Polyfill for crossorigin attribute - internet-explorer-11

I would like to use the crossorigin attribute on a script tag. Unfortunately my app has to support IE11 which doesn't support this feature. Does anyone know a polyfill for it? I couldn't find anything about it...


Autocomplete in vscode while using vue cdn

I'm building a project where some parts of the webpage are Vue components. And offcourse I'm using Vscode to develop it. Since this is not a complete Vue app I'm not able to use extensions like vetur to autocomplete. I was wondering if there was a way to tell Vscode that <script> includes "Vue" code or is there an extension to do so?
I don't think there is.
Just try working with it that way.
Or better still, work with the .vue files in a separate folder and move them to your current working directory when you're done.
Not efficient, but it's the best solution I can think of.

How to use chrome devtool protocol to solve element highlighting

I have got vue from Vue, now the problem is I want to write a Chrome Element like plugin through vue, the problem is how to highlight the element by selected tag, I don't know enough about chrome devtool protocol, I don't know if there is anyone who is deeper in I don't know enough about the chrome devtool protocol, and I was wondering if there is anyone who is deeper in this area and can guide me.

Running Spartacus Storefront in IE11 returning classList error even though we have required polyfills

We are evaluating Spartacus for our B2B eCommerce site re-platform. One of the main requirement is to support IE11 (MUST). As per Spartacus documentation, Angular itself supports IE11 with polyfills and so Spartacus should work in IE11 without Spartacus styles (variable css).
We have tried to pollyfill OOTB Spartacus (3.1 & 3.2 in SSR mode & non SSR) and it is loading the pages & functionality but we are getting classList error in web console. Even though we have required polyfills. Below are the polyfills that we have installed & configured :
and also target compilation is es5.
IE11 -Spartacus 3.1 & 3.2 classList error
Any help to resolve this classLIST error would be helpful.
So, does anyone made Spartacus work in IE11 with your own stylesheets ?
It looks like the root problem is that some DOM element reference is undefined while expected to be defined. Therefore its property classList cannot be accessed.
How to debug
Most optimal way for debugging will be using Spartacus repo: please clone the spartacus repo, install deps (yarn), and run yarn start. Then open it in IE11 and please debug.
The class that looks like a candidate for causing the error might be PageTemplateDirective.
I've searched the Spartacus codebase, where classList property is accessed. In most cases the DOM element is body - which should be always defined. It's not the case only for PageTemplateDirective and ProductIntroComponent (but the latter one is not displayed on home page, so I think it's not relevant).
Please set the debugger in the methods of PageTemplateDirective, to check when the DOM element reference is undefined and please investigate further.
Ongoing deprecation of ie11 by Angular
Please note that Angular is planning to deprecate the support of IE11 in ng12 (coming soon) and drop it in ng13 (late 2021). See: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/41840

Vuejs work on old browsers if using vue via cdn?

i wonder that Vue.js will work on old browsers if i import vue to my html via cdn?
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue"></script>
doubtful. If the website is not working when you building it with Webpack or load the vue code from your own server, then loading from a CDN will now not make any difference. It is the exact same code.
your best bet is to use Webpack, and polyfill the code to work with older browsers.
I suggest you this reading for all your questions.

How can we use DOJO from CDN in OpenSocial App?

How can we use DOJO from CDN in OpenSocial App?
Can it be done in OpenSocial Apps? From Frequently Asked Questions – OpenSocial:
What other JavaScript libraries can I use?
All of them! Dojo, Prototype, JQuery, GWT, etc.
As you can see Dojo is mentioned explicitly.
You can include it using a script tag in your HTML snippet as regular Dojo. The only difference is that modules are loaded asynchronously — it is covered in the docs.