MS Access SQL Query merging two different fields from separate tables shows reference ID's instead of actual values - sql

I have two separate tables in my access database, which both use a third table as the reference for one particular field on each table. The data is entered onto the different tables by separate forms. Then I have several queries that then reference those particular fields that count and show unique values. Those queries show the actual values, then I created an sql query that does the same thing, only it shows the reference ID instead of the value in the actual field.
table ODI----------table CDN----------reference table
id RHA---------id CHA----------------id HA
1 blank----------1 radio---------------1 internet
2 internet-------2 tv------------------2 radio
3 referral-------3 radio---------------3 referral
4 tv-------------4 blank---------------4 repeat customer
5 blank----------5 internet------------5 tv
6 internet-------6 referral------------6 employee
7 referral-------7 referral------------7 social media
this is the code I am trying to make work.
SELECT m.[Marketing Results], Count(*) AS [Count]
FROM (SELECT RHA as [Marketing Results] FROM ODI
SELECT CHA as [Marketing Results] FROM CDN) AS m
GROUP BY m.[Marketing Results]
HAVING (((m.[Marketing Results]) Is Not Null))
and what my desired result is,
Marketing Results--Counts

Lookup fields with alias don't show what is actually stored in table. ID is stored, not descriptive alias. Lookup alias will carry into regular queries but Union query only pulls actual stored values. At some point need to include reference table in query by joining on key fields in order to retrieve descriptive alias. Options:
in each UNION query SELECT line, join tables
join UNION query to reference table
join aggregate query to reference table
Most experienced developers will not build lookups in table because of confusion they cause. Also, they are not portable to other database platforms.


How to query 2 different schema tables with different column name same information in postgresql

When I query I do not get match list side by side and database reference fails, why?
I tried using one connection and two different schemas, first schema name table has same reference details with second table column, and I would like to compare side by side what equals exactly from rw.reference table 1, with table 2 qt.ref_number because they should match between both. I only get output data from top first query with rd.reference and second table does not list anything with, qt.ref_number, why postgresql does not cross database reference?
Select distinct
From local_dev.user.rawdata rd
Inner join customerid as id
union all
Select distinct
From local_dev.account.quote qt
Inner join rep_id id
on qt.application=id.application
Order by rd.reference

SQL Query across two tables only show most recently updated result per tag address

I have two tables: violator_state and violator_tags
This table holds the "tags" which has an unchanging row count of 10 in this case. The purpose is to list out each tag present, connect the full tag address (m_violator_tag) with its shorthand name (m_tag) and state whether it is in "violation". I need to use this table as reference because of the link between m_violator_tag and m_tag.
This table is constantly having new rows added to it holding the information of what tags are in violation with a specific tag. So it would show T6 in violation with T1,T2,T9 ect.
I am looking to create a query which joins the two tables to show only the most recently updated (largest m_eval_time_from) for each tag.
I am using the following query to join the two tables but I expect m_translatedid and m_tag to match but they do not. Unsure why.
SELECT violator_state.m_violator_tag, violator_state.is_violating, violator_state.m_translatedid, violator_tags.m_tag, violator_tags.m_eval_time_to, violator_tags.m_tag_peers,
violator_tags.m_tag_position, violator_tags.m_eval_time_from
FROM violator_tags CROSS JOIN
Violation_state table
violation_tags table
results of my (incorrect) query
Any suggestions on what I should try?
Your CROSS JOIN will give you a cartesian product where EVERY row in the first table is paired with ALL the rows in the second table e.g. if you have 10 rows in each, you will get 10 x 10 = 100 rows in the result! I believe you need to join the tables on the m_tag column and select the violator_tags row with the latest date. The query below should do this for you (though you haven't provided your question in a manner that makes it easy for me to double-check my code - see the link provided by a_horse_with_no_name for more on this or use a website like db-fiddle to set up your example).
SELECT vs.m_violator_tag,
FROM violator_tags vt
JOIN violator_state vs
ON vt.m_tag = vs.m_tag
AND vt.m_eval_time_from = (SELECT MAX(vt.m_eval_time_from)
FROM violator_tags
WHERE m_tag = vt.m_tag)

duplicated rows in select query

I am trying to run a query to get all the customers from my database. These are my tables in a diagram :
when running the query by joining the table Companies_Customers and the Customers table based on the customerId in both tables(doesn't show in the join table in the pic), I get duplicate rows, which is not the desired outcome.
This is normal from a database standpoint since a Customer can be related to different companies (Companies can share single customer).
My question is how do I get rid of the duplication via SQL.
There can be 2 approaches to your problem.
Either only select data from Customers table:
SELECT * FROM Customers
Or select from both tables joined together, but without CompanyName and with GROUP BY CompanyCustomerId - although I highly suggest the first approach.

Database table showing multiple results per field

Attempting to form a query using 2 tables involving member of a cycling club and their respective place in a race with Microsoft Access. When I attempt to run the following SQL code I get a query table that displays every RaceID and Member, but doesn't link each member to 1 place per race.
SELECT RaceID, LastName, FirstName, Place
FROM Members, RaceResults;
What I do wind up with is a listing for every member of the club in all places (1-10) in every race. I have attempted to do both a count function per raceID and a Join function to combine the memberID's between both tables. Neither seem to either work, or have the same result as my current table. I would appreciate any suggestions on what I am missing in my SQL Query to properly display my table.
When you join the result of 2 tables, you need to tell the database how they are linked, otherwise you'll get a cartesian product of both tables,.
SELECT t.RaceID, t.LastName, t.FirstName, tt.Place
FROM Members t join RaceResults tt on (t.RaceId = tt.RaceId);

How to reconcile common rows in two tables columnwise in oracle?

I have two tables in a database. The tables are called bi_employee and hr_employee. These two tables have few similar columns and then other extra columns specific to each table.
I need to reconcile the data between these two tables based on some user defined columns.
Lets say the common columns are id(pk), emp_code, region, country, title, division etc.
Now when I reconcile these two tables, I would want to see the rows which are there in both the tables but only differ in some columns.
e.g. emp_code 1000 is prsent in both the tables but in hr_employee his title is jr. developer but in bi_employee his title is sr.developer.
I do not want the records which are in one table but not in another table.
I only need to reconcile the rows which are present in both the tables but on columnwise which will be selected by the user.
User may chose to reconcile based on title or region or country or all of them.
Please help.
This is what I have done so far, with the following query I could get all the records which are there in both the tables. Now I just need to compare their columns to see if there are any mismatches.
SELECT emp_code FROM bi_employee INTERSECT SELECT emp_code FROM hr_employee
From what I understand, there is only one column that relates the recodes in each table; emp_code. Then you want to show records where the emp_code is the same in each talbe, but other field(s) are different.
You can do that with a simple join and filter in a WHERE clause...
ON bi_employee.emp_code = hr_employee.emp_code
(bi_employee.title <> hr_employee.title)
OR (bi_employee.region <> hr_employee.region)
etc, etc
(If any fields are nullable, you'll need to account for that with something like ISNULL(bi.x, '') <> ISNULL(hr.x, '')).
You might try this.
select hr.<list of columns to reconcile from hr table>
from bi_employee bi join hr_employee hr on hr.emp_code = bi.empcode
select bi.<list of columns to reconcile from bi table>
from bi_employee bi join hr_employee hr on hr.emp_code = bi.empcode