UIButton width doesn't increase based on text if insets are given - uibutton

I have given trailing, top and height constraints to the button.
As you can see in the attached screenshot, if I remove all the insets given, then button looks perfect and button fits based on text length.
But I want to give right-left title insets as well as left image inset.
Then button is not displaying text properly as shown in the attached screenshot.

Auto-layout can be a little tricky when adjusting the Title Label of a UIButton.
From Apple's docs for titleEdgeInsets:
This property is used only for positioning the title during layout. The button does not use this property to determine intrinsicContentSize and sizeThatFits(_:).
You have a couple options...
One is to subclass UIButton and override .intrinsicContentSize.
Another option, which may be better for your case, is to adjust the Content Insets instead of the Title Insets.
As you described, this button has Top / Trailing / Height constraints:
Note that the Left value for the Image Inset is a negative value. You may / probably will want to tweak the values I used.


Changing button's size based on its content's length, so the button keeps its shape

I have a UIButton which is created programmatically (it can be customised from Interface Builder, though). It is a circular and it looks like this:
Now I'm working on Internationalization and I need to check it for Double-Length Pseudolanguage. The image above is taken when the app language is set to double-length pseudo, but as you can see, the button only shows one word. Here are the constraints of the button:
The title style of the button is plain, its text is centre-aligned, and the line break is set to "Word Wrap".
How to make the button keep its shape but to increase its size when needed (basically, to increase its width and height for the same amount, so it keeps being a circle), so for example, in this case to show two "Menu" words? If you know how to achieve this I would appreciate your help.
Try setting the content compression resistance on the button to required (1000) for horizontal and vertical. It will also depend on the stackViews above and below allowing for the size change.

NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask and title/toolbar height?

I am attempting to implement something similar to Safari where the window's style mask is set to NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask so the NSToolBar and title bar blur the background view.
This works fine, however I have a view that I need to not be clipped by the toolbar/titlebar, similar to how Safari's WebView has an initial top padding that doesn't cover the content when the view is unschooled.
My attempted solution was to create a dummy NSView which the unclipped views align their top value to, then changing the height constant of the dummy view to the height of the titlebar/toolbar. The issue, however, is that there seems to be no way to calculate the height of the toolbar.
This suggests that I calculate the height by subtracting the height of the contentView from the height of the window, but that only works (returns 0 otherwise as the two heights are equal) if I don't use NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask which I want to use for the blurring effect.
Am I overlooking something simple, or is there no simple way to accomplish this?
Check NSWindow's contentLayoutRect property.

WatchKit Interface : Is it possible to add multiple labels in a tableView group without any of the labels being pushed to the right?

This is somewhat hard to explain, but basically I have one label in a tableView group that needs to take up the width of the group and placed at the top. I want to add a second label at the bottom of the group and take up the width of the group as well. However, I cannot do this. When I add my second label it gets pushed to the right automatically. Seems, the second label can't be on the same horizontal plane as the first label. Is there a way to resolve this. I can place my second label at the bottom, but it just gets pushed off to the right and off screen.
Add both labels to the group and then, set in that group vertical Layout (Attached screenshot). Also both labels should have width: relative to container
If you look at the group's settings in Interface Builder, you'll see an option to change the layout type to Vertical, rather than the default Horizontal. That should help you achieve the layout you're looking for, if I understand correctly.

How to create a small button with a large tappable area

I want to create a close button which will look like a circle with an x in the middle. In x code I set the button's size and width to be large so that the touchable area is larger (50 x 50 with a font of just 22).
I create a button, change the title to X and then set the following:
[self.closeButton.layer setBorderWidth:2.0f];
[self.closeButton.layer setBorderColor:[[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor]];
[self.closeButton.layer setCornerRadius:self.closeButton.bounds.size.width/2];
The circle border is too far from the X. How would I bring the borders in tighter to the X but not decrease the size of the clickable area?
assign image to a button. and make tappable area as you want. then set image location in button by setting inset value of that button as top, bottom, left, right. change the value of this according to your requirements. You can set inset value from interface builder as shown in image here. change the value and see the difference to place your image in button at exact location you want.
exactly like this image
I'd suggest exactly what Max has done. He has shown how to do this via IB, this is how you do it through code:
myButton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 25, 25);// UIButton
myBarButtonItem.imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 25, 25);// UIBarButtonItem
Sorry for not reading your question properly the first time. I think you will run into the same issue with this approach : the border/cornerRadius of the button will not respect any insets. It will be drawn according to the frame of the button. Only (easy) workaround at the top of my head, is to create an image with the border and corners in it, and then set it as the image. The image will respect the insets, and you will have your desired tappable area, with the borders exactly where you want them.
There might be a more elegant workaround through subclassing, but unless you change the border width/color, or corner radius of your button at any stage, I'd suggest sticking with custom image.
Instead of using an image you might want to use this unicode character.

What's the code equivalent to the autoresizing mask anchoring options in IB?

How can I get a NSTextField (or any object) to respect the autoresizing options below via code? I want to add new objects to the view dynamically, but when I increase the height of the view, they are anchored to the bottom left, as opposed to the top left as shown, and so new textfields are dropped on top of the old ones.
Is this even possible via code?
Anything you can do in Interface Builder you can do through code.
[myTextField setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin)];
This means that the margin between the right edge of the textView and its superview will be flexible, as will the margin between the bottom edge and its superview. Everything else is static.