do it. The documentation contains -if instruction also, but no examples i have found:(
Thank you in advance!


Questions About AST Validation

I’m writing a transpiler and came accross the topic of validating the input. I have some questions, but would also like to double-check if I understood everything correctly. To my understanding, there are 3 main validations you have to do when transpiling (or compiling) a programming language:
Syntax/grammar validation. This is done in my case by ANTLR which makes sure the input respects the BNF grammar.
Context validation. ANTLR only makes sure the input respects the grammar, but the grammar is context-free: for example the grammar of Java allows public, private, protected access modifiers on a class, but it will allow a class to have all 3 of them, it doesn’t know that a class should only have one of them. So this second validation makes sure that, for example, a class does not have more than one access modifier - I imagine I can do this as a visitor pattern on my AST, right?
Dependencies/references validation. Check that we have, for example, all the classes which are declared as import statements in the current compilation unit - this also seems fairly easy, but what do you do about method references/calls to 3rd party classes? Say, for example, your code calls a class from JDK – how do you check that a reference to that class is correct, do you need to also compile that class and add it to your AST?
For example, you can use java.util.List in Kotlin. How does the Kotlin compiler know to tell you if you are using a String instead of an Integer when calling List.get(int index)? Does the Kotlin compiler also compile the java.util.List interface?
Thank you for reading, any response is appreciated.

What is the use of LibraryEntitiesShouldNotBePublic Detekt Rule in Kotlin

I have a Kotlin Library into which I integrated the usage of Detekt static code linting. Most of the rules are clear to me and I fixed all the issues with my code except for one:
There is a rule called LibraryEntitiesShouldNotBePublic, which makes no sense in my opinion. It tells me for every public class, that it should not be public, but of what use is a library without any public classes.
I must admit I am rather new to Kotlin, coming from Java, so I might miss some language feature here.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

What's the meaning of "**accept" in Proguard obfuscate source code?

When I read ProGuard's obfuscation source code.
There are many invocation of **accept,which are in ClassPool,such as accept classesAccept classAccept.
What's the meaning of these api?
ProGuard is implemented around the Visitor pattern idea. You will find this pattern almost anywhere in the codebase. The accept methods are used to apply the given visitor on the specific object.

How to disable proguard in javafxports for errors "You should consider keeping the * attributes"

I'm trying to use JavaFX in my android device, with the help of javafxports.
I used the XStream to parse some XML file in my program.
When i compile them, the javafxports outputs the following warnings:
Note: there were 9 classes trying to access annotations using reflection.
You should consider keeping the annotation attributes
(using '-keepattributes *Annotation*').
Note: there were 32 classes trying to access generic signatures using reflection.
You should consider keeping the signature attributes
(using '-keepattributes Signature').
Note: there were 56 unresolved dynamic references to classes or interfaces.
You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
Note: there were 3 class casts of dynamically created class instances.
You might consider explicitly keeping the mentioned classes and/or
their implementations (using '-keep').
Note: there were 39 accesses to class members by means of introspection.
You should consider explicitly keeping the mentioned class members
(using '-keep' or '-keepclassmembers').
Note: you're ignoring all warnings!
The output .apk can be installed and run until it calls the xstream classes to read annotations in my classes. The reason is actually described in the warnings.
So my question is, how can i disable the proguard when generating .apk, or send it a custom configuration.
And my build.gradle is almost the same as that in the helloworld example.

With ProGuard, how do I obfuscate just one class?

What would be a smart ProGuard configuration to obfuscate just the private methods and constants of one particular class com.acme.Algorithm?
I would like to obfuscate just that, because it contains an algorithm that should not be plain obvious when accidentally opening the .jar.
I'm a ProGuard newbie. AFAIU, you have to use "keep", but the positive logic of "do obfuscate" is not available, right? So how to exlude my class from a "keep everything" config? Note: I don't want to obfuscate other classes for the moment, because I want to allow the customer to see meaningful stacktraces.
Obfuscating a single class won't have much effect: it may change the class name and a few field names and methods names, and it may optimize some code. Obfuscation tends to be less effective for hiding small pieces of information. The more application code you obfuscate, the more difficult it becomes to understand.
That being said, you can specify:
-keep class !com.acme.Algorithm { *; }
It keeps all classes/fields/methods outside of com.acme.Algorithm.