NPM detect pre-release dependency in package.json/package-lock.json? - npm

Is there a way to detect pre-release dependencies in package.json or package-lock.json?
My context is I would like to create a git "TAG" to indicate release candidates of my code.
I would like to make sure all my in-house developed modules do not have dependencies on any pre-release modules.
I would like to detect presence of a pre-release dependencies( "^1.0.3-NIGHTLY") in my package.json as below example:
"#mydomain/client-mgr-service": "^1.0.3-NIGHTLY", <= I would like to be able to detect this line if there is a NPM feature out-of-box
"#types/country-data": "0.0.0",
"amazon-cognito-identity-js": "^3.0.12",
Thanks in advance for any helps given~

Here is a simple solution I used to detect if there is any pre-release dependencies in my package.json. The idea is to check if there is a "-" right after semver's x.y.z numbers.
grep -P "([0-9]\d*)\.([0-9]\d*)\.([0-9]\d*)-" package.json


How to determine the dependencies of older npm package versions

It appears to me that the dependency linkage on the npm site is only applicable to the current/latest version.
Is there some tidbit of information that I'm not aware of on how to determine what dependency version a package has other than by downloading it and inspecting the package.json file?
I feel like I'm wasting HOURS doing something I would expect to be much easier to do.
"It appears to me that the dependency linkage on the npm site is only applicable to the current/latest version."
Yes that's correct, will only show the dependencies for the latest version of a package.
Here are a couple of ways to discover what you want both programmatically and non-programmatically.
Utilizing the npm view command with the following syntax;
npm view <pkg_name> versions --json
obtains a list of all versions available for a given package in the npm registry.
Note: The <pkg_name> part above should be substituted with the real package name.
For instance; running the following command for let's say the eslint package:
npm view eslint versions --json
prints the following to the console:
Now we know what versions are available, let's say we want to list the dependencies for eslint version 0.1.2 we can run the following command:
npm show eslint#0.1.2 dependencies --json
This will print:
"optimist": "*",
"estraverse": "~1.3.0",
"esprima": "*",
"escope": "1.0.0"
Similarly, we can discover the devDependencies for eslint version 0.1.2 by running the following command instead:
npm show eslint#0.1.2 devDependencies --json
This will yield something like this:
"vows": "~0.7.0",
"sinon": "*",
"commonjs-everywhere": "~0.9.0",
"mocha": "~1.13.0",
"chai": "~1.8.1",
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
If you know that a package has a particular dependency in advance.
For instance; retrospectively after running the aforementioned command we now know that eslint version 0.1.2 has escope listed as a dependency.
So, if we wanted to know the version of escope that eslint version 0.1.2 needs, we can run the following command:
npm show eslint#0.1.2 dependencies.escope
Note: The package name follows the dot (.), i.e. .escope
This prints the following:
The non-programmatic way
I can't think of a reason why you would want to perform the following non-programmatic way instead of the aforementioned programmatic way when you have a CLI tool available to you. However, if you prefer manual tasks then here goes...
Note: YMMV using the following manual steps as it depends on how the package has been managed/maintained.
Typically, the source code of an npm package will be hosted on GitHub, so you can perform the following manual steps. This will avoid you having to download the package to inspect the package.json file.
For this we'll demonstrate for the eslint package:
Visit and type the name of the package in the "Search Packages" input field. We'll type eslint and hit the return key.
Next click eslint from the list of packages, which will take you to this page.
Click on the github link which typically appears on the right-hand side of the webpage and looks like this:
That will take you to the eslint repo, i.e. this one
On the Github page click the "Branch" button - which appears above the list of source code files, and looks like this:
In the pop-up panel that subsequently appears click the "Tags" button, then locate and click the version tag from the list that you want to discover it's dependencies. (Note: These tag names will typically correspond to the version released/published to npm)
This will then load the source code files in the browser for that particular release/version.
Locate the package.json file from the list of files and click it. This will load the contents of package.json in the browser, upon which you can read it and ascertain its dependencies.
Visualizing the dependency tree
I sometimes utilize this online tool which can help you to visualize the complete dependency tree/graph for a given package - however it's for the latest version of a package only.
Here is the complete dependency tree/graph (many levels deep) for the latest version of eslint.

Enforcing shared dependencies in a monorepo

We have a monorepo using lerna and yarn workspaces. Multiple teams contribute packages to it and there are some common dependencies where we want to force people to use the same version.
What are the options to force all packages to use the same version of specific dependencies? Is there a way to achieve that without writing custom scripts?
I want to prevent this situation:
"address-validator": 1.1.0
"address-validator": 1.2.0
I know you can use lerna add or lerna run to add / upgrade in unison, but how to prevent an individual from unknowingly making their package unique?
I just noticed one nice solution to this problem in facebook's create-react-app. They import (all?) external dependencies in the react-dev-utils package and export them from there. Then all the other packages, like react-scripts, import dependencies from react-dev-utils.
This is nice because you only need to worry about using the latest version of one package (e.g. react-dev-utils) in order to use the latest version of all of the things you want to control. Also, it's flexible because you can override one of the dependencies by importing a different version directly.
So it could look like:
pkg1.js // <--- module.exports = require("pkg1");
"pkg1": 1.2.0
index.js // <--- const pkg1 = require("my-deps/pkg1")
"my-deps": 1.1.0

npm default dependency specificity

In package.json, if I specify a dependency such as
"react": "~16.1.1"
This allows NPM to change the patch version only, i.e. it may use version 16.1.2, but it will not use version 16.2.X
Similarly, if I specify a dependency such as
"react": "^16.1.1"
This allows NPM to change the minor version only (the middle number).
But what if I don't have any character in front of the dependency version, e.g.
"react": "16.1.1"
Does this mean that only version 16.1.1 can be used?
By "Pinning" your projects dependency in package.json, (i.e. specifying a semver without a caret or tilde range specifier), will result in a "similar" version being installed each time.
Given the example of; "react": "16.1.1" specified in your package.json, this will result in version 16.1.1 of react being installed each time npm install is run.
However, (notice that I put emphasis on the word "similar"), this does not mean to suggest that by "pinning" you will get all the "exact same" files that constituted to the react package version 16.1.1 when your packages were last installed. The reason for this is the react dependencies specified in its package.json utillize a combination of caret and tilde range specifiers. So the versions of those dependencies are subject to change. Likewise, the dependencies of those dependencies and so on, (aka: the dependency tree), are subject to change too.
Checkout npm-shrinkwrap and/or npm-package-locks if you're wanting to truly lock down the dependency versions tree for publication purposes.

NPM5, What is the difference of package-lock.json with package.json?

After updating NPM to version 5, I found package-lock.json file with package.json.
What is the difference between this two files?
What are the advantages of package-lock.json?
A package.json file: lists the packages that your project depends on. allows you to specify the versions of a package that your project can use using semantic versioning rules.
According to the npm docs,
package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json . It describes the exact tree that was generated, such that subsequent installs are able to generate identical trees, regardless of intermediate dependency updates.
This file is intended to be committed into source repositories, and serves various purposes:
Describe a single representation of a dependency tree such that teammates, deployments, and continuous integration are guaranteed to install exactly the same dependencies.
Provide a facility for users to "time-travel" to previous states of node_modules without having to commit the directory itself.
To facilitate greater visibility of tree changes through readable source control diffs.
Basically package-lock.json is used to optimize the installation process by allowing npm to skip repeated metadata resolutions for previously-installed packages.
Before npm 5.x.x, package.json was the source of truth for a project. What lived in package.json was law. npm users liked this model and grew very accustomed to maintaining their package file. However, when package-lock was first introduced, it acted contrary to how many people expected it to. Given a pre-existing package and package-lock, a change to the package.json (what many users considered the source of truth) was not reflected in the package-lock.
Example: Package A, version 1.0.0 is in the package and package-lock. In package.json, A is manually edited to version 1.1.0. If a user who considers package.json to be the source of truth runs npm install, they would expect version 1.1.0 to be installed. However, version 1.0.0 is installed, despite the fact that v1.1.0 is listed is the package.json.
Example: A module does not exist in the package-lock, but it does exist in the package.json. As a user who looks to package.json as the source of truth, I would expect for my module to be installed. However since the module is not present in package-lock, it isn’t installed, and my code fails because it cannot find the module.
Read more about package-lock.json in the Official npm Documentation!
package.json records only your direct dependencies and their versions.
package-lock.json records not only your direct dependencies and exact versions, but also those of all dependencies of your dependencies - the entire dependency tree, in other words, with exact versions.
It's the fact that package-lock.json records the exact versions of all dependencies of a project, including sub-dependencies, that ensures that builds will be identical each time. (This is why npm ci bases its build on package-lock.json, not package.json.)
Builds based on package.json (as with npm i) cannot guarantee that all sub-dependencies are the exact same versions each build (e.g., if the subdependency of one of your dependencies releases an update, but the version of your direct dependency doesn't change), even if exact version numbers for direct dependencies are specified in the package.json.

How to solve dependency conflict between js-data-angular and js-data-http

I'm currently working on a project, the project has 2 npm packages installed:
js-data-http and js-data-angular.
The problem is js-data-http requires js-data#>=3.0.0 and js-data-angular requires js-data#>=2.0.0 <3. I've looked through all versions of both packages and couldn't find any version that matches the dependency for js-data.
With that dependency conflict I can't generate a npm-shrinkwrap, has anyone else gone through this?
I've figured it out, I had to set the packages in package.json to these versions:
"jquery": "2.2.1",
"js-data": "2.8.2",
"js-data-angular": "3.1.0"
Then I was able to successfully generate npm-shrinkwrap.json without conflicts, I am not sure why npm wasn't able to automatically install these three packages without conflicts though.