aws Lightsail Connexion refused by server - amazon-lightsail

i used my lightsail since more than one month, and this morning i got an issue from putty :connexion refused ,
i tried to connect using AWS web terminal and got message:
**An error occurred and we were unable to connect or stay connected to your instance. If this instance has just started up, try again in a minute or two.
My 22 port already opened and i dont have backup,
i still have ftp access and i have plesk working too
-i already rebooted the instance
-stopped then start the instance
-i checked the security group , port 22 is openned


I cannot connect through SSH to SLES15 SP4

I need to setup a SLES15 SP4 instance on Amazon EC2. After being created the instance, I cannot connect to it using EC2 Instance Connect neither SSH Client.
I tried different configurations and pairing keys without success (also with no key).
I can see 22 port is open:
The users that I tried are "ec2-user" and "root".

How do ensure that server in droplet does not stop once I discconnect SSH connection from my local machine?

I have created a droplet in digital ocean ( I guess OD calls Virtual Machines - Droplets) that hosts a server. Droplet has Ubuntu as OS. For setting up the server in the droplet, I have accessed the droplet console through SSH public key from a local ubuntu machine. The server is spun successfully. However, closing the SSH connection kills all live sessions of the server. How Do I ensure that server continues to spin even after I kill the SSH connection?
I have tried accessing from cli - ssh - route and console provided by digitalocean for the virtual machine. Both resulted in stoppage of server when connection with droplet of closed. I guess I need ensure that the command to spin the server is system wide command not just the ssh session. How do I do that ?

After installing BigBlueButton 2.3-dev, I am unable to connect via SSH. Why?

I have a VPN server (on A2Hosting) with Ubuntu 18.04 installed. The server meets the minimum configuration required for BBB. I was able to connect to this server via ssh and installed BBB 2.3-dev. It installed successfully and I can access the main page in my browser. But, after install SSH is not working. When I try to connect, it says connection timeout.
ssh: connect to host port xxx2: Connection timed out
I have tried resetting the server, reinstall operating system and bbb several times, but whenever bbb install without error, SSH stops working. I am facing this for last couple of days. Please suggest what can be the issue.
After a lot of digging, I found that the port was blocked by firewall. My hosting provider was using non-standard ssh port 7822. Unblockimg the port solved the issue.
ufw allow 7822

Notepad++ NppFTP [SFTP] Connection failed : Error reading socket

Does anyone know why I am unable to connect to my server using the Notepad++ NppFTP plugin with SFTP?
I have a CentOS 6.4 server with SSH on port 22.
When I try and connect using NppFTP I get the following output:
[NppFTP] Everything initialized
[SFTP] Connection failed : Error reading socket
Unable to connect
This used to work when I had my SSH port set to 3264 but when I changed the SSH port back to 22 NppFTP stopped working. All the settings for the profile are correct including the right IP, username, password and port (22).
I can connect with SFTP using FileZilla and WinSCP successfully with these same SFTP details and I can connect with SSH using PuTTY.
I can connect with SFTP to other servers using NppFTP so I believe there is an issue in my server config I'm just not sure where or what.
I looked at the access logs but found no attempt at a connection from NppFTP, I turned the firewall off and still nothing.
In the end I got in touch with my server company and it turns out it was a problem on their end. This is what they had to say:
"This was caused by an IPS rule inspecting the network packets coming into the infrastructure, which helps identify brute force attacks."
Very strange, but after they made the change NppFTP can now connect successfully.

SSH Auth Failed on Amazon EC2 - RSEG1066 Auth Failed

Sorry but I am a newbie... I have checked other questions but nothing has worked and I am not great with SSH.
Followed the steps to connect to EC2 with SSH in Eclipse. Worked like a charm. Then I terminated the working server and started a new instance.
Now I can't connect and receive
RSEG1066 "Failed to connect sshd on server name" Auth failed
Also Port 22 is open ->
Port 22 (SSH) Source:
My SSH connection references the new hostname and I have applied my .pem file via rsa. Any thoughts? What else should I check?
Thank you.
Seems many people are having this problem with AWS when terminating an instance and launching a new instance. Here is what I did to solve the problem for me.
Terminated instance
Deleted key pair from AWS console
Deleted key pair from client
Launched a new instance
When prompted, used a different name for my key pair (.pem) file
Choose the default security group
Added SSH / Port 22 inbound access to the security group
Connected (with user *ubuntu* since I am using an ubunutu server)
And if using Eclipse RSE like the tutorial link in the original question, be sure to restart Eclipse before connecting.