Make airflow read from S3 and post to slack? - amazon-s3

I have a requirement where I want my airflow job to read a file from S3 and post its contents to slack.
Currently, the airflow job has an S3 key sensor that waits for a file to be put in an S3 location and if that file doesn't appear in the stipulated time, it fails and pushes error messages to slack.
What needs to be done now
If airflow job succeeds, it needs to check another S3 location and if file there exists, then push its contents to slack.
Is this usecase possible with airflow?

You have already figured that the first step of your workflow has to be an S3KeySensor
As for the subsequent steps, depending of what you mean by needs to check another S3 location and if file there exists,.., go can go about it in the following way
Step 1
a. If the file at another S3 location is also supposed to appear there in sometime, then of course you will require another S3KeySensor
b. Or else if this other file is expected to be there (or to not be there, but need not be waited upon to appear in sometime), we perform the check for presence of this file using check_for_key(..) function of S3_Hook (this can be done within python_callable of a simple PythonOperator / any other custom operator that you are using for step 2)
Step 2
By now, it is ascertained that either the second file is present in the expected location (or else we won't have come this far). Now you just need to read the contents of this file using read_key(..) function. After this you can push the contents to Slack using call(..) function of SlackHook. You might have an urge to use SlackApiOperator, (which you can, of course) but still reading the file from S3 and sending contents to Slack should be clubbed into single task. So you are better off doing these things in a generic PythonOperator by employing the same hooks that are used by the native operators also


S3 api operation failure , garbage handler

I have build on top of AWS S3 sdk an operation which uses the copy operation of the amazon sdk.
I'm using the multi part copying as my object is larger than the maximum available (5GB)
enter link description here
My question is: what happen if all parts of the "multi part copy" are successfully done, but the last part?
Should i handle a situation of deleting the parts that have been copied?
Generally i'm expecting the copy operation to put the object in a tmp folder and only if the operation has been successful to mv it to the final name (the dest s3 bucket name). is it working like that?
If a part doesn't transfer successfully, you can send it again.
Until the parts are all copied and the multipart upload (including those created using put-part+copy) is completed, you don't have an accessible object... but you are still being charged for storage of what you have successfully uploaded/copied, unless you clean up manually or configure the bucket to automatically purge incomplete multipart objects.
Best practice is to do both -- configure the bucket to discard, but also configure your code to clean up after itself.
It looks like AWS sdk isn't writing/closing the object as an s3 object until it won't finish copying successfully the entire obj.
i have run a simple test which verifying rather it is writing the parts during the copy part code line, and it looks it won't write the obj to s3.
so the answer is that multi part won't write the obj until all part are copied successfully to the dest bucket.
there is no need for cleanup

Amazon S3: How to safely upload multiple files?

I have two client programs which are using S3 to communicate some information. That information is a list of files.
Let's call the clients the "uploader" and "downloader":
The uploader does something like this:
upload file A
upload file B
upload file C
upload a SUCCESS marker file
The downloader does something lie this:
check for SUCCESS marker
if found, download A, B, C.
else, get data from somewhere else
and both of these programs are being run periodically. The uploader will populate a new directory when it is done, and the downloader will try to get the latest versions of A,B,C available.
Hopefully the intent is clear — I don't want the downloader to see a partial view, but rather get all of A,B,C or skip that directory.
However, I don't think that works, as written. Thanks to eventual consistency, the uploader's PUTs could be reordered into:
upload file B
upload a SUCCESS marker file
upload file A
And at this moment, the downloader might run, see the SUCCESS marker, and assume the directory is populated (which it is not).
So what's the right approach, here?
One idea is for the uploader to first upload A,B,C, then repeatedly check that the files are stored, and only after it sees all of them, then finally write the SUCCESS marker.
Would that work?
Stumbled upon similar issue in my project.
If the intention is to guarantee cross-file consistency (between files A,B,C) the only possible solution (purely within s3) is:
1) to put them as NEW objects
2) do not explicitly check for existence using HEAD or GET request prior to the put.
These two constraints above are required for fully consistent read-after-write behavior (
Each time you update the files, you need to generate a unique prefix (folder) name and put this name into your marker file (the manifest) which you are going to UPDATE.
The manifest will have a stable name but will be eventually consistent. Some clients may get the old version and some may get the new one.
The old manifest will point to the old “folder” and the new one will point the new “folder”. Thus each client will read only old files or only new files but never mixed, so cross file consistency will be achieved. Still different clients may end up having different versions. If the clients keep pulling the manifest and getting updated on change, they will eventually become consistent too.
Possible solution for client inconsistency is to move manifest meta data out of s3 into a consistent database (such as dynamo db)
A few obvious caveats with pure s3 approach:
1) requires full set of files to be uploaded each time (incremental updates are not possible)
2) needs eventual cleanup of old obsolete folders
3) clients need to keep pulling manifest to get updated
4) clients may be inconsistent between each other
It is possible to do this single copies in S3. Each file (A B C) will have prepended to it a unique hash or version code [e.g. md5sum generated from the concatenation of all three files.]
In addition the hash value will be uploaded to the bucket as well into a separate object.
When consuming the files, first read the hash file and compare to the last hash successfully consumed. If changed, then read the files and check the hash value within each. If they all match, the data is valid and may be used. If not, the downloaded files should be disgarded and downloaded again (after a suitable delay)..
This will catch the occassional race condition between write and read across multiple objects.
This works because the hash is repeated in all objects. The hash file is actually optional, serving as a low-cost and fast short cut for determining if the data is updated.

Change resolutions of image files stored on S3 server

Is there a way to run imagemagick or some other tool on s3 servers to resize the images.
The way I know is first downloading all the image files on my machine and then convert these files and reupload them on s3 server. The problem is the number of file is more than 10000. I don't want to download all the files on my local machine.
Is there a way to convert it on s3 server itself.
look at it:
It is a library providing some features for s3 uploading including resizing as you want
Another option is NOT to change the resolution, but to use a service that can convert the images on-the-fly when they are accessed, such as:
Also check out the following article on amazon's compute blog.. I found myself here because i had the same question. I think i'm going to implement this in Lambda so i can just specify the size and see if that helps. My problem is i have image files on s3 that are 2MB.. i dont want them at full resolution because I have an app that is retrieving them and it takes a while sometimes for a phone to pull down a 2MB image. But i dont mind storing them at full resolution if i can get a different size just by specifying it in the URL. easy!
S3 does not, alone, enable arbitrary compute (such as resizing) on the data.
I would suggest looking into AWS-Lambda (available in the AWS console), which will allow you to setup a little program (which they call a Lambda) to run when certain events occur in a S3 bucket. You don't need to setup a VM, you only need to specify a few files, with a particular entry point. The program can be written in a few languages, namely node.js python and java. You'd be able to do it all from the console's web GUI.
Usually those are setup for computing things on new files being uploaded. To trigger the program for files that are already in place on S3, you have to "force" S3 to emit one of the events you can hook into for the files you already have. The list is here. Forcing a S3 copy might be sufficient (copy A to B, delete B), an S3 rename operation (rename A to A.tmp, rename A.tmp to A), and creation of new S3 objects would all work. You essentially just poke your existing files in a way that causes your Lambda to fire. You may also invoke your Lambda manually.
This example shows how to automatically generate a thumbnail out of an image on S3, which you could adapt to your resizing needs and reuse to create your Lambda:
Also, here is the walkthrough on how to configure your lambda with certain S3 events:

How to delete large file in Grails using Apache camel

I am using Grails 2.5. We are using Camel. I have folder called GateIn. In this delay time is 3minutes. So Every 3minutes , it will look into the folder for file. If the file exists, it will start to process. If the file is processed within 3 minutes, file get deleted automatically. Suppose my file takes 10minutes,file is not deleted.Again and again, it process the same file. How to make file get deleted whether it is small or bulk file. I have used noop= true to stop reuse of file. But i want to delete the file too once it is preocessed. Please give me some suggestion for that.
You can check the file size using camel file language and decide what to do next.
Usually, in this kind of small interval want to process a large size of file, it will be better to have another process zone (physical directory), you have to move the file after immediately consuming it to that zone.
You can have a separate logic or camel route to process the file. After successful process, you can delete or do appropriate step according to your requirement. Hope it helps !!

Simple way to load new files only into Redshift from S3?

The documentation for the Redshift COPY command specifies two ways to choose files to load from S3, you either provide a base path and it loads all the files under that path, or you specify a manifest file with specific files to load.
However in our case, which I imagine is pretty common, the S3 bucket periodically receives new files with more recent data. We'd like to be able to load only the files that haven't already been loaded.
Given that there is a table stl_file_scan that logs all the files that have been loaded from S3, it would be nice to somehow exclude those that have successfully been loaded. This seems like a fairly obvious feature, but I can't find anything in the docs or online about how to do this.
Even the Redshift S3 loading template in AWS Data Pipeline appears to manage this scenario by loading all the data -- new and old -- to a staging table, and then comparing/upserting to the target table. This seems like an insane amount of overhead when we can tell up front from the filenames that a file has already been loaded.
I know we could probably move the files that have already been loaded out of the bucket, however we can't do that, this bucket is the final storage place for another process which is not our own.
The only alternative I can think of is to have some other process running that tracks files that have been successfully loaded to redshift, and then periodically compares that to the s3 bucket to determine the differences, and then writes the manifest file somewhere before triggering the copy process. But what a pain! We'd need a separate ec2 instance to run the process which would have it's own management and operational overhead.
There must be a better way!
This is how I solved the problem,
S3 -- (Lambda Trigger on newly created Logs) -- Lambda -- Firehose -- Redshift
It works at any scale. With more load, more calls to Lambda, more data to firehose and everything taken care automatically.
If there are issues with the format of the file, you can configure dead letter queues, events will be sent there and you can reprocess once you fix lambda.
Here I would like to mention some steps that includes process that how to load data in redshift.
Export local RDBMS data to flat files (Make sure you remove invalid
characters, apply escape sequence during export).
Split files into 10-15 MB each to get optimal performance during
upload and final Data load.
Compress files to *.gz format so you don’t end up with $1000
surprise bill :) .. In my case Text files were compressed 10-20
List all file names to manifest file so when you issue COPY command
to Redshift its treated as one unit of load.
Upload manifest file to Amazon S3 bucket.
Upload local *.gz files to Amazon S3 bucket.
Issue Redshift COPY command with different options.
Schedule file archiving from on-premises and S3 Staging area on AWS.
Capturing Errors, setting up restart ability if something fails
Doing it easy way you can follow this link.
In general compare of loaded files to existing on S3 files is a bad but possible practice. The common "industrial" practice is to use message queue between data producer and data consumer that actually loads the data. Take a look on RabbitMQ vs Amazon SQS and etc..