Can't seem to test Vuex Mutation in Vue Component - vue.js

What should be pretty simple seems to be alluding me...
I have a vue component that when the correct html tag is clicked, a method is run that triggers a commit mutation.
All I want to do is see that the mutation is indeed triggered in the component. I can see the method get triggered but not the mutation that the method calls.
I am using Jest for testing
Goal: Verify the 'setEditUser' commit is called.
v-for="listUser in users"
methods: {
editUser(listUser) {
this.$store.commit("setEditUser", listUser);
import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '#vue/test-utils';
import Dashboard from '../../src/components/Dashboard.vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
const fb = require('../../src/firebaseConfig.js');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const localVue = createLocalVue();
localVue.use(Vuex, VueRouter);
describe('Dashboard.js', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
const mutations = {
setEditUser: jest.fn(),
const getters = {
userProfile: () => jest.fn(),
users: () => jest.fn(),
const $router = {
push: jest.fn(),
const store = new Vuex.Store({ mutations, getters });
test('Edit User function does not error out', () => {
const userProfile = {
role: ['admin'],
const wp = shallowMount(Dashboard, {
mocks: {
computed: {
userProfile() {
return userProfile;
users() {
return {
users: {
id: '',
first_name: 'Stub',
const userInfo = wp.vm.users;
const stub = sinon.stub(wp.vm, 'editUser');
expect(mutations.setEditUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith({}, {userInfo}) // Fails. Says: Number of calls = 0
expect(stub.callCount).toBe(1);// Passes
Thanks for your help!
Figured it out....
When I create this constant
const stub = sinon.stub(wp.vm, 'editUser');
I am messing with how the commit and router get called. Probably not passing in the proper arguments to the stub. I tried adding the proper arguments to the stub but still no go.
If I remove the stub then I can verify that the commit and push methods get called.
So... I created another unit test that just test that. Its more code then what I would like but I did solve my issue for now :)


Vue3 testing composition API with vuex in vitest

I'm having trouble getting a mock action to run using Vue3 while testing with vitest.
I have a component which calls out to a modularized vuex store that is imported into my component using the composition api. Something like the following.
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const { doAction } = useModActions([
I use createNamespacedHelpers to setup my store module from the vuex-composition-helpers library.
After I use useStore with a Symbol key to setup the state of my store. I consume it in my application by doing
app.use(store, key)
To mock it in my tests I was trying the following
const actions = {
doAction: vi.fn()
const spy = vi.spyOn(actions, 'doAction')
const mockStore = createStore({
modules: {
mod: {
namespaced: true,
const wrapper = mount(Component, {
global: {
provide: { [key]: mockStore }
But my spy is never called and my component always calls the original implementation. Is there a way to get all these pieces working together?
The mockStore here (from Vuex's createStore()) is an instance of a Vue plugin, which should be passed to the global.plugins mounting option (not global.provide):
// MyComponent.spec.js
import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest'
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
import MyComponent from '../MyComponent.vue'
describe('MyComponent', () => {
it('button calls doAction', async () => {
const actions = {
doAction: vi.fn(),
const mockStore = createStore({
modules: {
myModule: {
namespaced: true,
const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {
global: {
plugins: [mockStore], // 👈
await wrapper.find("button").trigger("click")

Vuex + Jest + Composition API: How to check if an action has been called

I am working on a project built on Vue3 and composition API and writing test cases.
The component I want to test is like below.
<Child #onChangeValue="onChangeValue" />
<script lang="ts>
const onChangeValue = (value: string) => {
store.dispatch("changeValueAction", {
value: value,
Now I want to test if changeValueAction has been called.
import { key, store } from '#/store';
describe("Test Home component", () => {
const wrapper = mount(Home, {
global: {
plugins: [[store, key]],
it("Test onChangeValue", () => {
const child = wrapper.findComponent(Child);
child.vm.$emit("onChangeValue", "Hello, world");
// I want to check changeValueAction has been called.
expect("Hello, world");
I can confirm the state has actually been updated successfully in the test case above but I am wondering how I can mock action and check if it has been called.
How can I do it?
I have sort of a similar setup.
I don't want to test the actual store just that the method within the component is calling dispatch with a certain value.
This is what I've done.
import {key} from '#/store';
let storeMock: any;
beforeEach(async () => {
storeMock = createStore({});
test(`Should remove favorite`, async () => {
const wrapper = mount(Component, {
propsData: {
item: mockItemObj
global: {
plugins: [[storeMock, key]],
const spyDispatch = jest.spyOn(storeMock, 'dispatch').mockImplementation();
await wrapper.find('.remove-favorite-item').trigger('click');
expect(spyDispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith("favoritesState/deleteFavorite", favoriteId);
This is the Component method:
setup(props) {
const store = useStore();
function removeFavorite() {
store.dispatch("favoritesState/deleteFavorite", favoriteId);
return {
Hope this will help you further :)

$router.push not triggering in unit testing

I have the following problem while trying to unit test my Vue application.
Even spying and mocking $router.push, I still can't make it to be called while inside unit testing:
This is my unit testing (Home.spec.js)
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe('Home.vue', () => {
let actions;
let getters;
let store;
let router;
beforeEach(() => {
actions = {
getters = {
getTopThreeRepositories: jest.fn(repositoryMock.getRepositories)
store = new Vuex.Store({ getters, actions });
router = new VueRouter();
it('should redirect when 404 status code received', async () => {
jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockRejectedValue({ statusCode: 404 });
jest.spyOn(router, 'push').mockResolvedValue({});
const wrapper = await shallowMount(Home, {
Now, this is my Home.vue:
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
import { FETCH_USER_REPOSITORIES } from "../store/actions";
import RepositoryList from "#/components/RepositoryList";
import Card from "#/components/Card";
export default {
name: 'view-home',
components: {
async beforeMount() {
try {
await this.$store.dispatch(FETCH_USER_REPOSITORIES, 'some-repo');
} catch(err) {
await this.$router.push('/not-found');
computed: {
The console log shows the $router correctly, with the spy.
If I force the calling inside the unit testing, it works, but the expects always fails giving me back that $router.push hasn't been called.
Can anyone help me, please?
You should specify $store and $route as mocks in your mounting options, as shown below. Also there's no need to await shallowMount because shallowMount does not return a Promise, so the await would just return immediately.
describe('Home.vue', () => {
it('should redirect when 404 status code received', () => {
const $store = {
dispatch: jest.fn()
const $router = {
push: jest.fn()
const wrapper = shallowMount(Home, {
mocks: {

Vue Test Mock Promise-Based Action within Module

I unfortunately can't attach all code or create a gist because the project I'm working on is related to work but I can give enough detail that I think it will work.
I'm trying to mock a call to an action that is stored in a different module but for the life of me I can't figure out how to. I'm able to create a Jest spy on the store.dispatch method but I want to be able to resolve the promise and make sure that the subsequent steps are taken.
The method in the SFC is
doSomething(data) {
this.$store.dispatch('moduleA/moduleDoSomething',{data: data})
.then(() => {
this.$router.push({name: 'RouteName'})
.catch(err => {
alert('There was an error. Please try again.')
This is what my test looks like:
import { mount, createLocalVue } from '#vue/test-utils'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import Component from '#/components/Component'
import moduleA from '#/store/modules/moduleA'
const localVue = createLocalVue()
describe('Component.vue', () => {
let actions
let store
const $router = []
beforeEach(() => {
actions = {
moduleDoSomething: jest.fn((payload) => {
return Promise.resolve({
status: 200,
store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {},
modules: {
moduleA: {
it('does something', () => {
const wrapper = mount(Component, {
mocks: {
let button = wrapper.find('button that calls doSomething')
The following test passes, but I don't want to just test that the action was dispatched; I also want to test things in the "then" block.
it('does something', () => {
const dispatchSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch')
const wrapper = mount(Component, {
mocks: {
let button = wrapper.find('button that calls doSomething')
expect(dispatchSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('moduleA/moduleDoSomething',{data: data})
I managed to solve this problem by simply making the module namespaced in the mocked store.
store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {},
modules: {
moduleA: {
namespaced: true
I'll delete the question in a little bit

vuex store getters not working in a component

Can anyone see why this wouldn't work please,
Trying to use vuex store to manage my axios requests and transfer to a component as follows:
In my vuex store module I have the following
import axios from "axios";
export const state = () => ({
cases: [],
export const mutations = {
listCases (state, cases) {
state.cases = cases;
export const actions = {
loadCases ({ commit, context }) {
return axios.get('http')
.then(res => {
const convertCases = []
for (const key in {
convertCases.push({[key], id: key })
commit('listCases', convertCases)
.catch(e => context.error(e));
export const getters = {
// return the state
cases(state) {
return state.cases
I checked amd my axios request is returning my results as expected and passing to the mutation
In my component I have
import { mapMutations, mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
created () {
computed: {
...mapGetters ({
cases: 'cases/cases'
Now i assumed based on what I've learnt that i could call with
and this would return my items.
but i get an error cases is not defined,
Anyone abe to tell me my error please
Many Thanks
Take a look here:
You may be able to make it reactive this way:
export const mutations = {
listCases (state, cases) {
state.cases = [];
cases.forEach((c) => {