There is a way to change the author of revisions in a Word document? - vba

I would like to know if there is a way to change the author of revisions in a document, I've found the way to change the author of comments but no for the revisions part. I've tried to find a property/method in the Revisions.object documentation to change that but I find nothing.
As I said I've already tried to do this:
Sub ChangeCommentCreator()
Dim I As Long
Dim Novo As String
Dim Corto As String
If Selection.Comments.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No comments in your selection!", vbInformation, "Alerta"
Exit Sub
End If
Novo = InputBox("New author name?", "Alerta")
Corto = InputBox("New author initials?", "Alerta")
If Novo = "" Or Corto = "" Then
MsgBox "The author name/initials can’t be empty.", vbInformation, "Alerta"
Exit Sub
End If
With Selection
For I = 1 To .Comments.Count
.Comments(I).Author = Novo
.Comments(I).Initial = Corto
Next I
End With
End Sub
I'm going in the right way or there is just no way to change this?

Revisions automatically use the selected User Name in the UI. The language reference for the Revisions's Author property states:
Returns the name of the user who made the specified tracked change. Read-only String.
So there's no direct way using VBA and the object model to change that.
It is possible to change it by editing the underlying Word Open XML, as illustrated in the code that follows. I notice, however, that this appears to confuse Word - after running the macro no revisions are recognized in the document. Only after saving, closing and re-opening does Word "see" the revisions, again.
Sub ChangeAuthorName()
Dim sWOOXML As String
Dim findAuthor As String
Dim replaceAuthor As String
findAuthor = "w:author=" & Chr(34) & "Cindy Meister" & Chr(34)
replaceAuthor = "w:author=" & Chr(34) & "unknown" & Chr(34)
sWOOXML = ActiveDocument.content.WordOpenXML
sWOOXML = Replace(sWOOXML, findAuthor, replaceAuthor)
ActiveDocument.content.InsertXML sWOOXML
End Sub
Note that this will likely also change the author's name for comments. The more "elegant" way to do this would be to leverage an XML parser (such as MSXML) and work with the specific nodes. Or even use a package that works on the closed document and edits the Word Open XML. But this is the simplest way using straight Word VBA.

I picked up Cindy Meister's suggestion and cleared the Word confusion that he reported. All revision and comment authors, creators, and lastmodied will be changed by the name entered.
Sub ChangeCommentAndRevisionAuthor()
Dim j, jmax As Long
Dim Author(99) As String
Dim WXML, NewAuthor, FindAuthor, ReplaceAuthor As String
Dim BNew, StatusTrackRevision As Boolean
Dim Rev As Revision
Dim Cmt As Comment
' set some variables and put trackrevision to false
StatusTrackRevision = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
jmax = -1
' checks and input new author name
If ActiveDocument.Range.Revisions.count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No revisions in your document!", vbInformation, "Change comment and revision author"
Exit Sub
End If
NewAuthor = InputBox("New author name?", "Change comment and revision author")
If NewAuthor = "" Then
MsgBox "The author name can’t be empty.", vbInformation, "Change comment and revision author"
Exit Sub
End If
' Loop through all revisions and get all authors of revisions (maximum 100)
With ActiveDocument.Range
If .Revisions.count > 1000 Then
If MsgBox("The number of revisions it large. " & .Revisions.count & vbCr & " Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Change comment and revision author") > 1 Then Exit Sub
End If
For Each Rev In .Revisions
BNew = True
For j = 0 To jmax
If Author(j) = Rev.Author Then
BNew = False
Exit For
End If
If BNew Then
jmax = jmax + 1
If jmax > UBound(Author) Then jmax = UBound(Author)
Author(jmax) = Rev.Author
End If
' change all comments
For Each Cmt In ActiveDocument.Comments
Cmt.Author = NewAuthor
Cmt.Initial = NewAuthor
End With
' read XML and change all authors to the new author
WXML = ActiveDocument.Content.WordOpenXML
For j = 0 To jmax
WXML = Replace(WXML, "w:author=" & Chr(34) & Author(j) & Chr(34), "w:author=" & Chr(34) & NewAuthor & Chr(34))
' change "last modified by" to new author
WXML = Replace(WXML, "<cp:lastModifiedBy>" & ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(7) & "</cp:lastModifiedBy>", "<cp:lastModifiedBy>" & NewAuthor & "</cp:lastModifiedBy>")
' save modified XML
ActiveDocument.Content.InsertXML WXML
' Change Creator of Document to new author
ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(3) = NewAuthor
' restore original status of track revision
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = StatusTrackRevision
End Sub


ActiveDocument.Printout issue

I have two word documents, source and target. My target document is pulling values from a table inside source document and putting those concatenated values stored inside a variable named ReportHeader into it's page header. I have used two For-Next loops, the outer loops takes care of designated rows inside source document and this loop begins at 6th row till count of total rows inside that table.
My inner loop named "For xPages = 1 To numPages" takes care of number of parges required for each Annexure that it finds inside the table and loops through found number of pages for a particular Annexure reference.
Below is reference screenshot of my table. Please ignore the fact the few preceding lines of my tableare not being shown here. My business begins with 6th row that shows Annexure A.
Everything works fine as long as I test values in Debug.print or Msgbox but when I sent these values for printing using ActiveDocument.PrintOut, I notice an abnormal printing behaviour. First few rows starting at row 6 of table are ignored and later not all the pages are sent to printing.
Any feedback from you guys would be much appreciated.
Sub PrintMyHeaders()
Dim r As Range
Dim sourceDoc, jobNumber, AnnexureRaw, Annexure, ReportHeader As String
Dim numPages As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
jobNumber = InputBox("Enter job number")
sourceDoc = ActiveDocument.Name
Set r = ActiveDocument.Tables(3).Range
For Each doc In Documents
If doc.Name = "Template.doc" Then Found = True
Next doc
If Found <> True Then
Documents.Open FileName:="C:\Users\smi\Documents\Template.doc"
End If
For i = 6 To r.Rows.Count
AnnexureRaw = Replace(r.Rows(i).Cells(2).Range.Text, "", "")
Annexure = Replace(AnnexureRaw, Chr(13), "")
numPages = Val(r.Rows(i).Cells(3).Range.Text)
For xPages = 1 To numPages
counter = counter + 1
ReportHeader = "PAGE " & xPages & " OF " & numPages & vbCrLf _
& "OUR REF: TKU-" & jobNumber & "/2018" & vbCrLf _
& "ANNEXURE : " & Chr(34) & Annexure & Chr(34)
If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
End If
If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView Or ActiveWindow. _
ActivePane.View.Type = wdOutlineView Then
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
End If
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
Selection.Font.Size = 8
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.Text = ReportHeader
Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 6
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
'Debug.Print ReportHeader & vbCrLf
Next xPages
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
When printing out documents in relatively quick succession, things can get "mixed up" if background printing is turned on. This is an option in Word:
File/Options/Advanced, section "Print"
In the object model, to turn it off programmatically you can use the following. If the user likes having it turned on, save the current setting, turn it off, then restore the setting at the end of the code:
Options.PrintBackground = False
Since speed of execution is a concern, your code can be optimized. The following suggestions can also help to make it more self-documenting. Note that I'm not testing, just writing from the top of my head, so I may make a typo or two...
Put Option Explicit at the top of your code modules. This will save you from frustrating error messages if you mistype a variable name.
Use declared objects throughout. Referring back to ActiveDocument each time is less efficient (VBA has to figure out which it is, every time. Also, the active document could change during code execution, which would mess things up.) Ditto for repeatedly requesting Tables(3).
If your concern when looping a collection is to ensure a certain member is present (a particular document, in your case) you can use Exit For to break off the loop before all members have been queried.
It's not necessary to activate a document in order to work with it in code. Once you have Document objects, that's all you need.
It's also not necessary to fiddle with the Views in order to work with a header or footer. I've deleted those lines.
I hope I've kept "everything straight"!
Option Explicit
Sub PrintMyHeaders()
Dim r As Range
Dim sourceDoc, jobNumber, AnnexureRaw, Annexure, ReportHeader As String
Dim numPages As Integer
Dim sourceTable as Word.Table, doc as Word.Document
Dim tDoc as Word.Document
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
jobNumber = InputBox("Enter job number")
Set sourceDoc = ActiveDocument
Set sourceTable = sourceDoc.Tables(3)
Set r = sourceTable.Range
For Each doc In Documents
If doc.Name = "Template.doc" Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
Next doc
If Found <> True Then
Set tDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:="C:\Users\smi\Documents\Template.doc")
Set tDoc = Documents("Template.doc")
End If
For i = 6 To r.Rows.Count
AnnexureRaw = Replace(r.Rows(i).Cells(2).Range.Text, "", "")
Annexure = Replace(AnnexureRaw, Chr(13), "")
numPages = Val(r.Rows(i).Cells(3).Range.Text)
For xPages = 1 To numPages
counter = counter + 1
ReportHeader = "PAGE " & xPages & " OF " & numPages & vbCrLf _
& "OUR REF: TKU-" & jobNumber & "/2018" & vbCrLf _
& "ANNEXURE : " & Chr(34) & Annexure & Chr(34)
Dim rngHeader as Word.Range
Set rngHeader = tDoc.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range
rngHeader.Font.Name = "Arial"
rngHeader.Font.Size = 8
rngHeader.Font.Bold = True
rngHeader.Text = ReportHeader
rngHeader.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
rngHeader.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 6
rngHeader.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
'Debug.Print ReportHeader & vbCrLf
Next xPages
tDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

VBA to insert reference page into MS word endnote

Book endnotes often forgo superscript numbers for page numbers. E.g., instead of
Abe Lincoln was assassinated with a pistol.^33
33. A single-shot derringer pistol.
books by several authors write
Abe Lincoln was assassinated with a pistol.
Page 297. Abe Lincoln was shot single-shot derringer pistol.
Word doesn't have this feature, so I believe it would have to be a Macro. I came up with simple code below that loops through all of the endnotes and adds
"Page ???. "
before each endnote, but what does "???" need to be to correctly insert the page number in my manuscript that the citation's located on?
Sub RedefineExistingEndNotes()
Dim fn As Endnote
For Each fn In ActiveDocument.Endnotes
fn.Range.Paragraphs(1).Range.Characters(1).InsertBefore "Page" & "???" & " - "
Next fn
End Sub
Try the below VBA code:
Sub InsertPageNumberForEndnotes()
Dim endNoteCount As Integer
Dim curPageNumber As Integer
If ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Count > 0 Then
For endNoteCount = 1 To ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Count
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToEndnote, Which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=endNoteCount
curPageNumber = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
ActiveDocument.Application.Selection.Collapse (WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseStart)
ActiveDocument.Application.Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Characters(1).InsertBefore "Page " & CStr(curPageNumber) & " - "
End If
End Sub
An alternative might be to use PAGEREF fields and hide the endnote references, e.g.
Sub modifyEndNotes()
Const bookmarkText As String = "endnote"
Dim en As Word.Endnote
Dim rng As Word.Range
For Each en In ActiveDocument.Endnotes
en.Reference.Bookmarks.Add bookmarkText & en.Index
en.Reference.Font.Hidden = True
Set rng = en.Range
rng.Paragraphs(1).Range.Font.Hidden = True
rng.Collapse WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseStart
rng.Text = "Page . "
rng.SetRange rng.End - 2, rng.End - 2
rng.Fields.Add rng, WdFieldType.wdFieldEmpty, "PAGEREF " & bookmarkText & en.Index & " \h", False
'if necessary...
en.Range.Font.Hidden = False
Set rng = Nothing
End Sub
For a second run, you'd need to remove and re-insert the text and fields you had added.
Unfortunately, a further look suggests that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to hide the endnote references (in the endnotes themselves) without hiding the paragraph marker at the end of the first endnote para, which means that all the endnotes will end up looking like a single messy note. So I deleted this Answer.
However, the OP thought the approach could be modified in a useful way so I have undeleted. I can't re-research it right away but some possibilities might be to replace every endnote mark by a bullet (as suggested by the OP) or perhaps even something as simple as a space or a "-".
For example, something like this (which also hides the references using a different technique)...
Sub modifyEndNotes2()
' this version also formats the endnotes under page headings
Const bookmarkText As String = "endnote"
Dim en As Word.Endnote
Dim f As Word.Field
Dim i As Integer
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim strSavedPage As String
strSavedPage = ""
For Each en In ActiveDocument.Endnotes
en.Reference.Bookmarks.Add bookmarkText & en.Index
Set rng = en.Range
rng.Collapse WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseStart
If CStr(en.Reference.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)) <> strSavedPage Then
strSavedPage = CStr(en.Reference.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber))
rng.Text = "Page :-" & vbCr & " - "
rng.SetRange rng.End - 6, rng.End - 6
rng.Fields.Add rng, WdFieldType.wdFieldEmpty, "PAGEREF " & bookmarkText & en.Index & " \h", False
rng.Collapse WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseEnd
rng.Text = "- "
End If
If ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Count > 1 Then
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleEndnoteReference).Font.Hidden = True
ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleEndnoteReference).Font.Hidden = False
End If
Set rng = Nothing
End Sub
In the above case, notice that there is only one link to each page, that formatting might be needed to make it obvious that it is a link, and so on.

VBA for Outlook not parsing email correctly

I am writing a VBA for outlook that will go through emails in my specific folder and go through the email's body and parse a specific line and then save it to an excel file. So far I am not getting any errors and when I run it, it saves an Excel file, but its only prints out an "email" string that I echo within the program, it's not parsed.
So I am having a bit of a problem parsing the proper information from the emails in the outlook folder. In matter of fact, I'm not sure if it's even parsing anything at all.
For iCtr = 1 To OutlookNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders.Count
' handle case sensitivity as I can't type worth a crap
If LCase(OutlookNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders(iCtr).Name) = LCase(strTargetFolder) Then
'found our target :)
Set outlookFolder = OutlookNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders(iCtr)
Exit For ' found it so lets move on
End If
'set up a header for the data dump, this is for CSV
strEmailContents = "Email" & vbCrLf
'likely should have some error handling here, in case we have found no target folder
'Set myFolderItem = outlookFolder.Items
' I have commenteted out some items to illustrate the call to Sue'strEmailContents Function
If Not outlookFolder Is Nothing Then
For Each outlookMessage In outlookFolder.Items
If TypeOf outlookMessage Is MailItem Then
strMsgBody = outlookMessage.Body ' assign message body to a Var
' then use Sue Moshers code to look for stuff in the body
' all of the following stuff in the quotes "" is specific to your needs
strEmailContents = strEmailContents & ParseTextLinePair(strMsgBody, "E-mail: ")
strEmailContents = strEmailContents & "," & ParseTextLinePair(strMsgBody, "")
'add the email message time stamp, just cause i want it
'debug message comment it out for production
'WScript.echo strEmailContents
End If
End If
Here is my function to parse the lines:
Function ParseTextLinePair(strSource, strLabel)
' Sue Moshers code
'commented out type declaration for VBS usgage take out fer VB usage
Dim intLocLabel 'As Integer
Dim intLocCRLF 'As Integer
Dim intLenLabel 'As Integer
Dim strText 'As String
' locate the label in the source text
intLocLabel = InStr(strSource, strLabel)
intLenLabel = Len(strLabel)
If intLocLabel > 0 Then
intLocCRLF = InStr(intLocLabel, strSource, vbCrLf)
If intLocCRLF > 0 Then
intLocLabel = intLocLabel + intLenLabel
strText = Mid(strSource, _
intLocLabel, _
intLocCRLF - intLocLabel)
intLocLabel = Mid(strSource, intLocLabel + intLenLabel)
End If
End If
ParseTextLinePair = Trim(strText) ' this i like
End Function
Here is an example of an email I am trying to parse; i have put it in code format so it is easier to read.
Vendor: 22***********
Your company may be interested in the following advertisement(s).
To learn more about the advertisements below, please visit the
******** Vendor Bid System (VBS) at
http://www.****************.com. For specific
questions about the solicitation, each advertisement includes
contact information for the agency representative who issued it.
to view additional information on the advertisement(s) listed
Agency: ***************************************
Agency Ads: http://www.*************.com
Advertisement Number: ******BLACKEDOUT INFO***********
Advertisement Type: Informational Notice
Title: Centralized Customer Service System (CCSS) - Notice of Public Meeting
Advertisement Status: New
Agency Contact: Sheree *****
Telephone: (000)-000-0000
Thank you in advanced!!
Alright sir, give this a shot. Make sure you designate your folder and searchtext at the top. A message box will popup once the email has been extracted.
Sub ParseContents()
Dim strTargetFolder : strTargetFolder = "Inbox"
Dim SearchText: SearchText = "Email: "
Dim NS As outlook.NameSpace
Dim oFld As outlook.Folder
Set NS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
For ifld = 1 To NS.Folders.Count
For ictr = 1 To NS.Folders.Item(ifld).Folders.Count
' handle case sensitivity as I can't type worth a crap
If LCase(NS.Folders.Item(ifld).Folders(ictr).Name) = LCase(strTargetFolder) Then
'found our target :)
Set oFld = NS.Folders.Item(ifld).Folders(ictr)
Exit For ' found it so lets move on
End If
'set up a header for the data dump, this is for CSV
strEmailContents = "Email" & vbCrLf
Dim EscapeLoops: EscapeLoops = False
'likely should have some error handling here, in case we have found no target folder
'Set myFolderItem = outlookFolder.Items
' I have commenteted out some items to illustrate the call to Sue'strEmailContents Function
If Not oFld Is Nothing Then
For Each outlookMessage In oFld.Items
If TypeOf outlookMessage Is MailItem Then
If InStr(outlookMessage.Body, SearchText) Then
strMsgBody = outlookMessage.Body ' assign message body to a Var
' then use Sue Moshers code to look for stuff in the body
' all of the following stuff in the quotes "" is specific to your needs
Dim splitter, parsemail: splitter = Split(strMsgBody, vbCrLf)
For Each splt In splitter
If InStr(splt, SearchText) Then
parsemail = splt
EscapeLoops = True
Exit For
End If
strEmailContents = strEmailContents & "Date/Time: " & outlookMessage.CreationTime & vbCrLf
strEmailContents = strEmailContents & ParseTextLinePair(parsemail, SearchText)
MsgBox strEmailContents
If EscapeLoops Then Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function ParseTextLinePair(strSource, strLabel)
Dim Rturn
If InStr(strSource, vbCrLf) Then
Rturn = Mid(strSource, InStr(strSource, strLabel) + Len(strLabel), InStr(strSource, vbCrLf) - InStr(strSource, strLabel) + Len(strLabel)):
Rturn = Mid(strSource, InStr(strSource, strLabel) + Len(strLabel))
End If
ParseTextLinePair = Trim(Rturn)
End Function

Exporting PowerPoint sections into separate files

Every week I separate a long PowerPoint file into separate files. The files must be in PowerPoint format, and contain only the slides that are contained in the 'sections' from the PowerPoint file.
I need to:
1) Scan to see the number of slides in a given section
2) Make a file containing the slides within that section
3) Name that file the same as the name of the section, and save it in the same directory as the source file.
4) Repeat the process for subsequent sections.
5) Do this without damaging the original file.
I've located code ( that can break the file into many parts, but only by the number of files requested per file. I found some other helpful references here:
I have coded in Basic and a number of easy gaming scripting languages. I need help understanding how this is done in VBA.
Since you do this very often, you should make an Add-In for this. The idea is to create copies of the presentation up to the number of sections in it, then open each one and delete the other sections and save.
Create blank presentation with macros enabled (*.pptm) and possibly add Custom UI button to call SplitIntoSectionFiles
Test and when satisfy, save as PowerPoint Add-In (*.ppam). Don't delete the pptm file!
Assuming that all are pptx files you are dealing with, you can use this code. It opens the splited pptx files in background, then remove irrelevant sections and save, close. If all goes well you get a message box.
Private Const PPT_EXT As String = ".pptx"
Sub SplitIntoSectionFiles()
On Error Resume Next
Dim aNewFiles() As Variant, sPath As String, i As Long
With ActivePresentation
sPath = .Path & "\"
For i = 1 To .SectionProperties.Count
ReDim Preserve aNewFiles(i)
' Store the Section Names
aNewFiles(i - 1) = .SectionProperties.Name(i)
' Force Save Copy as pptx format
.SaveCopyAs sPath & aNewFiles(i - 1), ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation
' Call Sub to Remove irrelevant sections
RemoveOtherSections sPath & aNewFiles(i - 1) & PPT_EXT
If .SectionProperties.Count > 0 And Err.Number = 0 Then MsgBox "Successfully split " & .Name & " into " & UBound(aNewFiles) & " files."
End With
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveOtherSections(sPPT As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oPPT As Presentation, i As Long
Set oPPT = Presentations.Open(FileName:=sPPT, WithWindow:=msoFalse)
With oPPT
' Delete Sections from last to first
For i = .SectionProperties.Count To 1 Step -1
' Delete Sections that are not in the file name
If Not InStr(1, .Name, .SectionProperties.Name(i), vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
' Delete the Section, along with the slides associated with it
.SectionProperties.Delete i, True
End If
End With
Set oPPT = Nothing
End Sub
Read about Custom UI if you don't have experience creating you own ribbon tab: msdn and use the "Office Custom UI Editor", I would use imageMso "CreateModule" for the button.
None of the proposed routines actually works, so I wrote mine from scratch:
Sub Split()
Dim original_pitch As Presentation
Set original_pitch = ActivePresentation
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
With original_pitch
.SaveCopyAs _
FileName:=fso.BuildPath(.Path, fso.GetBaseName(.Name) & ".pptx"), _
End With
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To original_pitch.SectionProperties.Count
Dim pitch_segment As Presentation
Set pitch_segment = Presentations.Open(Replace(original_pitch.FullName, "pptm", "pptx"))
section_name = pitch_segment.SectionProperties.Name(i)
For k = original_pitch.SectionProperties.Count To 1 Step -1
If pitch_segment.SectionProperties.Name(k) <> section_name Then pitch_segment.SectionProperties.Delete k, True
Next k
With pitch_segment
.SaveCopyAs _
FileName:=fso.BuildPath(.Path, original_pitch.SectionProperties.Name(i) & ".pptx"), _
End With
Next i
MsgBox "Split completed successfully!"
End Sub
I could not get the above code to work.
However this is simpler and does work:
Sub SplitToSectionsByChen()
daname = ActivePresentation.Name
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Count
For j = ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Count To 1 Step -1
If i <> j Then ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Delete j, True
Next j
ActivePresentation.SaveAs ActivePresentation.SectionProperties.Name(1)
Presentations.Open (daname)
Next i
End Sub
I have edited fabios code a bit to look like this. And this works well for me in my PC
Option Explicit
Sub Split()
Dim original_File As Presentation
Dim File_Segment As Presentation
Dim File_name As String
Dim DupeName As String
Dim outputFname As String
Dim origName As String
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim K As Long
Dim pathSep As String
pathSep = ":"
#If Mac Then
pathSep = ":"
pathSep = "/"
#End If
Set original_File = ActivePresentation
DupeName = "TemporaryFile.pptx"
DupeName = original_File.Path & pathSep & DupeName
original_File.SaveCopyAs DupeName, ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation
origName = Left(original_File.Name, InStrRev(original_File.Name, ".") - 1)
For lIndex = 1 To original_File.SectionProperties.Count
If original_File.SectionProperties.SlidesCount(lIndex) > 0 Then
Set File_Segment = Presentations.Open(DupeName, msoTrue, , msoFalse)
File_name = File_Segment.SectionProperties.Name(lIndex)
For K = original_File.SectionProperties.Count To 1 Step -1
If File_Segment.SectionProperties.Name(K) <> File_name Then
Call File_Segment.SectionProperties.Delete(K, 1)
End If
Next K
outputFname = pathSep & origName & "_" & original_File.SectionProperties.Name(lIndex) & "_" & Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
With File_Segment
.SaveAs FileName:=.Path & outputFname & ".pptx", FileFormat:=ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation
End With
Set File_Segment = Nothing
End If
Set original_File = Nothing
Kill DupeName
MsgBox "Split completed successfully!"
End Sub
This works for me (except for the filename):
Option Explicit
Sub ExportSlidesAsPresentations()
Dim oPres As Presentation
Dim sSlideOutputFolder As String
Set oPres = ActivePresentation
sSlideOutputFolder = oPres.Path & "\"
'Export all the slides in the presentation
Call oPres.PublishSlides(sSlideOutputFolder, True, True)
Set oPres = Nothing
End Sub

Split document and save each part as a file

I have a Word file that contains multiple people and their details.
I need to split this file into single files for each person.
This is the code, most of it is from examples I found.
I need to split the file by the delimiter (Personal).
Each file needs to be named by their ID number situated just below the delimiter.
Sub SplitNotes (delim As String)
Dim sText As String
Dim sValues(10) As String
Dim doc As Document
Dim arrNotes
Dim strFilename As String
Dim Test As String
Dim I As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim Response As Integer
arrNotes = Split(ActiveDocument.Range, delim)
Response = MsgBox("This will split the document into " & UBound(arrNotes) + 1 & " sections.Do you wish to proceed?", 4)
If Response = 7 Then Exit Sub
For I = LBound(arrNotes) To UBound(arrNotes)
If Trim(arrNotes(I)) <> "" Then
X = X + 1
Set doc = Documents.Add
doc.Range = arrNotes(I)
'Find "EID: "
doc.Range.Find.Text = "EID: "
'Select whole line
Selection.Expand wdLine
'Assign text to variable
sText = Selection.Text
'Remove spaces
sText = Replace(sText, " ", "")
'Split string into values
sValues = Split(sText, ":")
strFilename = "Testing"
doc.SaveAs ThisDocument.Path & "\" & strFilename & Format(X, "Agent")
doc.Close True
End If
Next I
End Sub
Sub Test()
SplitNotes "Name:"
End Sub
The Word document is set out as follows:
Name: John Smith
EID: Alph4num3r1c (Not a set length as i know of)
Details follow on from here
My problem is getting the ID number and using it in the save as function.
I don't have a complete understanding of how the split function works.
Split function splits a string into array of strings based on a delimeter.
For eg:
Dim csvNames, arrNames
csvNames = "Tom,Dick,Harry"
arrNames = split(csvNames,",")
Now arrNames is an array containing 3 elements. You can loop through the elements like this:
Dim i
For i = 0 to UBound(arrNames)
response.write arrNames(i) & "<br />"
Now applying split function to solve your problem.
Read the line you are interested in into a variable. Lets say we have,
Dim lineWithID, arrKeyValuePair
lineWithID = "EID: Alph4num3r1c"
Split it into an array using colon
arrKeyValuePair = Split(lineWithID,":")
Now, arrKeyValuePair(1) will contain your EID
If your question is still valid I have some solution regarding file name you search.
I didn't check all part of your code (so I did but I don't have your original document to make full analysis). Back to file name- you could use below simple logic to extract name from newly created doc:
'...beginning of your code here
'next part unchanged >>
For I = LBound(arrNotes) To UBound(arrNotes)
If Trim(arrNotes(I)) <> "" Then
X = X + 1
Set doc = Documents.Add
doc.Range = arrNotes(I)
'<<until this moment
'remove or comment your code here!!
'and add new part of the code to search for the name
Selection.Find.Execute "EID:"
Selection.MoveRight wdWord, 1
Selection.Expand wdWord
strFilename = Trim(Selection.Text)
'and back to your code- unchanged
doc.SaveAs ThisDocument.Path & "\" & strFilename & Format(X, "Agent")
doc.Close True
End If
Next I
'...end of sub and other ending stuff
I check it and works quite ok for me.