vue computed placeholder changes multiple select-boxes - vue.js

Vue version 2.6.10
I'll try writing in the code that gives the relevant information to prevent this from being huge
this is part of my component that has to do with select boxes
<div class="input-field">
:class="{ searchbar: true, 'validation-error': validateError }"
:disabled="disabled || loading"
<input-icon :loading="loading"></input-icon>
this is the computed part which does the placeholder part
computed: {
placeholder() {
if (this.single) {
const selected = this.singleList.filter(item => item.selected === true).shift();
return selected === undefined ? `Select ${_.startCase(}` :;
The issue is, that lets say I've got 3 instances of this component running?
once I choose one of them? the rest change their UI (aka placeholder value)
This is strictly a ui problem since I can tell that the value stays the same but I can't seem to find a way to access that value in order to show it.
I hope this is enough information to go on
Will provide additional code if needed.
Thanks in advance.


How to avoid vue component redraw?

I have prepared tag input control in Vue with tag grouping. Templates includes:
<script type="text/x-template" id="tem_vtags">
<div class="v-tags">
<li v-for="(item, index) in model.items" :key="index" :data-group="getGroupName(item)"><div :data-value="item"><span v-if="typeof model.tagRenderer != 'function'">{{ item }}</span><span v-if="typeof model.tagRenderer == 'function'" v-html="tagRender(item)"></span></div><div data-remove="" #click="remove(index)">x</div></li>
<textarea v-model="input" placeholder="type value and hit enter" #keydown="inputKeydown($event,input)"></textarea>
<button v-on:click="add(input)">Apply</button>
I have defined component method called .getGroupName() which relays on other function called .qualifier() that can be set over props.
My problem: once I add any tags to collection (.items) when i type anything into textarea for each keydown .getGroupName() seems to be called. It looks like entering anything to textarea results all component rerender?
Do you know how to avoid this behavior? I expect .getGroupName to be called only when new tag is added.
Heres the full code: (i have placed debugger; to catch when runtime enters .qualifier().
Any help appriciated.
It Man
You can't, what you can do is optimize to reduce function calls.
the redraws are dynamic, triggered by data change. because you have functions (v-model and #keydown) you will update the data. The issue is that when you call a function: :data-group="getGroupName(item)" it will execute every time, because it makes no assumptions on what data may have changed.
One way of dealing with is is setting groupName as a computed key-val object that you can look up without calling the function. Then you can use :data-group="getGroupName[item]" without calling the function on redraw. The same should be done for v-html="tagRender(item)"
Instead of trying to fight how the framework handles data input events and rendering, instead use it to your advantage:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '#example',
data() {
return {
someInput: '',
someInputStore: []
methods: {
add() {
if (this.someInputStore.indexOf(this.someInput) === -1) {
this.someInput = '';
<div id="app"></div>
<template id="example">
<textarea v-model="someInput" #keyup.enter.exact="add" #keyup.shift.enter=""></textarea>
<button #click="add">click to add new input</button>
{{ someInputStore }}
<script src=""></script>
Event modifiers modifying
In the example, you can see that I am using 4 different event modifiers in order to achieve the desired outcome, but I will focus on the combination of them here:
#keyup.enter.exact - allows control of the exact combination of system modifiers needed to trigger an event. In this case, we are looking for the enter button.
#keyup.shift.enter - this is the interesting bit. Instead of trying to hackily prevent the framework from firing on both events, we can use this (and a blank value) to prevent the event we added into #keyup.enter.exact from firing. I must note that ="" is critical to the whole setup working properly. Without it, you aren't giving vue an alternative to firing the add method, as shown by my example.
I hope this helps!

How to get selected row index on #change event of child Select Dropdown in Element UI?

I'm generating a list of multiple input elements in which one is <el-select>. On changing this select menu, I'm getting value bounded with that select. But here, question is, I also want to get index/row number of the parent v-for items.
You can understand what I meant from the following code:
<el-form-item v-for="(domain, index) in">
<div class="col-md-2" v-if="medicineIsSelected === true">
<small>Select Brand:</small>
<el-select v-model="domain.SelectedBrand" clearable placeholder="Select" #change="updateDropdowns"> <!-- Here I want to pass {{index}} also -->
v-for="item in selectedMedicineMetaInfo.BrandName"
As you can see from above code, I want to pass index in updateDropdowns.
I tried passing updateDropdowns(index), here I got the index number but lost the selected value of that dropdown. How can I pass both?
Here is the solution :
#change="updateDropdowns(index, $event)"
you can use $event to reference current event.
you can use custom event to manage this
<child #clicked="ongetChild"></child>
== child ==
watch your dropdown changes
export default {
watch: {
'domain.SelectedBrand':function(value) {
this.$emit('clicked', 'value')
=== parent ==
export default {
ongetChild (value) {
console.log(value) // someValue
Use #change="updateDropdowns" in el-select tag
Use vue method:
updateDropdowns(index) {
this.selectedMedicineMetaInfo.BrandName[index-1]; // this gives selected option details

Saving an entire form with vuex

I am just starting with Vue and Vuex and am wondering how to go about saving an entire form to an API. I have found this and it only seems like a good solution for a single field. Does this imply I would need to do a custom computed attribute with a getter and setter for each field in the form? I understand how data binding works well for local storage (which seems to be what most examples use) but updating a backend service with every keystroke seems like overkill.
What I would like to do is perform a single commit on a form when the user performs an action (like click a save button) and I feel like making a computed property or method for every field is not the right way to go.
<div v-show="isEditing" class="edit-view">
<div class="form-group">
<input :value="item.title" type="text" class="form-control" #input="update" />
<div class="form-group">
<input :value="item.description" type="text" class="form-control" #input="update" />
export default {
name: 'todo',
props: ['item'],
data() {
return {
isEditing: false
methods: {
showEdit() {
this.isEditing = true;
update() {
// Commit a change to vuex store
Keep the form data local to your form component. So define all form properties in data(). Apply v-model to all the input elements and your corresponding data properties. When user clicks submit, make a single commit with the form data.
This way, your form component will contain the edited values, and the vuex store will contain the submitted values.

vuejs - dynamic input 'types'

I would like to be able to dynamically change the type of an input field between text and password. I tried doing the following:
<input :type="dynamicInputType">
data() {
return {
dynamicInputType: 'password'
But apparently this doesn't work; vuejs displays the error: v-model does not support dynamic input types. Use v-if branches instead.
It's not clear to me how I can fix this with v-if.
This kind of thing is what's being suggested.
<input v-if="'text' === dynamicInputType" type="text">
<input v-else type="password">

Keeping things DRY in Vue.js

I've done a couple of projects with React in the last year and I've switched to Vue for my current one, attracted by its greater simplicity, less verbose nature and the fact that you don't have to transpile your code to work, so it's easier to get going with and more flexible (well, to be accurate you don't have to transpile with React either, there's no need to use JSX, but it loses one of its great benefits if you don't).
Anyway, one of the things I'm missing from React (and I'm sure it's just ignorance of the Vue way which is my problem) is a way of reusing a fragment of code to avoid repeating myself in templates. The specific situation which prompted this question was a template where I have a custom input element like this:
<input ref="input" :id='name' :name='name' :type='fieldType' class='form-control' :value="value" :readonly="readonly" :disabled="disabled" #input="handleInput"/>
In certain situations I'd want to wrap it in a div, otherwise I'd want to use it as is. With React, I'd simply store it in a variable, something like this:
var inp=( <input ref="input" :id='name' :name='name' :type='fieldType' class='form-control' :value="value" :readonly="readonly" :disabled="disabled"
Then I could do something like the following:
var myInput;
} else {
Then I could use the myInput var. The Vue logic doesn't seem to allow this, though. Unless, of course, using JSX within Vue would allow me to do the very same thing? I currently have for this in Vue something like the following, which offends me:
<template v-if="divSituation">
<div><input ref="input" :id='name' :name='name' :type='fieldType' class='form-control' :value="value" :readonly="readonly" :disabled="disabled" #input="handleInput"/></div>
<template v-else>
<input ref="input" :id='name' :name='name' :type='fieldType' class='form-control' :value="value" :readonly="readonly" :disabled="disabled" #input="handleInput"/
You can create vue components for re-usable components, which can be used as par requirement.
You can find an example of re-usable input component in vue docs:
<currency-input v-model="price"></currency-input>
and you can write that as re-usable component like following:
Vue.component('currency-input', {
template: '\
props: ['value'],
methods: {
// Instead of updating the value directly, this
// method is used to format and place constraints
// on the input's value
updateValue: function (value) {
var formattedValue = value
// Remove whitespace on either side
// Shorten to 2 decimal places
.slice(0, value.indexOf('.') + 3)
// If the value was not already normalized,
// manually override it to conform
if (formattedValue !== value) {
this.$refs.input.value = formattedValue
// Emit the number value through the input event
this.$emit('input', Number(formattedValue))
You can add more props for readonly, disabled, etc.
You can also have a look at custom input elements of element-ui and it's code.
Given the example you have given, You can use v-html more efficiently. with v-html, you can pass a HTML string which will be rendered as HTML. However Note: the contents are inserted as plain HTML - they will not be compiled as Vue templates.
You can have a computed property, which will return HTML string as par your variable: divSituation, like following:
var data = {
templateInput: '<input ref="input" :id="name" :name="name" :type="fieldType" class="form-control" :value="value" :readonly="readonly" :disabled="disabled" #input="handleInput"/>',
divSituation: true,
myInput: ''
var demo = new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function(){
return data
computed: {
getMyInput: function(){
return this.templateInput
return '<div>' + this.templateInput + '</div>'
Now you can just render myInput in HTML using v-html like this:
<div id="demo">
<div v-html="getMyInput">
check out working fiddle.