Is it possible to have two consecutive request in a single flow in Mulesoft 4? - anypoint-studio

I have a flow that request two different apis
I tried it but got an error about a schema required fields, but when I tried to remove one request (either of the two), it will run successfully.


How to define REST API with to Parameter

I am currently working on a REST API for a project. In the process I should search for events. I would like to make an endpoint for searching events in a period. That is, specify two parameters with from - to.
For the search you normally take a GET operation. My question is now it makes sense to specify two parameters in the path or should I rather fall back to a POST operation for something like that.
Example for the path /Events{From}{To}
Is this even feasible with multiple parameters?
If you are not making a change on the resource, you should use GET operation.
More detailed explanation:
If you were writing a plain old RPC API call, they could technically interchangeable as long as the processing server side were no different between both calls. However, in order for the call to be RESTful, calling the endpoint via the GET method should have a distinct functionality (which is to get resource(s)) from the POST method (which is to create new resources).
GET request with multiple parameters: /events?param1=value1&param2=value2
GET request with an array as parameter: /events?param=value1,value2,value3

Pulling summary report for monitoring using reporting task in NiFi

Working on a piece of the project where a report needs to be generated with all the flow details(memory used, number of records processed, Processes ran successful, failed, etc). Most of the details are present on the Summary tab, but the requirement is to have separate reports.
Can any one help me with solution/steps/examples/screens/videos.
Thanks much.
Every underlying behavior of the UX/UI that Apache NiFi provides is also accessible through an API (in fact, the UI calls the API to perform each of these tasks). So you can invoke the GET /system-diagnostics API to return that information in JSON form, and then parse this data and present it in whatever form you like.

Can we have different scenario for one api in karate?

Lets say I have one api and there are different scenarios to check in that one api.So for this can we add different scenarios in one feature file without calling api again and again.
You can certainly have multiple scenarios in one feature file.
And if you get a response back and you can do all the assertions you have in mind against this single response - you don't need to call again. Maybe you need a single scenario.
If you are expecting all your boundary conditions and non-happy paths to be achieved without making multiple HTTP calls, I'm sorry - I don't think any framework will do that magic for you.

Parse API: batch push notifications

I'm wondering how push notifications can be sent in batches. Let's look at the problem from the following 3 major patterns:
one API call -> one message -> delivered to a specified user
one API call -> one messages -> delivered to many different users (specified by id)
one API call -> many different messages -> delivered to many different users (specified by id)
The first one can be done easily.
The question is, what would you recommend to use for the second and the third ones?
I'm thinking of something similar to Facebook's Batch Requests when you have the ability to pass instructions for several operations in a single HTTP request. Is it possible at all with Parse?
for second pattern there is a way.
where parameter should be like this: where={"id":{"$in":[1,3,5,7,9]}}
more where parameters:
another example if you need to execute query for fining IDs:
still no workaround for third pattern

RESTful - when should I use POST and GET?

This is my WCF service, where user can find message for him.
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/GetMessages/{UserGLKNumber}/{UserPassword}/{SessionToken}")]
Messages GetMessages(string SessionToken, string UserPassword, string UserGLKNumber);
I have concerns about that line: {UserGLKNumber}/{UserPassword}/{SessionToken}
I have to authenticate user, before he get that messages. But with GET method, I cannot send objects, like in POST.
Is it consistent with REST pattern?
Please, clear up my doubts.
There are already posts & question about this, I am summarizing all of them
POST verb is used when are you creating a new resource (a file in your case) and repeated operations would create multiple resources on the server. This verb would make sense if uploading a file with the same name multiple times creates multiple files on the server.
PUT verb is used when you are updating an existing resource or creating a new resource with a predefined id. Multiple operations would recreate or update the same resource on the server. This verb would make sense if uploading a file with the same name for the second, third... time would overwrite the previously uploaded file.
POST everytime you are modifying some state on the server like database update, delete. GET for readonly fetching like database select.
GET: Get a collection of entries (as a feed document) or a single entry (as an entry document).
POST: Create a new entry from an entry document.
PUT: Update an existing entry with an entry document.
DELETE: Remove an entry.
Source:Difference between PUT and POST using WCF REST
Another Useful reads are:
What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?
In terms of Restful services...
Post :
1. Its a secure to use in application rather than get.
2. Its not configure proxy server.
3. Big length of data restricted by web server.
4. Its not cached on browser.
5. Its take input as xml
Get :
1. Its a not secure to use in application rather than get.
2. Its configure proxy server.
3. Its use url encoding technique.
4. Its cached on browser.
5. Its a default if you are not declaring anyone.
6 Its take input as a string an returned a formatted output.