SSRS Switch statement in Expression is not working (color code a polygon in a chart) - sql

I have a report that breaks down financials by state. Here is what it looks like:
That is the tablix version of the data. I also have a chart as a map where I want to display the data visually.
The actual data is broken up like this:
NM City 100
NJ City1 100
NJ City2 100
NJ City3 100
NY City 100
NY City2 100
In SSRS, each state is a polygon.
I want to set the fill color of that polygon to be a color based on the Total Value of that state.
The best way to do this would be to just set the color value equal to my formula against the total value. Then I would use that same line of code for every polygon and it would color code accordingly.
However, I do not think the polygons know which state they belong to. For example, is there any way to get the New York Polygon to only look at the NY state value?
In case there isn't, I'm trying to so a switch statement where for every polygon I'll have it only get the value where the state name equals whatever I manually input.
(Max(Fields!State.Value, "CustomersByState") = "NE" , "10000"
Max(Fields!State.Value, "CustomersByState") = "NY" , "20000"
When I have that line be as the expression for the label name of that polygon (for testing, if I can make this work I can make anything work) it gives me an error and says comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.

I believe you need a comma after "10000" and "20000"


CR | Copy data to another row using a formula field or variable

Here is my problem:
Raw data 1
If there is a position 105 and 150, I need the material number of position 150. If there is only position 105, I need the material number of position 105.
On the right side of the picture you can see the correct selected material number.
Now I need to assign this data to position 100 (bc I will use a counter later on, which is depending on position 100).
Here you can see more of the raw data of the report (I can´t insert the complete report here, I use the details area only for testing).
I marked one "group" in which you can see why I can´t change the order of the positions. In this case I need to use position 105 to output the material number (number rightmost on the red border) because there is no position 150.
Raw data 2
Here is another example with position 150 used for the material number (the correct material number will be placed on position 105 every time):
Raw data 3
To use this material number in my following tables, it need to be assigned to position 100.

Power BI - Is there a way to conditionally format a text column if it does NOT meet a criteria?

as the title states, is there a way to conditionally format a text column if it does NOT meet a criteria - In Power BI?
i.e: Format a column's font colour if it is NOT "x".
I want to format the following data (using the letter column) and highlight a, b and c (as they are not equal to x)
ID | code | letter
1 | 123 | a
2 | 345 | b
3 | 567 | x
4 | 789 | c
You can always create a measure to determine the desired highlight color for example, and use it, e.g. like this:
Measure = If(FIRSTNONBLANK('Table'[letter]; [letter]) = "x"; BLANK(); "#AABBCC")
See Color formatting by field value:
You can use a measure or a column that specifics a color, either using a text value or a hex code, to apply that color to the background of font color of a table or matrix visual. You can also create custom logic for a given field, and have that logic apply the desired color to the font or background.
You didn't mention what do you want to highlight and how. If the data will not be aggregated and show all rows in a table, you can calculate the highlighting color in conditional column in Power Query Editor, or computed column (DAX). If the highlighting rules will be applied on aggregated data, then you should use DAX measure.
If you want to highlight a cell, return the desired color. Otherwise return null in Power Query Editor, or BLANK() in DAX.

how to do this operation in pandas

I have a data frame that contains country column. Unfortunately the country names characters are all capitalized and I need them to be ISO3166_1_Alpha_3
as an example United States of America is going to be U.S.A
United Kingdom is going to be U.K and so on.
Fortunately I found this data frame on the internet that contains 2 important columns the first is the country name and the second is the ISO3166_1_Alpha_3
you can find the data frame on this website
So i wrote this code
data_geo = pd.read_excel("tab0.xlsx")#this is the data frame that contains all the capitalized country name
country_iso = pd.read_csv(r"",
usecols=['Official_Name_English', 'ISO3166_1_Alpha_3'])
s = pd.Series(data_geo.countery_name_e).str.lower().str.title()#this line make all the names characters small except the first character
y = pd.Series([])
Now i want to make a loop when a
s = Official_Name_English
I want to append
to the Y series. If country name isn't in this list append NaN
this is 20 rows in s
['Diffrent Countries', 'Germany', 'Other Countries', 'Syria',
'Jordan', 'Yemen', 'Sudan', 'Somalia', 'Australia',
'Other Countries', 'Syria', 'Lebanon', 'Jordan', 'Yemen', 'Qatar',
'Sudan', 'Ethiopia', 'Djibouti', 'Somalia', 'Botswana Land']
Do you know how can i make this?
You could try map:
data_geo = pd.read_excel("tab0.xlsx")
country_iso = pd.read_csv(r"",
usecols=['Official_Name_English', 'ISO3166_1_Alpha_3'])
s = pd.Series(data_geo.countery_name_e).str.lower().str.title()
mapper = (country_iso.drop_duplicates('Official_Name_English')
y = data_geo['countery_name_e'].map(mapper)

vba loop through all the pivot fields of a pivot table and return specified values

I have a dataset whose entries has 5 different attributes and one value. For example, I have a height of 5000 people. For each person I have his hair color, eye color, his nationality, the city he were born and the name of his mother (the 5 dimensions).
No/Eye Color/Hair Color/Nationality/Hometown/Mother's Name/Height
Blue Blond Swiss Zürich Nicole 184
Blue Brown English York Ruby 164
Brown Brown French Paris Sophie 154
So there are 5 dimensions. The data is set dynamically, so the number of categories in each dimensions can vary. I sought to compute the average height of people depending on whether I want to include some dimensions or not (from 1 to 5). For example I wanted the retrieve:
The average height of French and Blue eyed people. Next day only the people born in London. And the week after, the Swiss, blue-eyed, red-haired, born in Geneva and whose mother is called Nicole.
So I create a pivot table with the Eye Color as Row labels, Hair Color as Column labels, the average height as the Data and the last 3 dimensions as Market Filters. This allowed me see all the possible and desired combinations of average height that my data implies.
Now my goal is:
I want to create a Macro that goes through all the possible combinations that my dimensions entails (i.e 2^5-1=31) and store in a vector all the combination of height average that are above a certain value, e.g. 190. And then It could print on a worksheet.
I was thinking on using some booleans arrays vector and For-Each-Next structure, but I must say that I fail to picture how to implement it.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the time and help!

PostGIS: bounding box of a multipolygon

SELECT id, ST_Box2D(areas) AS bbox FROM mytable;
In this example, the table "mytable" contains two columns: "id" is the unique id number of the row and "areas" is a geometry field containing one MULTIPOLYGON per row.
This works fine for multipolygons containing only one polygon, but some rows have polygons very spread apart, hence the bounding box is not relevant when the multipolygon contains one polygon in Europe and one in Canada for example.
So I would need a way to get one box2d per polygon per multipolygon, but I haven't found how just yet.
More exactly, my goal is to return one multipolygon per row, containing one box2d per polygon.
First example
id: 123
area: a multipolygon containing only one oval polygon in Australia
therefore bbox should return a multipolygon containing only one rectangle (the bounding box) in Australia
Second example
id: 321
area: a multipolygon containing one circle in Paris, one circle in Toronto
therefore bbox should return a multipolygon containing one rectangle in Paris, one rectangle in Toronto
You should use ST_Dump
Then you will get one row per polygon. The other fields will be duplicated when the geometry is split. It is like an aggregate function but the other way.
The syntax gets a little special since it outputs a compound data type so you have to extract the geometry part like this:
SELECT (ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom from mytable;
since this gives you more rows in the table you should just make a new table from the query.
then you can just create an index on that new geometry column in the new table and it will be built on bounding boxes for each single polygon.
Do you want your polygons too at one row each? That is what I thought, but if you want only a table with bboxes, one per row with an id references the original multipolygon (you will of cource get the same id repeated for every part of the multipolygon) then you can do the same byt just extracting the bboxes something like:
SELECT id, BOX2D((ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom) AS myBox FROM originamTable
I am afraid I don't really get what you want, but you have a lot of possibilities with ST_Dump in cases like this.
You would have to box the relevant bits (say the Canadian and French components) separately. The best tool for this in PostGIS is the geometry accessor ST_GeometryN(geometry,int) (reference: ). That link has a good example of combining the accessor with ST_NumGeometries.
Here is a simple example from San Francisco -- this table contains a geometry field called the_geom, gid record 1 is a field with two multipolygons as reported by st_numgeometries (note the ordinal is indexed at 1 not 0):
=> select st_box2d(st_geometryn(the_geom, 1)) from tl_2009_06075_cousub00 \
where gid = 1;
BOX(-123.173828125 37.6398277282715,-122.935707092285 37.8230590820312)
(1 row)
=> select st_box2d(st_geometryn(the_geom, 2)) from tl_2009_06075_cousub00 \
where gid = 1;
BOX(-122.612289428711 37.7067184448242,-122.281776428223 37.9298248291016)
(1 row)