When deploying my project with serverless it automatically creates endpoint for all known functions. I want to have number of functions without API endpoint i.e. to call it using AWS.Lambda().invoke(lambda_name, params).
Is it possible to instruct serverless do not create endpoint for specific functions?
Assuming your serverless.yml looks similar to this:
handler: handler.foo
- http:
path: foo
method: POST
Just remove the events part:
handler: handler.foo
As a follow-up to this question, I wanted to understand how my invoking of a Service manually can be improved. This became longer than I wanted, but I feel the background info is needed.
When doing a pub/sub (broadcast), the normal sequence and flow in the Messaging API isn't used, and I instead get a callback when a pub/sub message is received, using IRedisClient, IRedisSubscription:
_subscription.OnMessage = (channel, msg) =>
The Action onMessageReceived will then, in turn, invoke a normal .NET/C# Event, like so:
protected override void OnMessageReceived(MyRequest request)
OnMyEvent?.Invoke(this, new RequestEventArgs(request));
This works, I get my request and all that, however, I would like it to be streamlined into the other flow, the flow in the Messaging API, meaning, the request finds its way into a Service class implementation, and that all normal boilerplate and dependency injection takes place as it would have using Messaging API.
So, in my Event handler, I manually invoke the Service:
private void Instance_OnMyEvent(object sender, RequestEventArgs e)
using (var myRequestService = HostContext.ResolveService<MyRequestService>(new BasicRequest()))
and the MyRequestService is indeed found and Any called, and dependency injection works for the Service.
Question 1:
Methods such as OnBeforeExecute, OnAfterExecute etc, are not called, unless I manually call them, like: myRequestService.OnBeforeExecute(e) etc. What parts of the pipeline is lost? Can it be reinstated in some easy way, so I don't have to call each of them, in order, manually?
Question 2:
I think I am messing up the DI system when I do this:
using (var myRequestService = HostContext.ResolveService<MyRequestService>(new BasicRequest()))
The effect I see is that the injected dependencies that I have registered with container.AddScoped, isn't scoped, but seems static. I see this because I have a Guid inside the injected class, and that Guid is always the same in this case, when it should be different for each request.
container.AddScoped<IRedisCache, RedisCache>();
and the OnBeforeExecute (in a descendant to Service) is like:
public override void OnBeforeExecute(object requestDto)
IRedisCache cache = TryResolve<IRedisCache>();
So, the IRedisCache Guid should be different each time, but it isn't. This however works fine when I use the Messaging API "from start to finish". It seems that if I call the TryResolve in the AppHostBase descendant, the AddScoped is ignored, and an instance is placed in the container, and then never removed.
What parts of the pipeline is lost?
None of the request pipeline is executed:
Is physically only invoking the Any C# method of your MyRequestService class, it doesn't (nor cannot) do anything else.
The recommended way for invoking other Services during a Service Request is to use the Service Gateway.
But if you want to invoke a Service outside of a HTTP Request you can use the RPC Gateway for executing non-trusted services as it invokes the full Request Pipeline & converts HTTP Error responses into Typed Error Responses:
For executing internal/trusted Services outside of a Service Request you can use HostContext.AppHost.ExecuteMessage as used by ServiceStack MQ which applies Message Request Request/Response Filters, Service Action Filters & Events.
I have registered with container.AddScoped
Do not use Request Scoped dependencies outside of a HTTP Request, use Singleton if the dependencies are ThreadSafe, otherwise register them as Transient. If you need to pass per-request storage pass them in IRequest.Items.
I'm looking to implement simple user authentication with my dart gRPC server + client and am struggling to find samples on how to achieve this properly.
So my problems are the following:
How do I add the user authentication data (JWT) to API calls that require authentication on the client?
How to I handle this data on the server?
I assume that on the client, metadata is the way to go, but is there a way to add the authentication data automatically for each call?
For the server, I assume that interceptors are the way to go, but how do I specify interceptors for specific services only (since not all API calls require authentication)?
is there a way to add the authentication data automatically for each call?
You can supply the default CallOptions with the options parameter in the generated client constructor.
You can use that to add authorization info to all your calls. If you need to perform async work for each call (for instance, to check if the token is still valid and optionally refresh it), you could add a MetadataProvider which gets invoked for each call.
how do I specify interceptors for specific services only (since not all API calls require authentication)?
The interceptor gets access to a ServiceMethod, which contains a name. So you could check that to only invoke an interceptor on some methods:
extension OnlyInterceptSome on Interceptor {
Interceptor limitTo(Set<String> endpoints) {
return (call, method) {
// Skip the check if we don't care about the method.
if (!endpoints.contains(method.name)) return null;
// Invoke the regular interceptor otherwise
return this(call, method);
I am using the Azure SignalR Service in combination with Azure Functions and I have the following code:
public class SignalRHubFunction
public async Task Run([SignalRTrigger("myhubname", "connections", "connected", ConnectionStringSetting = "AzureSignalRConnectionString")] InvocationContext invocationContext, ILogger logger)
logger.LogInformation($"{invocationContext.ConnectionId} connected");
I have a hard time getting a trigger on the 'OnConnected' event. Samples are only given with Class based model.
And the docs aren't really helpful for me.
Docs are telling me the category parameter of the SignalRTrigger constructor should be: connections or messages.
So I use connections.
This value must be set as the category of messages for the function to be triggered. The category can be one of the following values:
connections: Including connected and disconnected events
messages: Including all other events except those in connections category
I don't really understand what the docs mean with the event parameter
This value must be set as the event of messages for the function to be triggered. For messages category, event is the target in invocation message that clients send. For connections category, only connected and disconnected is used.
I guess they are saying you can choose between connected and disconnected.
However with the code from above the trigger is never hit. Any thoughts?
Original Answer: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/159266/debug-function-using-a-signalrtrigger.html
For the SignalRTrigger to work, you need to set a webhook to the function in SignalR.
When you deploy a function with the SignalRTrigger, it does 2 extra things:
Create the webhook: https://<APP_NAME>.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/signalr
Create an API key code (signalr_extension) in the function app system settings (see "system keys" section in "App Keys" blade of the azure portal Function App)
SignalR POSTs events to this webhook (so obviously this doesn't work on local, unless you have a publicly addressable IP that you can add to SignalR).
To configure the SignalR event webhook, go to "Settings" blade of SignalR and add the upstream URL https://<APP_NAME>.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/signalr?code=<API_KEY>
Voila! This should now work
Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-signalr-service-trigger?tabs=javascript#send-messages-to-signalr-service-trigger-binding
This code snippet works.
[FunctionName("OnConnected ")]
public async Task OnConnected ([SignalRTrigger("YourHub", "connections", "connected ")]
InvocationContext invocationContext, ILogger logger)
logger.LogInformation($"{invocationContext.ConnectionId} has connected");
Also configure, Upstream URL in Azure SignalR settings
SignalR Service integration
The Function_App_URL can be found on Function App's Overview page and The API_KEY is generated by Azure Function. You can get the API_KEY from signalr_extension in the App keys blade of Function App.
There are an option in ServiceStack to add routes dynamically, using IAppHost.Routes.Add. This is quite handy as it allows reusable services to be packed in a form of plugin and attached to actual applications.
To illustrate, here's an excerpt of application host configuration that enables a plugin and attaches routes:
class AppHost: AppHostHttpListenerBase {
public override void Configure(Container container) {
// other stuff
Plugins.Add(new MyReusablePlugin());
Routes.Add(typeof(string), "/stuff", "GET");
Routes.Add(typeof(string), "/other-stuff", "POST");
The problem is, I can't find a way to specify that authentication is required for those dynamically added routes. As of ServiceStack 4.0.15 there are no overload to Routes.Add that allow specifying that those routes require authentication. Is it possible (maybe in newer versions)?
Ideally, such a mechanism should support specifying roles/permissions, just like RequiredRoleAttribue or RequiresAnyRoleAttribute.
One more thing: I'm aware of Global request filters and it looks like they are a bit too global to be a valid solution here, but I might be wrong. If it's possible to achieve the same result (including ability to specify required roles/permissions) using request filters I would be glad to accept an example of such apporach as an answer.
You can do this using the AddAttributes extension method provided on Type:
typeof(YourType).AddAttributes(new RequiredRoleAttribute("Admin"));
So you would need to do this in addition to the Routes.Add method.
I've built my first grails application. My URL mappings are what the default application provides:
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
I have a controller called ColorController with actions save and list. It simply does something like this:
def save () {
def colorInstance = new Color(params)
colorInstance.save(flush: true)
def list () {
[colorList: Color.list, colorTotal: Color.count()]
I would like to build a simple API for these actions.
The save action should accept parameters as JSON and provide a successful message if the records save.
The list action should provide the list as JSON
Should I make a separate URL mapping for api? (e.g. http://<domain>/<app>/rest/controller/action)
Should I be making a separate controller for my API's
I am using spring security plugin for authentication. But at some point I might want to authenticate the restful api as well. What are some solutions for that?
If I use the same controller, how can I modify these simple actions to do what I need.
Before even looking below for my opinion/answers I would suggest to visit this SO Question for the basic understanding of RESTful WS in Grails.
"The save action should accept parameters as JSON and provide a successful message if the records save" - Save is mapped to POST RESTful. Instead of binding a JSON body to params it is bound to the request. In order to access the JSON object you just need to use request.JSON in the action method.
request.JSON instanceof JSONObject
"The list action should provide the list as JSON" - list() action is mapped to a GET Request and you can render the map as JSON in the list() as below
//Controller list()
import grails.converter.JSON
def list () {
[colorList: Color.list, colorTotal: Color.count()] as JSON
Answers to Questions:-
Should I make a separate URL mapping for api?
Abiding by the basics of REST, the client should only access the resource (Color in this case) and should not bother about the underlying controller or action. The server side logic should be abstracted from the client. URL Mapping is what the client would use to as form of request. I would have something like this in my url mapping for Color Resource.
/color/$id?(resource: "color")
/color/$id?(controller: 'color'){
action = [GET: "list", POST: "save"]
Should I be making a separate controller for my API's? - Depends on the way the App is designed. You also can have the above controller as the API. For example, currently I am working on a grails app which used AngularJS in the front End which connects to the Grails APP RESTFully. In order to achieve I had a RestClientController which works as an API to Angular. The rationale behind having a REST api in the same app is that in future we can expose the underlying service to external clients other than the Angular client present in the app itself.
I am using spring security plugin for authentication. But at some point I might want to authenticate the restful api as well. What are some solutions for that? - You can use Spring Security here as well. In my case I am using the plugin and I secure the controller by using the plugin's annotated component #Secured. I have custom OAuth enabled as well for authorization which interacts to the company wide LDAP and AD Groups.
If I use the same controller, how can I modify these simple actions to do what I need. - I think you would have got the answer to this question by now (after going through the SO question I mentioned above). Here is my opinion, controller actions can route to appropriate service classes which does the business implementations based on the request parameters.
For example,
def show(){
} else {
In the above example, the url mapping would be /color/123 or /color. In the former case, it will get the color and in the later it will search the colors